Chapter 48

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Kuro then waves his flashlight around to look for clues.

He stops to look at a sign that says "Tour Booth" next to own box.

Kuro: So this where the guide gives people tours around the museum.

Koga: Yep. The museum offers an English guided tour that runs frequently for you to learn rich Samurai history at a deeper level. We could learn a whole lot of things of the Samurai.

Kuro: Maybe the Oni is connected with of the Ancient History of the Samurai.

Koga: I wouldn't be surprised. All we need is a red oni mask and Bam. We got ourselves a monster.

Kuro then aims his flashlight at what seems to be an closed music concert.

Kuro: I didn't know Museums had live music concerts...

Koga: This one does. Believe it or not.  This museum held a traditional Samurai Music Show every 24 hours advance to give a lovely experience while both musicians and staff play the music played the instruments that people created here many centuries ago. It's like being invited to a small cozy Japanese home.

Kuro: That would be relaxing. Anything to ease off people's mind from stress everyday.

Koga: True...Try looking for the samurai armor.

Kuro look over at the armor in display. There were five armors sat down were anyone to see.

Kuro: Wow...

Koga: Wow indeed...While here in Shinjuku Museum. You get to learn a lot of things about Samurai History, traditions, weaponry, customs, as well as a real sword demonstration. They even let you try out the armor.

Kuro: Does it cost anything to do that.

Hibiki nodded once anything. Considering the fact that this place does run on money.

Koga: It's a low price guarantee but no booking fees. Do you want to know what to expect here?

Kuro: Yeah....

Koga: Well...The museum is operated by a group of young people who are very enthusiastic about Japan’s history. The tour was very informative and set in a wonderfully relaxing environment. The music experience was incredible and very intimate. The guide didn't not speak English very well nor had a wide vocabulary of it.

Kuro: And the overviews of it?

Hibiki put on a sad face.

Koga: The overviews of the rooms content was brief, as well as much of it was poorly light. You will then be escorted out of each section, not having the time to peruse the displays at your leisure. The 'Samuri show' at the end was in a small room and maybe, at best, entertaining for a small child. Rather hokey. Really felt it was a waste of time and money - unfortunately. The only positive is that they have preserved some ancient Samuri items/attire. I’m actually amazed it was so cheap when I first came here.

Kuro: You...sure do know a lot about Samurais.

Hibiki throw him an accusing glare.

Koga: And you don't, Oni Boy?

Kuro: Shut it.

Kuro examined the five armors laid on display.

For some reason, one in black was giving him such a bad vibe.

But he ignored it for now.

He and Hibiki then walked over to the weaponry room.

He scanned the area before stopping at a few Japanese swords.

Kuro: So this is the sword course you mentioned?

Koga: Yeah. This was a fascinating experience here it was. It will help you delve into Samurai history and learn about Japanese swords. You would enjoy an intimate talk by Japanese sword expert, Paul Martin, who would teach you about their history, as well as how to handle swords correctly.

Kuro: So It’ll uncover secrets from an expert that no one wouldn’t find out otherwise.

Koga: Yeah. Plus, You’ll avoid waiting in long visitor lines as an admission ticket to the Samurai Museum is included.

Kuro: That makes things more better than.

Checking around the room once again for the Samurai Sword that Shiomi told them about.

She told them to look for a long katana blade that had the symbol of an Oni.

But so far, they couldn't find it...

Kuro: That's funny. It's not even here.

Koga: But it has to be here. Shiomi would never give me false information. Neither would Nora-san.
So they have to be right about this.

Kuro: Hmm...

Kuro and Hibiki left the room before making their way back to the armor display.

Kuro: ?!!!

Koga: What is it?

Kuro: The black's gone...

Koga: Ehh?!

Koga looked at the display and like Kuro said...

The large black armor was missing and there were only four small armors left.

Koga: WTF? How is that possible?! We were only gone for a few minutes. It couldn't have been just up and left.

Kuro: Unless....We're not the only ones here...


Almost like a beating of a drum, Kuro felt his heart pound heavy.

The deafening silence filled the museum as he and Koga felt eyes all over them.

Kuro:....Is someone there?

Once again, he was answered with silence...


Kuro: ?!!!

Koga: Oh shit...

The silence was broken by a creepy moan echoing around the room. The lights in the museum go off and the darkness surround them.

The cold chill worsened as both boys watched in horror as something appeared through the darkness.

Kuro: It's here...


Holding a long katana blade glistening through the night and wearing the missing samurai armor.

It had revealed itself through a black aurora.

Kuro: The Aka Oni...

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