Chapter 79

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Kuro: Waaah?!

Kuro falls out of his bed from all the shouting. He ends up hitting his head onto the floor.

Kuro: Ouch...Damnit...Whose screaming at me-?!


He's in his bed...?

Wait...that lump on his bed...a cat...? Milord-sama?

Milord: Meow?

It's Morning...?

Someone screaming at him to get up...?

That only means one thing...

Kuro quickly ran to the window and opened up the curtains. Standing outside his apartment was a familiar person that he knew and loved.

Kuro: Shouta....

Shouta: Oh come on! Open up! It's time for school! If I can't skip it! You can't either! Oh...hey you damn feline...

Milord: HISS!!!!

Kuro: Shouta...(He's...alive...wait...the world...Is it...?)

Kuro quickly opened the door and let Shouta inside.

Shouta: Finally! I was beginning to worry about you.

Kuro: Shouta...You're...

Shouta: Hmm...?

Kuro: Ah....Nevermind...

Kuro looked outside.

Everything...looked peaceful. The sky was blue. Cheery blossom petals fell down in the middle of spring. Bird chirping and squirrels chattering while looking for food.

So far...

No blood...

No corpses...

No gore...

No demons or Yokai-chan....

The world...was surprisingly stable...

Kuro: (Things actually looked back to normal...did me and Mei actually... reversed everything...?)

They actually...was able to fix the damages that been made?

Shouta: Oi. Earth to Kuro. You in there?

Kuro looked next to him to see Shouta waving his hand in front of his face to get his attention.


Shouta is still...


Shouta: Kuro? Hey buddy. You okay? If you're not feeling well. You could just told me. We can skip school today if that's-?!

Shouta suddenly went quiet when Kuro grabbed him...and to his surprise...pulled him into a hug...

Shouta: K-Kuro...? H-Hey...Wha...?

Kuro: ( still here...still alive...thank goodness...) Don't die... Don't die yet...

Shouta: Eh? Die? What are you talking about, Kuro? I'm still alive aren't I? Did you had a bad dream or something? What's gotten into you?


Shouta: Kuro?

Kuro: I'm just happy you're alright...

Shouta stayed quiet for a moment before something wet hit his back.

Shouta:....Kuro? Are you crying?

Kuro: (You have no idea...How I missed you so much...We did it Mei...We did it...)


Shouta: Hey...Are you sure you're fine coming to school...?

Kuro: I'm fine Shouta... It was just a bad you said...(Although it wasn't a bad dream...everything that happened before had just been reversed...Mei was able to use her powers to wipe away all negative influence of Yokai-chan away from tje world. This reversing all of the insanity that had tooken place...Which means...everyone is now alive again...)

Shouta: If you say so dude...Oh BTW. I forgotten to tell you something important.

Kuro: Hmm? What is it?

Shouta: After school, we're gonna meet up with Chibi and Hibiki~~~! You remember them right? They were out friends from childhood. Turns out they went to another school that is distant from Yongedu High.

Kuro: (Oh Good...So they're alive too) Of course I remember them...Chibi looked up to us and there wasn't a time where Hibiki wouldn't stop insulting me.

Shouta: Ahahahaha! Yep! I can't wait to see them again! It'll be just like old times. The four of us! Spending time together! Just being bros as usual! Can't wait!


Shouta: Hey...Kuro? Are you sure you're alright...

Kuro: Of course...Why wouldn't I be?

Shouta: ...You're smiling...Who are you and what have you done with the real Kuro?!

Kuro: Shut your mouth Shouta before I beat you senseless.

Shouta:.....Hahahahaha! It is you! I thought you were going crazy! Oh well...

Kuro: Hmph...

Shouta: Since we're at school...I'm gonna go do something fun before the semester starts...

Kuro didn't like where this is going...

Kuro: Like what?


Shouta pulled out a bra!

Shouta: *Nosebleeds* I'M GONNA GO GET SOME OPPAI!!!


