Extra Chapter

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A/N: I'm bored. So enjoy some back to Back Funny Moments of the Dead One Series.

OMAKE: Kuro Clones (Some of you might find this some of them familiar. But I updated them a bit.)


There were so many Kuros all over the school.

Konami: Dear God...

Some of them were chatting among each other.

Most Kuros were playing 'King's Game'.

Some were glaring at Shouta while other stare at Mei, lovingly.

Shouta: W-What's with all the Kuro??

Mei: I-I don't know!

Shouta: They're everywhere!

Mei: It's like an Kuro apocalypse....

Tokime: Or maybe they're from different worlds....

Yamada: *Shrugs*

Chibi: How are we even going to get inside the school?

Konami: Yeah! They're surrounding the place!

Tokime: We need an idea...

Before any of them could say anything, they heard Maki's voice nearby.

Maki: Out of my way, you losers! This is my turf! You don't belong here! I'm the Queen of this school, bitches!

Everyone: *Looks at her*....

Maki: What?

Tokime: That'll work....

Yamada: Yep...

Shouta:....I'll do it then! Hey Kuros!


All the Kuros looked at him in confusion wondering what Shouta wanted to say to them.

Shouta: Maki here said you're so short you look like a child!


Kuro(s): *TRIGGERED*

Mei/Chibi: (Uh-Oh...)

Yamada: Oh shit....

*Punches Landing*



Shouta: Now back away slowly...

Everyone backed away as all the Kuro clones proceeded to beat Maki to a pulp.

OMAKE 2: Kuro's Harem Time!


Author: I know what you're thinking. Why a harem? Because all I know a lot of people hate those. Especially if the MC was a female which is kind of sexist in my opinion. Because they view the main heroines as weak, mild, and naive to make matters worse it pretty much annoys the viewers. Which is why we're doing this on our short break from the Dead One!

Kuro: You gotta be shitting me! I don't want a harem.

Author: Too bad buddy boy! You got one! I wonder what our viewers will ship with you~!

Kuro: Oh no...

Yamada: Hey Kuro!

Kuro: Eh? What do you want?

Yamada: Is that anyway to treat your buddy?!

Kuro: Since when are we buddies?!

Yamada: We're sex buddies, Dumbass!

Kuro: Hah?!

Yamada: That's right! So when are we going to do our next one?! My dick needs some loving~!

Kuro: -Grossed Out- Never!

Tokime: Mirai-kun.

Kuro: Shinozaki?!

Tokime: As your Senpai, I will take full responsibility for this relationship.

Kuro: Oh no! Back the fuck up!

Konami: Kuro-kun~! I hope you be a great boyfriend...And you won't be a backstabbing cheating whore like Yamada-kun unless you want to be covered in blood~!

Kuro: What the hell kind of declaration is that?! You sound like a Yandere!

Shouta: Kuro, my bro! Since we're together! I will be the one to take your virginity~!

Kuro: -Screams- AH! OH MY GOD!

Erika: Kuro! I'm going to be best girlfriend ever for you!

Kuro: No thank you!

Chibi: What about me Kuro?!

Kuro:....Who are you again?

Chibi: I'm Chibi!!!

Maki: Since you're going to be my boyfriend! You must do whatever! Take me shopping! Do my nails! Buy me more jewelry!!!!


Kuro noticed Koutarou-Sensei and ran towards the doctor hiding from everyone.

Koutarou: Kuro-kun.

Kuro: Koutarou-Sensei! Help me! Everyone gone bonkers over me!

Koutarou: Oh that's terrible... Because I will not let them harm my precious student.

Kuro: ....WHAT THE FUCK?!

Koutarou: Even though it's forbidden because we're sensei and student. I'll take good care of you.

Kuro: No thanks!

Kirishima: You trying to steal Koutarou-kun away from me -Pulls out a knife-

Kuro: Bitch! Like anybody likes you! Aren't you the main villain?!

Kirishima: -Gasp- What an horrible thing to say to a woman...And Kuro-kun. I never would expect you to say horrible things to me. I mean after all you done for me, is this how you treat me with the vows we shared.

Kuro: .....What are you talking about?

Kirishima: We're married.

Kuro: -Screams and runs- FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OUT!

Kuro ran down the hallway avoiding everyone!

Kuro: Author-kun! This is all your fault! What is going on with your mind?!

Mei: Kuro...?

Kuro made a smile hearing her voice.

Kuro: Ah! Mei! Thank goodness at least you're not-!

He was handed a bouquet of flowers from her.

Mei: F-For you...Please be mine...

Kuro:.......(You're all DEAD to me.) Mei?

Mei: Yeah...?

Kuro: -Glares- You had one job...One Job...And you fuck that up for me?

Mei: -Confused- G-Gomenasai....?

Kuro: -Facepalms- I give up...

