I'm tired

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The doctor walks into my room. "I gave your discharge paper. Sign it and when your parents come you can go home."

I take the forms from him. "Thank you."

"It could take up to four weeks before the embryo passes. If you have any pain take a paracetamol." He hands me some pamphlets and it says. 'Miscarriage' on it. "If your symptoms get worse come back."


The doctor walks out of the room.

I walk into the bathroom with jeans and a black LA t-shirt.

I step into the shower and cry as the blood runs down my legs and goes down the drain. I wrap my arms around my stomach and lean against the cold white tiled walls. I wash my body and step out of the shower.

I slip on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. I dry my hair with towel. I run my fingers through my hair.

I open the door to the hospital room and find my parents on opposite ends of the room. "Mum, Dad."

They turn to me.

"Are you ready to go?" Dad asks.

I pick up the forms and take it to the nurses station.

I walk out of the hospital.

Dad and Mum stand on either side of me and walk to the car.

I open the door to the backseat.

Mum touches my hand. "Sit up front with your father."

I let go of the handle. I open the door to the front seat and climb in.

The car has a new car smell and the seats are leather. The leather is hot.

It's a good thing I'm not wearing a dress.

Dad pulls out of parking lot.

I close my eyes.


"Ashton, wake up." Dad shakes me.

I open my eyes. "What?"

"It's time for dinner."

I step out of the car and look at the diner in front of me. The diner is painted red with a flashing neon sign with 'Hunter' on it.

I walk into the diner.

A woman a little older than I am with Blonde hair, brown eyes walk over. "Sit wherever you like and I'll be with you in a moment."

I move over to a booth in a corner.

Mum and Dad sit next to me.

What's going on with my parents?

"Dad, can you drop me off at Cody's?"


Mum looks at me and she holds my hand. "Sweetheart, your relationship with Cody won't last since you lost that bastard child."

I can't believe my mother would say that.

I slap Mum across the face. "I hate you, Heather. I'm glad your not my real mother. You've turned out to be a horrible person."

The waitresses mouth drops open.

Dad stands up.

I run from the table and out of the diner.

I swipe at the tears falling down my face.

The waitress lights up a cigarette. "Do you mind if I smoke."

I shrug.

"I heard what your mother said. That was harsh. Your parents are in there fighting. It seems like they might get a divorce."

"Can you get her a glass of coke and spill it all over her?"

She smiles. "I might get fired if I do. This is the only job I can get."

"Did you go to University?"

She nods. "Yeah, I have a degree in business. I couldn't get any work in a business."

"Have you heard of Martinez Enterprises?"

"Yes, I applied for a job there after I got my degree and I never heard from them."

"My father is the CEO of Martinez Enterprises. I can get you a job there. You'll have to start in the mail room."

I give her the card. "Call me when you get to Beverly Hills and I'll set you up at a house until you find someplace."

She takes a drag from her cigarette and blows the smoke away from me. "Thanks," she steps on the butt. "I'm Ashley."

I shake her hand. "Ashton,"

Ashley walks into the diner.

Dad looks out the window and he frowns.

I walk into the diner and find a table away from Heather and Dad.

Ashley has a coke and she trips over a leg of a chair and the coke she's holding spills all over Heather.

I laugh.

Mum starts yelling at Ashley.

Dad a grin on his face. "Looks like the waitress didn't like what you had to say about our daughter." He picks up his keys. "Find a ride to a hotel. I'll have your stuff dropped off in the morning." He walks over to me.

"I want to stay for dinner."

Ashley walks over. "What can I get you?" 

"Hamburger and fries." I give her one hundred dollars.

She slips it into her apron. "Thanks, what about you, Sir?"

"I'll have the same as my daughter."

Ashley walks to the kitchen and places our order.

"Ashton, what Heather said is a lie. I've seen the way Cody looks at you and I can see that he loves you. When you enter a room he smiles. He never takes his eyes off you when you both are on separate sides of the room."

"I know, Dad."

Ashley walks over with our food. "I have to give my boss a months notice."

"That's fine."

Ashley moves around the diner collecting empty dishes.

"What did the girl mean?

"She's going to work in the mail room."

Dad laughs. "You get the girl to spill coke all over your mother and you give her a job?"

I nod. "Yes, she was worried that she'd lose her job for what she did."

After dinner dad leaves a huge tip for Ashley and we leave the diner.


Dad pulls the car in front of Cody's place at 9pm.

I kiss his cheek. "Thanks, Dad. I'll see you on Monday." I step out of the car and meme my way up the stairs to Cody's apartment.

I knock in the door.

Cody opens the door. "What are you doing here?" He leans against it.

"I'm tired of missing you, Cody. I'm tired from the last couple of days and I'm tired of the bleeding from the miscarriage."

I start to feel dizzy.

Cody catches me before I fall on the ground. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bedroom. He puts me on the bed. "I'm going to lock up the house and then I'll join you in bed." He leaves the bedroom.

I doze off.

I wake when I feel the bed dip. "Can you hod me tonight, Cody?"

Cody lies down. "Come here, baby."

I lie my head on him and he wraps his arms around me. "I love you, Cody."

I fall asleep.


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