Chapter 43

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Minami Aishiteru.

A young girl from the 1960's who was beautiful. She had an petite personality and wanted to be friends with everyone she met.

That's when she met her boyfriend...

A young sophisticated male who had allured her into his charms. She had foolishly believe he would always be there for her.

She was wrong...

When her best friend came into the picture.

She immediately stole her boyfriend without her knowing. But one she found out, she threatened to expose them.

So in order to keep her quiet, the couple kidnapped her and taken her to the boiler room.

There, the couple had made out in front of her as she watched miserably before they begin to tortured her to death.

Her body was found with stabbed wounds and her face was completely covered with acid.

After her death, she became an Onryo, which was an vengeful spirit.

And since the onryō, the most feared of all yurei, arise when people die with strong, violent feelings of anger, jealousy, and hate. Once birthed, these yokai seek out a specific victim(s) and torture that person (or those people)...

She was chosen to take brutal revenge...

A week after her death, she begin to haunt her former best friend and ex-boyfriend. Before she gave them a slow painful demise...

Now she roamed the halls of Yongedu High as one of Yokai-chan's servants.


Koga: Wow...that's pretty fucked up. They did all that to spite her.

Kuro: And they were supposed to be her best friend and boyfriend...for them to do that to her...It's so familiar...

Koga raised an eyebrow.

Koga: How?

Kuro: Before Mei died in the other worlds, she dated an delinquent named Yamada Ryosuke. However, he later cheats on her with Konami...


Kuro: First Rika...Now Minami...all their grudges from their previous lives are all connected to Mei. Not just by family blood, through coincidence...

Koga: What does that mean...

Kuro: It pretty much means...The Aishiteru Family had suffered for years...almost like an curse of history repeating itself.

Like how Rika had suffered, Minami had also suffered. Almost like everyone in Mei's family may have gone through some kind of psychological horror through their lives.

Was it because of their lineage of being witches...?

Koga: Well their history is kind of fucked up already. Think about it...

A/N: It once said so in a Bible that...Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live...meaning do not let any witches live...simply meant to kill all witches. Proof of this is found in the story of Saul and the Witch of Endor. The witch is asked to perform a little witchcraft but is fearful of being caught and killed.

Calling out the death penalty for anyone casting a spell is brutal.

Suddenly, Kuro heard the familiar giggle from afar.

Kuro: Do you heard that?

Koga:....I did...Is that Yokai-chan...

Kuro: Unfortunately...Stay hidden... It's me she wants anyway.

Koga nodded as Kuro ran down the hallway following the child-like giggles.

Once he finally made it to his destination at the end of the halls.

And there she was...

Yokai: Hehehehe~! We meet again. You managed to survive...

Kuro: Cut the crap. You know exactly what happened before didn't you?

Like what happened with Shouta... Yokai-chan had led to the Onryō to Konami. Knowing that she hates traitors.

Yokai: Oh? Do you mean what happened to that girl? Well she kind of had it coming. After all...No one likes a cheater or an backstabbing bitch.

Kuro: (But Konami learned her lesson didn't she. She know what did was wrong and for you to kill her like that. Unforgivable.)

Yokai: Here's the next game Yokai-chan wants you to play~~~!


Yokai: Time to play..."Aka Oni"~!


Red Demon.

Like the ones you hear from urban legends. In folklore there are also tales of supernatural creatures called the ‘Oni’. Artists depict the ‘Oni’ with horns and wearing tiger skins. They have no neck, but a crest of hair and a big mouth; their fingers are clawed, and their arms elevated to the shoulders. These artistic renditions of demons not only represent the supernatural, but also embodiments of the evil facets of human nature. The earth ‘Oni’, according to Buddhist belief, are responsible for disease and epidemics (they are dressed in red).

The ‘Oni’ of hell (red or green bodies) hunt for sinners and taking them by chariot to Emma-Hoo, the god of hell. There are invisible demons among the ‘Oni’ whose presence can be detected because they sing or whistle. The ‘Oni’ who are women are those transformed into demons after death by jealousy or violent grief. The Buddhist ‘Oni’ demons did not always represent the forces of evil.In Buddhist lore there are tales of monks who after death became ‘Oni’ in order to protect temples from potential disasters. The belief in the ‘Oni’, reached its zenith in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Kuro: (So we're gotta deal with an Aka (Red) Oni. Great....)

Kuro did not like the sound of that. He had to tell Koga what Yokai was planning now.

As Yokai-chan disappeared into thin air, Kuro went back into the Science Lab to see Koga on the phone.

Koga: Uh-huh. Yeah? Got it!

He quickly hung up to see Kuro nearby.

Koga: I got some good news.

Kuro took a breath of relief. This is what needed to hear in this moment.

Kuro: What is it now?

Koga: Shiomi finally showed up to the library where Nora-san and Koutarou-san are. She wants us to meet her there. There got some info that's worth telling.

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