Shouta: Ummm...My sister?

Kuro: *Sneers* You don't have a sister.

Suddenly a girl nearby spotted Shouta and screeched.



Shouta: *Nervously* Y-Yes...

Kuro pulled out the paper fan.

Shouta: *Scared* HIIIIIIIIII!

Shouta starts running while Kuro chased him!

Kuro: Come back here and take your penalty like a man, Shouta!!!


Yuki: You promised you'll take me to baseball, later?

Yamada: Haha...Of course, ya little runt. As soon as you get better. I'll take you to see the game!

Yuki: *Smiles* Thanks Onii-chan.

Yamada: You're welcome bud. Gotta go now.

Yamada hung up on the phone before he sighed to himself while closing his locker. He couldn't help but still think of Yuki....He managed to pay the money for his insurance. But needed more time to take care of the bills and his boss at work is being a huge butt by making him work his butt off.

???: Ryosuke-kun...

Yamada turned his head to see Konami...

Yamada: Konami-chan...


The two... haven't talked in a while since they broke up...but it looks like Konami had something that she needed to tell him.

Konami: Is it...okay if we talk...

Yamada: S-Sure...Yeah...Let's do that...

They definitely needed to sort things out between each other.

Konami: Back then...when we were dating...I want you to be honest with still had feelings for Mei...and lied to me about liking me more than her or was all that you said about loving me was true...?

Yamada:....I lied...

Yamada put his hands between his face looking utterly exhausted despite the fact of getting the truth off his chest.

Yamada: I lied...about liking you...I loved Mei more...but...I just don't know what I really wanted...the thing is...I did like you...But...that was only because I wanted to have more sex in my life. So yeah...


Yamada: Before you say anything, I know that's not a good excuse. I've been a horrible boyfriend not only to Mei but to you as deserved'm sorry...


Yamada: Alright...I'm ready...

Konami: For what?

Yamada: For you to hit me. Slap me. Tell me I'm horrible for lying to you and toying with your feelings. At least everyone knows I'm a cheater, a liar, and sex-crazed maniac. At least...(I still have my brother that loves me...everyone else doesn't...)

Konami: I... wasn't going to do that...

Yamada: Eh?

Konami: Oh believe me. A part of me wish I could just hurt you for all the things you done...but... it's in the past getting angry now won't makes things better...I just wanted to know the truth...

Yamada: Well...You got the truth...

Konami: What about...your relationship with Hinata-Senpai...?

Yamada: Tch...That asshole threatened to hurt my brother. I couldn't stand there and do nothing. I'm not like Kuro. I don't have powers where I can do whatever the fuck I want...The truth is...I'm powerless...I can only fight my battles with my fists. But I can't even fight that asshole who holds enough information to put me in prison. I'm just glad he's gone...

Konami: I heard Kuro exposed him to the school. So the teachers had him to sent away.

Yamada: Fucking jerk deserved it...He's trash...that's all he is...

Konami: Yeah...At least he won't bother you anymore.

Yamada: Anyway...Is that you wanted to get out of me...?

Konami: Yes...I...been thinking for quite some time...maybe...just maybe...we can start all over?

Yamada's eyes went wide...

Yamada: Really? You want to start over...with me...?

Konami: friends though...for Mei's sake...for your brother's sake as well and so many others. After all...I owe Mei a whole lot. too...also...I would like that...for us to start over.

Konami nodded feeling a little bit better. She maybe upset that Yamada wasn't the right guy for her. But there are still plenty of boys out there. Maybe someday...she'll find the right guy to fill her empty heart.

???: YAMADA!!!

Yamada: Oh no...

Tokime: You are five minutes late for tutoring! Come on!

Yamada: *Groans*

Konami: *Giggles* You have tutoring with the Class Rep?

Yamada: ..Since I'm behind on my grades....Sadly yes...

