Chapter 41

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Koga: Well that's just fucking great...

So the next spirit that they had to get rid of was the one who chased them a while back.

Koga: So we have no choice but to look for her, huh?

Kuro: More like...she look for us...

Koga: Well shit...

Konami looked a little scared while trying to gain her composure...What are they talking about?

They want to go find the spirit that tried to kill them...are they out of their mind?!

Konami: W-Why would you want to go look for her?!

Kuro:....Because of Yokai's game....

Konami: ?!

Kuro: Awhile ago, she put Shouta into one of her sick games.

Kuro had explained to Konami about what happened to Shouta before. He even explained the Jorogumo spirit he also faced.

He's barely clinging to life right now because of her.

Konami: Oh My God...Is there anywhere out of this game...

Koga: She's like a child...If we don't want to play with her. She'll throw an tantrum and you will now what will happen next...

Because who they are dealing with is no child...But an evil vengeful spirit that can be very dangerous if she gets moody, frustrated, or just bored with her toys.

So just saying no to Yokai is like writing your own name in the death book.

Konami: I see....

Kuro then noticed something in Konami's hand. It was a diary. It looked familiar. At first, it seemed nothing out of the ordinary. Until he noticed some blood on the diary.

Kuro: Konami....Is that yours?

Konami: What this...? No...I found it a while back...

Kuro: Where...?

Konami: Near the lockers...I thought it belonged to one of the girls in class. So I never bothered to check.

Koga: But you took it with you anyway?

Konami:....I thought it be nice if I give it back to the owner...

Kuro:....Is it okay if I took a look at it?

Konami gave him a weird accusing look. Kuro rolled his eyes knowing full well what she was going to say.

Kuro: No. I'm not going to look into someone's privacy. I just want to see who it belonged too.

Konami: Umm...Okay?

The girl hand over the book to Kuro who examined it for a moment.

The diary looked a little ordinary expect that it was small and the color was blue.

Then he examined the blood for a moment before brushing up against it.



Before Kuro even knew...

He felt the world darkening around him talking him away from he once was and into another scenario.

Kuro: Not again...What is this...?

The scenario showed him a bright light and someone holding themselves. Having their head between their legs...almost like their crying.

Kuro: No way....Mei?!

Mei...It had to be her...

Kuro couldn't believe it. How was she here...but the question is...where is can Kuro even be able to get to her....

Kuro: Mei! Can you hear me?!!


No response...

Kuro: (Maybe she can't...)


Kuro: ?!!

Mei: Please...where ever you me...

Kuro:.....(I will save you Mei... That's a promise...please tell me where you are...)

Mei went quiet once again but almost as if she heard his question, she responded.

Mei: She's keeping me here...

"In the Realm Of The Dead..."

Kuro:.....Realm of the Dead...? Where is that...?


Suddenly, the world shifted once again and Kuro was back into reality.

Kuro: Mei...

Konami: Kuro?

Koga: Hey. You alright, dude?

Kuro: Mei...I saw her.

Konami: ?!

Koga: No way...For real...? How?

Kuro:...Once I brushed my finger up against the blood on the diary. It showed me a vision of Mei. She's trapped somewhere between the real world and the Labyrinth...

Konami: W-Where's that?

Kuro: She said....the Realm of the Dead.

Konami and Hibiki both raised eyebrows showing the confusion spiraling across their faces.

Koga: Realm of the Dead?

Kuro: I don't know what that is...bit whatever it's at... it's where Yokai is keeping Mei.

Konami: But...How did you do that? I mean...see the vision.

Kuro looked back at the diary.

Kuro: It confused me as well...(Maybe it's one of the powers that I have stored inside me...) But recognizing the cover on the diary...I realized this diary belonged to Mei...

Kuro opened it up and sure enough, it show Mei's handwriting of all the bullying she went through throughout the paradox. Word from word. All the pain and suffering she cannot explain to anyone but let her diary keep her company.

Kuro: Mei....

Koga: Well at least this gives us a lead...maybe we can ask Shiomi or Nora-san about your blood vision...

Konami: Or the Realm of the Dead...

Realm of the Dead.

Realm of the Dead...If Mei is possibly in there....

Kuro: Why is Yokai....even targeting Mei?

Konami and Koga looked up at him before the blonde boy came up with own answer.

Koga: In her defense, she might have so bad blood between her and the Aishiteru Family.

Kuro: She did mentioned them a lot....

Konami: Uh-huh...

Koga: Yeah...

Kuro: (Maybe Kiyoshi knows...I should ask him as well...He's more of the expert in this as Nora-san is...)

Koga: Okay. Back to our investigation...what about the Onryo...?

Kuro: Hmm...

Kuro put the diary in his pocket before pacing around a bit trying to think of an idea...

Koga: Maybe we need some spiritual could help us ward her off for a while...before we can appease her...

Konami: Can that work?

Koga:......Most of the time...

Konami: What kind of Mickey Mouse operation is this anyway....Can you think of anything else?!

Koga grew irritated. What is this girl's deal.


Koga: I don't see you coming up with ideas, missy! It's only a matter of time before she finds us!!!
Koga: Kuro...? What's wrong?


Konami: Kuro?

Kuro: Konami! LOOKOUT!

Konami: Eh-?!



It all happened so fast....

One minute...the three of them were having a conversation and the next...

Konami: W-What.....?

Konami's left shoulder was busted open by one of the Onryo's bloody claws. Hoisting the girl right off her feet letting the blood pour out as the brunette girl had a shock yet painful look on her face.

Koga: ?!!!!

Kuro: KONAMI!!!!!!

Konami: *Dying* W-Why....?

The Onryo made a evil grin which promise nothing but death.

F O U N D  Y O U ~ ~ ~ !


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