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Why, welcome, dear reader! I'm just delighted to see you here. Are you ready for a ghost story? I am!

I wrote this story for ONC 2020. I'd used a prompt about setting a story in juvenile prison and decided to put a little paranormal spin on it! Ghosts in juvenile prison, why the hell not? The novella itself actually ended up getting an honourable mention in the contest; I've since been editing it here and there and hope its quality has only improved in the process.

So what can you expect from 'The Dead Don't Speak'?

- Ghosts! Some more murderous than others.
- Girls! Some more murderous than others.
- A prison that makes you appreciate the fact you're not in prison a little extra.
- A funky mishmash of Dark Humour and Emotional Pain™

Sounds like your cup of tea? You're in the right place!

A quick disclaimer before we get started: this may be surprising information, but I have never actually been sent to juvenile prison.


That means everything written here has been based on research, but I'm no expert, nor am I trying to be. I have taken creative liberties with this. I'm always happy to receive constructive feedback on my portrayal of juvie (or any other element of the story), though.

Now let's go meet some people, alive and dead alike!


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