Chapter 64

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A/N: Konami, Natsuki, & Yamada.

-Konami's Pov-

Ever since the day I was born. I been always told that I was a pretty girl.

By my parents.

By my peers.

Everyone loved me.

I was happy.

Even though I may have been praised by my family and friends.

But...I felt like it wasn't enough...

I may have been just another pretty face.

But I wanted love...

Someone who loves me for who I am...

A Prisoner Of Love...

Once she gone to school. As usual, she was showered by affection.

Student A: You look pretty today Konami-chan.

Student B: Did you do something with your hair? I'm jealous~! It's beautiful.

Konami: Oh. Don't worry about it. But thank you.

Being the prettiest girl in school did had it's perks and all...But she still felt like she's missing that one thing...

A male student then got her attention.

Male Student: Hey Konami-chan! There's a beauty pageant coming up. You should enter!

Konami: W-Who! Me?!

Male Student: Yeah! I bet you can win it. Am I right everybody?!

Everyone in class seems to agree with him.

Konami: Oh...I don't know...It be best if someone else gives it a try. I don't mind....

Male Student: Oh like who?

Konami: Well...

Her eyes scanned all around the classroom for any other participates then her eyes stopped on one person.

Her black hair and grey eyes stood out like a sore thumb.

Konami: Mei! Mei should enter!

Mei looked up in shock while the others gaped in disgust!

Female Student: What?! Why should she enter?

Male Student: Yeah Konami. Don't bother with that ugly little bitch! She's nothing compared to you!

The other classmates laughed at Mei while she puts her head down trying to avoid the jabs and teasing.

Konami felt sorry for her....

???: Oi. Whose talking about my girl?

Everyone looked up to see Yamada.

Konami blushed at seeing him. Yamada was her crush like almost every other girl in class. She wanted him...

She yearned him...

She craved him...

Too bad he was with Mei...

Male Student: N-Nobody Yamada-kun.

Female Student: Y-Y-Yeah! We were just being silly. That's all.


Yamada: Good. You bastards should shut your mouths sometimes when you sprout out shit like that. Come on Mei. Let's go.

Mei: O-Okay...

At first Konami thought they would make a good couple. But then everytime she saw she started to get jealous.

It was like a slap to the face seeing them...

She couldn't help but wonder...Why couldn't it be her instead of Mei...

She wanted to be loved like that...

So...Why not just steal him from Mei...?
Konami: Ryo...No...What if Mei sees us?!

It was could she resort to doing this...?! Because she was jealous?! Still...What they were doing was wrong.

Yamada: Trust me...She'll never find out. After all. I love you more than that girl, babe. You're more attractive~~~!

Konami: Oh you~!

They started kissing again before proceeding to make out.

Mei: R-Ryosuke-kun? Konami-chan?

Konami: M-Mei?!

Konami and Yamada both pulled away looking sheepish.

Yamada: M-Mei...I can explain!

Mei: Ryosuke-kun...I thought you loved me...

Yamada:...What do you mean? I do love you.

Konami looked at him in shock.

Konami: What?!

Mei: Really?

Yamada: Of course Mei. I could never hurt you like that. Konami was just a toy to me. You're the one I really love.

Konami: R-Ryosuke-kun?

How could he say she's not there with them at all...And to make things worse...they were now kissing in front of her.

This was an absolute nightmare for Konami.

Konami: N-Noooo!!!! Why?!! Why is this happening!

???: Because it's not real....

Konami: Eh?

Konami looks up to see Kuro next to her.

Konami: W-What do you mean?

Kuro: What you are seeing is an illusion. You're dead Konami.

Konami: W-What?!!

Kuro: Remember Mei's curse inflicted upon the school. You were one of the first victims.

Konami puts her hands on her face in shock.

Konami: No...This can't be possible.

Kuro: Your soul is in denial of your death. That's why you were brought here to witness this.

Konami: N-No...

Kuro: Konami...You hurt Mei...but I understand why you did it. But that doesn't excuse your actions. But you're also...a victim too...

Konami: Huh?

Kuro: Remember how you died? Yamada deserted you...

Konami: What...No...He wouldn't...?

Kuro: He did. He also raped Mei before he deserted you. He played you both like you were nothing but toys.

Konami: I...I...

Then she remembers everything...
From when she died...


The model started putting his palms on her head.

Ryosuke: S-Sorry Konami!

He turned....and ran!

Konami stared in horror at her retreating boyfriend...

He's leaving...?!

Leaving her to die?!!

