Chapter Fifty-eight

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It was day two of the ten days leading up to the wedding and Kieran was absent, leaving Elena upset. Joshua said Kieran's mission would require him to spend the night in the city – something about a stakeout with the inspectors – and indeed, her fiancé had not come home the previous night.

According to what Elena understood from the situation, any of the captains could have undertaken that mission. Joshua said it was a simple one yet The General had taken it upon himself to go.

And leave her behind.

It vexed her. She could not help but feel he was intentionally keeping away from her; avoiding her. She tried to defend his behavior by correlating it to Lady Alyssa's rules but she simply couldn't. The fact was: he had kissed her with no explanation and now he'd gone missing. Was he really trying to run away?

It was these insecurities and frustrations that kept her awake on her second night, pacing, when she really should have been sleeping.

She had tried, though. She'd taken her bath, brushed her teeth and changed into her long white nightgown. Then she'd sat on her bed and stared at the dressing table opposite it for a very long time.

Her bed-chamber was situated opposite Aira's, and when she turned the next corridor to her right, Kieran's was at the extreme end. The rest of the doors in his corridor belonged to his brothers' bed-chambers. The master bed-chamber was on the floor above.

Kieran had not returned yet, even though Joshua had said he would be back that day.

Maybe she should have told one of the maids to inform her when Kieran arrived. Because seriously, her anxiety would kill her. Was anyone even still awake? She could always stand in the corridor and wait for him to pass.

Elena laughed at herself.

That would not be weird at all.

A light rap on her doors pulled her out of her thoughts. She stood up from the bed, wondering who could be having a need to see her so late at night.

She pulled back the doors slightly, and her eyes widened.

Kieran stood at the doorway, one hand lifted and resting on the wall beside the door. His other hand was on his hip, and his head was bowed with his wavy hair falling over his face. He lifted his head and met her gaze, causing her heart to make a tiny jump.

He moved his hand from the wall and ran it through his thick locks, pushing it back from his face. "Invite me in? Please?"

Elena fought back her excitement hormones and composed herself. She let go of the door knobs and stepped back, giving him room to pass. He left behind the fresh scent of cinnamon and rosemary as he did. He smelt edible. She closed the doors, shaking her head free of those thoughts.

"It's late," she stated, turning around to face him.

"Which is why I did not expect you to be awake," Kieran countered as his eyes analysed her face.

"I was..." She paused, realizing she didn't have an excuse.

Kieran tilted his head to the side."Were you waiting for me?"

Elena widened her eyes. "I was not!"

"Then what were you doing awake at this hour?"

Elena looked away and started pacing about, slowly, as her brain wracked for a suitable response. She turned back to him and said, "Reading."

She wanted to face-palm herself at once. Of all the things to pick out, why would she pick such a silly one as that?

A small smile lifted a corner of Kieran's mouth as his eyes danced with amusement. "Reading. That's what you're going with?"

Elena lifted her chin and pushing her hair over her bossom, nodded.

"You're such a terrible liar."

"Well what about you?" Elena retorted. "It is so late and instead of going to your bed, you come here."

"Because I wanted to see you."

His answer was firm and sincere. He was unlike her, who had been attempting to hide her feelings. She didn't even quite understand why; because she was upset with him for disappearing after kissing her and she didn't want to seem easy to him?

Part of her was still upset with him, but the other part was pleased with his words. That part wanted to melt in his embrace and tell him how much she missed him, wanted to stay with him longer and talk...or just have him hold her without a need to say anything.

But that fantasy cracked the moment she really studied him. She didn't need proof of eyebags to tell he was tired – exhausted even. It suddenly hit her that he probably hadn't slept enough the previous night, and the journeys could have been bothersome as well.

"You have seen me, so you can leave now," she said. It saddened her to have him go just like that, but he needed rest.

Kieran raised his eyebrows. "Are you chasing me away?"

"I know you are tired." Elena sighed. "I'd prefer it if you took care of yourself and had some rest." She jerked her head in the direction of the doors. "Now go."

