Chapter 22

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A/N: The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. - H.P. Lovecraft

-Saya's Pov-

I took every step off of the mountain of corpses feeling really utterly disgusted.

Every step I take. I'm stepping on either someone's socket, lungs, heart, abdomen, etc.

Just try not to think about it, Saya.

Just follow the voice you heard earlier.

Once she hit the concrete ground, she took a breath of relief. No more squishing on corpses.

Saya: Great. Got blood on these shoes...But that's not my problem anymore.

Standing around shaking wasn't going to do anything for her and with this realisation Saya decided to make a move again.

She pulled out her phone again and started over at the windows, moving from one to the next and pulling tight. She felt frustration as none of them would budge or even move at all.

Saya: God, it's pitch black outside, I can't even tell where I am now. Am I even still inside the school? I hope I am.

Her next stop was towards the door, moving cautiously to avoid the cracks and wood jutting up from beneath the floor. A piece of paper hanging from the wall caught her eye. She spared no time reading it.

'You're Gonna Die...'

Saya: Negative Emotions are coming back in...

???: H-Hey! Is someone really there! Help Me!

Saya followed the voice. In undoubtedly female. Another student?

She ran over to them. The girl was hanging from the empty gap with dear life.

She recognized her. It was another student. But she was not from her homeroom.

So she couldn't be one of the girls who bullied Mei. At least she hoped not.

Saya: Hold On. I'm getting you out. Grab my hand.

The girl didn't need to be told twice as she grabbed her hand as Saya pulled her up from the gap. Once she regain her footing on the floorboards, the girl quickly moved away from the large gap in relief.

Girl: Ah. Thanks a bunch, girl. You like, saved my fucking life.

Saya: No problem...

Saya got a good look at the other girl.

She had blonde hair like Yamada and Erika. But she was tan-skinned and had pink eyes. She looked really gorgeous.

Girl: Nah. Seriously. I owe you a lot! When we get out of here, let's like hang out sometime.

Saya: Sure uhhh...Miss....

Airi: Oh right! I haven't said my name yet. My name is Airi Himeno.

Saya: Narukami Saya.

Airi: Ah! I remember you. You're the first year in Kirishima's Homeroom, right! I'm in second year.

Saya: Nice to meet ya. So how did you ended up in that position earlier, Airi-Senpai.

Airi made an angry look.

Airi: Some punk ass jerk pushed me in there. When I get my hands on him-! Oh that reminds me! I'm looking for him!

Saya: Him?

Airi: Like I gotta go, Saya-chan! See you later! Thanks again! 

The other girl took off fast before Saya could say anything. As soon as she was out of earshot, the younger girl begin to think about her.

Saya: Wait...Himeno? That named sounded familiar.

Then the girl's eyes went wide in shock. The Himeno Clan. They're from a family that syndicate in groups to together form one of the largest organized crime groups in the world...So that means....

Saya: O_O

She just saved the daughter of a Yakuza...

But now here's a new question...
Who on earth is Airi Himeno looking for?


The boys couldn't believe what Shinozaki-kun had just said to them.

Kuro: (So the person who killed Mei was a female teacher...Then that would mean...)

Hinata: Why? How?

Yamada: Who...?

Tokime: I-I can't tell you...

Nora-san and Lars gave him a nauseous look.

Lars: Why not?

Nora: being threaten not to tell who the person is?

Hinata: That would be possible...He wouldn't just tell us right away unless the murderer would threaten his life into submission.

Tokime didn't say anything...all he did was nod...

"He had it rough...But he was a coward to not do anything for her..." can tell us...the person who murdered her isn't here...

Tokime:...No...She's still here... She's still alive...T-That woman isn't an ordinary woman...s-she's dangerous...

She's a murderer...

Nora: But...Can you answered us why she killed Mei...?

Tokime: I-I don't know...I-I think it was something about envy...

Nora: Envy...? As in jealousy...?

Lars: Someone killed her out of jealousy?

Yamada: Whoa whoa whoa! All this happened because someone was jealous of Mei?

"Jealousy become hatred which leads to murder..."

Hinata: People can do cruel things to one another. Some actions are flaw prior to the event of some usage. Especially if it's unnecessary.

Both Nora and Kuro agreed on that. Life is cruel. Even to those who don't deserve it like Mei and so many others.

Nora: From my travels into the subconscious of the human minds m Envy can be based as a two-person situation whereas jealousy is a three-person situation. It is also a reaction to lacking something. Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something (usually someone).

Kuro:....(She's right...That would means that when you are feeling jealous, you are often feeling envious as well.)

Yamada: So all this time, Like I said before...I get someone may have been jealous of Mei...but what was the reason for them to kill me it seems petty....

Hinata: So if it wasn't a student that could've done was a teacher? Why?

"Because she's a BITCH"

Kuro: (How do you know that...? What are you not telling me...?)

Tokime:....I...have no idea... That's all I can tell you...

Kuro: That's alright...Nora-san...Lars....We should be going now...We need to find the last body parts of Mei to appease her.

Nora: Good luck. And please...try not to die.

Kuro:.... It's not a promise...but we'll try.

After the teens left Nora-san and Lars in the library. An lingering thought had never left Kuro's mind...

If a teacher had killed Mei...

Was it also possible she could've been responsible for the rumors surrounding the girl as well...?

"Yes...But more secrets will be found out...This school is more than it meets the eye"

Kuro:....(Ya know... whoever you are. I really...REALLY...Don't like you...What are you plotting...?)

"I sense DEATH approaching..."


Kuro did not like the sound of that...

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