Chapter 44

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A/N: Mei finds out the truth about Hinata-Senpai...

Hinata: No matter what Mei. As your Senpai. I'm always here for you~!

Mei: Thank you Senpai!


......He lied...

Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar.


???: Oi! There you are!

Hinata: Hmm?

Hinata looked up from the staircase from where he was reading a book to see Maki Urabe and Erika Yuzuki. Maki had a frown on her face while Erika just look unsettled for some reason.

Hinata: Oh hello girls. Can I help you?

He point on his best smile that could make anyone fall for his charms.

Maki: Cut the crap. I know what you're doing.

Straight to the point huh?

Hinata: Oh Maki-chan. Whatever do you mean?

This made her more angry. He knows what's she talking about.

Maki: You know exactly what I'm talking about?

Hinata made a confused smile.

Hinata: Whatever do you mean? Can you be a little more specific?

Maki: I mean with Mei!

Hinata: Mei-chan? What about her. I'm just looking out for her.

Maki got closer to him in his private zone to make him feel very uncomfortable.

Maki: Listen here Hinata-Senpai! Everyone here may fall from your charms. But I know your game. You stay away from Mei. She is my target not yours.

Hinata: Oh Maki-chan~! Are you threatening me?! So cruel!

Maki rolled her eyes at his display.

Maki: When will you drop the act. You're not a good person Otonoki! Stay out of my way!

With that, Hinata finally had enough of this.

Hinata: Oh Maki-chan~~~!

He backs her to the wall and made a creepy smile but his eyes showed malice within them.

Hinata: I think it's best you watch what you say, Maki-chan. You could be looking for trouble~!

Maki snorts.

Maki: Puh-lease. I ain't scared of you.

Hinata: Heh heh heh~!

A box cutter glistens near her neck.


Maki didn't back down.

Maki: You think you could get away with murder like that? You forget there are cameras around the school. Plus, anybody could be walking around. Also...I have an witness.

Erika tried her best not to flinch at being the witness part. She wanted to be kept out of this.

Maki: I dare you to so much to try and lay a hand on me. I could report you for sexual assault.

Hinata: Hehehe. But that's just the thing. I didn't touch you yet.

Maki: Well then~!

Maki gently grabs his hand and pulls it towards her breasts.


Maki: I have evidence. Your finger prints all over it.

Hinata: You BITCH.

Both of them glared daggers at each other before Erika clapped her hands to get their attention.

Erika: A-Alright now. How about we settled things here. Maki-chan, don't forget we're late for hair appointment. We should be going.

Maki: Oh right. I almost forgot about that!

Maki then looked back at Hinata as if telling him to watch his step before she and Erika left.

Hinata: Hehehe. Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Oh Maki-chan. You and your games. Sometimes...It intrigues me~~~! Hehehehe!

Natsuki: *Watches from afar*....


Mei wanted to go see Hinata-Senpai.

It's been a while since she last saw him.

She wonder where he could be at...

Boy: Hinata-Senpai. What's the matter?

Mei froze when she heard Hinata's name and hid behind a corner of the wall to see Hinata talking to two students.

Hianta:..Oh nothing~! Just thinking about a certain 'Kohai' of mines.

Mei made a smile thinking it was her.

Girl: Really...You mean her? Mei Aishiteru.

Hinata: Sure. What about her?

Boy: Seriously. Why you talking to that girl. She's a slut. Why do you hang out with her?!

Mei made a frown. She waited for Hinata to say something to defend her.

Mei: (Hinata-Senpai told me he would always help me out. I'm sure he'll-?!)

Hinata: Don't worry...Do you really believe I like her?


Girl: Nah. Not really.

Hinata: That girl seriously believes I'm helping her. I'm just doing for the benefit of the doubt. That girl is also a good for nothing bitch. I asked her out and guess what. She starting acting like a whore and told me I wasn't worth it. Since she likes older men.

Mei: (........Eh?)

Girl: Wow so mean! I can't believe she said that.

Boy: So what gonna happen if she finds out you're not really helping her.

Hinata: Who cares. To be honest, that girl is so stupid. She acts like everything will go her way if she be nice. But it's time she realized the world will never accept a person like her. A total slut and a bitch.

Mei could not believe what she is hearing...

Hinata-Senpai tricked her.

Like the others did...

When Konami betrayed her...pretending to be her friend just to get close to Yamada.

Natsuki avoiding her by ending their 'friendship'.

Now this....

Girl: Haha. You're so right!

Boy: Yep. Wouldn't it be better if that girl just drop dead already. No one cares about her anyway. Just some dirty slut looking for attention.

The students started laughing.

Hinata: Yeah. It would be better if she just DIE~!

Their hysterical laughter echoed through Mei's ears as her heart broke...

Mei back away from the wall and begin to walk away...

Solemnly feeling the tears once again...

He lied...

He lied to her.

He used her.

He pretended to be her friend.

He broke their promise...

Hinata Otonoki is a liar...

A dirty horrible liar.

Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar!

It's better to be with no one than be with the wrong one...

You lied to me...!


Yamada: Uggh...This sure was boring...

He had nothing to do but sit on top pf the roof at school smoking a cigarette. He found that being boring too. He wish he could go smash something like maybe glass but last time he did that, he got suspended for property damage.