Kieran's expression relaxed and he chuckled. He took a step closer to her. "Still, you can't just shoo me away. Not without wishing me goodnight."

Elena jutted her chin out in defiance. "Well why must I be the one to do it? You can wish me good night first."

Kieran took another step closer. "Can I?"

A strange feeling seeped into her gut – an indication that he was up to something. But she didn't question it.
"You may," she replied instead.

His next step brought him within her body space, and his hand pushed her hair behind her shoulder.

"You gave me permission, okay?" His voice dropped an octave, and when his fingers slipped up her neck to the nape, she felt the goosebumps upon her skin like a thousand gentle caresses.

That strange feeling practically twisted her gut. She looked up and met his piercing gaze.

"Just to wish me goodnight?" her voice came out as a whisper.

"To kiss you goodnight," he whispered back, and her pulse shot through the roof.

He leaned his face closer to hers and their breaths mingled, her eyes focused on nothing else except his lips. When his nose brushed hers, her eyes closed, and his lips caught hers.

It was the second time numerous tiny sparks danced on and within her body, and she received them wholeheartedly. His lips were then moving against hers, parting only to capture them again, and she felt a new tingling sensation each time.

His calloused yet warm hands found her own, bringing them up to wrap around his neck. Instead, her fingers latched onto his hair and he, pulled her body flush against his by her waist. She gasped and shudders erupted all over her skin; from her head, down to the tips of her toes.

The kiss grew fierce, and her skin started to burn – only she wanted more fire. One of his hands slid up to the side of her neck and she pressed her lips against his with as much intensity.

Abruptly, he pulled back with a slight groan, denying her lips and her body the heat she'd started to crave. She opened her eyes and found his now dark green eyes gazing back at her. The only sound between them was that of their breaths, and their racing hearts.

"Goodnight, Elena," he whispered and stepped back; out of her embrace and out of her bed-chamber.

Elena struggled to keep her breathing steady. She stepped forward and her knees wobbled. If her hands hadn't flown out to grab the bed post, she would have crumbled to the floor.


He'd kissed her again.

With no reasonable explanation. Again.
And he'd left again.


It was day three of the ten days until her wedding, and also the day of the dress fitting. The fact that she would be leaving with Lady Alyssa to the seamstress made her think of the rules, and whether she'd violated any through her previous nightly encounter.

Was it rule two she'd violated? The one of no touching?  The rule was that anything above pecks was prohibited and what had happened last night was more than a peck, clearly. Was she in trouble?

No. She hadn't done anything wrong. It was him that had kissed her.

That, however, didn't stop her from being anxious the whole morning, and particularly when they all sat down for breakfast – with Lady Alyssa at one end of the table and Kieran right across from her. He was so calm and collected unlike her, and it got on her nerves.

After Ray's vivid description of a dream he had and a small argument between him and Aira, Lady Alyssa posed a question.

"When did you get back home, Kieran?"

"Late," was his curt reply.

"Sophie told me you'd arrived, but when I came to check on you, you weren't in your bed-chamber."

Elena's hands froze amidst peeling her hard-boiled egg. She didn't look up, although she was sure Kieran was gazing at her.

"I was in Elena's," he responded.

The egg slipped from her hands just as everyone at the table stopped whatever they were doing. Elena's head whipped up and she saw a ghost of a smile on his lips.

What in the world was he thinking!

"Bro..." Ray whispered from beside Elena.

"And may I ask what for?" Lady Alyssa asked, giving Kieran a hard interrogative stare. The Commander, from his end of the table, was giving him the same stare.

"To wish her a goodnight," he replied. "Isn't that so, Elena?"

Everyone's gazes fell on her.

Donotblush, donotblush, donotblush.

She nodded quickly, to divert their attention. "Right."

He'd done it in unusual way, but it still counted as wishing goodnight, didn't it?

Was she defending a criminal?

"That's good, then," Lady Alyssa said, to Elena's surprise. "Good manners, Kieran. Keep it up and you'll earn some brownie points with me."

Did she just say 'keep it up'?

Elena looked over at Kieran who was openly smiling. In his eyes gleamed something she couldn't quite figure out. Mischief?


