The morning from hell

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^ Cody Black

* Edit 12/10/15
The mail room has four walls, no windows and a door that looks out to the stalls of the workers. I can see dust float around the room and it's hot as hell in here.

Sandra enters the room. "Have you finished sorting out the mail yet?"

I nod. "I'm about to drop them off."

She looks at the pile of mail in the trolley. "Good. Some people might ask you to make copies for them. Get them done straight away. If you wait, the photocopy machine might be in use."

"Okay." I leave the small room and stop at each individual desk with mail for them.
Not everyone in the office are kind. It's like being back in high school. There's the popular kids, the hot guys, the geeks and then there's me. As I finish up on this floor I walk by the kitchen.

I hear a female say. "You shouldn't have sex before marriage." I look in the kitchen and see who is telling these women this. I scoff. The female turns to me. "Do you have a problem?"

I step into the kitchen and face her. "Yeah, I do. You shouldn't tell these ladies what to do."

"I'm suggesting that they wait."

"You wouldn't know about waiting would you?" I ask.

"Of course I do." She crosses her arms and glares at me.

"Sixteen and pregnant doesn't think so."

Her mouth opens and closes a couple of times.

I look at the group. "Do whatever you want. Just remember safety first." The girls laugh as I walk out the door. I grab a hold of the mail trolley and wheel it to the lift. While I'm waiting for it I feel something soak my shirt.

I scream.

The bitch from sixteen and Pregnant smirks. "That's for telling everyone my secret."

"It won't be a secret for long." The lift door opens and I step inside. There's music playing in the background, and I start whistling to the tune. The door opens on the top floor.

I wheel the trolley and stop at a door marked with 'VP Cody Black.' I knock on the door. "Come in," I enter into the room and freeze as I take a look at the man in front of me.
He's tall with tanned skin. He's muscular, with brown hair, and blue eyes. He even has dimples and he looks great in the suit that shows off his muscles. He would be my type if I were myself. Instead of being someone else for 90 days.

"I have your mail, Mr Black."

He looks at me. "Put it on my desk. I don't want you near my office again." I throw his mail on the table and they scatter all over the place.

I smirk. "For a hot guy, you're an arse." I slam the door shut to his office. I head towards dad's office.

As I get close the door, a strong hand grabs me and turns me to face them. I look into the crystal blue eyes of Cody Black.

"What did you call me?"

I glare at him. "You heard me. If you want I can say it again for the slow person in the room." His grip tightens on my arm.

"Ouch, you're hurting me." He loosens the grip.

"I'm sorry. It's... I'm not used to girls putting me in my place."

"It's about time someone did. Now if you'll excuse me I have some mail for Mr Martinez." I wheel the trolley away from the VP. I knock on my father's door.

"Come in." I open the door to his office.

The sunlight shines into his office. There's a lounge in the corner, and a pot plant to the side of the lounge.

I look at the pictures on the walls and see that I'm in them.

Dad looks up from the computer. "Pull the blinds across and lock the door." I move over to the window and pull the blinds across.

Dick shakes his head. 

I give him the finger.

He rolls his eyes.

I lock the door and take a seat opposite Dad.

Dad moves to me. "How did you get to work this morning? I didn't see the car in the parking lot."

"I walked."

"What happened to the car?"

I laugh. "The battery was dead and I couldn't get anyone to give me a jump start."

Dad shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I'll have another car dropped off this afternoon. I don't like the idea of you walking an hour to and from work. It's dangerous."

"So? It's the real world. You dumped me in it to experience new things for myself. That's what I'm doing. I'll take the car. This is the last time I'll accept your help." I put the mail on his desk and walk out door.

Dick laughs. "I love the new look." I throw his mail at him, and an envelope hits him in the face. He stands from his desk. "You little bitch. You could've poked my eye out."

"Like you need to see anything, Dick."

"My name is Richard." He growls.

I grab the trolley and leave the top floor before I throttle one of the guys that work with my father. When I return to the mail room Sandra doesn't look happy. "Where have you been?"

"Dropping off mail. Where else would I be?"

"Did you go to the top floor?"

I shrug. "I had mail for them."

Sandra shakes her head. "We aren't allowed on the top floor. It's Mr Martinez's request that we give the mail to Richard."

I roll my eyes. "I met Cody Black. He's interesting."

Her mouth drops open. "He let you in his office?"

I nod. "He's an arse. We're better off in this mail room then upstairs with those guys."

"I hope you didn't call him that to his face?"

Cody walks into the room at that moment. "She did."

Sandra pushes her chest out and pulls a piece of hair behind her ear. "Hey, Cody." She moves over to him and touches his arm.

Cody shakes his head. "Not in the office, baby. I'll see you at the motel tonight."

I roll my eyes. "What do you need, Cody?"

He pulls out a set of keys from his pocket. "Mr Martinez found these in his office."

I take them from him. "Thanks." I put them in my handbag.

Cody stands behind me and whispers. "How about we get a drink tonight to celebrate your first day?"

"No." I look at the mail trolley and sort out stuff that needs sending out. Cody puts his hands on my hips and I can feel his groin on my back.

Shit! He's stiff.

I push him away. "I'm working, Cody."

He licks my ear. "Meet me in my office in thirty." He leaves the room.

Sandra sits on the table. "What was that?"

I shake my head. "Nothing."

She laughs. "That wasn't nothing. I could see the sparks between you and him. My hook-up with him is off since he found you."

"He's all yours. I'm not a casual hook-up type of girl. I want romance from a true Prince Charming. Not a Player of Martinez Enterprises."

A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes walks into the room. "Hey, Sandra. What did tall, broad, and gloomy want?"

"He wants the new girl."


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