Chapter 12

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*Third's Pov*

Shouta really regretted not going with Kuro. He also really didn't like being alone...

Shouta: I better be careful. Anything in this school could pop out and rip my face off...Like...

The boy pales at the thought....

Shouta: (Why did I jumpscared myself?) I'm so scared...No. Now's not the time to be a coward Shouta! All you gotta do is find Kuro and everything will be alright...Huh?

He then saw someone...

This person looked very familiar...

Shouta: Wait a minute...Is that...Mei?!

Mei, was at least a yard away with him. Her face was heavily shadow so he couldn't see her expression.

Shouta: Oh Thank God! So after this time you're still alive! We gotta tell Kuro! He's going to be so happy and....Mei?

Mei was not saying anything which concerned Shouta a little...

Mei was his friend.

Sure he liked girls and all...but Mei was the only girl he ever saw as a friend.

He found himself extremely attracted to the woman body and wanted nothing more but touch and feel them to his perverted heart desires.

Saya. Please don't kill the fool. Lmao.

But Mei was different.

Shouta: Mei..? Is everything alright...? What happened to you?

Mei looks at him. He still couldn't see her expression...

But then she made a gesture...for him to follow her...

Shouta: You want me to come along...? To go back in the teacher's lounge???

The girl nods and walks away.

Shouta: Hey wait!

He chased after her through the halls and made a left down the stairs all the way back to the recognizable place.

Shouta: So I'm back at the teacher's lounge? What is Mei trying to tell me...?

Once he got towards the teacher's lounge. He saw Mei. Before he could say anything, she was pointing towards the room.

Following her movements, he went inside and looked back...only to see her gone.

Shouta: Where did she go? What does all of this mean...?

Shouta looked at the teacher's lounge room. Something about this room doesn't feel right...

Mei brought him here for a reason...and he was going to find out why...

Little did he know...A shadowy figure was watching him...and they was not pleased to see the boy...

???: You know too much...Yamazaki-kun~!

-Kuro's Pov-

I closed my ears as I didn't want to hear no more of what just happened.

The buzzing sounds continues as the ear-piercing screams still rang around the room.

After a while...The sounds all died down.

I heard a door slam and I guess that was my cue to leave. I exited the closet and looked to see Maki...

What a mess...
She was now nothing more but body parts. Her head was missing, her arms were tied to the wall and legs were put into a jar. The rest of her was just gut up like a fish.

Do I regret no helping Maki?


No...I don't...

Oh well...

She was a stupid bitch anyway...

I don't care how selfish I was being...

She was never nice to me. She was never nice to anyone.

She's horrible, bossy, cruel, mean, and a downright snob. If anything never went her way, she would take it out of others. Especially Mei. She, Erika, and the other girls tormented her all year until she vanished.

Unlike Konami...

Maki deserved what she gotten.

I don't know what type of bullying she did to Mei but I'm going to find out sooner or later...

Probably sooner...

I hope her soul rots in hell for all eternity.

It's time to go...

I better leave before that maniac with the chainsaw comes back.

Hey wait a minute...There's something near the test tubes

Oh God...

Are those...Mei's arms in another jar...?

They literally say...Arms Of The Dead One.

Well then...At least I'm getting somewhere....

So everytime someone dies...I find another body part...?

What a coincidence...

Two down...Four more to go.

I leave the room to go back to the hidden door...

When I was inside...I noticed there was a flock of stairs inside...Maybe I go down here...It could possibly lead me to the well outside.

But then I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see a person in front of me...It was the mysterious boy from earlier.



Boy: (Shit...! I found him but what do I say?!)....Umm...Hi?

Kuro gave him a look of uncertainty and confusion. The question mark was literally seen floating from his head.

Kuro:.....Do I know you?

Boy?: (.....Why do I even bother...? Of course he doesn't remember me...) You probably don't...But I know you...

Kuro: Nani? I do know that we're in the same class. What's your name...?

Yukime: Yukime Shirosaki...

Kuro: (Shirosaki...That name sounds awfully familiar...)

Yukime: I still can't believe you don't recognize me...

Kuro: Hah?

Yukime sighs knowing this wasn't getting them nowhere. He looked behind him for some reason that Kuro couldn't understand. Was someone supposed to be with him? Well...Whoever that person is... they're long gone now.


Kuro begin to get impatient with the other boy. Again, how does he know him? They just met...

Kuro: Wait a minute...You're that boy that was stalking me and Shouta before the curse happened...

Yukime: (Oh right...Mei's curse...) Y-Yeah...

Kuro did not take that answer very well and folded his arms. With the look of his face made Yukime felt uneasy. The boy doesn't trust him...

Kuro: *Sneers* What is your intentions with us...?

Yukime: N-Nothing... It's just that I'm surprised though...

Kuro: Surprised...?

Yukime: Don't tell me you don't even recognize me?


Yukime: Remember...Who I was back then...

He then pulled up his eyes revealing two purple eyes that Kuro found awfully familiar.

Kuro:.....?! Wait...No Way...


A young white hair boy was crying on the playground. He was left behind by his friends.

He remembered their words.

"You better get us some toys to pkay with from the toy shop in  Shibuya City or else you won't be our friend!"

Yukime: B-But I don't got any money!

"So what?! Just steal it! Steal it when no one is looking!"

Yukime: B-But stealing is wrong!

One of the boys punched him which made him cry out in pain.

"Man! You're such a crybaby, Yukime! If you don't do as we say! We'll tell everyone in school not to be your friend because you're too much of a wimp!"

Child Yukime's eyes went wide in horror.

Yukime: N-No! Please don't do that!

"So what well it be then?! Will you do it?!"

Yukime had look of fear on his face. What if he gets caught. What if his parents find out. Why does this had to happen to him. He just wanted to be friends with the other kids. No one was his friend. They either ignore him or pretend he doesn't exist. It's always been like that. But he wanted someone to be his friend...Then could be his chance...but again. He was still scared...

I know what I'm doing is wrong...

Stealing is bad...


I want to fit in...

Yukime: Okay...I'll do it...

Bullies: Good~!

With that, Yukime went to Shibuya's Toy Store. It was the best toy store in all over the city. All of the kids say they have the best toys, comic books, and so many other things you can dream of having as a child. However...The toys there were so expensive that only rich kids could be able to get their hands on them...

Yukime felt the dread poured through his stomach. He was so scared...

Yukime: (Okay...All I gotta do is steal a toy and my friends will like me. I'll make so much friends...I can do this...I can do this...)

.....I can't do this... It's wrong...

Stealing is bad...

But my friends...

???: Hey!

Yukime gasped in realization that he was caught and turned his head in horror to see two boys and his age. Maybe older staring at him with wide eyes. One of them had matching black hair and eyes. The other had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. 

They know what he was doing.

Knowing they were probably going to tell on him, he ran.

Boy: Hey wait! Come back!

-End Flashback-

Kuro:...Now I remember you. You're that boy from the toy store years ago...which means...No way...

Kuro walked up to him and puts his hands on the taller boy's face examining it a little before now seeing the truth in front of him. He immediately said the name of the boy which he never thought he would say ever again?

Kuro: C-Chibi...?

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