Konami: RYOSUKE!!!

Konami went silent after she know...

Her boyfriend....No Yamada left her to DIE.

She thought he loved her...

Using empty words like that...

Toying with her emotions...

He used her. Like he used Mei.

Kuro was right. They were both victims thanks to Yamada.

Konami: Kuro...can I borrowed that axe for a minute?

Kuro didn't questioned her as he gave her his weapon.

The girl emotionlessly walk towards Yamada and Mei...

She never wants to see this illusion again...

She was a prisoner...

A prisoner of love...

It blinded her for so long...

Until she finally see the truth when Yamada abandoned her...

Leading her to her death...

Left her broken...

Leaving her with nothing at all...




Konami: Kuro....I hope Mei forgives me for being so foolish...How could I be so selfish?! Choosing my feelings over a friend...

Kuro:...I pretty sure she already did....

Konami made a small smile...

Konami: (I'm sorry for being a terrible friend Mei...and thank you Kuro...for opening my eyes...)




Kuro would've never suspect someone like Konami would be a prisoner of love...

Konami was loved and admired by everyone...

But in the end...she was just another pretty face...even though she wanted to prove she was more than that.

Most of the male students have an crush on her.

But her heart belonged to someone else...

And that someone is Ryosuke...

But sadly...The delinquent was never by her side...

Kuro: Because he still cared about Mei in some way didn't he...?

A tinge of jealousy run through him as he tried to sink it all down.

Kuro: Seriously. Now's not the time...

But then he thought of something...

Kuro: Wait a minute...Didn't Maki had an crush on him too...? If so...Why didn't she bullied Konami too?

Why just Mei...?

His question went answered as the scene played before him.

Mei: R-Ryosuke-kun? Konami-chan?

Konami: M-Mei?!

Konami and Yamada both pulled away looking sheepish.

Kuro: Ah...So they were kissing...Mei was so angry when she found what they done behind her back.

Konami was seriously a stupid girl...

He thought that she and Mei were actual friends. But it turns out that was never the case. She only used her to get close to Yamada and then ignored her existence.

That would make Konami not a good friend at all.

But sadly...She was being played herself.

Karma striked again...

Yamada: M-Mei...I can explain!

Mei: Ryosuke-kun...I thought you loved me...

Yamada:...What do you mean? I do love you.

Konami looked at him in shock.

Konami: What?!

Kuro: (Like I said...Karma can be a bitch sometimes....)

Mei: Really?

Yamada: Of course Mei. I could never hurt you like that. Konami was just a toy to me. You're the one I really love.

Konami: R-Ryosuke-kun?

How could he say she's not there with them at all...And to make things worse...they were now kissing in front of her.

This was an absolute nightmare for Konami.

Konami: N-Noooo!!!! Why?!! Why is this happening!

As she waited in despair, Kuro decided to make his presence known.

Kuro: Because it's not real....

Konami: Eh? W-What do you mean?

Kuro: What you are seeing is an illusion. You're dead Konami.

Konami: W-What?!!

Kuro: Remember Mei's curse inflicted upon the school. You were one of the first victims.

Konami puts her hands on her face in shock.

Konami: No...This can't be possible.

Kuro: Your soul is in denial of your death. That's why you were brought here to witness this.

Konami: N-No...

Kuro: Konami...You hurt Mei...but I understand why you did it. But that doesn't excuse your actions. But you're also...a victim too...

Konami: Huh?

Kuro: Remember how you died? Yamada deserted you...

Konami: What...No...He wouldn't...?

Kuro: He did. He also raped Mei before he deserted you. He played you both like you were nothing but toys.

Even though Kuro knows what he was saying was wrong know that he knew the truth about Yamada...but...he thought it would be best for Konami to let him go...

Konami: I...I...

Then she remembers everything...
From when she died...


The model started putting his palms on her head.

Ryosuke: S-Sorry Konami!

He turned....and ran!

Konami stared in horror at her retreating boyfriend...

He's leaving...?!

Leaving her to die?!!

Konami: RYOSUKE!!!

Konami went silent after she know...

Her boyfriend....No Yamada left her to DIE.

She thought he loved her...

Using empty words like that...

Toying with her emotions...

He used her. Like he used Mei.

Kuro was right. They were both victims thanks to Yamada.

Konami: Kuro...can I borrowed that axe for a minute?

Kuro didn't questioned her as he gave her his weapon.

The girl emotionlessly walk towards Yamada and Mei...

She never wants to see this illusion again...