Tokime: With all due respect, Konami-san. I'm gonna have to butt-in with this conversation. I have to take Yamada-kun with me to make up for the exam he missed too! I will not let a student in this school be tardy or miss work again!

Konami: Ah...I see...I heard you were help out for Student Council too, Shinozaki-kun.

Tokime: *Smiles with pride* That is right. Now that Otonoki-kun is gone. The student council had presented another seat for me for the next year. It's truly an honor that my hard finally paid off!

Yamada: But you didn't do anything.

Tokime: The same goes for you. Now come on. You're behind in so many subjects. We're going to be busy for the next two hours.

Yamada: Oh come on! I have a little brother to pick up later!

Tokime: He can wait! Less talk, more work, Yamada-kun!

Konami: Have fun, boys~!

Yamada: Ugh!!!

Konami watched the two boys left before she looked at her cell phone that Natsuki's contact number.

Konami: Maybe I should give Natsuki-chan a call. We can make arrangements to meet up with Mei later.

Because it would be best if the three of them become friends again.



Erika: Maki?

Yuri: Something wrong Maki-sama?

Maki: Tch...It's nothing...and stop with the whole Maki-sama. It's annoying....

Yuri: But...Isn't that what you want me to call you?

Maki: Well right now it's creepy...

Erika: Maki...Are you feeling okay?

Maki:....I've decided I'm going to stop messing around with Mei...


Maki: To be honest, bullying her...It's gotten boring now...back seemed to be fun...but now...I just don't know what to do...

Erika:....Is it possible your...reflecting on your actions...?


Well...this is new...

Erika: Maki...It's your choice...because I think it's best you make amends with Mei. To be honest, this whole fuel with's pointless now...

Yuri: You still have me, Maki-sama.

Maki: Shut up Yuri...and Erika...Thanks...

Erika: For what?

Maki:....For some reason...I...want to apologise...I'm not sure what's up with that I think about it...I did a lot of horrible things back you and to so many others...I know most of them can't forgive me...but...I think it's time I turn a new leaf...If I want people to start liking me...maybe I should try to at least be a little nicer...

Erika: Yeah...I believe so too...

Maki: And Yuri...

Yuri: A-Ah...Yes?

Maki: *Smiles* Just...start calling me Maki-chan...

Yuri:....*Smiles* Of course!!!

Kuro was watching their outside from outside the classroom...holding a chainsaw...

Kuro:....Well I guess I won't be needing this...for now...




Koutarou was now vising Kirishima I her cell. She was now in a maximum security prison for almost trying to kill his niece.

Koutarou: You know I can't forgive you for what you done, right?

Kirishima flinched.

Koutarou: So you mean to tell me...the reason why did all that to my niece was because you was jealous...?


Koutarou:'re a teenager anymore... don't you realize your action have consequences...

Kirishima:.....What do you think about me now?

Koutarou:.....To be honest...I don't even know...I just don't want to believe...the person who I viewed as my only friend would do something so horrific to a family member I care about. Kirishima, if you truly loved me...then why didn't you tell me...?


Koutarou: *Sighs* Forget it...maybe the next time I a few more months...maybe you'll give me a solid answer. But for now...just know I'll still won't forgive you.

Kirishima: *Sobs* I'm sorry Koutarou-kun...I'm so sorry...

Koutarou:.....Is that all you have to tell me...I didn't want your apology... You're not sorry...You're just guilty...

Koutarou left the cell as Kirishima's room turned dark. The only she could hear now was her sobbing.

Koutarou hopes she drowns in her sorrows.


Nora:.....I can't believe it...They actually did it....I'm impressed.

Hibiki: Huh?

Shiomi: Nora-san...What did you just say?

Nora: Oh. It's nothing~!

Hibiki and Shiomi looked at each other confused as Nora-san made a knowing smile on her face.


Kuro: It's great to see you again, Chibi...

Chibi: Yeah. Oh...and Kuro...I...

