Chapter 67

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Kuro: (...I'm sorry Shouta...Chibi...I couldn't save you guys again...But that's okay...because I know you both want all this to let me put a end to your suffering...)

Kuro's eyes glow red as the wicked between lost friends fight begin...

Shouta made the first move.

He charges at Hibiki who manages to kick him square in the chest sending the possessed boy flying. However, Shouta gets back up and moves fast thanks to his new appendages.

The spidery legs jumped up in the air moving around quickly. Hitting wall to wall until aiming for another attack.

Chibi silently moves quicker than the others at Kuro.

The black hair boy pulls out his axe fast before clashes with the sword Chibi had.

Chibi swung his sword once again a upward arc. Kuro's blade met his and began angling it to the side to deflect the force.

It was good form, born of long hours of practice and dedication, the kind of thing that should make a wise swordsman proud.

Kuro: (I never knew Chibi had such good swordsmanship. Better keep my eye out for any other attacks he could pull.)

Like starting now, while Kuro was occupied, Chibi tried to a dirty trick and punch Kuro in the face.

Key word. Tried.

Kuro deflected the attacked and slams into Chibi earning a grunt of pain.

Back with Hibiki and Shouta. Shouta was doing an unholy screeching as he tried to pounce on Koga.

Koga: Take This!

Shouta: HISSSSS!!!

Only to be met with a wave of holy water.

Shouta fall to the ground hissing in pain before Hibiki stabbed him with his knife through the abdomen.


Koga smirked before getting punched in the face.

Shouta: Now that wasn't very nice!!!

Koga: Tch!

Shouta pulled the knife out and threw it far away before screeching once again like a spider would when it's about to pounce on it's prey!

Shouta aimed again for Hibiki.

Hibiki pulls out a spell tag and chanted before a shield came all around him protecting the latter from Shouta who tried punching and kicking the shield.

Shouta: No way!!!

Koga: I'm not going to let you win!

Shouta started circling him, trying to find a new strategy to attack him.

Meanwhile Chibi whirled his sword through the air and suddenly he sprang forward, making him jump, hiz foot catching onto the roof and charged straight down to Kuro making him fell backwards, hitting the ground hard.

Kuro: Fuck! Goddamnit Chibi! Wake up already! This isn't you!

Chibi didn't answer stepping closer, lowering the blade until the tip brushed against his collar bone.

However Kuro manages to kick Chibi hard making him fall to the ground and the dark hair boy got back up, slapping the blade away from him body.

Both of them were soon back on their feet as Kuro's attack came fast and almost surprised Chibi. He was hardly able to raise his sword to block it, the metal screeching as Kuro pushed Chibi backwards.

His blows came hard and after only a minute the possessed boy felt his arm weaken but he wouldn't give up, slashing his sword through the air, almost letting out a cry of victory as he stumbled backwards.

Kuro: Nice try...


But apparently it was only a trick because seconds later Chibi was sent flying on his back, having no idea how he got there and saw Kuro was hovering over him, his axe coming around his sword and he pushed his sword up to avoid and the axe came down onto his blade!



The sword broke!!!

Kuro: Sorry Chibi!!!

Kuro quickly grabbed one of the broken blade and slams it straight into Chibi's head!


After that...Chibi stopped moving...

Kuro felt the horrible guilt sweeping inside him...

Did he...did he really just...?

Koga: Kuro!

Kuro looked ahead to see Shouta's opening his spider's mouth to try to take a bite out of Hibiki who was using a long stick preventing Shouta from coming closer.

Kuro: Hibiki! Shouta!

Koga: No! I'll handle Shouta from here! Just finish what you need to do! Saving Aishiteru!


Koga: GO!

Kuro quickly ran straight out of the room.

Shouta whirled his head towards his direction in anger.


Hibiki kicked him in the face sending him flying in the air until he hit the ground.

Shouta: *Growls*

Koga: Oh no you don't. Your fight is with me!


Kuro: Okay...Mei has to be around her somewhere...Where is the shrine...? And the mirror...

Kuro checked ever nook and cranny until he stumbled upon a mirror.

Kuro: Is this...what Kiyoshi was talking about...? Is this the mirror he...?!

Before Kuro could say anything else...someone had appeared inside the mirror.

He couldn't believe his eyes...

It wasn't Mei...No...It was someone else...

A beautiful woman who held a sad face wearing the black and red yukata...he immediately knew who this woman was...

Kuro: Are you...the Geisha Woman... Koizumi Aishiteru...?


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