Chapter Thirteen

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Her stomach felt queasy. Not in a way that she wanted to vomit, but in an unsettling, yet pleasant way that she'd failed to understand.

For goodness sake, it was only The General.

They had walked together before, chatted for even longer periods of time, and they had even run like crazy together. Yet her stomach decided to feel this way now, and her train of thought seemed to disappear now. In fact, she had been so out of it ever since that day he'd decided to so publicly embrace her.

It was his fault.

They walked on, and she looked up at him as he walked beside her, his eyes focused on what was up ahead. Why was he so calm? She wondered.
The moment he turned his head to look at her, she swiftly diverted her attention back infront of her, and her eyes searched the ground.

Say something, Kieran. Anything, he told himself.

He had walked to Elena on pure impulse, thanks to his desire to be close to her. But now he found he didn't have anything to say to her. He remembered how startled she'd been when he suddenly embraced her, and wondered if he should bring up the topic and give a clear explanation as to why he had done that.

Had she taken it in good faith? He wondered. She didn't consider theirs a love relation, so maybe she thought he'd crossed his boundaries. Should he apologise for it?
So many thoughts were running through his mind, he didn't realise they'd reached the manor house and were already at the entrance.

They strolled in and found the hall already prepared with long dinner tables, and of course the dais, where the bride and groom sat facing the guests.
A smartly dressed elderly man with a grey moustache met them.

"General Kieran? Your table is this way."

Kieran nodded and made to follow the man, with Elena on his arm, but he stooped them.

"Pardon me," the man said apologetically, "but Lady Elena has got a different table."

Kieran and Elena looked at each other.

"Oh," both said simultaneously, and Elena separated her hand from his arm. She glanced to her right and easily spotted a beaming Mara, who was waving at her, her arm stretched to such an extent that the ball and socket joint of her shoulder would pop at any time. She was at the table where the Riveras sat with the Javanmoore family.

"I see them," she said to the usher, and made a mental note to scold Mara for her unladylike fashion in public. She spun around, her back facing Kieran. He also spun around, and both started to walk to their respective tables.

As she walked forth, she looked back at the exact time Kieran looked back, and they shared one last gaze before moving onwards.

They hadn't even talked yet.

*****      *****      *****      *****

Elena sat in between her cousins Alistair and Caroline, with her other cousins Seth and Leticia directly opposite her. No sooner had she sat down than her eyes, as though they had their own mind, looked out for the General's position. He was sitting one table away, and she had a good view of him if she looked between Seth and Leticia. She smiled at this.

"Hey cousin," Alistair said to Elena, "you can always drop your pork onto my plate at any time, you know."

"I will give you the pork if you give me your gingerbread." she replied smartly.

"Argh. You and your pastries," Alistair groaned. "Why not just trade your main course for my dessert?" He flashed her a toothy grin.

She pretended to think about it.

"Hm. I won't be taking all your dessert. Just the gingerbread." she said, "and the pudding. And maybe the funnel cake. Mm...the caramel sweets too. Maybe a bit of the pie; cherry? No, I think I prefer apple. No wait! Cherry. No, Apple!......A little bit of both?" She frowned, her eyes starry as she imagined the different choices of treats.

"Are you done?" he asked in a deadpan voice, "because I don't think they'll serve all that."

Elena's entire countenance brightened up even more, as though she knew something he didn't. "I was in the kitchen earlier, before the wedding ceremony. And I saw them all." Her smile was that of pure glee.

"Oh no," Alistair said, frowning, "that means you already had about three servings of each."

Elena straightened her back and raised her chin in an attempt to appear unshakenly confident. "N-no, I d-did not!"

Seth clicked his tongue while shaking his head. "You are a horrendous liar, cousin," he told her.

"Elena Rivera, there shan't be any more dessert for you from here on!" Alistair declared, his brows meeting together to give of a 'strict father' expression.

She gasped, and her eyes went wide in defiance.
"But I d-did not eat m-muh...much!"

