The Princess' case

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"There's another death, we need to cover this up! We can't let the citizens think the FBI doesn't know how to handle a single girl!"

Right now, the FBI headquaters were a mess. A minister was just found dead in his house, he had a lot of wounds on his chest made by an old katana, he was almost naked, his hands nails were ripped off, he had tape on his mouth and he had no hair left. Visibly, he drank a lot of alcohol before his death and he wasn't alone. What caused the death and how he died was easy to tell. However, no hair, no fingerprints and no single hint about the killer's identity could be found.

Still, they all knew who it was. The way the corpse was put, the number of hits he had to go through as well as the fact that no clues were left, nothing that could lead to a possible suspect, all of it screamed one and only name, the Princess. A really mysterious and capable assassin with brown hair and brown eyes, according to witnesses, who appeared almost 6 years ago and already killed over 1000 men. Ironically, in this case, the absence of hints regarding the killer's identity was a clue in itself.

Everyone in the department who was here for more than a few months were aware of this fact as well as the fact that they couldn't do anything against her. Even so, they couldn't let the world think they weren't capable to handle a single girl so they covered it up.

Officially, the minister died from an overdose.

It was an habit for most of them. Sometimes, the underground world would welcome a really talented assassin and they couldn't do anything about them, all they could, all they needed to do, was keep their famous name clean, as the FBI.

Everyone was aware of it, really. Everyone except the redhead newbie. He couldn't believe it. He signed up here to catch criminals, not to cover their crimes. That's why he went to ask his superior, Karasuma Tadaomi.

"In short, you are telling me if I give you permission to take the case over, you'd be able to catch the one and only Princess?" said a man with dark spiky hair and piercing eyes that can make shivers run down your spine with just one glare. "You, who just arrived here and never actually witnessed the horror of a crime scene, can solve a case where the most experienced teams of the FBI could not even find a clue?"

True be told, that sentence made Akabane Karma cringe. But he really wanted to have the case, if he doesn't take it, nobody would and a lot of murders would stay unsolved -and in Karma's opinion, this criminal already stayed free for way too long-. So, instead of showing he couldn't deny what Karasuma just said, he showed him his usual smirk, the one that could make run away the biggest delinquent in town way back in his high school days.

"Well, you saw my academic scores, didn't you?" he sounded arrogant and sure of himself but inside, he just hope his act could lead him to the case.

"And you think that pretty smart brain of yours can get you whatever you wish for?"


That answer came out instantly, without hesitation and with the most firm tone Karasuma has ever heard.

One thing was sure, Karma really thought it. That made him laugh, so hard Karma thought the old man was having an attack.

"I don't hate people like you", Karasuma said between laughs "but you know nobody will help you, right?"

"I am well aware of it."

"And you do know you might end up being killed if anyone from the underground know you're after their Princess, correct?"

"Yes, sir." answered Karma with a big smile.

This kid is crazy. Oh well, he will need that if he really wants to do this job.

"Alright then. I'll let you do what you want."

Just as Karma was about to thank him and start investigate, Karasuma stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I am not finished yet."

At that, Karma's face started to decompose. He was waiting for the worst.

"You will have to go through every file we closed about her, listen to every wisteness all over again and I will let you only one year and a half to catch her. A good agent needs to know what he gets himself into and if you're as smart as your academics results says, you won't need more time than this, isn't that right, Mr. Akabane?"

Now Karma was pissed off. The only thing he really paid attention to was the challenging tone in Karasuma's voice and if one thing was certain, it was that Karma never back down from a challenge. He will show him how an investigation's done, and he will make sure to rub his victory in his face.

"Oh my, really I couldn't ask for more" Karma made sure to wear his most challenging smirk as he said that "Now, if you will excuse me, I won't waste any minute of the precious time given to me."

As Karma got up from his seat, bowed in a mocking manner to his superior before exiting his office, he missed to see the little smile Karasuma wore on his face.

Such an interesting kid, he thought

But that wasn't the only thing he missed. He and Karasuma both failed to notice the green haired girl with amber eyes listening to their conversation from the window outside. She quickly, without being noticed, went away once the conversation was over.


Some miles away, in a room where any kind of light was blocked by the curtains, some blue hair could be seen scattered on a bed.

One of the two phones put on the nightstand next to him started ringing, making him growl and wish he could sleep more. However, the ringing phone was his second phone, the one he used for his second job, only a few people in the underground has it and others who find it to ask for his favors. He just couldn't miss a call from it.

He didn't expect the person on the other line to scream after the first 'hello' from him.


He hung up. He knew this voice all too well and he was just too tired to deal with her. He turned around, putting his pillow on his head, hoping it would block out the song of his ringtone but it didn't work, his phone just keep ringing and he still heard it. After what seem like the tenth unanswered calls, he decided to pick it up.

"I swear to God Kayano, if you're disturbing my sleep just to talk about Sugino once again, I'm going to kick your ass"

"It's true I have a lot to say about my darling" at that, Nagisa tried to interrupt her "BUT, that's not why I call for. This is something important, Nagisa."