She was a prisoner...

A prisoner of love...

It blinded her for so long...

Until she finally see the truth when Yamada abandoned her...

Leading her to her death...

Left her broken...

Leaving her with nothing at all...




After an short conversation between them, she was free...

Konami: Thank You...

Kuro:.....Maybe after this...She won't be an prisoner of love anymore...well maybe...I don't know...

~Dead One

A/N: Yamada...

Yamada's Pov

I messed up...

No...I fucked up...

How could I let this happen...?

I always screw up and get in trouble a lot...

But this is way beyond my boundaries even as an delinquent...

But I had to do it...

Because if I didn't...Yuki...Yuki would've...

But it didn't matter anymore... Because my brother was a goner either way.

Why did it matter what I do now.

I'm better off dead anyway.

If that bastard Hinata would've had his way. I would been found out and charged with rape.

Why bother trying to live...?

If I was to survive the curse...

I could've went to jail...

Spend the rest of my life in prison. It didn't matter if I was forced to do it because of an mutant of duress. I still would've been charged.

Even if people say...if you were force to commit a crime, you would have an automatic defense.

But what's the use... doesn't most of that stuff work in America.

What about here in Japan?

Wouldn't it be different?!

If that Hinata Bastard was still alive. He could manipulative the whole court room, have them find out my history, turn them aganist me, and have me locked up forever and shit!


What have I done...?

I ruined her life...

Just to save another.

I not even sure if this make me a bad person or not...



-Third's Pov-

As Yamada

Yamada: Mei...?


Yamada: Mei...Please..Let me explain...I-I didn't mean too...

Mei: You didn't?

The delinquent flinched at her tone of voice which held venom in it.

Mei: Please....There were ways you could've prevent this...but instead...Y-You...! How could you?!

Yamada: M-Mei...

Mei: F-First you cheated on me! Then you raped me and left me there in the bathroom....W-Why did you do it?!

Yamada: W-Why didn't you call the police?

Mei glared daggers at him which made him back away in horror. Never in his life he would think an quiet girl like Mei would produce an scary glare.

Mei:....Because if I did...Maki would've just try and cover for you...Like she always do...

Mei started to cry as Yamada tried to hug her. But the girl backed away from him. He didn't blame her. She had every right to look at him like he was a monster.

When he raped her, he never thought about her feelings.

He was more worried about his brother instead.

Mei: W-What do you got to say for yourself?!

Yamada: I...I....(Why can't I say anything?! Say something damnit!)

However...His motivation to try and reason with her was gone and he was reduced to a stuttering mess.


So weak...

Yamada: (I'm not strong...I'm weak...So weak I couldn't protect her...I couldn't protect my brother either...)

Mei: Well?

Yamada:....I'm sorry....

Mei:......Is that all you need to say.


Mei:.....I don't want to speak to you again.

Yamada: (I'm so sorry....)

-End Flashback-

Yamada: I'm sorry Mei...I'm so sorry...

Why couldn't he tell her the truth.

Would she believe him?

Would she think he's lying just to excuse his actions?

Would anyone believe him?! He was forced to commit a crime under the threat of death of losing an love one.

But...Because of his bad history at school.

No one probably would believe him...

He's an delinquent, they'll think he's making it up.

Now that it's known...

Everyone at school thinks he's a rapist.


Those words stung like a bee...

Then that's when he saw them...

Shadowy figures of females glaring down at him with red eyes that bore into his soul.

"How could you do that to her?"

"You're disgusting!"

"Is that how you treat woman?!"

"So we're nothing but toys for you, huh?!"

Yamada clenched his teeth, tears fallen from his eyes, and clutch his hands onto his head as he fell to the floor....

Yamada: N-No! That's not true! I-I didn't-! (I still make an excuse...God...I'm pathetic!)

"Men like you are nothing but pigs!!!"


"You make me sick!"

"You Animal!!!"






There...That was it... Ryosuke just sat there...and cry...he took it...

He took all the name-calling especially that word.


Yamada: (Rapist...I'm a rapist... that's all I am now...)

What's the use of trying to forgive himself.

No one else will...He left Konami to die.

Mei is gone because of him.

Yuki is also dead...How could he even face his little brother after all this...

"Your brother will be so ashamed of you!!!"

He's doesn't deserve redemption...

He could just sit here and suffer for all eternity...

An fitting end for someone so weak....







"yOu'Re A rApIst!!!!!"




???:......Okay I think that's enough...

Yamada: Eh?

