Chapter Five

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Hey, guys, so this will be a short chapter because I want it be at the exact same moment as the previous chapter. I ended that chapter too soon! So, yeah. Sorry it's short, but that's why. :) Enjoy, lovelies.

Foxleap sighed and Ivypool knew she said the wrong thing. "No, Foxleap, I didn't mean-"

"I think you did," he snarled quietly.

She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a horrible shriek. They not shot their ears up. "What was that?" breathed Foxleap.

"I... I don't know..." Ivypool whispered. They both ran into camp, eyes wide and ears swiveling in every direction. That's when she saw it. The body. White, long-furred, and bloody. Crumpled to the ground. The cry rose again and Ivypool realized it was Brightheart. Then she realized the body was Cloudtail.

Now Brightheart's cry became clear: "Cloudtail!" she wailed, standing over him. 

"What happened here?" growled Bramblestar.

A few of the cats were gathered around, but most of them were of hunting or patrolling. Dustpelt spoke: "A-a shape... We weren't expecting it at all! They just came in and-"

"He was murdered!" cried Brightheart. 

"Who?" Bramblestar asked, growing desperate. "Who murdered Cloudtail?"

Brackenfur shook his head. "I don't know."

Dustpelt sighed. "None of us do. I'm sorry, Bramblestar, we didn't help."

Seedpaw piped in. "It wasn't your fault! None of us could've done anything! They were too quick!" Lilypaw was nodding in agreement beside her. 

Ivypool was shocked. "Who would want to do this?" she asked, horrified.

"A Dark Forest cat." Foxleap whispered darkly, a shadow in his eyes.

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