Yamada: Tch. Those damn dare they go and ruin my fun. They always think they have the right to tell me what to do. What a load of shit. They should fuck off...

He pulled out another cigarette before lighting it up.

Yamada: Oh yeah that's the stuff. Maybe I could go home early. The little brat is probably at home too.


Yamada's home life isn't much as people believe it is. He may be popular at school but he lives in a poor suburban home where he has to defend himself...and his little brother from the harsh reality of the outside world.

Yamada: I'm home.

Brother: Welcome home, Onii-chan!

This kid right here is Yuki Yamada. He is the younger brother of Ryosuke by six years. He has fair skin and blue eyes like Ryosuke but has brown hair since we know Yamada's blonde hair is dyed. So you could tell them apart a little easier.

Yamada is always taking care of his little brother since there parents are pretty much not that supportive. Their father was off having a fling with his personal trainer, whose an woman...

And their mother is probably at some bar drinking til she gets wasted. 

They're always leaving the boys to fend for themselves. 

So over time, Ryosuke would jump from job to job to help provide for Yuki and himself.

It wasn't easy...

Yamada: So what's for dinner.

Yuki: Hah!? How come I'm the one cooking?! You promised you do it this time!

Yamada: Hey...I'm bored. School sucks sometimes.

Yuki: You always say that. But you don't bother to do anything there.

Yamada rolled his eyes. But then he thought of something. He was able to get some money from the fight he was in some time ago.

Don't ask how. Living the life of a delinquent can come in pretty handy especially when you know you're way around the streets.

Yamada: I got an idea. How we go out this time? 

Yuki's eyes lit up with a smile.

Yuki: Really?

Yamada: Sure. We got nothing better to do.

Yuki: I want to pick the restaurant!

Yamada: So what should we eat then?

Yuki: Taberu!!!

Yamada: Really?

Yuki: Taberu Yakisoba Steak~! 

Yamada: Hahaha. Okay okay. We'll get some yakisoba steak, squirt.

Yuki: Yay!

Yuki was Yamada's only family he had left...He would do anything to protect him....


-End Flashback-

Yamada crumbled the leftover cigarette before smashing underneath his foot as he heard his phone ring.

Yamada: Hello?

Hinata: Ah Yamada-kun~! Good to see you again!

Yamada: Ugh. You again. What do you want? I'm busy?

Yamada and Hinata-Senpai knew each other for a quite a while. You might say they are...acquaintances. That would be safe to say instead of thinking Hinata like a friend...

Because you know he isn't.

Hinata: How rude! Is that anyway to treat a person? And what do you mean you're busy? Busy doing what? Monologuing on your boring life and smoking cigarettes.

Yamada:.....(Crap. He got me there.) Alright fine. What is it?

Hinata: I need you to do something for me~!

Yamada: And if I refused?

Hinata:.....Oh you shouldn't have asked that. I send you a little something. An offer you can't refuse.

For some reason, the frost on his tone set Yamada on edge. What did he mean by that?

Suddenly, his phone tone into a message box. So Hinata-Senpai did send him something.

When Yamada checked the message box. It had a video recorded...

When he checked it...everything froze around him...

Yamada: W-What is this..?!

The horror was displayed in front of him.

Yuki...His baby brother...was in the video. Tied to a chair with another person wearing a devil mask holding a knife towards his neck. Another person wearing an Oni mask had a baseball bat being held in his hands as if getting ready to attack somebody.

Yuki: Ryo...Nii-san...P-Please help me...I'm scared...

After the video recorder turned off, Yamada felt the rage consumed him as Hinata-Senpai came back on the line. He felt the nerve to smash his face into the ground.

Hinata: Did you like it~?

Who does he think he is?!!


Hinata: Calm down~! You're brother is fine...for now.

Yamada: Grrrr.

Hinata: Now now. No need to growl. I heard you were having money problems at home...Your families in debt because your parents refused to take responsibility.

Yamada's eyes went wide. H-How did he know?

Hinata: So...Here's the thing. I could give you the money you trying so hard to achieve and your little brother if you do as I say...But...

Hinata snapped his fingers and Yamada heard a slamming sound on the other heard followed by a large squeal of pain.


Yamada felt his heart sunk. 

Yamada: WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!

Hinata: Oh~! Did I do that? Poor kid...turns is his broken~! I think one of my comrades also crushed a bone~~~!

Yamada seethed in rage as he heard his baby brother started to cry in agony. They were torturing him while Hinata just laughs.

A-And he....can do nothing about it!!!!

He felt weak...defenseless...powerless...

Hinata: Hey Yamada-kun. I heard your little brother wanted to be a basketball player...Is that true?


Hinata: Hmmm...Too bad he can't now... Because how can he become one if he has a leg injury that he can't possibly never EVER recover from~~~! SO SAD~~~~!!! Boo-hoo!!!!

This bastard right here...

Yamada: L-Let him go! LET. HIM. GO!!! 

Hinata: Tsk-Tsk-Tsk. What's the magic word Yamada~!

Yamada: P-Please....

Hinata: Hmmm...I'll think about it...But right now...We got so much to discuss. Remember, I'm giving you an opportunity you CAN'T refuse.


There was no turning back...

He already knows he's going to regret this decision...But it's to keep Yuki safe...

Yamada: Alright...I'm listening. What do you want me to do?

He walked right into the spider's parlor...

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