Chapter 8

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-Third's Pov-

The boys felt the paranoia that had been building in their chest lodged to be sat uncomfortably in their stomachs while Konami's eyes glistened with horror, as the eerie anatomical model had her still in a headlock preventing her from moving.

Kuro: Oi! Let go of her you freak!

Kuro raised the axe up as a threat that if the creature tries anything, it's screwed.

Konami: Ryosuke-kun! Help me!


Shouta: Hey Yamada! Snap out of it!

Yamada: Ah...Ah...

Konami now had an begging look on her face as she stared at her boyfriend hoping he would save her.

Ryosuke stared at the smirking anatomical model in fear...


The model started putting his palms on her head.

Ryosuke: S-Sorry Konami!

He turned....and ran!

Konami stared in horror at her retreating boyfriend...

He's leaving...?!

Leaving her to die?!!

Konami: RYOSUKE!!!


Kuro and Shouta charged at the monster. Kuro tried to the axe to try and slash the model down but to no avail. Shouta tried punching and hitting but still no success.

Konami felt herself being crushed as she begin to scream.



The sickening sound was heard as the monster crushed Konami's head causing it to explode!

Her eyeballs came out of her skull and blood went flying all over the place. Her once pretty face was replaced with a deformed shattered one...

The scene...well...

It was so grotesque...

The model then tossed her body to the ground.

Shouta: Ah...Ah...K-Konami-chan? No...No...

Shouta had a look of terror on his face Kuro on the other hand was enraged...


Kuro grabbed an lighten torch nearby and then sat the model on fire.

The model begins to scream in pain and agony before it turns to dust.

Kuro: It's gone...Wait...What's that?

There was something covered in all the ashes that somehow survived the fire.

Kuro picked it up and saw a bag containing...eyeballs???

They didn't belong to Konami....

Kuro: Do these...belong to Mei?


Kuro:..At least we found one of Mei's body parts...(But why were they were the anatomical model...? Just how is that possible...? Unless....)

Shouta: Freaky...but cool! We finally found something one of her parts!

Kuro: One down. Five more to go.

Shouta: Alright man...Right behind you....

Kuro looks at the dead body of Konami...

Her smiling cheerful face was gone...Kuro begin to wonder if she even had an motive in Mei's disappearance prior to her murder...

Kuro: (...Even though I didn't like you because of your dumb behavior...You were still a nice girl who didn't deserve to die...I'm so sorry Konami....)

The prettiest girl in school was dead...and her doomed soul was forever trapped in hell...


After mourning the death of Konami. Both Kuro and Shouta knew there was nothing they could do now for the girl.

Kuro: I can't believe Yamada ran off like that.

They still couldn't believe she died because her selfish boyfriend decided she wasn't worth saving. Then runs off leading her to that painful demise.

Shouta: No man should leave his girl behind...Seriously, guys like him give us a bad name!

Kuro: Like you're the one to talk.

Shouta: Eh?

Kuro hated to admit but for once, Shouta was right. Ryosuke may have been an delinquent but he's a fucking coward. Did Konami's life even matter to him...?

Kuro: Was she really his girlfriend or was he just using her...?

He looked at Shouta for an answer, but the brown hair boy just shrugged.

Shouta: Well...If case you didn't knew Kuro...I think you need to know something...


Shouta: I heard from rumors that Mei-chan was originally Yamada's girlfriend...but he dumped her for Konami...

He growled at the thought of Yamada cheating on Mei with Konami. That bastard, just wait til Kuro get his hands on him.

Shouta: Other rumors say the reason why he ditched Mei was because of the rumors.

Kuro almost gritted his teeth...

Kuro: What rumors?

Shouta:...Rumors that Mei slept with multiple men.

Kuro:......No....Mei wouldn't stump to that level...She's not a slut...

Shouta nods in agreement. He knows Kuro had a point because that didn't sound like the Mei they knew... Someone obviously just wanted to make the girl's life miserable so they did it by spreading lies.

Shouta: I really don't believe gossip or rumors either but hey...some of our classmates believe the rumors were true because someone caught Mei with Koutarou-Sensei...


Koutarou-Sensei was the school's infirmary doctor. Now that Shouta had mentioned it. Mei would make frequent visits with him...


Shouta: They believed they were having an affair...I guess that's when the rumors started....I don't know much because I wasn't really sure if that was true.


Kuro didn't want to believe it...

Mei having an affair with the school doctor...

That couldn't be true...could it?

He wanted to pretend that Shouta was lying...

But in the end...that was a flaw...

His best friend maybe a pervert...but he sure as hell wasn't a liar...

But he didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. He needed to hear the doctor side of the story...That is if they can find him again...

Mei is innocent right?


Kuro: Mei...

Shouta: Dude?

Kuro: I'm fine. Let's just go back at the library to search for more clues...since we have Mei's eyeballs. We need to retrace our steps and continue the search.

Shouta nods as they walked down the corridors towards the end of the stairs.

There was still a question lingering through Kuro's head...

Someone had spread the rumors about Mei is pretty much the one responsible for all this indignity...

But who could be the mastermind behind all this?

Kuro: Wait.

Shouta: What is it?

Kuro saw something shiny in the air of the staircase.

Kuro carefully touched it and flinched bring his hand back.

He looked at his hand and look down at his finger to see a spect of blood oozing from it.

Kuro: Piano wires. We get cut, we're done for.

Shouta: Shit....Oh! Maybe this could help.

Shouta pulls out a razor blade and cuts the wires.

Kuro: Good job.

For once, his best friend was useful.

Both boys walked down the stairs and stopped in the middle when they saw corpse of a male student cutted in half. His organs were shown and his eyes were closed with blood everywhere. Kuro had a disdainful look while Shouta went pale.

Shouta: Oh God...

Kuro: Looks like he died a couple of minutes ago...He probably didn't see the piano wires...

They avoided the corpse and went back to the library.

They heard humming inside.

Kuro was about to open it but the door slide opened making him jumped

???: You looking for something?

Shouta: Whoa! You scared us!

The person revealed to be a girl Kuro definitely doesn't recognize. She had black hair tied to two long braided pigtails and glasses.

Girl: No matter. But I was wondering how long you two were going to stand outside...

Kuro: (Wait...How did she know we were coming...?)

He looks down at the girl who looks at him with a mischievous smile.

???: Nora-san is somebody out there?

Another voice? What's going on?!

Nora: Yes, my dearest assistant. It seems that we have guess.

Who is this mysterious girl? Who is her assistant? How did they even get here in the school? Do they have an connection with 'The Dead Girl' - Mei Aishiteru?

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