Chapter 5

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-Third's Pov-

When Kuro left the office, the atmosphere in the school begin to take a turn. It begin to feel chilly all of a sudden...

But Kuro didn't care if the atmosphere in the school was different.

Everything was not fine by the looks of it. Just like Saya had told him when she first gotten into the Principal's office...

He can see shadows all around...

Blood and maggots filling up the walls.

Corpses everywhere...

Kuro: What the hell is all this? Corpse Party?!!

It really was like hell on Earth...

Kuro then scout ahead to look for anything that could lead him to Mei.

Kuro: (So all I got to do is find her body...It shouldn't be that hard right? Wait...)

Principal: On that reminds me...Her body is scattered into different pieces all around the school. You must find the six body parts and take them to the shrine outside of the school in the woods! Good on your luck scavenger hunt and try to not die~~~!

Kuro felt an vein popped on his head.

Kuro: (That damn sadist...He must be a demon...)

He told Saya through the message chat about the situation with Mei's body.

Through her response, she looked a little annoyed that Onizuka didn't bother to tell her that.

What a troll...

This is going to be difficult than he thought...

Especially this school....It is filled with some many horrors that he's about to face. The boy continued down the halls looking left and right to haunting corridors the school brought upon...


Kuro jumps at the sound as sweat rolled down his face.

Kuro: (What was that?)

???: HELP!!!

Kuro: Wait...That voice...SHOUTA!!!

Kuro heard the call for help coming from downstairs in the library.

He ran down there to see what's going on. He saw an axe encased in a glass shelf. He broke the glass with a small hammer it had and grabs the weapon.

He then made his way towards the library and opens the door.

He saw Shouta near some bookshelves being surrounded by three zombies.

Shouta: Stay back! Stay back!

Kuro: Shouta!

Shouta: Hah?! Kuro! Help me!!!

The zombies were closing in on Shouta.

Kuro charges at the first zombie and chopped his head off. The second zombie was another male and it roars before it leapts at Kuro. He dodges the zombie before slicing it in half. The last zombie was a female and she was still in pursuit towards Shouta.

Shouta: N-No...Don't eat me! I'm still an virgin!!!!

....Are you serious? For you to blurt that out in these circumstances...



Shouta closed his eyes expecting to feel pain at the jaws of the zombie. However, nothing happened...He opens his eyes to see Kuro chopping the last zombies into pieces.

Kuro: Are you alright?


Shouta hugs him as Kuro sighs in relief.

Shouta: T-That was scary...

Kuro:....I know. It was. For once, I'm glad you're alright...

Shouta: J-Just what is going on here...? I'm seeing dead people everywhere! Corpses! Blood! Gore! It's all everywhere in this school!

Kuro: It's Mei....

Shouta: Mei?! What does she have to do with all this?!

Kuro: She put a curse on this school and now she wants revenge...She did not only just disappeared...She was killed...

Shouta: Holy shit...That's messed up...BTW...Do you know where Saya is at?

Kuro: She's fine. We were talking to each other a moment ago. Hold on...

Kuro turned on his phone to the message recorder.

Kuro: Saya...Come in Saya...Can you hear me?

On cue, Saya's face appeared on the phone.

Saya: Kuro? Is that you? What is it?

Kuro: I found Shouta...

Shouta: Saya-chan!

Saya made a smile of relief.

Saya: Shouta! Thank goodness you're okay!

Shouta: Yeah! Same to you! I was starting to miss your sexy frame!

Saya gave him a look of utter disgust. Kuro didn't blame her.

Saya: Die.

Shouta: Awww....;_;

Kuro: Where are you now?

Saya: I'm close by near the gym...For some reason. I can't seem to get through to the front door...I think it could be barracated on the outside...

Shouta: Are you alone...? Is there anyone else?

Saya: No...I don't *Static* thin-*Static*

The call was soon cut off.

Kuro: Hello? Hello! Saya?! Shit...the line is dead.

Shouta:....I hope she's alright. Anyway...What were you saying about Mei?

Kuro: The only way we could stop her is we find her body. For what I've learned we need to find six pieces of her body and go to a shrine to offer them up in the alter. That way...She could be appeased in order to stop this madness...

Shouta:...I hope you're right man... Because this is serious...Where about the others...

What about them? Is what Kuro wanted to say in venom but couldn't bring himself to say it.

Kuro: When I woke up...Natsuki was in the classroom with me. But she took off after mentioning Mei...

Shouta: I see....

Kuro: I ran into Maki a while back...But she didn't stop for me...She just continued running...Don't know where the rest of our classmates is.

Shouta: Alright...Well I'm with you dude! Let's go find some body parts! Who knows, maybe we could even find her killer and bring him to justice!!!

Kuro rolled his eyes. Like he said before. This isn't an adventure but he didn't want to spoiled it for Shouta since you could see the sparkles in his eyes.

Kuro: Yeah...Adventure...(But he does have a point...If I find Mei's killer in this school...He better hope that something else in this school will get to him first before I'm through with him...)

Shouta: Now we're talking!! Maybe we could even look for Kirishima-Sensei~~~! Poor teach must be scared to death! Don't worry teach! Daddy's coming to help!!!!

Kuro:.....The hell?

Kuro begins to wonder how the hell did he end up becoming friends with this idiot???

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