Chapter sixty-five

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It was the eve of the wedding, and waking up with a headache had not been on Elena’s to do list for the day.

Marissa, Aira and Alma were in her bed-chamber when she woke up, ready with a hangover remedy. They filled her in on what her brain was missing; of how she’d run around and fought with her groom until she dropped dead asleep.

Elena could only groan and reprimand herself, the one recurring thought in her mind being, ‘Not again.’

Kieran had left the manor with his brothers and wouldn’t return until late afternoon, so Elena had no choice but to wait for him till he arrived, so she could aplogise.

She was conversing with Marissa in her bed-chamber that afternoon when the maid Sophie walked in to deliver a message.

“Lady Elena, the General would like to see you in his private study.”

Elena’s nerves spiked. She excused herself and exited the chamber, making her way to Kieran’s study. As she walked, she tried to figure out what to say to him. Would a simple apology suffice to excuse her behavior?

Although she had no idea what she’d done, she was sure she’d troubled him a great deal, like in the past. Would he pardon her this time? Or had she gone too far?

Elena took a deep breath before opening the doors to the study and slinking in.

Kieran stood with his back facing her, his arms on the sofa infront of his desk as he hunched over it. She really did like his back.

She sauntered to him and stopped, not sure what to do. Tap him on the shoulder? Call his name to let him know it was she?

Instead, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his back. “I am sorry for last night,” she murmured.

He straightened himself and turned around as her arms remained encircling him. She looked at him with pleading eyes.

“I know I said it would never happen again but it did and you have every right to be angry and scold me but also you have no idea how sorry I am, really. It’s just that when Marissa and Alma offered, I could not keep saying no and I lost track of how many drinks I took and just like that I lost it.” She sighed, looking down.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kieran cupped her face with his hands, urging her to look at him again. “It wasn’t your mistake. Just some dolts who couldn’t keep their eyes open.”

Elena wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but her guilt-stricken self prevented her from thinking about it. “On a scale of one to ten, how frustrating was I?” she asked, gingerly.

Kieran pursed his lips, his expression solemn. “Sixty-five.”

Elena groaned and buried her flushed face in her hands. “Goodness, I am so embarrassed.”

Kieran chuckled. “Then it’s a good thing you don’t remember.” He sat down in the chair and pulled her to sit on his lap. He looked at her face, his countenance pensive. “Though I wonder what you would have done if you did.”

“I would have still apologized,” Elena replied. She hugged him, snuggling her face in his shoulder. “Please forgive me.”

Kieran rubbed her lower back gently. “I can do that, but then you’ll owe me two nights. The night of the thunderstorm and last night.”

Elena pulled away and looked at him in surprise, her hands resting on his shoulders.

“And no objections when I come for them, okay?” he added.

Elena bit her bottom lip and nodded. He smirked and pulled her in for a kiss.

“Pardon me for the untimely interruption, my bachelor friend!”

Kieran detached his lips from Elena’s and hummed in irritation. “Lukas.”

Elena made to stand up, but he kept her in place on him. She admonished him with her eyes as Prince Lukas walked up to the desk and stood infront of them.

“Enjoying your sweet romance, are you?” Prince Lukas inquired, crossing his arms over his chest.

“How can I when I get interrupted every single time?” Kieran retorted.

Elena smiled at the Prince. “Good afternoon, your highness.”

Prince Lukas smiled back with a nod. “Hello, Elena. See, Kieran? This is how you greet people you haven’t seen in a while. But you look like you haven’t missed my presence at all.”

“Didn’t even notice your absence.”

Prince Lukas grimaced. “Ouch.”

“I should leave you two to catch up,” Elena said, nervously.

“Ah yes, Elena. I haven’t come alone,” Prince Lukas informed, undertaking a grave tone and expression. “My sister would like to speak to you. She’s waiting in the gazebo.”

Elena’s smile faltered just as Kieran’s hold on her tightened.

“What does Debra want with Elena?” he demanded, protectiveness dripping from his voice.

The Prince was unfazed by his hostile tone. “That is for my sister to say and for Elena to find out.”