The dress fitting went fine. The seamstress was charismatic, though quite chatty. Elena and Lady Alyssa ended up having lunch with her at her home. She lived alone, so she was happy to have guests. All the while, Lady Alyssa did not ask Elena about the previous night, or bring up the rules. Elena did not know whether to feel relieved or worried. Lady Alyssa was too unreadable for her to completely lower her guard.

On the other hand, she really needed to stop thinking about Kieran's lips and how good they felt against hers. She needed to stop thinking about the feel of his hands and the press of his body against hers...

Stop it, Elena.

She was in the carriage ride back home yet she was already daydreaming when she was not supposed to be daydreaming. She was supposed to be upset with him for kissing her out of the blue without an explanation. It didn't count that it was a goodnight kiss. Goodnight kisses were supposed to be on the forehead or cheek and not...there.

Her sisters had said he was most probably attracted to her. And since he'd kissed her again, she'd started to think the same. It was a thought that brought a stupid smile to her face.

Once they got home, it was already evening. Elena wanted to catch the beautiful scenery of the sunset beyond the meadow, so she moved down to the gazebo near the lake. There were two chairs within the gazebo, facing each other. She sat in the one facing the lake and smiled at the blend of orange and red light beyond the meadow, past the lake.

The sun's ring was defined, and she lifted her hand, folding her palm in a circular gesture around the sun. She shut one eye and looked through the gap of her hand for a better view.

"Of course."

She flinched at the deep voice and her movements froze, with her hand still raised. She heard the sound of his boots as he stepped into the gazebo, and he came into view when his body blocked the sunrays from her face while her eyes fixed on his torso – a dark red shirt. He lowered himself and sat down in the chair, and her eyes now met his cyan ones.

He glanced at her raised hand and smirked. "Are you posing for a sculpture?"

She blinked, snapping out of her trance, and let her hand fall to her lap.

Kieran had been dying to see Elena all day. More kissing her than seeing her, actually, and he'd been restless all the while just waiting for her to come back home. He had not stopped thinking about her lips since the moment he stepped out of her embrace the previous night. And from the pink colour on her cheeks, she was in the same state.

Or it was the sun. Elena's skin always reddened up under that exposure.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. She cleared her throat, probably realizing how croaky her voice sounded.

"Looking for you," he answered. "I know spending such long hours with my mother can be quite the task. How was it?"

"Well-" She paused, then had an intake of breath.

She was about to ramble.

"It was good. But not that good, because of the sun. Do not get me wrong. I love the sun. It is beautiful and amazing. But it's not too friendly with my skin – one of the reasons I am so relieved our wedding is at twilight. Perfect time of the day for me and my skin. The wedding dress fits, by the way. It's beautiful. Though I am not supposed to reveal too much about it to you since you cannot see it until our wedding day, but you might like it. I'm not sure if you will but maybe. I don't know. Your mother and Miss Adela think you will, though. Miss Adela is the seamstress. She's a joy. She actually..."

Kieran merely watched her as she went on and on about Adela and her minimalistic lifestyle, the lunch and his mother's cordial attitude with everything; generally the nitty-gritty as well as the nooks and crannies of her day. He watched her blue eyes sparkle when she talked about Adela's impressive talents, and her lips curve upwards when she quite vividly described how good her pudding tasted.

He watched her, capturing every expression she made and storing it safely in his memory, and in his heart. He would remember them all for days to come, and his heart would swell for each time he did.

She giggled. "You haven't said anything. What are you thinking about?"

About how much I love you.

Her eyes grew wide. "What?"


Had he said that out loud?

Elena blinked, sheer surprise written across her face. "Y-you juh-just said-"

Oh, bollocks.

She'd heard it. She'd heard it, and there was no turning back.

She stammered as her fingers gestured about aimlessly, "I m-mean you just imp...implied that..."

"That I'm in love with you," Kieran finished.

Elena gasped, loudly, and swiftly stood up. The chair scraped back from the force. It was clear that she was flustered. Stunned, actually, but he didn't expect her to look so disillusioned. She looked like she did the very first time he insisted she call him by his name instead of 'General', only fifty times worse.

