Chapter 22

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Like ringing in his ears, He could faintly make out screams inside the school though they weren't nearly as loud as earlier, he could only guess that most of the students school was dead now. Which brought his mind to the rest of the others, how were they holding up? Or was he and Shouta the last member alive?

Which brings him back to Shouta's question. Chibi?

What is Shouta talking about...?

Kuro: W-What are you saying...

Shouta:....I don't know man...It just came to me...I mean...I know we been best friends for a long time...But that I think about it...Who is Chibi....?

"I don't know anyone named Chibi..."

Kuro:.....How do you not know?! Remember. Yukime Shirosaki! Aka Chibi! We rescued him from bullies back in elementary school! He hanged out around our group of friends since then until he moved away. Before he did that. He and you got into a fight and broke your arm. How do you not know who he is?!!

Shouta:.....??? Wait...He broke my arm? I don't remember having an arm injury back then....


What...What is going on here...?

How could Shouta just forget about Chibi...?

That wasn't like him...

Chibi exists...right?

What if he doesn't exist...?

Or was he really a figment of Kuro's imagination and he was the only one who saw him.

No...That doesn't make any sense.

Back in the other worlds, Shouta knows who Chibi is. So something is definitely wrong here.


Shouta: Kuro?

Kuro: I don't understand...How can Chibi...Not exist...? Am I...the only one who remembers him....


Kuro: (Chibi...I'm sorry...)

There was so much that Kuro wanted to do when he finds the boy. If he exists that is...

Kuro: (No. I won't believe it. Chibi exists. And I'm going to prove it to Shouta.)

Shouta: Hey Bro. You alright?

Kuro:....Crystal. Let's just go and find the others.

Gripping the axe once again he drew it back halfway preparing himself for anything, getting himself in a small crouch to creep across the field to the school.

Sure enough, that when he saw it like before...

Corpses of students and teachers are littered everywhere.

Shouta looked ready to puke at the sight. Especially when he saw a female student's genitals were ripped out.

Shouta: Seriously. This is freaking me out.

Kuro: Don't look....

The school was more brutal than before. There was already dead bodies everywhere.

Shouta: So what's the plan, Kuro?

Kuro: Find the others. Locate the infirmary. And figure out a plan to stop Mei.

Shouta: Alright...Best one so far.

Kuro: Well it's the only one I have so far. Other than that, I'm clueless. Shouta. Just stay close to me and don't go anywhere else.

Shouta:.....Don't need to tell me twice.

Kuro and Shouta walked down the hallways. They made pitstops at every classroom they see.

Kuro opens the door and looks inside.

So far...They chances at finding everyone else was going grim.

Kuro: (At this and Shouta will be the last people in this school. Is that's possible, then we shouldn't waste anymore time and leave.)

Not sticking around anymore in the corridors, both boys went to the infirmary. Once they opened the door, they heard a familiar voice inside.

???: What the-?!

Kuro: Yamada?!

Yamada: Kuro?!

Konami: Shouta?!

Shouta: Konami~~~! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Konami: Tch. *Looks of disgust*

They weren't the only ones in there, Tokime was there too.

Tokime: Mirai-kun. Yamazaki-kun.

Shouta: Hey dude! Great to see your alright as well.

Tokime sighs before pushing up his glasses on his face.

Tokime: I should say the same for you two...but everyone else...

Konami: Just... what's going on... everything was normal a couple of minutes ago.

Yamada: Yeah...and this shit happens.

Kuro: Mei.

Everyone looks up at him.

Yamada: What?

Kuro: Mei. This is all her doing.

Kuro explains the entire situation to them. Starting with the paradox. The timeline. Their actions and sins against Mei. Their deaths and eternal suffering.

Kuro: And that's why...Mei has lost control...I'm not sure whose doing this to her...But this is all I know...

Yamada's face was pale.

Konami was close to crying.

Tokime felt sick to his stomach.

Shouta, for once in his life, remain really silent.

Tokime: This...This is scientifically impossible. Paradox?! Time-loop! It defines the logic of time and space!

Yamada: Ugh! Spare me the lecture...

Konami: So all this happened... because of what we did to Mei...?

Kuro: Partially. Mei's powers went rapid her mental breakdown transfixed. Once it happened, the rest was history.

Yamada: But now... She's coming to kill us...

Tokime: She's going to make us all suffer. Our chances at survival have been pinpoint to zero!

Konami: We're going to die...

Kuro: No. We won't. I won't allow it this time.

Yamada: This time...? Oh yeah, the timeline...

Tokime: But how are you going to do that, Mirai? You said Aishiteru-san needed her body parts to be appeased back then...but now it's seems like you're back to square one.

Kuro: I'll find a way...

Shouta: Anyway...Does anyone know what happend to Koutarou-Sensei?

Yamada:...He left some time ago.

Tokime: When the darkening took place, he let us hide here. He then say he was going to look for his niece and the others.

Kuro:...But he doesn't that Mei is responsible for this...

Shouta: Don't worry Kuro. I'm sure Mei won't kill her uncle.

Kuro: But that's just the thing Shouta...Is Mei really in control of her powers or is she being the scapegoat again?


Kuro: What about Natsuki and Erika?

Konami: I haven't heard from them in a while.

Kuro: Welp. We might as well try. Standing here like sitting ducks is not gonna do anything. Whatever plan I could use...I do whatever it takes to save Mei...

Konami: You...really care about her, huh...

Kuro: Yeah...I do...I love her. And that's a fact.

Yamada:......*Looks down at his feet*

Tokime: Mirai-kun...I think I may able to help...

Kuro: How?

Yamada: Yeah. What could you possibly do in this situation, Four-Eyes?

Tokime ignored him while keeping his attention on Kuro.

Tokime: You told me that paradox had became broken once Aishiteru-san's spiritual powers were unleashed, right?

Kuro raised an eyebrow.

Kuro: Yeah...?

Tokime flicked his glasses on his face again as intellectual look came from his eyes.

Tokime: What if...we find a way to reverse it...

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