"You shall only be allowed an apple after the meal." Alistair ignored her and set another rule.

"An apple." Seth nodded in agreement.

"A caramel apple?" she asked hopefully.

"No." came the firm joint reply of both cousins.

Elena's shoulders stooped and she pouted.
"You are acting just like Anne," she said, "she would always slap the sweets out of my hands when she thought I was having more than enough." She watched the fruit platter as nostalgic moments with Anne came into her mind. The memories were vivid, yet felt distant, and it caused a hollow ache within her chest. She looked towards the dais where Anne sat with her husband, blushing and chatting with him.

"I am going to miss her," she said softly.

After a while, Alistair placed an arm round her shoulders and abruptly pulled her to him, the side of her face squishing against his neck.

"Alishtair!" She slurred.

"Oh dear sweet cousin," she heard him say, "If that was your attempt at making me let you have dessert, then it worked."

She laughed at his antics, her spirits immediately lifted.

Elena's strange nervousness for Kieran had completely disappeared as she got to chatting and eating with her cousins. She had actually forgotten about his presence, and was currently listening to one of Leticia's bizarre stories with keen interest. 

Leticia was the wild one, and her stories mainly encompassed her latest prank or latest boy conquest. (She liked to make lads pine after her eventhough she never returned genuine affection.) Caroline was the quiet one, who only spoke when she really needed to.

Elena cut through some pork and popped the piece in her mouth, just as Caroline leaned in to her ear and said,

"Have you not noticed that the General keeps staring at you, or are you choosing to ignore it?"

Elena looked across from her and indeed, Kieran's elbow was propped on the table, his hand casually resting at his lips, and his gaze had never been as penetrating as it was then. The sudden remembrance of his presence disoriented her senses, and she seemed to have forgotten about the piece of meat in her mouth, for she made to swallow down her anxiety.

The result was a series of rather unladylike coughs to prevent her choking, her hand rubbing at her neck. Her neighbours were instantly alerted of the danger and drove into action, with Alistair and Caroline rubbing and patting her on the back, while Leticia slid her a tumbler of water.

Elena gulped it down, successfully washing down the half-chewed piece of pork. She should have taken Alistair up on his swap offer.

"Looks like you hadn't noticed after all." Caroline muttered as Elena exhaled deeply, and looked at the table across the room. Kieran was still watching her, except he was biting back smile. No, he was stifling laughter.

Elena narrowed her eyes. He knew what he'd done.

After Luther's father gave the toast, everyone moved from the banquet hall to the ball room for interaction, dance, and more wine. The bride and groom had the first dance, and they were the only ones waltzing around the room to the slow music as everyone around watched. Pretty soon, Lord Javanmoore and his wife joined in, followed by Lord Rivera and his wife.

Elena was smiling at how happy they looked, when someone called her name. She turned around and saw a man; buff but not very tall. He had a smooth face and jaw, his dark brown hair sleeked back. His eyes looked at her as though he was still trying to figure out who she was.

She knew exactly who he was; Lord Baldwin West. They had met a few times when she was younger, and he had been on her mother's list of suitors.

"You are Elena Rivera, aren't you?" he asked, lifting a thoughtful finger and wagging it back and forth.

"Yes it is I," she replied politely, "good evening Lord Baldwin."

Baldwin's eyes roamed over her form and he grinned wolfishly. "My, what a prize you are." he remarked, "last I checked, your mother was looking to get you betrothed."
He raised his hands and gestured around. "I haven't seen you on any gentleman's arm but your cousin. Are you still unwed?"

Elena was about to reply, but thought better of it. Her family had not started sending out invitations for her and Kieran's engagement, so she didn't know if it was alright for word to get around yet.

"From your silence, I presume you are. But fear not, lady Elena," Baldwin took a step towards her, but she needn't crane her neck to look at him as she would with Kieran. "Why would you still not be wed when I am here? Let's face it, you're not getting any younger. But you need not ask me to rescue you; I will gladly take you as my wife. And you will take care of me, and my needs."