Kuro: No...Don't worry about it... It's I the past now...


Kuro: For now on...Let's be friends...

Chibi: *Smiles* Yes...

Shouta: Awwwww. You two make me wanna hug you guys! I'm so happy we're all together again!

Hibiki: Ugh...Whatever...

Shouta: Group Hug!

Chibi: *Nods*

Hibiki: Oh hell no.

Kuro: *Grabs him* If I'm gonna suffer, you gonna suffer too. Ain't no choice.

Hibiki: Fuck you, Ya Fucking Konoyaro (Idiot)!

Kuro: Nandayo (What the hell) was that, omae teme (you bastard)!

The two started bickering as Shouta smiled and Chibi sweatdropped.

Shouta: Awwww. They're bonding~!

Chibi: Looks like an ugly dogfight to me....


Kuro:...Are you ready?

Mei: Nope...Let's do it...

They walked up to Mei's home where they are meeting her family.



Koutarou: Brother! That's Enough!

Kenshi: Why you little-How dare you talk back to me! You are my successor and-?!

Mei: Shut up...

The Aishiteru Family went quiet as Kuro helped her up.

Mei: For years...I've put up with every last one of you. But now...I see that no matter how much I try...You guys will never change.

Miao: Hah? What the fuck are you saying whore?

Mei: *Sneers* What I'm saying is...I'm done...besides Koutarou Oji-san...I'm down with all of you.

Koutarou: Mei...

Kuro: Let her finish Sensei...

Mei: All I ever wanted for us to be a family...but I guess since all of you only care about is your status and not me nor Koutarou Oji-san...I won't let you hurt me again...

Mei then gave her family (mainly her father) the most darkest coldest stare she could muster. It actually made everyone (except for Kuro because he saw it coming) in the room flinced.

Mei: I'm cutting off ties with you all. I wish you all would just perish...



Miao: Well fuck you too, bitch! No one likes you in this family anyway because you're fucking weak!

Kenshi: Miao! Enough!

Miao flinched at his father's tone.

Miao: O-Otousan?

Kenshi: ...You done enough...Do not speak anymore. Are we clear?

Miao: Y-Yes sir....

Kuro looks at Mei who was hiding her eyes behind her bangs. He then begin to lead her out as Koutarou glared at the rest of their family.

Koutarou: You all should be ashamed of yourselves. She gave you chances after chances...and now look what happend. You blew it. Just like how you all messed up with me. Especially


The Aishiteru Clan remain quiet as Koutarou walked out. An tense atmosphere was all that left in that dining room.

Mei was now holding onto her bruised cheek from the handprint her father left.

Kuro: Are you okay, Mei?

Mei: Yeah...for some reason...I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest.

Koutarou walked over to the two.

Koutarou: So what are you kids going to do now?

Mei: For now on...I think I'll stay with Kuro, Oji-san.

Koutarou nodded. He had no problem with that. Especially since he knows Kuro wouldn't harm Mei like everyone else did.

Kuro: We'll still attend school...then maybe College...and after that...

Kuro looked at Mei with a hopeful look...

Mei: Kuro?

Kuro: I was wondering...if maybe we could stay together...maybe...start our own family...

Mei gasped while Koutarou looked ready to faint.

Kuro:...Well... that's entirely up to you...i-if your cool with that...

A blush came onto his face as Mei smiled before kissing him onto his cheek.

Mei: Oh Kuro...You already know my answer to that.

Kuro: *Blushes*

Koutarou: Ugh. Would you two cut it it. You're gonna make me ship you two as well~~!

Mei: I know...but first....I think it's best I start living my own life. To live a little, have fun, and be myself.

Kuro: That's a good idea.

And with that, leaving behind all past regrets, everyone had finally begin to move on with their lives...

However, for Kuro...there was still one last thing he needed to do...

Kuro: I better go see him.

With that...he closed his eyes...and brought himself straight back into the Dark Void...

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