feb. 7

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Sundays aren't too bad though.

They're not as bad as Saturdays, at least.

Yes, I still stare at my ceilings thoughtlessly but at least I have something to do-preparing for school.

The fact that I can do at least something makes me feel worthy enough for life.

To prepare, I pamper myself.

I don't do it for anyone, not even for myself.

It doesn't make me feel better about myself like a normal person would, I do it in hopes to feel something. Something that can make me feel useful and worthy.

I don't know. I honestly don't know anything anymore.

I don't speak to my family anymore and they don't speak to me.

I don't speak to my parents, nor do I speak to Clara.

I don't leave my room, not even to eat.

I eat when everyone is asleep.

I can live in my room, I have my own bathroom and that's really all I need.

As I put on a face mask, I walk over to my window. I look out and just appreciate mother nature in all her beauty.

All of a sudden, I see Charlie Waters walking up to my driveway.

I mean, come on, does he rest?

I groan and open my window and throw out a bouncy ball to catch his attention.

He looks up, confused about why there's bouncy balls falling from the sky.

"Charlie!" I shout, "What are you doing at my house?"

"Hey Mel, I just wanted to take you out, if that's okay?" Charlie says.

"Take me out, who do you think you are? And how did you even find my address?" I ask.

"I asked Nora, she told me it, and I just want to take you somewhere, it's a surprise" he yells.

"Ugh, fine, I'll come down in a second," I scoff.

I quickly put on a red tank top and scavenge for a pair of jeans in my wardrobe.

I find a pair of blue oversized jeans and I rapidly put it on and zip it up.

I decide to wear a black zip up jumper due to the freezing weather.

"You done?" I hear Charlie yell through the opened window.

"Yeah, coming," I yell back while vigorously brushing my hair.

I climb out of my window and step onto a ledge below it.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Charlie asks in a panicked voice.

"I'm coming to you, just wait," I say in a straining as I walk on my roof and find another ledge to step onto.

I carefully lower myself to the ground and meet Charlie's eyes staring into mine.

"You alright," I chuckle, "You seem scared."

"Well, yeah, you just did some parkour on your roof," he says while laughing.

"It was nothing," I retort.

"No, it was something, could you not have just, I don't know, used your front door?" he questions.

"No, cause then I'd have to talk to my family," I respond.

"What's so wrong with talking to your family," Charlie asks.

"Everything," I say sharply, "Anyways, where are we even going?"

"You'll see," he says with a smirk etched on his face, "In the meantime, hop in."

I look behind him and see a rusty, red vintage car.

"That's your ride?" I ask.

"What, you don't like it?" He smiles as he furrows his eyebrows.

"No, I love it, actually," I return his smile with a compliment.

"Okay, well, let's go," Charlie says.

He opens the passenger door for me and I slide in.

He drives out from in front of my house and soon out of my neighbourhood.

"D'you want music?" Charlie asks me, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Sure, I'm curious to see how your music taste is like," I smirk.

The song 'Violent Crimes' starts to play and I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Charlie asks me as my subtly taps out the rhythm of the song on the steering wheel.

"Nothing, it's just, I never thought this was the kind of music that 'Mr almost-killed-someone' would listen to," I explain.

"Yeah, well, you'd be surprised," Charlie chuckles.

We let the music enhance the atmosphere as we sit there in silence.

Eventually, Charlie parks at the entrance to the beach.

"Why the beach?" I ask as I open the passenger door.

"You'll see," Charlie says vaguely.

He holds my hand and guides me to our destination which is a cliff beyond the rocks and overlooking the sea.

I check my phone to see the time reads 6:32pm.

"Sit here," Charlie gestures.

I take a seat next to him and let out an exasperated sigh.

We stare at the sea and inhale the salty fumes of the beach.

"I wonder what's underneath it all," I blurt out.

"Underneath what?" Charlie questions.

"What's underneath the sea, I mean the parts we haven't discovered. I wonder what 'The Unknown' is truly like. It's just all so fascinating," I answer.

"Well, we'll probably find out one day with all these technological advancements. The human race is incredibly smart," he responds.

"Hm, I guess," I say blankly, "Hey, why did you actually bring me out here?"

"Just wait ten more seconds," he says.

I stare out into the sunset, allowing myself to get lost in the sunny abyss.

"Now," Charlie says.

I look towards Charlie and make him my main focus.

"I'm still so confused," I say, still focusing on him and only him.

"Look," he moves my head gently to look out at the sunset again, "The clouds."

"The clouds?"

"The clouds are surrounding the sun, entrapping it in a misty haze." Charlie says through a subtle smile.

"They are," I say in agreement, smiling as I do so, "It's beautiful."

"Yeah, beautiful." Charlie says as he moves his focus onto me.

My cheeks begin to stain red and I try to blink away the awkwardness.

"So, is this why you brought me here ?" I ask, trying my best to change the subject.

"Well, to be honest, no. I brought you here to just show you this place. I would come here everyday after my troublesome days as a Freshman as a way to cool off. I wasn't in a good mental state back then, I had a lot of bottled up anger inside of me." Charlie vents, his green eyes glinting in the majestic sunlight.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Charlie." I try my best to comfort him.

"But yeah, I brought you here to tell you that we could share this place. It can be our spot, you know, since we're never-friends or whatever you call it," he continues.

"Mhm, yeah, never-friends," I repeat through a wide grin, "Thank you, Charlie," I express my gratitude as I look deeply into his green eyes.

I rest my head on his shoulder and bask in the beauty of the scenery that lay before me.

1161 words

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