He flashed his teeth at her and she cringed, his insinuations making her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, my lord, but I already have a.....suitor." she said, hoping this would make him go away. "And I promised to marry him."

To her surprise, Baldwin did not flinch at the news, and instead, smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"That does not concern me, lady Elena," he said and took another step forward, to which she took a step back. "That suitor is nothing compared to me."

In a flash, her feelings of discomfort were replaced by those of amusement. Did this man really believe he could even match the General?

"I don't think you know, but I must tell you," he continued, "that my swordsmanship skills surpass everyone else's in the entire East." He made a wide circular motion with his arm to emphasise this.

Elena folded her lips in, fighting a smile.

"I have a lot of wealth in gold and diamonds, and numerous servants at my beck and call. My father is the supreme judge, you know. Your uncle, Lord Abraham Denning, takes orders from him."

Elena nodded, not at all offended by his boast, but simply amused.

"I have defeated many in the duel of the sword," he proclaimed and narrowed his eyes in an attempt to seem mysterious and dominant, "even some soldiers of the Imperial Army, and the Prince's Guard."

It was taking her all not to burst into laughter, and she masked it with a cough when she almost did laugh.
"Really now?" she inquired, watching him with perked interest.

"Of course! Do you doubt my honesty?!" he bellowed, looking her up and down. "I am an honorable man, lady Elena. I do not fib, and I would be offended for you to think so. I am much more suitable for you than whichever rogue you promised to marry. I have strength, power, influence and wealth!"

Elena nodded again, not sure what to say to his repetition.

"Now." He flashed his teeth again. "Between him and me, I don't see how he could possibly live up to me. Wouldn't you agree that I am the better choice?"

Before she could reply, she felt someone's hand on the the small of her back, and looked up to see the new arrival.

"Better choice for what?" Kieran asked boredly, smoothly gliding into the conversation. His eyes were on Lord Baldwin. He seemed relaxed, but there was a hint of wariness and frost behind those eyes.
Elena smiled at him, then looked at Baldwin, who had paled as soon as Kieran made an appearance.

"Yes, my lord. Why don't you ask him yourself?" Elena queried, earning a confused look from the lord. She went on to gesture to Kieran with her hand. "He is the man I promised to marry."

Whatever colour was left from Baldwin's face drained and left him looking like a diseased stork, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly. He looked at Elena in utter bewilderment.

"H-him?" He croaked, his voice trembling, "the J-j-General?"

"So we meet again, sir." said Kieran, a lazy one-sided smile crossing his face.

Elena looked from Kieran to Baldwin and asked, "Have you met before?"

Baldwin bit his lower lip, his eyes darting anxiously in all directions except the General's, whose penetrating gaze would have brought him to his knees that very moment.

"He's challenged me to a duel a couple of times, each lasting not longer than three seconds, with a wrist injury on his side," Kieran said dismissively, like it was something of great insignificance to him. "Are you still harassing my soldiers or do I need to step up again? I hope you now understand why I could not vouch for you when you lodged a complaint of assault against them. Do not provoke them to fight when you know you'll lose."

Elena, astonished, looked at Baldwin, who laughed nervously and humorlessly. A shaky finger traced the collar of his doublet and loosened it in an attempt to relieve him of suffocation under Kieran's gaze. Beads of sweat were already forming on his brow, and he not so subtly wiped a clammy hand on the leg of his trousers.
Elena understood that this man held great fear and terror for the General.

"So what were you talking about with my betrothed?" Kieran asked Baldwin. He was smiling, but his tone was pure ice. "What's the choice?"

Elena wore a simper of a smile, deciding to play a bit. "Well," she began, "Lord Baldwin here actually wanted to marr-"

"Nothing!" Baldwin interjected quickly, cutting her fun before it began. He was fidgeting as if ants had climbed under his clothes. "Nothing relevant, General! Lady Elena, please do forget anything I said. It was just a joke." He laughed awkwardly again. "Now if you'll excuse me..." He bowed and turned to walk away briskly, stumbling along the way and nearly falling into other guests.

