Chapter 10

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No More Bullying...

Ever since the scandals of Hinata Otonoki had dropped. Without the influence of Maki, Kirishima, Hinata-Senpai, and so many others. The teachers who was also part of the bullying were arrested. Everyone else at Yongedu High had finally turned a new leaf.

Hinata-Senpai went missing after the whole ordeal. Kuro believes the Yakuza are still chasing him.

Kuro was not how he did it but somehow it actually worked out.

Everyone was finally able to get through to themselves and finally put in an end to all the bullying.

Yongedu High was now a No-Bullying Zone.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Anyone that tries to bully others will be either suspended or expelled from school.

But now, everyone felt a bit more happier with their lives now that the school was a safer place.

Yamada was able to get his brother back. After suffering assault from his legs, Yuki was now being transported to the hospital.. Kuro gave the Yamada some of the money that Hinata had stolen to pay for his brother's medical bills. The delinquent was thankful for all that Kuro had done for him.

He gave the rest of the money to the Yakuza.

Konami and Yamada broke up later. Guess Konami now realized that maybe Yamada was not the right guy for her and moved on.

Tokime was doing his hardest to gain more confidence in helping people instead of blaming them. Kuro had heard that he was now taking up after school classes in the kendo club.

Natsuki and Mei were able to make amends from their broken friendship...

Shouta was still trying to be a idol by practicing writing songs and dancing. Kuro told him about Chibi and the two are now in desperate search for him.

He's not sure where Chibi is...Kuro just hopes that he is still alive in this world.

Mei finally manage to feel much more safer thanks to Kuro.

Erika: H-Hey...Mei...

Mei looked from her desk to see her ex-bully with an ashamed look on her face.

Mei: Yes...?

Erika: I just wanted to say...I'm sorry...even if you can't forgive me...I just...I'm really sorry...

Mei:....Erika-chan...Why did you bullied me...?


Mei: Why do I get the feeling the reason why was more than just Maki's influence?

Erika:...I...was jealous...

Mei: Eh?

Erika looked the other way and sighs before explaining.

Erika: It's almost like how Maki was angry that Yamada choosed you over her.

Mei: W-What? You liked him too.

Erika gave an look of disgust. No. She never liked Yamada. She despised him. Especially since he almost tried to rape her. With or without, Hinata's manipulation on him.

Erika: No...I hate him. I get it. He was in pain like you. But...I still can't forgive him for what he tried to do to me...

Mei: Erika-chan...

Erika: It's not Yamada that I like...It's Kuro...

Mei's eyes went wide.

Erika: It's just...I'm not sure when it happened...Me and Maki used to torment him. But then it started out as a crush. Then I realized how much I like him...but when you came along...


Erika: I...was selfish...and cruel...I should've learned by now that Kuro will never accept someone like me...I can see in his eyes....He loathes me...for what I've done to you...

Mei: So what are you going to do now?

Erika:....I don't know...But for his sake and yours as well...I'll keep my distance...I just...need some time to learn and try to move on...Like you are...

Mei: Uh-huh...

Erika: I heard you were taking some therapy sessions.

Mei: Yeah...

I mean after all she been through. She needs it. Often people had dismiss bullying among Mei and so many kids as a normal part of growing up.

But bullying was harmful. It can lead children and teenagers to feel tense and afraid. It may lead them to avoid school. In severe cases, teens who are bullied may feel they need to take drastic measures or react violently. Others even consider suicide. For some people like Mei, the effects of bullying last a lifetime.

Erika: Will you...ever get better...after all you been through...? After...what we all been through...?

Mei: ...It'll...take some time but...I'm healing...

Erika nodded. It was the best answer she could give.

Mei: BTW...What happened to Y-Yuri-chan?

Erika's stomach curl at the mentioned of the girl. She was one of the reasons why Kuro's cat has been killed. All for the sake of popularity and being closed to Maki. That girl still creeped her out.

Erika: I...I don't know...after what happened to Maki...Yuri disappeared from school.

Mei: R-Really?!

Erika nodded.

Mei: But why...? Where could she had gone...? Hmmm....


It was originally Shouta's idea for Mei to get some therapy, so he talked Kuro into it.

Thanks to Kuro "No more bullying' Routine.

Weeks have gone by and The Stop Bullying Now Foundation was founded to address the epidemic of bullying that exists in most schools today.  

A/N: This is actually in America. I'm not sure much about Japan.

Kuro had made Onizuka's main objective to raise funds to assist all 67 school districts in Japan as well as School Districts around the country in creating a sustainable and powerful anti-bullying program.

Much to the Principal's dismay. He's butt hurt now that Kuro had ruined his fun at seeing Humanity's Destruction.

Kuro: I appreciate all that you done to help, Shouta.

Shouta: Hey! No problem, Kuro! Anything for my best bud!

Kuro: Of course...(Because you the only person who understands me other than Mei.)

Shouta: I just can't believe all this drama had happened...I mean poor Mei. Like seriously...I feel so bad for her!

Kuro: Yeah...

Shouta looks over at his friend to see his friend with an disinterested look.

Shouta: What's wrong Kuro...?

Kuro: I...don't know Shouta...

Shouta: Is it Chibi? Don't worry buddy. I'm sure we'll find him, someday. I really hope we do. I just want him to know what happened that day... wasn't his fault...

Kuro: It's not just that Shouta... It's just... despite all that had happened to Mei is finally put to end...I just the feeling something terrible is going to happen again.

Shouta stayed quiet sinking in the information Kuro gave him.

Was it...possible...?

However, he shrugged it off.

Shouta: Kuro...that just nerves. Everything will be fine. Thanks to you, Mei is safe. Koutarou-Sensei is going to be looking after her now. Still a shocker that he's her uncle.

Kuro: Yeah...I hope so...maybe you're right...

Shouta's probably right...He's worrying over nothing. He trust Koutarou-Sensei.

Mei is fine. She's safe...

"Do you really believe it's over, Mortal? This is just the beginning..."

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