OMAKE 3: Shouta gets owned.

Shouta: O-Oh come on Kuro! Be a bro! Y-You wouldn't leave your best friend tied up with these angry girls with kendo swords would you?!

Girls: -Glares at Shouta-

Kuro: Hmm...I don't know...

Girl: Hey Mirai, he call you short!

Kuro: -Fire in his eyes- WHAT?!

Shouta: -Gulp-

Girls: -Troll Faces-

Kuro: - Evil Smirk- He's all yours ladies. Fuck him up!

The female captain of the kendo club pulled out her weapon.

Shouta:-Scared- I-Is it too late to say sorry for taking your underwear?

Captain: You heard Mirai! Get him girls!!!

Girls: HAI SENPAI~! Take this you hentai!

Shouta: GAAAAAAH!!!

OMAKE 4: Their Friendship...

Shouta: Oh! Come on! Kuro! Please! You're supposed to be my wingman! I thought we were bros!!!

Kuro rolled his eyes.

Kuro: The answer is still no. The reason why you want to go to cafe is too see a bunch of girls in maid outfits.

Shouta:.....Oh man...Please Kuro... You're my only hope...If you help me this one time...I'll buy you yakisoba for the rest of the week...

Kuro did not look impressed...he looked a little irritable.

Kuro:.......Go get mauled by pack of wolverines.

Shouta went quiet until he broke into a run laughing like a maniac!

Shouta: HAVE IT YOUR WAY!!! I can get a girl all by myself~! Just you wait! I'll graduate from being a virgin soon! FYI, you're a total jerk and you have stupid hair!

Kuro:...You need to work better on your comebacks.

OMAKE 5: Heather's the Musical Parody

Maki: Excuse Me! Are we gonna have a problem?

Mei: ?

Maki pushes Mei

Mei: Kyaa!

Maki: You have a bone to pick? You came so far, why now are you pulling on my d$ck?!

Shouta: (Wait. She has a what now?!)

Maki: I normally slap you face off and everyone here can watch~!


Maki: But since I'm feeling nice~! I got some advice! Listen up, BIATCH!

Kuro: OOOOOR. How about I stab you and make it look like an accident.

Maki: O.O?!

Kuro: Believe Me...I can and I will.

OMAKE 6: Cat Sitting...

Shouta: I can't believe Kuro forced me to watch you, Fleabag!

Milord-Sama: *HISSES*

Shouta: Tch. Take your food you if you're hungry.

Shouta pours some cat food into the bowl and Milord-Sama begin to eat it only to recoil away.

Milord-Sama: MEOW!

Shouta: Hah?! What's your problem now?! What are you even saying?!

Milord-Sama: MEOW! (You gave me cheap ass cat food! You bastard!)

OMAKE 7: Thot...

Kuro: Ahhhh Mei~~~! *Thinks about her*

Erika: *Jealous* Arrrgh! Why do you keep thinking about that slut?! Put your looking balls on someone whose more capable of being your girlfriend...like ME!

Kuro: *Growls* Tch.

Erika: Oh I know. I bet I'm a better kisser than Mei....how about we have a little fun. If you know what I mean~!

Kuro: Yes...*Lifts her up in the air*

Erika: Eh?

Kuro: BEGONE THOT! *Throws her*

Erika: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Crashes into a restaurant*

Waiter: *Retarded* Hello sir, can I take your order?

OMAKE 8: Shouta Is Best Boy!!!

Shouta: OPPAI!!! -Gropes-


Shouta: Oh come on! Let me see some OPPAI~~~!

Maki: Seriously? What's the matter with you?! Will you quit acting like a slut for sex?!

Shouta: Awww~! You called me a sweet little unforgettable thing~!


Shouta: Cause I love my ass~! I wanna shake it! *Shakes his ass*

Kuro, Mei, and Chibi: -_-

Tokime, Yamada, and Konami: :O

Shouta: You can thank my Mama cause she made it~~~!

OMAKE 9: Shouta's worst nightmare

Shouta's worst nightmare

Shouta sees a cute girl

Shouta: She's Hot! -Runs to her- Hey girl!

Girl: *Giggles* Can I ask you something?

Shouta: Yeah...? (My phone number maybe?!) :D

Girl turned out to be an old man wearing a dress.

Man: Am I a pretty girl?

Shouta: -Screams- AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Kuro: Pffft. -Trying his best not to laugh-

OMAKE 10: Kuro's Savage Moment

Kuro: Honestly, do you ever shut up?!

Maki: You shut up! Mei should've never dated Yamada! He's mine!

Kuro: Oh yeah. Well let me tell you something.

Maki: What?

Kuro: If Yamada is yours. Then why he's heading over to Konami. That's like saying Maki-NOPE.

Everyone: OOOOOOOH!!!!!! BURN!!!!!

Maki: ':(

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