Elena giggled and turned to look at Kieran.
"Funny man, isn't he?"

"More obnoxious than funny," Kieran said, blatant irritation in his voice, "Thinks he can get away with anything just because his father is the supreme judge."

"What exactly happened?"

"He's always insulting the soldiers and making rude remarks. It's all to provoke them to fight, so he can dishonour them, since soldiers aren't allowed to brawl with civilians, much less harm them without just cause." Kieran replied, "he's a sadistic eel, and got away with it the first three times thanks to orders from the supreme judge. The Commander and I interfered the next time it happened, and he lost the case."

"So he paid the fines?"

"Fines?" He echoed the word like it was garbage. "He didn't just pay a simple fine. For each soldier he tried to dishonour, he worked for four months, ploughing out in the fields and cleaning up after the animals in a farm at Lebon village. Twas my suggested punishment."

Elena's lips parted in shock. Kieran as the General.....was ruthless.

"Any person who attempts to dishonour my soldiers whether he be nobleman or not, must be punished with the aim of teaching him a lesson," Kieran said, and narrowed his eyes dangerously. "I will not stand for such rogue behaviour."

Elena's heart softened as she heard the words, eventhough he had said them with a roughness in his voice, and a hardness in his face. It was clear that he not only took his sense of duty seriously, but also valued the people who served under him.

She must have watched him for long, because he asked,
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

She simply smiled and said, "You are an admirable man, General."

Kieran blinked, the hardness in his face disappearing.
"To be fair, I wouldn't have accomplished anything if it weren't for your uncle, lord Abraham," he said, "he must have received higher orders from the supreme judge, but when the case came before him, he was impartial and acknowledged my suggestion. Your uncle is truly a great justice of the court."

The compliment wasn't made for her, but it still brought her pride and joy.

They stood there, looking at each other for a while, until she looked around and noticed that more couples had graced the dance floor yet they were just standing there, the odd ones out.

"Seems everyone is dancing now." She pointed out.

Kieran looked around and nodded. "Yes, it seems so."

It was awkward for Elena because she knew he didn't really fancy dancing, especially this kind. So he probably wasn't going to ask her to dance; and she decided to leave first.

"I'll get going then." she said and stepped around to leave.

Except Kieran took hold of her right arm, and in one swift motion, spun her and pulled her to himself. She gasped as she crashed into his sturdy body, her left hand pressed against his chest for support.

The abruptness of it all startled her, and when she lifted her eyes to his face, she saw that he was gazing down at her with that look. That undecipherable dark look that made her heart thump wildly and her fingers tremble. Only now it was much more intense with him so close to her.

"Dance with me." His voice was calm, and the husky edge to it had an alluring effect on her.

He did not wait for her to reply, as he slipped his right arm round her waist, and his left hand traced down her wrist, his fingers finally weaving with hers. His hand was bigger and calloused from all those years spent handling weapons, but it was warm.

She glanced sideways at their now raised and joined hands.
"Th-thought you weren't m-m-much of a dancer." Her stammer betrayed the state of her nerves.

His now dark cyan eyes regarded her for a while.

"How can I resist you, Elena?" he asked, and momentarily glanced down to her lips before looking into her eyes. "When you are looking so beautiful right infront of me?"

And then she blushed.

Kieran could hardly beleive it. For the first time, Elena Rivera's cheeks were rosy because of him. He watched her stunned face and relished in seeing her so flustered and speechless because of something he'd said. She was struggling to reply, but it was a fight in vain.

A small smirk of gratification crossed his lips and he leaned his face down to hers. His jaw brushed her cheek as he leaned to her ear, and the soft hairs of his neat stubble stroked her skin, sending pleasant tingles through her body.
He heard her sharp intake of breath when his lips grazed her ear, and noticed how tightly she gripped his hand.

"Don't say anything," he whispered, "Let's just dance."

He felt her nod, and she slid her hand up his chest, till it was placed on his shoulder, and they started to dance. The rate at which the General kept on startling her, she would surely soon die from heart failure.