“I don’t think she should-”

“My love,” Elena interjected Kieran’s statement as she turned to face him. “It is alright. I will go and talk to the Princess.”

He seemed to be debating about whether to talk her out of it or let her go. Whichever decision he made, she would still meet with the princess because she wasn’t afraid anymore.

“I can come with you,” Kieran said instead.

Elena placed her palms on his cheeks and gave him a reassuring smile. “I can handle it on my own, and I will.”

He folded his lips in as a resigned look came over his face. Elena pecked him on the nose and stood up, gliding past the Prince.

She’d just reached the doors when she turned and gasped. “Kieran!”

Said male shot up from the chair with haste, like he was ready to spring into whatever action was required. “You want me to accompany-”

“I love you,” Elena stated and gave him a toothy beam.

He stumbled. “By the stars, I only have one heart, Elena,” he said, gripping his chest. “What will I do if you cause it to stop all of a sudden?”

She giggled and blew him a kiss before skipping out the doors. Kieran stared longingly at the doors, grinning like an idiot.

Luke peered at him, then clicked his tongue whilst shaking his head. “There is no saving you, brother.”

Kieran’s grin dropped. “Why are you here, Lukas?”

“Oh hello, Lukas. It’s lovely to see you after so long. How have you been, my dear friend Lukas?” The prince glared at Kieran. “How far have you thrown me in the chain that I do not matter anymore?”

Kieran huffed. “How have you been, my dear friend Lukas?”

Luke pointed at him. “You are not forgiven, you hypocritical ape.”

Kieran rolled his eyes.

“The manor is spilling with Hammedatha extended everywhere and your mother’s crazies, I see. But where’s the platoon?” Lukas asked. “Your gremlin of a sister, I saw, but not your three lookalikes.”

Kieran folded his arms and leaned against the desk. “Mrs. Dalia needed a few extra hands in her stables, Mr.Longhold’s been having trouble with his creaky hole-filled roof and some wood needed splitting in his lumber shack as well.”

Lukas’ jaw dropped. “Kieran, those are your brothers!”

“It’s alright as long as no one knows they’re nobles, but rather kind lads doing volunteer work,” Kieran said in a flat dismissive tone.

“I don’t think I want to know what they did to serve this punishment.”

Kieran chuckled darkly as a nefarious shadow gloomed his face. “It’s cute that you think this is their only punishment.”

Lukas shuddered. “I just got chills.”

“Enough about the three idiots. I know you have something to say to me, so out with it.” Kieran ordered. “Is it about Debra?”

“Oh no no.” Lukas waved a hand of dismissal infront of his face then grinned, his pale blue eyes twinkling. “What are your plans for tonight?”

Kieran arched an inquisitive eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because it’s the eve of your wedding!” Lukas exclaimed with clear excitement. “Elena’s sisters and friends will be coming over here and your female relatives will be joining them for their little gossip session about men.”

“Is that what they do?”

Lukas shrugged. “I don’t know. I know just as much as you – that the wedding eve is some sort of girls’ night with the bride. Elena’s got her hands full so where are you going to be?”

“I’m going to go over the reports on the Delta sanitation-”

Lukas let out a deep, loud bemoaning groan, cutting off Kieran’s answer. “No no no and no,” he stated firmly. “I will tell you what you are not going to do – work.”

Kieran nodded, catching on to the prince’s mindset. “You have a suggestion.”

Lukas grinned and snapped his fingers towards him. “Bachelor party.”

“No.” the answer was curt and solid.

“Yes,” Lukas drawled. “It’s your last night as a bachelor, and you need to make the most of it.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Let’s get wild.”

Kieran shook his head. “I do not like where this is going.”

“Why are you being a killjoy?” Lukas whined. “Elena will have her fun so you should too!”

“She will be with the ladies.”

Lukas nodded, slowly. “Oh, I get it. This is about women. You don’t want any women at the bachelor party.”

Kieran grimaced. “I’d prefer not to have a bachelor party at all.”

Lukas sighed. “Tell you what. We’ll have a small celebration solely dedicated to your marriage to Elena and we’ll play by your rules.”