The delinquent turned his watery eyes towards Kuro, who was watching him with a look of pity.

Yamada: Tch...How did you get here?

Kuro rolled his eyes as he watched the delinquent made a desperate attempt to look better.

Kuro: (Like I haven't seen you crying before. Quit trying to act tough.) It's time for you to go.

Yamada: What do you mean by that. This is my punishment...

Kuro: Yamada...You didn't mean to criminal act towards Mei. You were forced to do underneath the threat of losing an family member. Anyone could've done the same thing in your shoes. Example, if someone points a gun to your head and tells you to rob a bank. Would you do it?

Yamada: B-But that doesn't mean it's going to make anything better! Robbing a banki is different from rape! Because of that! Mei hates me! So does Konami! I acted like an coward...B-Because of me...I did so many stupid things and hurt the people around me who were willing to give me a chance! I'm so dumb...H-How could I been so blind?!!!

Kuro watched as the delinquent begin to cry again. Watching his former classmate lose his pride.

The delinquent was now a shell of his former shelf.

Kuro sighs as he wrapped his arms around Yamada and comforted him.

Yamada: Don't. Stop. I'm a rapist. I don't deserve-!

Kuro: Oh shut up! Quit crying. I'm trying to be nice here now take my hug!

Yamada:.....This feels gay...

Kuro: Shut up idiot.

Usually if anyone calls him an idiot, they'll be looking for a fight and he'll give them one. But this time, he'll allow it...

Kuro's hug...

For so felt warm...

Yamada begin to feel relieved...

Then the darkness around him begin to subside as Kuro looked at him with an neutral expression.

Kuro: Come. Someone wants to see you.

Yamada: E-Eh? M-Mei?!!

Mei: Ryosuke-kun...

The girl appeared before him as Kuro vanished.


He felt arms around his torso as he looked down to see the girl hugging him.

She had an smile on her face as tears poured down.

Mei: It's okay...I saw the truth...What Hinata-Senpai done and why you were involved...I already forgiven you...

Yamada: Mei...

Mei: There's so many things for us to catch up with...I need to tell you something...

Yamada: Y-Yeah.

Mei: But first... It's time for you to go. Someone else is waiting for you on the other side.

Yamada: Eh?

When Yamada felt himself leading into an light.

He saw a familiar smiling down at him.

The grudge and regrets he felt leave his body as his tears poured down in happiness.

Yamada: No way! Y-You!

???: Hi Big Brother!

Yamada begin to cry. He finally found peace...

Kuro:....(Goodbye Yamada. I may not liked you...But...Despite all you had done. You still had a good heart...somewhat...maybe in your next life, treat girls a little bit better...)

~Dead One~

-Natsuki's Pov-

How to mend a broken friendship?

I always did wonder that ever since I stopped being friends with Mei...

I could never stopped thinking about her...

From the time we first met when I found her in that locker to the time I broke our promise.

I don't have the right to call myself a friend.

From childhood, I have learn that friendships are crucial for a happy, fulfilled life.

Friends provide support, love and an emotional connection that may be lacking elsewhere.

But...I did none of those things...

I did not support Mei...

I did not help her.

I was never really there or her.

Arguments and misunderstandings between friends may lead to conflict.

I never really fought with Mei. But I could tell she was angry about how I broke off all contact with her and stopped being her friend.

I was torn.

Torn between wheter or not, when deciding whether to fix a broken friendship, you must decide whether your friend is a positive figure in your life, and consider where the ultimate responsibility for the deterioration of your relationship lies.

Mei was an positive figure. But I...

I was the negative...

I didn't take responsibility for my actions...

Anyone who ever asked me about my frienship with Mei...I would brush it off and tell them there was no such thing...

I only did it because I pity her...


It's a lie...

How many times did I have to lie...

Cowardice is easier than being brave...

Because I was scared...

Especially that fateful day...


Maki: Hello Natsuki-chan~!

Me: Whoa!

I accidentally dropped my books which now made me look like a klutz in front of Maki. Maki was the one of most popular girls at Yongedu High...but she was also an bully.

Anyone that tried to stand up to her, they will suffer the consequences later.

She was untouchable...

Or so I thought...

Maki: I heard that you ended being friends with Mei. How cute~~~!

Me: Y-Yeah...So?

Maki: I want you to stop.

Me: H-Huh?

Maki: Here's what you're going to do. If you know what's good for you. You better stop being friends with the slut.

Me: B-But...

Maki: Eh? Did you say something NAT-SUKI-CHAN~?


