Chapter 30

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Koga: What the hell-?!


A ghastly figure of a female student appeared and attacked Koga!

Koga was able to dodge the ghost student's long claws before pulling out a knife and threw it at her, embedding in the head.


Koga: (That actually worked?! I thought it would fly through her...unless she's a ghost with a physical body.)

While ghosts and spirits do hurt the living physically.

The humans' minds and emotions are vulnerable to ghosts’ and spirits’ attack because these characteristics are in the form of vibration that are translated as energy.

Our mind and emotion are too vulnerable to FEAR.

Which gives the ghost the state of advantage through the state of mind. It can be easily manipulated by ghosts and spirits to attack the living.

Though when it's the other way around, it's kind of rare to actually harm a spirit unless you have the right equipment to fight back against one.

Koga: (Luckily, I came prepared.)

The spirit hisses at Koga and attacks once again.

Koga quickly pulls out his modern DSLR camera and take a snap of the ghost.

The ghost screeches once again from being caught off guard.

Koga: (The SLR can be used to combat hostile ghosts, although lacks the flashlight option. Instead, the camera can briefly flash a bright light, allowing temporary vision of the surrounding area.)

The SLR also has a zooming function, allowing Hibiki to take pictures at a safe distance.

While the ghost was distracted, Hibiki took this as his opportunity to leave.

C O M E  B A C K  H E R E!

Ignoring the ghost, Hibiki ran down the corridors towards the staircase and went up to the second floor.

Once he gets to the second floor, he found the boys bathroom.

Koga: Maybe I can hide in there...But what if there any ghosts in here...


Koga: Well I'm out of other options...I have no choice...

He ran inside and hide in the bathroom stalls.

Hibiki then heard the ghost come inside...he quickly hold his hands to his mouth from making any noises.

The ghost heavy breathing was the only noise he could hear now.

W H E R E  A R E  Y O U??!!


After what felt like an eternity of waiting...

He heard a door close.

Koga quietly took a peek outside the stall, and noticed the ghost was no longer inside. He took a breath or relief before putting his ear to the bathroom door just in case if the ghost was waiting to ambush him. But when he became glad to see the ghost was gone....

Koga: That was close...shit...This place sure has gotten dangerous. I better more careful and get to the library before she gets back.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring. He picked it up to see it was Shiomi calling him.

He picks up to answer her.

Koga: Yo.

Shiomi: Are you alright?

Koga: I'm fine for now. Got into some mischief with a ghost. Did you get the photos.

Shiomi: Yep. So I was right... Yongedu High had an conspiracy with the occult.

Koga: That would explain most of the ghosts from urban legends popping up. Any idea how to get rid of them?

Shiomi: We need to empathize with a spirit.

Koga: What? Why?

Shiomi: There's a lot to learn about them from manifestation. They maybe monsters now. But they were once human...

Koga: Wouldn't destroying them be better.

Shiomi:....Possibility. If you want to face serious consequences later in the future. Simply, there's no easy way to get rid of them.

Koga: Well fuck...

Shiomi: There's no other way....Gomen.

Koga: Don't apologize. Right now...I better get to that library now.

Shiomi: Stay safe. I give you feedback on anything I find.

Koga: Same. Later!

Both hanged up on each other as Koga continued on his mission.

Using his flashlight like a torch, he made his way to the third floor to do d the library.

Along the way, he saw a few ghosts.

He used his camera to take a huge flash at another female spirit.

The spirit screeched before dissolving into the abyss.

Koga: Wait...that spirit a while ago...Was that a Urashima Onna?

Urashima Onna are said to be spirits of pregnant women who died before giving birth to their child.

Koga: Why would a Urashima Woman be doing here...? Is she a teacher who died during pregnancy or possibly chance a female student...

Some things can be pretty confusing.

Koga wasted no more time before reaching the library.

Koga: Alright then...What does this library have to offer about the Aishiteru Family.

Suddenly, he heard voices inside.

Koga opens the door and was shock to find out who was inside.

Koga: Nora-san?!

Nora: Koga-kun?! What are you doing here?

Koutarou: Eh?

Koga: Looking for you. Also doing my mission that involved coming here. Also Whose this?

Koutarou:....I'm Koutarou Aishiteru.

Koga: Aishiteru?!

Nora:...What's the matter Koga-kun?

Koga:....Koutarou-san...Is it okay if we talk for a minute? It's something regarding your family...


Koutarou:....I'm all ears.

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