Chapter 28

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Hibiki Koga was only six years old when he first met his first friends.

The teacher introduced him in front of the class.

Teacher: Alright everyone, a new friend has join our class. So please, make sure you all make him feel welcome. Say hello to Hibiki-kun.

Koga: I'm Hibiki Koga! Nice to meet you all! Let's get along.

Most of the kids all said hi to him besides a few...

Teacher: Alright Hibiki-kun. You can next to....Oh My...

Koga looks at the teacher who had a disappointed look on her face. There was only one empty seat in the class and the person next to it was...

Teacher: You can sit next to Mirai-kun.

Most of the kids eyes went wide before fear came straight on their faces.


The darkest eyes stared right into their souls.




Teacher: Please...Raise your hand Mirai-kun.

Kuro raised his hand as Hibiki walked over to him.

Some of the kids shoot him sorry glances which confused him.

Then he heard the whispers.

"I feel so bad...He has to sit next to the freak..."

"Kuro is scary..."

"No one would come near him besides Shouta-kun...."

"I heard that Yukime, that other weird kid, is his lackey..."

"Sheesh...This year is gonna suck for him..."

Kuro glared at them which put an halt to all the conversations before they all turned around.

Hibiki sat next to Kuro...whose eyes were now on him.


Koga: What?

Kuro: Staaaaarrrrre.



Koga: Oi! You trying to start something?!

Suddenly laughter was heard as Koga turned his head to see a brown haired kid laughing. Next to him was a white hair boy with blue eyes looking extremely nervous. They were Shouta and Yukime (Chibi).

Shouta: You have to excuse my friend, Kuro. That just what he does when he sees someone new.

Koga: ....Why is he staring at me then...

Kuro: Staaaaarrrrre.

Shouta: He does that to judge people! I'm not sure what that means but I guess he's just doesn't trust others...

Koga raised an eyebrow at him.

Shouta: Anyway! I'm Shouta! Let's be friends Hibiki-kun!


Shouta: Yay! Another friend! Isn't that cool Chibi?!

Chibi: Y-Yeah...Hey...I-I'm Yukime Shirosaki...B-But my friends call me can call me anything you like...friend...

Koga: O...Okay...?

Koga looks between the two of them...

Their personalities had clash into differences...

Shouta was more upbeat, outgoing, free-spirited, and friendly.

Chibi (Or whatever Shouta calls him) was shy, quiet, meek, and withdrawal.

Then there's...him.

Koga reluctantly looks at Kuro, who was still staring...

He was...different from the other little boys...

He was...a mystery...

Kuro: Staaaaarrrrre.


Kuro: Staaaaarrrrre.


Kuro: Look whose talking, Dikkuchīzu (Dick Cheese).

Koga: Hah, what was that, Kyōda (Asswipe)?!

Shouta was laughing while Chibi was trying to stop a fight from happening between the other two boys...but failed miserably...

After this....they became friends...

The four of them stick together for a log time during elementary school...

That was however....until during middle school, Hibiki transferred away to another school.

He wasn't able to get in contact with the other boys he knew since then...

That was until....

That one fateful night before the outbreak took place...

-Message Board-

10:24 pm. Thursday Oct. 10th

Chibi:....H...Hey Hibiki-kun...

10:26 pm.

Koga: Chibi...?! It's been ages...How did you get my number...?

Chibi:....I messed up...

Koga: What...? Messed up on what?

10:29 pm

Chibi: I messed up. I messed up. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

10:31 pm

Koga: What wasn't supposed to happen. What is going on Chibi?


Chibi:.........Go to Yongedu High...

-Chibi Logs Out-

Koga: Chibi...? Chibi!!!

That was the last conversation Koga had with Chibi on his phone.

Koga knew something was amiss here. It's been years since he saw his old friends and for Chibi to call him out of the blue telling him to go to, Yongedu High, was peculiar.

Koga: Yongedu High...That place that so many secrets to offer.

It had a record history of bullying.

So many students had relentlessly bullied physically and mentally with no help or a sense of home.

Koga: It's also kind of sad how teachers tolerate the bullying and just ignored it.

This actions had led to recent suicides and deaths all around the history of Japan.

It's still a wonder of how the school is still open to this day...

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Koga looks at his phone to see it was Shiomi on the other line. He swipes it to answer the call.

Koga: Yes Shiomi.

Shiomi: I'm glad to see you made it to the school. I came to warn that I'm picking high spiritual energy surrounding the school.

Koga: Meaning?

Shiomi: It means that many dangerous spirits reside there. Be on your guard. Don't overestimate your you did last time.

Koga: Hey! I was a little rusty. Investigation on abandoned spooky hospitals was not my cup of tea.

Shiomi: I know. Just find the library of the Yongedu High...The secret library should be located in the bottom of the school. There, you may be able to crack the code which could led you inside. Maybe you could find anything there that has a record of Mei Aishiteru and her family.

Koga: Noted.

Shiomi: I'm also picking up some presence of living beings inside. So you won't be alone. I'm sensing a large dark energy close to them. Whatever it is... it's making sure they don't leave.

Koga: Thanks for the help.

They both hang up on each other.

Koga: If Chibi, Kuro, and Shouta are in here. They're most likely trapped....and I guess it's time to put my skills to good use to get them out. Hang on guys, here I come...

Let's do this!

-OMAKE: Beef or Chicken?-

Kuro: Hey. Hibiki.

Koga: Hah. What do you want?

Kuro:....Beef or chicken (Do you have beef or are you chicken)?

Koga balled up his fist and growled.

Shouta puts an hand on his shoulder.

Koga: ???

Shouta: Kuro. It's Beef~~~!

Chibi: *Nods*....

Kuro:.....I see.

Koga spit on the ground while Kuro smirked evilly at him.

Koga: *Vegeta Voice* Your life has been spared!

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