Goodbye Margot

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Banner by CarKann thank you so much.

I wheel the mail trolley to Cody's room and knock on his door.

Cody opens the door. "What do you want?"

I give him mail. "That's all I wanted to give you."

He slams the door in my face.

I take the mail trolley downstairs.

Margot is cleaning out her desk when I get downstairs. "How could you turn on me?"

"I didn't do anything. You dug a hole deep enough that you can't get yourself out of. You are like a sinking ship and Cody will be a casualty as well as your daughter."

Margot throws a stapler at me. "You have no idea what your talking about."

Cody slips into the room without me noticing. "Are you ready to go home, Margot?"

She nods.

"Why?" I whisper.

"I don't have enough money to survive on. My house is about to be taken from me. My parents disowned me and I have a daughter to look after."

Cody looks at her. "What happened to my brothers life insurance?"

"I spent it all."

Cody shakes his head. "You spend over five million dollars."

She shrugs.

"You wanted that amount out of this company."

Cody turns to me. "How do you?"

"The stuff I ran on Dick's computer showed everything I needed to know and it pinpoint where the person helped set up the attack on the firewall."

"Margot, I'm going to take Kendall from you. Once you get your life back on track you can see your daughter again."

Margot pushes Cody. "You can't take my daughter." She sobs.

"If you push me on this, Margot. I will fight for custody of Kendall. Please, let me take her without a fight."

"O-ok-okay, you can take her. She'll be brought up in a healthier environment than the one I've provided her." Margot looks at me. "Can you help him take care of her? Kendall is going to need a mother figure in her life."

My mouth drops.

Why would she ask me for help?

"I'll help him out. You have my word."

Margot gathers her things and walks toward the door. "Kendall's in daycare. I'll tell them you are collecting her from school."

Cody smiles. "Thank you, Margot."

The door closes behind Margot.

"Cody, we don't have to go out on Friday night. You need to spend time with your niece."

Cody pulls me into his arms. "No, we're not cancelling. My mum can look after her Grandchild. I will still take you on the date."

I pull away from him. "I've got work to get back to." I walk toward the mail room.

Cody yells. "Have lunch with me?"

I shake my head. "No,"

Sandra closes the door behind me. "What's happened out there?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Do you want a coffee from Starbucks?"

She smiles. "Yeah, I'll have a tall White chocolate mocha and a chocolate cake."

I peak out the door to make sure the cost is clear. When I don't see Cody around I run for the exit.

I press the button for the traffic lights. The cars a zooming pass me, horns are beeping. The light turns green for me and I cross the road. When I get half way across the road a car runs through the traffic light.

I jump back.

The light starts flashing red for the traffic light. I make my way across the road and sit on the footpath.

Cody crosses the street and pulls me into his arms and I cry.

Cody wraps me in his arms. "Shhh, I've got you, babe. You're safe." He rocks me back and forth.

When I've calmed down I look into his blue eyes. "Can you come with me to Starbucks?" I wipe my eyes and nose with a tissue Cody gave me.

He puts his arms around my shoulders and leads me to the scent of aroma in the coffee shop. "What are you getting?"

"Sandra wants a tall White Chocolate Mocha and chocolate cake. I'll have a cappuccino and chocolate cake."

Cody shakes his head. "What's the go with woman loving chocolate?"

I shrug. "It helps me when I down. It's my pick-me-up."

Cody places our order and I look around the coffee shop. All the tables are full. I watch a couple stand up.

A woman walks over to me. "Do you need a table?"

"No, thanks for asking."

She smiles. "Your welcome." She leaves the shop.

Cody stops beside me. "Are you ready to go back?"

I nod. "Sandra's going to wonder what took so long with her drink. I might get in trouble by my boss."

Cody laughs. "Sandra will let you get away with anything. If she isn't happy she can answer to me."

I roll my eyes. "I don't need your help with my boss, Mr Black."

I press the button heaps of times.

The light turns green and we can cross. I don't move I feel like I'm frozen to the spot. "Take my arm. We will cross together."

I link my arm with his and we cross the road. We make it across the road without a car running the red light.

Cody and I walk into the mail room.

"What took you so long? I want my chocolate cake." Sandra looks up from the pile of mail. "Oh,"

I give Sandra her coffee and cake. "It's not what you think. Something happened out there."


"I'll tell you later."

Cody pulls out a chair next to him. "Sit next to me, Dani."

I sit next to him and pull my chocolate cake out of the bag.

Cody looks at the chocolate goodness.

I smirk. "Do you want some?"

He nods. "Are you going to share?"

I move to his lap and pull a piece from the chocolate cake. I feed him the cake. There's some chocolate left on the side of his mouth. I wipe my finger across the chocolate and stick it in my mouth. "It tastes better on you."

Sandra clears her throat. "I'm still here."

Cody keeps staring into my blue eyes. He pulls off a piece of chocolate cake and feeds it to me. "Hmm," I moan.

I lick his thumb that has chocolate covering it.

I hear the door slam and jump.

Cody and I laugh.

Cody and I keep feeding each other pieces of the cake.

"That was the damn best chocolate cake I've ever had."

I nod. "I want to share more with you."

Cody pulls me off his lap. "I have to go back upstairs. Will you have lunch with me?"

"Okay," he kisses my cheek and leaves the room,

Sandra walks in. "I never want to see that from you again. I was in the bathroom for five minutes throwing up from that show."

I laugh. "You remember the days you were doing that, Sandra."

She laughs. "I do. Seeing it with my own eyes is different. What took you so long to get the coffee. A car ran the red light while I was crossing the road."

"Did you get the licence number."

I smile. "Yeah, I nearly get hit and I remember the number. I'm going to hack into the DMV files and find out who owns the car."

"You can do that?"

"I can do a lot."

I run over to the computer and type in the number plate.

DMX 533.

Margot Black

Her address appears on the screen.


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