"No..." she whispered.


She laughed. It was a laugh of incredulity. She shook her head. "I always knew you had a, a, a guh-goofy side but this is-"

He stood up, abruptly, and she gasped again, shifting back and stumbling over the chair. She quickly composed herself and stepped back still, until her back found the doorframe of the gazebo. Her blue eyes were wide with shock. Kieran would have found it a funny scene if he wasn't being dead serious at the moment.

She must have noticed his seriousness, because something like realization flashed in her gorgeous eyes and she expelled a breath.

"B-but...that cannot be..."

One stride, and he was just a few inches from her, his hand at the side of her neck. He heard her sharp intake of breath and her body stilled.

He gazed into her startled blue eyes. All the nerves were gone, and so was everything else that had been holding him back. What was left was Elena, his full heart, and the desire for that full heart to reach her. He would create the bridge for that to happen.

"I love you, Elena," he said to her.

The conviction in those words felt greater than any he'd had in decisions made at the battlefield, in any promise he'd made to the Crown or other lords and generals. He had never been so sure of anything in his entire life.

That pretty rose colour he loved so much on her spread all over her skin, and he felt her warmth beneath his fingers. She parted her lips to say something, but he wasn't done yet.

"You are my one-"

She raised her palms and pushed him away, causing him to stumble into the chair. Then she practically leaped out of the gazebo and sprinted.

Needless to say, Kieran was stunned out of his boots. She was like the wind, with how fast she whizzed up the steps to the upper lawns and disappeared out of sight.


Kieran stood there with his jaw hanging open as he tried to register what in the bleeding heart had just happened. Once he replayed the scene in his brain, he tossed his head back and let out a harsh laugh of lunacy.

Had he just been rejected? She'd outright rejected him without even hearing the rest of what he had to say! Actually, she didn't even want to listen to him with how fast she shoved him away.

It was ridiculous. He'd spent all those days thinking of his confession and she didn't even care to listen to it? She could kiss him back with passion but she didn't want to hear his feelings?

He was getting riled up. Irritated yet aroused at the same time. Hand it to Elena to be the cause.

Kieran raked his fingers through his hair.

This wasn't over. Oh no. It was far from over.

She was definitely going to listen, even if he had to make her.


Shutting her bed-chamber doors, Elena brought her hand up to her chest and tried to calm her uneven breathing as well as her speeding heart. Not that it would stop speeding soon, anyway.

She shook her head adamantly and began pacing about in her chamber. It couldn't be. It just couldn't. There was no way he could be in love with her. It was impossible.

And yet, what she saw in his eyes when he'd said it had been nothing but earnestness. She knew he was not lying, but she also found it difficult to accept that it was the truth.

Elena groaned and bit the nail of her thumb as she paced back and forth.

She could not believe that he felt that way about her. She could accept his attraction but not...not his love. It wasn't even the reason they were getting married, for goodness' sake! How was it possible that he had fallen in love with her? It did not make any sense.

Elena sat on her bed, then fell back against the softness.

"I love you, Elena."

She reached for a pillow and screamed into it, hoping it would drown out the sound and feeling of a thousand flutters in her heart.

Now that he'd said it, what in the world was she supposed to do with that information?


Elena did not see Kieran at supper. She was curious of course, but could not bring herself to ask for his whereabouts. Thus, she was most relieved when Aaron informed them all that Kieran would be eating later because something important came up.

She did not miss the pointed look he gave her as he delivered the news, and it made her feel somewhat embarrassed. Did Aaron know?

"Well atleast he's on his best behavior with Elena in the house," Lady Alyssa commented, passing the bowl of liver to Ray. "And he hasn't broken any of my rules yet."


"For now," murmured Aaron, and Elena's head whipped up to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lady Alyssa echoed Elena's exact thoughts.

Aaron gulped down some of his cocktail and placed the cup back next to his plate. "Just." He shrugged. "You never know, right?" He flashed his brown eyes at Elena. "But then again, would he dare cross you, mother?" He smiled at Lady Alyssa.

