I feel like shit

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My head is pounding when I open my eyes the next morning. I pull the alarm clock towards me and see the red digits '6.30' in the morning. The sun is shining in m bedroom.

My stomach churns and I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I make it to the toilet before everything I drunk last night comes back up.

I wrinkle my nose at the smell. I place my arm on the seat and lie my head on it. My stomach still churns.

I hear a bedroom door open and someone approaches.

"Ash?" Dick says.

"I feel like shit. Alcohol doesn't taste too good coming out."

He throws his head back and laughs. "Do you want me to call your Dad?"

I shake my head. "I'll do it myself."

I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Sandra is in the kitchen making bacon and eggs for breakfast.

The smell of bacon hits me and it sends me running for the toilet again.

Sandra walks into the bathroom. "Are you pregnant?"

I laugh. "No, I just got my period. Do you have tampons or pads? I need to buy some later."

Sandra gives me the box. "If you were pregnant you wouldn't have been drinking last night."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks."

Sandra walks out of the bathroom.

I wash up and head to my bedroom to call my father. After the conversation with him I crawl back into bed and fall asleep.


My phone rings beside me and I stretch out to answer it.

Me: Hello. I mumble.

Guy: Hello, Miss Martinez. My name is Jeff Johnson and I'm Margot's Black's Lawyer.

Me: Okay,

Jeff: I'm calling you about Mrs Black's Will. Can you come to the office today around four?

Me: I'm not feeling too good. Could you tell me what her Will has to do with me?

Jeff: You are Kendal Black's Guardian alongside Cody Black.

I'm Kendal's Guardian? How did Margot find out that I'm Ashton Martinez?

I put the phone on the table and head to the shower. The water hits my body and I close my eyes under the shower head.

I lather my body with Milk and Honey soap. After I've rinsed off I step out of the shower and get changed. I pull on a pair of washed out jeans and t-shirt with LA written on it. I brush my shoulder length blonde hair and leave it out.

I walk to the lounge room and put on Mean Girls.

Halfway through the movie Dick and Sandra walk into the house. I look over at them as they set bags on the table.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better. What's for dinner?"

"Hamburgers, I'm going to grill them on the barbecue." Dick takes the meat from the bag and starts the barbie.

I search through the bags and cut up the tomatoes and lettuce. "Do you want onions?"

They nod.

I get the onion and start cutting it. My eyes start to sting and my nose starts to run. It looks like I'm crying. I rub away the tears and it stings my eyes more.

I put the onions in a bowl and wash my hands.

Sandra hugs me. "Don't you hate it when food makes you cry."

I laugh. "Onions and I aren't friends."

There's a knock at the front door.

Sandra looks at me. "Get the door."

I open the door and Brayden stands there in a suit, his tie is lose and a bottle of wine in his hand. He is leaning against the door frame.

He smirks. "Are you going to let me in or are you going to stand there all night checking me out?"

I scoff. "Me checking you out? No way. Besides I prefer your cousin."

I get a whiff of his cologne it's a woodsy scent as he leans close to me ear and whispers. "He ran away. You're free for the taking, love."

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

He smiles and it lights up his face. His blue eyes shine. "Richard and Sandra invited me over for dinner after I ran into them at the store."

I open the door wider and his arm grazes against mine. It sends shiver down my back. I watch him walk into the kitchen.

Brayden kisses Sandra on the cheek. "How's it going, Cuz?"

I walk into the kitchen. "Why didn't you tell me you were related?"

Sandra shakes her head. "Brayden's father doesn't like my parents. The two of us always went behind our parents back to stay in touch. Bray bought this place after he graduated high school and begged me to move into it when I finished High School. I've been here ever since."

I pop the bottle open and pour everyone a glass of wine.

Tonight I'm going to stick with water. I still feel sick from last night's drinks.

Brayden looks at me. "Where's your glass, Ashton?"
"I'm not drinking tonight." I pick up the glass and take it outside to Dick.

Dick smiles. "Is that for me?"

I nod. "How long until dinner?"

"Five minutes, I have to turn theses over."

I move towards the kitchen and the smell of bacon hits me hard. I run into the bathroom.

Why can't I stand the smell of bacon?

I wash my face and hands. I lean against the door taking in a couple of deep breaths before exiting the bathroom.

I put the buns in the oven and cook it. I place them on a plate and take it outside. The table is set for dinner and the burgers are cooked.

At the table we make our own burgers there's lettuce, tomatoes, onions, beetroot, pineapple, bacon and eggs. I watch everyone pile everything onto there burgers.

I put lettuce and tomatoes on mine and take a bite. I moan. "This is the best burger I've had in a long time.

Brayden puts his burger in my face. "You should try the works."

I shove his hand out of my face. "Get that burger away from me."

"Aw, what's the matter, love, you don't like the works?"

I shake my head. "I can't stand the smell of bacon."

Brayden's mouth forms an O. "My sister was like that when she was pregnant."

How many days has it been since Brayden's party?

I pull out my mobile and count the days.

If I'm pregnant. Why do I have my period?

I push the chair out. "Excuse me," I run into the house and close my bedroom door. I look at the picture of Cody and I from the night of the Halloween party.

That was the best night of my life. It was the night he made love to me and made me feel special.

I look through my phone at the contacts and stare at his name.

I really want to hear his voice.

My finger hovers over the call button.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come in."

Brayden walks into the room. "Do you want to finish off your burger?" he places it on the table.

I hug him. "Thank you, Brayden."


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