They waltzed along the dance floor, and Elena was surprised that she had not tripped over her feet yet, or faltered in her steps. He said he didn't fancy dancing, but he was fairly good at it. She could tell from how delicately he held her, or carefully twirled her by her hand. The only different thing about how he danced was that whenever he drew her back to him, it was always too close. He was always too close, his sandalwood scent intoxicating. It was too much for her.

At the end of the dance, the partners separated, and like everyone else, Elena curtsied to him, while Kieran bowed to her. But by the time he looked up again, she was already walking away- rather hurriedly- from him.

*****      *****      *****     ***** 

The banquet hall had already been cleared, leaving the plain tables and chairs. Evelyn and Alice were standing at one of the tables on which a platter full of filled chalices was placed.

"Are you sure about this?" Alice asked, eyeing the small vial in her best friend's hand cautiously.

"Relax," Evelyn said confidently, opening up the vial. "I've taken it before, and it feels absolutely wonderful!" She spilled the brown liquid contents into one of the chalices, and glancing around to make sure no one else was watching, tucked the tiny vial in her corset, in her cleavage.

"We can share the cup," Evelyn said to her excitedly, "I promise you, Al, you are going to feel so ecstatic when you drink this."

"Is it that effective?"

Evelyn grinned. "Works almost immediately," she said and placed a reassuring hand on Alice's. "All your troubles will simply melt away and leave you in pure bliss."

Her words caused Alice's doubts to dissipate, and smacking her lips, she nodded. Both girls giggled and squealed in delight.

Alice looked past Evelyn and gasped. "Elena!"

Elena reached the table where her friends stood, looking like she'd just run around the borders of Rievelt. Her fingers gripped the top of the backrest of the chair infront of her, and she leaned in to support her body, and keep it from falling a part.

"You're completely flustered!" Alice pointed out, noticing how red her friend's face and ears were. Elena tried to speak, but her mouth only kept on opening and closing, like she was gasping for air.

"Do you need a drink?" Evelyn asked, urgent concern in her voice.

Elena nodded, and without thinking, Evelyn grabbed one of the chalices of brandy and gave it to her. Elena gulped down the contents continuously until the cup was empty, and placed it onto the table.

She made a face at the burn in her throat and shook her head to clear out the bitter taste, but nonetheless exhaled in satisfaction and nodded towards the girls.
"Thank you," she said, "I am going out for a breather."

The girls smiled at her, and watched her leave. Excitedly, they turned back to their shady business.

"Alright, let's drink ourselves to nirvana!" Alice chirped and Evelyn made to grab a chalice, but her hand stopped half way, as she looked at the many chalices on the platter infront of her. They all looked the same.

Her face fell and apprehensively, she turned and looked at her friend, who was still dancing on her toes in giddy anticipation. Evelyn looked at the chalices, then back at Alice, and wore an expression that read, "I don't remember which one it was."

Alice instantly stood still, her look of excitement replaced by that of shock.
A premonition befell the both of them, and slowly, warily, as if afraid to face the reality of the situation, they turned their heads to look at the empty cup which stood proudly and separately from the platter.

It stood there as though it was an omen that had been shunned from the group, and if they listened closely, they could hear an evil whistle emanating from it. The two best friends shuddered and looked at each other, an understanding of what may have happened crossing between them. Alice was the one who pointed it out.

"You didn't-!"

"Shut up! Right now, we need to hide away this platter and drink from every one of these cups until we feel happy," Evelyn said, her eyes glimmering with warning to her friend. "Got that?"

Alice's face folded uncomfortably, and her stomach flipped. She nodded in agreement, a whine escaping her lips.

Author's chatter;

I can't help but feel like I'm missing something in this chapter.
Is it Kieran's siblings' banter?
Well there won't be any of that in the next chapter either😫

But still there's that lingering feeling....
But y'all won't tell if I edit this chapter though, so I guess there's no point unless you reread it.

For now, remember to vote and share this story. Thank you!

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