Elena thought about it. He wouldn't, would he?


Elena took a really long time in the bath. It had turned out to be a rather stressing day, and she needed to relax and stop thinking about Kieran for at least one moment.

Except she couldn't. If she did succeed, he'd just slip back into her thoughts like an eel.

After bathing and brushing her teeth, she took her time drying up and looked in her drawer for nightwear. Her cousin Leticia had gifted her nightwear on her engagement. It was a thin-strapped silk chemise, pale peach in colour with black lace on the low neckline. It was a warm night, so she decided to wear that.

She frowned when she realized it only went up to the middle of her thighs, so she picked out its peach night robe from the drawer to wear as well. She paused, rethinking it.

Why would she need it? She was going to sleep, anyway.

Shrugging, she tossed it back in the drawer and walked round her bed as she dried her hair some more. The sound of the doors closing alerted her and she turned around, only to find Kieran standing inside the chamber.

For a while, neither of them spoke. He was frozen; like he'd arrived with a plan but it disintegrated the moment he saw her. Elena was absolutely shocked. Why hadn't he knocked?

But when his gaze raked down her body in a way that should have been considered sinful, she became very aware of how she was dressed, and even more aware of Lady Alyssa's rules.

"Kieran, you cannot-"

In two strides, his hands had cupped her face as his mouth crashed down on hers so hard, her breath was knocked out of her lungs, her hair towel discarded to the floor.

She felt those tiny yet intense sparks for only a little while. Only a little while, because what burst between them was heat. It shot from his lips to hers, searing them and spreading fast through her body. It awakened each nerve that let her know she was alive. His lips collided and moved against hers with urgency, demanding to take more.

"I love you," he murmured against her lips, and her heart galloped, hammering against her ribcage.

He pulled her to himself by her waist and he was kissing her again, only this time the heat flared into a fire – flames. Her hands found his neck, her thumbs on his jaw as she welcomed his passion.

His lips trailed from her cheek to her ear. "Did you hear that? I said I love you."

She sighed, melting from his words and his scorching flames. He nipped her earlobe before kissing down her neck and her fingers clasped a handful of his hair. She shivered and burned, tossing her head back so she could feel him more.

"You drive me wild, Elena," he whispered a second before his lips assaulted hers once more, his fingers digging into her long locks. "Everything about you gives me devious, indecent fantasies."

Her knees were going weak, and his words only fuelled the furnace between them. Words that should have been labeled criminal. A flash of Lady Alyssa's rules dinged in her brain, and when she grabbed the fabric on his chest to push him away-

"I love you, Elena."

She pulled him closer so her lips smashed against his. She was too far gone in his trap to claw her way out. She surrendered herself to the inferno and let it consume her. His mouth and tongue sucked on a spot under her jaw and she bit her lip, fighting the moan threatening to spill.

"Kieran..." she sighed out, clutching his shirt as a wobble disrupted the nerves and muscles in her legs. She pushed him from her, but her hold on the fabric was python-like.

He gazed at her through his dilated pupils, his breathing just as heavy as hers.

"If you do not stop..." she rasped out as her mind scrambled. " stand, I will not be able..."

If she'd thought her predicament would deter him, she was gravely mistaken. Instead, he grabbed her thighs and hoisted her up in one fluid motion. Her heart soared with it. She wrapped her legs around him as his lips found hers; more punishing, more feverish, more fiery. Her hands caressed his neck as she responded with the same force, battling to keep up with his desire as he flared up her own.

Abruptly, he swung them around and walked. She gasped – not out of fear but raw blind excitement. And when his tongue delved into her mouth, she found the new, strange intrusion enticing; a catalyst for her restless yearning.

He set her down – the dressing table, she mused – and his firm hands gripped her hips, pulling her swiftly against him. A moan escaped her lips and she swore she saw stars for a second. She fisted his hair and drew his head back so she could kiss him deeper.

Far too gone.

He groaned against her lips and one of his hands slammed against the mirror behind her.