Maybe Nagisa was a little interested now. Maybe a little tiny bit. The seriousness in the girl now known as Kayano's voice was definitively something he was not used to.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"You do remember I quit the underground world two years ago, right?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I remember, I have two times more job to do now that you leaved and I always end up tired on Mondays when I have to go back to teaching!"

He didn't mean to speak louder than necessary but he did and that made Kayano flinch, she never wanted to put pressure on her friend but she was just so fed up with of this life: killing at night when an employer comes to you, make sure no one could find you, hide your identity to everyone, going to sleep when the sun rises and start again when someone with enough money comes to you, the only friends you have does the same so you can't see them outside of work in fear to be found out, don't get me started on wanting to start a family, it was impossible in this world, and the list goes on and on. She just had enough, but who could blame her.

However, she knew Nagisa couldn't understand that, she never met someone who loved being in the underground more than him, you could see it each time he goes for the kill, he just love the adrenaline given by it all. So, instead of starting an argument she couldn't win, Kayano decided it would be best to stay focus on the main reason of her call.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I really am. But that's not the point right now. Like I said, when I quit the underground, I still used some of the connections I did there and .. well, might as well saying at once .. I entered the FBI."

There was a silence after that but she knew it would happen, she was shocked herself about it all, Kayano just had to let Nagisa sink in the information. She waited for seconds that soon turned into minutes and just when she was about to ask if he was still there, she heard a loud 'WHAT' coming from the other side of the phone.

"Okay, listen, I know this is shocking, I still haven't totally realized it myself, but yeah."

"Do you realize the whole underground would go after you just to make sure their secrets stay safe if they learn about that? What did you even tell me?!"

"I know! It's because they're after you!"

That made Nagisa pause. Of course they were after him, they were always after him, what was so different about this time?


"This guy, Akabane Karma, I read his academics results, and as much as I believe in your capabilities, this guy is a monster Nagisa, in the geniusly good way that is, if someone could really catch you, it's him. Listen, I know you won't like this but please, take a break, just to make sure you won't let any clue behind, his investigation will end in one year and a half, that will give you some time to breath."

Nagisa took some time to think. A break sure didn't sound half bad, maybe he could really focus on his first job as a teacher and relax on weekends. But one year and a half sure was a long time .. Maybe he will try to find this Akabane Karma once he gets bored of his little break.

"Alright, but what do I do if one of our 'employers' needs me?" he answered with a sigh.

"I already took care of that! Irina will take all of the jobs for you and tell the underground you will come back if you accept to temporarily quit."

"You already told Irina?"

"Of course I did! You wouldn't accept if I proposed it without taking care of everything before and plus, Irina, you and I are ones of the few girls out of a bunch of boys in the underground, we have to support each other."

Oh right, she doesn't know about my gender either. Now that I think about that, nobody know ..

"Alright then, I will just do that, but please now, let me sleep, I had to take down a minister this night and I have to go to school tomorrow, I need my rest"


Nagisa was about to hung up once again when-


"What?!" he said with a groan, she was starting to get on his nerves.

"While you're at it, try to find a man on your little vacation! You know, ever since I'm with Sugino -"

Now, that sentence really pissed off Nagisa.

First of all, he didn't want to hear about Sugino right now, Kayano already call him once a month to talk about him, that was already way more than enough in his point of view and he wasn't in the mood right now.

Second of all, it's not that he didn't want a man, of course he did -he established he was gay even before entering the underground-, it's not the fact that he didn't try either, he does have the week days, five day out of seven, when he works at school and is just his real and "normal" self to start a relationship and to be honest, a few men caught his eyes in the school he started working in. It wasn't the fact that he couldn't get one either, his feminine shapes as well as big baby blue eyes really help him sometimes, he didn't need his wig, lenses and high heels to get a man, the only reason why he wears them at work is because he didn't want any witnesses to catch glimpse of his big blue eyes and hair, they don't really go unnoticed. The only reason why he was still alone was because either they would stop seeing him once they realize he's a boy or they would broke up with him once they would have enough of not seeing him in the weekends. And if he had a man good enough to stay even with these two things, it's himself who would not feel anything for the guy. He wouldn't force himself to stay with a boy just for the sake of it! He was feeling tired of this situation and he didn't need Kayano to rub it in his face.

But he didn't want to start a fight either, he was just too tired right now.

"Bye Kayano" he said, cutting her off in her amazing story about how Sugino gave her flowers on her birthday by hunging up.

Just to be sure she wouldn't disturb him in his sleep once again, he turned his phone off before putting the blankets over his head.

Maybe these forced vacation aren't that bad of a thing, he thought, laying in his bed. But well, I don't think I will be able to wait that long, this guy will need to go down before my break ends. Oh just you wait, Akabane Karma, you're trying to mess with the wrong person.

This last thought brought a smile on Nagisa's face as let his sleepiness win him over.


I don't speak English, my language is French so if you are expecting a fanfiction with big words, I'm sorry, I won't meet your expectations and I probably will make a lot of errors. I really love Karmagisa tho and this plot was always in the back of my mind and I had to try writing it so I thought, might as well try in English, so here I am.
So if you see any kind of errors, feel free to be that guy and tell me!
I hope you will like it and that I will try to not take forever to write the next chapter.
Oh and
here I go

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