Leaving Ashton

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Cody's POV

I locked myself in the spare bedroom for the week and I haven't spoken to my niece or girlfriend.

I miss my girls.

I open the door to the bedroom and I hear. "Aunty Ashton, why do I have to wear black to Mummy's funeral? I want too wear a colourful dress."

"For as long as I've known people wear black to funerals as a symbol of mourning."

I should be the one talking to Kendal about this.

"What's mourning?"

"You know how Uncle Cody won't talk and eat with us? He's in mourning. He lost his Sister in law and this is the way he's dealing with the pain. He's shutting everyone out."

"Am I in mourning, too."

"Every time you cry that's you mourning the loss of your mother." I have tears running down my cheeks.

"Are you in mourning too?"

"I didn't know your mother well enough for me to cry for. I'm crying for you and Uncle Cody. It hurts me to see you both like this."

"I love you, Aunt Ashton. I don't want you to ever leave me."

I need to break this up.

I enter the room and pull out a bag. I throw clothes into it. I don't look at her as I exit the room.

I walk into my nieces room and pack some clothes for her."Kendal and I will meet you in the car." Ashton says.

I throw the car keys at her. She catches them.

Kendal is at the door. "Uncle Cody what are you doing?"

I look at her. "Packing, we're going away."

She looks at Ashton. "Is Aunty Ashton coming?"

Ashton grabs her hand. "Let's wait in the car."

I throw a photo frame at the wall and the glass breaks.

I know I'm being an arsehole.

I open the back door and throw the bags in the car. "Get out of my seat."

She steps out of the car and moves to the passenger seat.


I pull the car into a parking spot in front of the Angelican Church.

I step out of the car and walk past Richard, Sandra, Kendal and Ashton.

I stop at the door next to Mr and Mrs Banks.

"Cody," Mrs Banks sobs.

I hug her.

As people enter the church I greet them alongside the Banks.

Sandra, Richard, Ashton and Kendal walk over.

Margot's father turns to Ashton. "This is your fault my daughter is dead. If she didn't get fired from Martinez Enterprises she wouldn't have been on the road that day."

It's not her fault.

"Your daughter was stealing from the company she worked for. You should have been better parents and helped her out when she needed it."

Me Banks face turns red. "I don't want you here."

She turns to me and I look at the ground. "Cody?"

"Just go." I mumble.

I don't want to piss off the Banks

Kendal yells. "Don't go Aunt Ashton."

I hold my niece in my arms and she kicks me.

I have tears in my eyes when I meet her eyes with mine.

I'm sorry.

Ashton runs from us.

I carry Kendal into the church.

The casket is closed and Kendal looks at

Kendal runs over to the casket. "Mummy, hates the dark. Get her out of there." She screams.

People look at Kendal and starts whispering.

"That poor child." "Losing both Mum and Dad at a young age." "What's going to happen to her?" "That girl needs to have a mother and father figure in her life or she'll turn to drugs when she's older." Are a few things I heard whispered.

I run over to Kendal and hug her.

She pushes me away. "I don't want you. I want Ashton."

So do I baby girl. But, I have to respect the wishes of Mr and Mrs Banks.

My parents and Mr and Mrs Banks try to comfort Kendal. She pushes us all away.

I kneel in front of my niece. "Would you be alright to sit with Ashton's best friend?"

She nods.

"Sandra, Dick." They walk over to me. "I want you to meet my niece Kendal."

Sandra keels in front of Kendal. "Hey, Princess."

Kendal smiles. "Are you really Best Friends with Aunty Ashton?"

"Yes, I am. Come sit with us." She takes my nieces hand. "I want you to meet you boyfriend Richard."

Kendal giggles. "You're the guy Aunty Ashton calls Dick."

Richard shakes his head. "I'm going to strangle that girl."

Kendal gasps. "You can't hurt my Aunty. I won't let you."

My niece loves Ashton.

I walk over to my parents. "Mum, Dad, can you do something for me while I'm gone?"

They nod.

"What do you need, Cody?" Dad asks.

"I want someone to look after Ashton. I'm going to hurt her when I walk out of here. I can't be in this town for a little while. Kendal's leaving with me after the service."

Mum looks towards the doors. "Are you breaking up with her?"

I shake my head. "I can't do that. It will break me more if I did. I hope she will wait for me."

The minister clears his throat and we all make our way to our seat. I look at Kendal and she's wrapped in Sandra's arms protectively.

Just the way Ashton would hold her.

My stomach starts to twist with the decision I'm making after the service.

Margot's parents stand up and give a speech about their daughter and how much they loved her. Then they told everyone that she loved Kendal and did everything to raise her daughter right.

A lot of that was bullshit. They didn't know their daughter. She was selfish at times, a drug addict, a thief and that was after Collin. Before my twin brother died she was caring, (just like Ashton), loving, outgoing. Margot's daughter was the best gift given to our family.

I will cherish Kendal for as long as I live.

There's one thing I know for a fact. Kendal will have a mother figure. It won't be right not. It will be in the future and I want that person to be Ashton.

Margot's parents finish their speech and other people make their way up to speak about her.

Mum shakes my shoulder. "Are you going to make a speech?"

I sigh. "Okay,"

I stand in front of everyone. "Hey Everyone, you all know me as Margot's Brother-In-Law. I have many find memories of my brother and her while we were growing up. I'm going to tell you my favourite one. Margot, Collin and I were fifteen when we were invited to go to some race tournament with an eighteen year old friend that was racing. I had net seen them most of the night. After the race was over the friend and I went looking for them. We found them in a tree house in the bush behind the arena. They were kissing when a possum entered the tree house. The tail of the possum went between their mouths and they both screamed. The friend and I were laughing so hard when they scrambled out of the place. I miss you both." I finish with tears streaming down my face.

The service ends we start leaving.

I move toward Ashton." Kendal and I are leaving. I don't know if I'll be back." I leave her in the spot I found her. I walk to the car and climb in.

Kendal runs over to Ashton and give her a kiss.

I beep the horn. "Come on Kendal. I want to get on the road before peak hour traffic."

Kendal hugs Ashton and she has tears streaming down her face.

Am I doing the right thing?

Kendal runs to the car and climbs in. "I hate you." She buckles her seatbelt and folds her arms without looking at me.

This is hurting me too Kendal.

I pull out of the parking spot. In the rear view mirror I can see Kendal waving to Ashton.

When I pull the car around the corner I see Ashton collapse.

I'm an arsehole.


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