Kieran hummed. “Sounds like a trap.”

“I’m serious.” Lukas gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. “I really want you to enjoy yourself and for you to be happy that you’re marrying the love of your life tomorrow. Plus, you and I haven’t had a chance to celebrate your happiness. It’s just been you and your family and I feel left out.”

Kieran considered it. Lukas did have a point. “No women?”

Lukas nodded. “No women. Just you, me, your brothers and cousin brothers. You can call your other friends if you want.”

Kieran didn’t want anything big. The Hammedathas were ruckus enough on their own. “Maybe Enoch,” he decided. “Also, we’ll have to get back home early.”

Lukas whined, “What for!”

Kieran gave him a reprimanding look and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

“You got it. Your party, your rules.” Lukas resigned. “So is that a yes on the bachelor party?”

Kieran hesitated as he maintained eye-contact with his friend. “Yes,” he replied at last.

Lukas pumped his fist in the air. “Yes!”


Elena took up the free seat next to Princess Debra in the gazebo. The blonde was gazing at the lake, and Elena didn’t say anything. It was Princess Debra that had called her out, so it was her to initiate the conversation.

“I won’t be coming to your wedding,” Princess Debra stated.

Elena noticed her calm tone, as well as her relaxed nature. It wasn’t the calm before the storm, but a genuine calm that made a peaceful aura float around her.

“My father will be there and so will my brother,” she continued. “But I cannot show up even as a favor for an old friend, and neither can I stick around anywhere the two of you will be. Not until I have discarded the feelings I attached to my relationship with Kieran.” She scoffed. “My past relationship with Kieran.”

Something about the way she said her words made Elena think she was going somewhere.

“I can’t forget those feelings in this place – Rievelt.” Princess Debra said, looking around.

“Where will you go?” Elena’s curiosity got the better of her.

A wry smile crossed Princess Debra’s lips. “My mother’s homeland Zefiria, maybe. I will figure it out,” she answered. “And maybe when I see you again, I will be able to congratulate you genuinely on your wedding.” She cocked her head and smirked at her.

Elena smiled back. “I will accept your congratulations then.”

The Princess looked back at the lake, and so did Elena. They sat there in silence for a short while before Princess Debra spoke again.

“I’m sorry for calling your Rivera tradition stupid.”

The abrupt apology made Elena chuckle. That happened so long ago. Had she been holding on to it all this time?

“And for everything else,” the blonde added.

Elena’s lips stretched into a grin and she heaved a sigh. “You are strange, your highness.”

“You are an oddball yourself.”

Elena giggled. They fell back into silence, and Elena spoke next. “Do you think we could have been friends without Kieran in the mix?”

“Not a chance,” came the quick response. “Lovers, maybe.”

Elena blushed scarlet. She stole a look at the blonde from the side, and the latter wore a straight face. She could not tell if she was being serious.

Until a small smile lifted a corner of her lips. “I’m joking.”

Elena expelled a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.


The bachelor party was at a tavern that had been rented out for that particular purpose. It was a night of meats and drinks – Hammedatha style. Kieran was happy. He had his family, his best friend and even Enoch; all rooting for him and drinking to his happiness.

The one who drank the least was his cousin Desmond. Said he needed it to be up so he could make love to his wife later. Kieran was envious.


Raymond Hammedatha became conscious that he was being shaken. Rather vigorously at that.

“Ray! Wake up already, dammit!”

Whoever the miscreant was was being so darn loud so early in the morning. He moaned and turned over, but that did not deter said miscreant. The covers were yanked off his body and a surge of annoyance caused him to face the assailant head on.

“What the heck!” he snapped, poking his head up and blinking groggily. His eyes focused on the image of Aira, who stood above him with her hands on her hips.

“Where is Kieran?” she demanded.

“I don’t know, in his bed? Leave me alone.” Ray made to grab the covers but she yanked them further away, making him groan in frustration.

“He didn’t come back last night.” Aira’s voice sounded like spears jabbing his head over and over. “You said he’d return with pint-size but neither of them is in sight! Where are they!”