"Bloody fuck, Elena," he growled and trailed sizzling kisses down her jawline to her ear, stopping only to let his mouth suck and bite at a spot beneath her earlobe. Her head lolled back as she moaned again. Her legs squeezed around him, locking him in her embrace.

"You're so damn beautiful," he whispered in her ear.

He kissed her lips again, and when he ground himself against her, her back arched as her body gave in to explosive shudders.

She knew what this was.

It was wickedness. A forbidden encounter and contravention of the rules. It was something profane, yet her body responded to it like it was its only purpose, it's only need, its only longing.

In between the breathy kisses and the feel of his muscles rippling under her fingers as she caressed whatever they could of him, there was a rap.

Someone was knocking.

She could not ignore his flames but neither could she toss away the sensation that someone could walk in any second. Yet when she placed her palms on his chest to push him away, her fingers instead gripped his shirt and her lips kissed him like he was her last meal.

But no.

"Kieran," she whispered against his lips.

"My love?" he replied and kissed her deeply, as his fingers found the nape of her neck.

Her heart melted at the endearment and she flung her arms round his neck, holding him closer to herself.


They both pulled apart immediately at that familiar deep authoritative voice.

He was wearing the same shocked expression she had. "Is that...?" his voice trailed off.

"Kieran, I know you're in there!" the voice boomed.

They both gasped, and panic shot through Elena's veins.

It was Lady Alyssa.

"Dammit, if you do not open these doors within the next five seconds, I'm barging in!"

That was the cue for them to scram. Elena quickly pushed Kieran away and hopped off the vanity. She almost fell over when she attempted to scurry. Her legs had gone all jelly-wobbly thanks to Kieran, but he caught her in time.

"Four!" Lady Alyssa hollered.

Elena gasped, suddenly realizing how she was dressed. "My night robe!"

Kieran's eagle eye had, fortunately, already spotted it peeking through her drawer and he flung it in her hands. She tried to put it on with haste.


Elena fumbled with the knot on her night robe. She silently hoped her mother-in-law would not be suspicious and go off on them.

"One!" Lady Alyssa announced just as Elena finished tying up the knot. The doors flew open and the Lady of the house marched in, her face pulled into a tight scowl.

Elena gulped and subtly drew her legs together. It was futile to wish her mother-in-law didn't notice her state, since she herself knew how red and flustered she was.

It was Kieran who had the voice to speak. "Mother, what are you doing he-"

"Get out," Lady Alyssa's icy tone scared Elena. And the way she glowered at her son made Elena think she was about to strangle him to death.

Kieran did not move. Instead, he looked away and ran his fingers through his hair that was now disheveled – thanks to her. She looked at the floor.

"I said get out, Kieran," Lady Alyssa snapped. "Or will I have to drag you by your ears?"

That comment made Elena want to giggle, but she held it in with impressive willpower.

She heard him sigh, and the sound of his footsteps let her know he was moving away from her. When she looked up, however, she was taken by surprise when a pair of lips captured her own. She mellowed as he kissed her long and deep.

He pulled back to say, "Goodnight, beloved." And turned around, ambling past his mother and exiting the bed-chamber.

Elena thought she saw a ghost of a smile on Lady Alyssa's face but when she blinked, her stern countenance had resurfaced.

"And you," Lady Alyssa said to Elena, who straightened her back and clasped her fingers obediently infront of her. "You stay right here and sleep. Understood?"

Elena nodded her head rapidly.

Lady Alyssa turned on her heel and left the bed-chamber, closing the doors behind her.

Elena could finally breathe.

Kieran was not only ferocious but crazy as well to cross his mother like that. He would surely get them both in trouble, and she wanted to remain in Lady Alyssa's good books. That meant keeping away from her dangerous son.

Which she would definitely do.


Even she didn't sound convincing to herself.

Author's chatter:

At long last, am I right?

I got a little carried away in the kiss scene. I actually did not plan on it going that far, but these starved protagonists of mine made me do it.🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

YouTube just recommended me ship videos from a series with characters named General Kirigan and Alina. I'm not sure how to feel about it yet.🤠

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