Chapter 40

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A/N: Who is this girl?


When Saya Narukami first attended Yongedu High as a new student. She wasn't expecting much.

She knew she was in for a whole new experience.

After all, people have said...High School was hell. It's basically the pillar of destruction where twisted and sadistic teenagers raid their territory inflict harm upon those who are weaker than them.

In this world, Saya knows you either have to be an asshole to survive or become an pushover... someone's stepping stone for them to walk on.

Survival of the fittest. It's a dog eat shit world out there.

If high school won't kill ya, maybe college/universities...if not, then society will definitely destroy you.

If you act differently...then prepare for a world of hate.

The world is full of corruption, thieves, serial killers, fakes, and greedy narcissistic hypocrites.

Yongedu High is no different... It's no brainer to learn that it's a system full of bullying. School is supposed to fashion children into useful members of a society. But what if a student cannot learn, or doesn't want to? What if they are taught the same lessons over and over again, but they never learn a thing? Maybe then a student gets a failing grade at being human.

Because of this...It's considered to be one of the worst schools in the history of Japan.

It's backstory is pretty dark but we'll get to that later.

Why did Saya apply for this school knowing the upcoming danger that lies within the hellish corridors...

Well...We're about to find out...

Saya: Yongedu High...How Interesting~!

A unknown expression made it's onto her face as she grins excitedly.


As the school bell rang, Kirishima'sclass didn't start as it usually did.

Kirishima: Alright class, before we begin. I would like to tell you all that we're getting a new student.

Murmurs broke through the classrooms. While there were those who were excited and eager to meet the new student. There were those like Maki, Erika, and so many other bullies wondering whose the new "fresh meat" that dares enter their turf.

All thoughts of the students flew out of the window when the new student walked in, heading up to the front of the classroom. Some boys fallen in love by her appearance while some girls look in envy. The new girl was a solid ten on the babe-o-meter.

From her firey long red hair tied into two long pigtails in black bows, her majestic golden eyes to her fair skin.

Shouta: Damn! She's Hot!

Saya glared at him which made him flinched while others laughed at the boy's expense.

Shouta: (Even her glare is hot.)

Kuro: Urusai.

Saya stopped glaring before introducing herself sweetly.

Saya: Hello there. My name is Narukami Saya. Please to meet you all~! I hope we get along.

First Impressions are always an important thing. Most of the students, both male and female basked in her glory.

Saya smiled getting the attention. So far so good.

Kirishima: You can sit next to Mirai-kun.

Most of the students gave her pity looks as Saya, somehow, immediately knew who Mirai was...

He was the boy who told off the other boy who called her hot.

She noticed despite the boy's harsh nature, she could tell he was secretly sweet and treasured the other boy's friendship.

He just have a hard time showing it due to acting tough.

Saya sat next to Kuro as she greets him.

Kuro: Kuro Mirai. Charmed.

Shouta: I'm Yamazaki Shouta~! Let's get along!

Saya: I would be happy too.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer~!

Let's the games begin...


A few hours later, Saya was getting used to Kirishima's homeroom. Some girls and guys chat with her while there were those who look at her with envy.

"Saya-chan, you look so cute!"

"Are you a foreigner? You must be...the surname Narukami isn't from around here..."

"You look like a model like Konami-chan? Are you working in some industry."

Saya just smile and answers as politely as she can. However, she wasn't truly in the mood for mindless chatter.

She wanted something more. Something. That would interest her.

But what could it be...?


Saya then noticed one of the girls who glared at her earlier scoffed before making a rude comment.

What was her name...Erika?

As soon as she scoffed. Some of the students looked at her. Next to the girl was the Queen Bee that everyone warned to avoid getting on her bad side, Maki Urabe.

She could tell she watching her like a predator waiting for their prey.

Saya: (Looks like I'm entering the wolf's den...)

Erika: Hey new girl. I bet you feel all great receiving all the attention. Well remember this...You aren't nothing compared to us. Also, what's up with those lips of yours...Did you get some cheap ass lipstick from a pawn shop?

Some of Maki's followers at Erika's comment.

Saya wanted to laugh too. Instead she did something Erika nor anyone was not expecting.

Saya: BITCH. My lipstick ain't cheap. Bold of you to assume that~!

Everyone nearby flinched at her words as the classroom went silent.


Saya then gave her long empty stare with a sinister smile on her face.


Erika: (W-W-What the hell? Fucking Freak!)

Maki: (Oho~? Looks like we got us a funny person here~!)

Some people begin to whisper all around the classroom.

"She shouldn't have done that..."

"Now they're going to target her..."

"They're too popular for anyone to stand up against them..."

"I feel so sorry for her..."

Saya brushed off the comments around her. She pretended not to notice Kuro's questioning glance at her while Shouta mumbled something about her being cool and brave.

She begin to think of many tactics in her mind while a intrigued Maki and a seething Erika glared at her while she smiled politely back at them.

Challenge Accepted.

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