“Stop yelling.” Ray grabbed his pillow and covered his ears with it. “Let me sleep. It’s too early for this crap.”

Aira snorted. “Fine, but if Grandmother asks where the groom is on his wedding morn, you boys will be the ones to answer.”

“Get out!” was his harsh response.

Within a few seconds, he was snoozing again.


It was a total black out in Lukas’ mind. That is, until what seemed to be a bucket of cold water was splashed in his face. He awoke with a start and sat up, his first instinct to search around for a blade with which to stab the perpetrator. Everything his hands touched was unfamiliar.

“Over here, you drenched rat.”

The only familiar thing was that voice – it belonged to Kieran.

Lukas shook his head and ran his hand down his face to clear the water droplets out of his sight, then turned in the direction of the voice. He made out a tall blurry image as it tossed a bucket to the side. It clanked along the floor before rolling to a stop.

The blurry image came into focus and he recognized Kieran, wearing some kind of white sheet over him that stopped just below his knees.

Lukas furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you wearing a dress?”

“Take a good look at yourself.”

Lukas looked down and for the first time, realized he was sitting on a lavender-coloured chaise. And that he was also draped in the same white robe; V-neck with spiky short sleeves as if someone had intentionally sliced them up.

“What in the Prince Charming-”

“Oh, that isn’t all,” Kieran said with a dark edge in his voice. He grabbed Lukas’ arm and yanked him off the chaise a little too harshly.

As they walked, Lukas stumbled over wooden mugs and his bare feet stepped into something sticky. He grimaced and looked around the shady room, except there was no more to look at because they were already outside before he knew it. Correction – Kieran shoved him outside.

Lukas’ eyeballs shrunk back into his sockets at the bright white sunlight.

“Whoa!” He lifted his arms and attempted to block out the merciless rays with them. “Just admit it if you want to blind me, yeish.”

“Look at that!” Kieran commanded, thrusting his arms up to the sun. “Does that look like the moon to you? Like a lovely night sky? Huh! Show me the stars, Lukas!”

What was his problem?

“I don’t know what you want me to say here.” Lukas rubbed his eyes. He was disoriented at the moment, and he was in no mood to deal with a General who’d lost his marbles.

“You said we’d be back home early enough to sleep in!” Kieran boomed. “So can you explain to me why I am not home and why the afternoon sun is blaring down at me on my Freaking. Wedding. Day!” He slammed his fist into his hand at every enunciation of the last three words.

Wait, what?

Lukas placed a hand on his forehead to act as a shield from the sunshine as he tried to peer at a livid Kieran. “Are we not home?”

Kieran tossed his head back and released a harsh disillusioned laugh.

“Home!” he shouted. “We’re in another bloody nation, Lukas! Away from Rievelt borders with no horses and no clothes. My wedding takes place at twilight, and now tell me how in the bloody abyss I’m supposed to make it there in a couple of hours!”

Wheels were turning in Lukas’ head as he tried to make sense of the situation and recall how they ended up at – what seemed to be a tiny cottage on top of a hill in who knows where.

Memory flashes crossed his mind. Drinking with the Hammedathas and Enoch in the tavern. Laughing. Darkness. More drinking while dancing in a different enclosed place – another tavern? Lots of men in white dresses and leaf crowns. Among them, one with a psychotic grin and an even more psychotic laugh. Khol-lined caramel eyes glinting with masochism.

“Oh! You’re both up!”

Lukas’ mouth dried up at the new voice, belonging to the man his mind had just conjured. And when he saw the way Kieran clenched his fists so hard his veins bulged, coupled with the utter blatant spite in his eyes directed behind him, Lukas knew his hunch at the identity of the newcomer was right.

He turned, and there stood the J’belian lord at the cottage doorway in all his half-naked glory, wearing nothing but really tiny underwear. Lukas wished the sun had blinded him instead.

A grin of lunacy split the J’belian lord’s face. “You men were wild last night.”

Lukas heard what sounded like a predator’s low growl from behind him, and then-

“Rafa!” Kieran roared and lunged straight for the half-naked man’s slender throat.


Proceed to the next chapter…

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