Maki: It would be terrible if you said no. Because of Mei, You don't want to get hurt, do you~?

Me: (I-Is she threatening me?!) I-I...

Maki: Now...what will it will be...?


I couldn't believe this. She was threatening me to stop being friends with Mei...I-I...why...Why me? If I say no...I will get bullied too...



But I do say yes...Mei...Mei will...

Maki: Well...? I'm waiting...

Me:.......Okay....I do it....

Maki: Good~! So glad we agree on something. So long Natsuki-chan... Remember...

Stop being friends with Mei and no harm will come before you. Are we clear?!


After she left...

My back plummeted to the back of my locker before falling down to the floor...

It's sad isn't it....

When a bully takes your friends away from you...

You can feel very lonely if the bullies have taken your friends away. Often friends are afraid they'll also be bullied if they go around with you.

It's alsp very upsetting when friends turn against you which for reasons because of bullying...

Me: I'm so sorry Mei....


-Third's Pov-

Mei: Natsuki...Why are you ignoring me?!

Natsuki:....Sorry Mei... That's just the thing...I-I just can't be do this...

Mei: D-Do what?

Natsuki: I can't be around you anymore...I only befriended you out of pity. But now...I just can't do this...So...Please stop talking to me...

Mei felt her heart shattered...


Why must she be betrayed by everyone she trust?

Why do they all lie to her...?

Mei: I thought you said we were friends....

Natsuki:.....We were friends....But not anymore...


Natsuki left her there to cry....

-End Flashback-

So here I am...


Mei hates me...

Everyone else is gone...

What's the use of trying to live anymore...

I betrayed Mei...

I pretend to be her friend then days later...

I stopped being friends with her...

I couldn't even tell her the truth of why I did that...


I'm sorry...

So this is my punishment huh?

Suffering alone...?

No one to help me...?


I guess I had it coming...

???: Oi. How long are you going to sit there?

Me: Eh?

-Third's Pov-

Kuro was watching Natsuki wallow up in her self-misery. Blaming herself for not being able to help Mei because she was scared of getting bullied by Maki.

Kuro may not know Natsuki personally but he does remember she was one of Mei's friends (the other being Konami) who betrayed her for reasons.

To be honest, he was glad it wasn't about the dumb rumors...

But this was more personal.

Natsuki: Y-You're Kuro Mirai.

Kuro: Natsuki Midori was it?

The girl nodded.

Kuro: It's time you move on...You don't have to stay here anymore...

Natsuki: B-But Mei....

Kuro: Mei has already forgiven you...I saw your memories...the reason why you stopped being friends with her...


The green haired girl looked down in shame.

Natsuki: I...I wasn't strong enough...I couldn't do anything to help...I'm not a good friend...I'm a fake...friends are supposed to love and support each other...All I ever did was help her get out of a locker...

Kuro grimaced at that. He did remember Mei being put in a locker by Maki during on the second trimester. He was pissed when he learn that. But Mei told him to let it go instead of facing Maki in blind fury.

Natsuki: What kind of person am I...? I don't deserve anything. When I learned that Mei died and put a curse on the school. I felt more guilty for not helping her...I'm such an horrible friend.

Kuro: Natsuki-chan....I'm going to be frank with you. We all can't control what happened in the past. But we can move on and try to heal ourselves in the future, it could give us time to think about our actions. Sure you weren't good friends with Mei...But you're not an horrible person...

Natsuki: B-But...

Kuro: You were being bullied too. You were threatened into submission and couldn't do nothing about it. If you tried to stand up to Maki. She would've made things worse...So I understand why you did that...But if you just told Mei the truth...maybe things would have ended differently....


Kuro: It's time to go... Don't bother staying here...If you want to apologise to Mei... Don't you think you should meet her face to face.

Natsuki: B-But it's too late... She's dead...and some part of it is my fault...

Kuro puts an hand on her shoulder and whispered into her ear:

"It's never too late..."

Kuro watch the girl stiffen before she relaxed. She gave him a small smile as she felt herself vanishing.

Natsuki: Thank you...

Then she was gone....

Kuro: I hope she learned something...

Breakups, Bullying, and Healing....

We can all overcome it...

If we meet the right people...

Kuro: Maybe if Mei and Natsuki met the right people...Their friendship wouldn't had been cut short....


Kuro: Alright...Now that's done...Time to make a visit to two more people....

His eyes gleam murderously...

Kuro: On my KILL list~! Fufufu~!


Hinata: SHIT!

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