Chapter Twenty nine

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That evening, Kieran was at his study desk, looking over some reports when Debra slinked in, and keeping her eyes on his busy form, pushed back against the door with her hands as carefully and quietly as possible, so it wouldn't make a sound when it shut.

She was successful. Well, she thought she was successful.

"Good evening, Debra," Kieran greeted, opening up a scroll.

Debra tossed her head back and groaned. "You and your blasted senses, Kieran."

He let out a low chuckle, his eyes skimming over the inked words. "I have big ears," he muttered.

"What was that?" Debra asked, walking towards his desk.

"Nothing." He shook his head, clearing away thoughts of Elena. "Why are you in my study?"

Debra stopped infront of his desk and sighed. "I came to apologise."

Kieran stopped reading at the sound of those four words. He looked up from his scroll, and analysed the woman infront of him. "Are you serious?"

Debra rolled her eyes. "Yes." She slipped into the sofa chair and crossed one leg over the other. "I hate it when we're on bad terms with each other, and eventhough most times it's your fault, this time it wasn't."

"When's the apology coming? Because I'm not hearing it."

"Hold your horses," Debra said, and sighed again. "My tongue can be a bit too much for people, I know. Sometimes I wish I could cut it off, but I can't. As for my actions, well...I didn't mean to cause a scene. Yes, I like it when you get angry, but not that angry. I wasn't at my best and you snapped at me, and I feel bad that you did that."

Kieran rubbed his temple. "You're terrible at apologies, Debra."

"Well, we both know touchy-feely wording isn't my forte." Debra shrugged. "Look. I admit that I'm not completely over you...belonging," she said the word so low through gritted teeth, Kieran nearly didn't catch it, "to someone else. But I've learned my lesson, and I'll do better. I'll behave and try to control my tongue. I shouldn't have done that this morning."

"That's almost sweet and all, but I'm not the one who needs to hear that."

Debra didn't reply. Instead, her eyes flicked to a painting on the wall to her right.

Kieran placed the scroll on the table. "I know you're pretending not to hear me."

Still silence.

"I'm not going to get any more from you, am I?" Kieran asked, and she finally looked at him.

"But unless you say, 'I'm sorry for calling the Rivera tradition stupid', I will still be angry with you."

Debra's jaw dropped. Her mouth opened and closed, seemingly speechless.

"Say it," Kieran said in a firm tone, his eyes spearing her.

Debra huffed, blowing at a stray strand of hair over her face. "I'm sorry for calling the Rivera tradition stupid."

He wore a ghost of a smile. "Well I already apologised on your behalf, so that's that."

Debra smiled back. "Of course you did. You are the amicable one."

"Sometimes I wonder why you and I are friends."

"Oh, you know." Debra pretended to think, then gushed, "I'm smart, witty, I like the same things as you, I keep slaughtering you in duels and you keep coming back for more, I always always save your arse when you're in a pinch - oh and that one time, I sliced a man's finger for you. Did I mention I'm pretty and my body's always had you hot and bothered-"

"Alright, I get it." Kieran interjected. "You're amazing."

She smirked. "Aren't I?"

Just then, Aira kicked the study doors open with a bang to announce, "Brother, the captains have arrived."

"Guard's meeting?" Debra asked Kieran, who nodded.

She snapped her fingers. "Swell. I'm in."

Kieran glared at her.

"Don't give me that. We both know you won't be able to stop me so let's just skip the pointless argument and move on," Debra said, standing up and strutting to the door.

"You better hurry or I'll sit in your chair and head the meeting, Kieran!" she sang and greeted Aira with a high five on her way out.

"Crap." Kieran rose to his feet instantly and jogged out of the room.

*****      *****      *****     *****

Debra pushed the doors to the Guard's meeting chamber open and marched in, just as the men stood up.

"Harvey, Aggrey, Graham, Joshua. Good day," she greeted, moving to the table.

"Good day, your highness," they all replied on unison as Kieran walked to his seat at the head of the table.

"Sit," Kieran ordered, and they all obeyed while Debra took up her position standing on his right. He sat down, and she placed one hand on top of his chair's headrest, the other on her hip.

"You may proceed," Kieran relayed, and Captain Harvey cleared his throat, picking up his paper.

His report was about the stolen painting of Marvel that had been traced to the South in Rievelt, and sold to the wealthy merchant, Rohan. The thief was still being persued by a team jointly led by Captains Harvey and Graham.

"That old fart?" Debra mocked and tipping her head back, let out a merciless cackle. "Well, that's just brilliant! We'll just have to get it back from him, then."

"How?" asked Joshua. "We can't just take it back if he obtained it in good faith. It would not be fair to him. Unless you're willing to pay a hefty price for it yet again."

"Oh no, Josh," Debra said. "No no no no. We won't be paying a single coin, because that geezer owes me."

Kieran, with suspicion, looked up at her. "What sort of deal did you get into with that greedy rogue? He's a liar and a cheat."

"Which is why I'm the right person to deal with him because I know his tricks," said Debra. "Don't worry, Kieran. I'll tell you all about our deal on our way to the South tomorrow."

"Our?" Kieran echoed.

"Yes, because you're coming with me. These captains?" She shook her head in disapproval. "You won't even need them."

"I was actually thinking of leaving this mission to the captains since it seems easy, while I stay back." Kieran mused.

"It'll be even easier with me. Two days and we'll be back with the painting on the third," Debra assured him. "I've made up my mind, Kieran - I'm going. And you will come with me because who will keep me in check? Captain Harvey? Joshua?"

Kieran looked at Joshua, who shook his head in decline.

Debra smirked, seeing Kieran's pensive face. She knew he wouldn't let her take complete charge of his soldiers.

"What's it gonna be, Kieran?" Debra asked, and the General leaned onto the table with his arms.

"I won't be going to the South alone with you, Debra," Kieran said, causing her smile to falter. "We'll need some soldiers to guard the painting on our way back. Two from close combat regiment, two from long distance. I think Aira would love to accompany us."

Debra shrugged, seeing the logic. "That's fair."

"Any queries?" Kieran asked, and no one answered. "Alright. Captains Harvey and Graham, I expect you to keep me informed with the investigations on the thief. My party will leave tomorrow morning, so have the selected soldiers meet us at the cove towards Janken village. Dismissed."

As soon as the other captains had left, Debra faced Kieran.

"Since it's now a 'party' mission, might as well add another travelling companion," she said. "Let Lukas tag along."

"Lukas?" He gave her a sceptical look, leaning back and folding his arms. "He'd be useless on the trip."

"Well, I've been thinking." Debra pulled out a chair, turned it around and sat, her arms over the headrest. "It's been a while since the three of us went on a mission together. Sure, you two are the Gutsy Duo, but add me and we become the Formidable Trio."

Kieran couldn't help but laugh at the names his siblings had, unsolicited, made up for them.

"The mission itself might not be interesting, but the trip's always fun for the three of us," Debra continued, her eyes shining with a mixture of nostalgia and excitement. "You two have had your adventures and it's my turn now. Let him come along, for old time's sake."

Kieran shrugged his shoulders, flashing her a smile. "I guess there's no harm."

"Swell." Debra slammed the table as she stood up. "Let's head to the castle right now and have our discussions for tomorrow. You could even sleep over. It's been so long since you did."

"I won't be sleeping over."

"Not in my bed, silly."

"I wasn't even thinking about your bed."

Debra shot him a glare, but a smile played at her lips. "Ouch," she said, placing a hand over her chest dramatically.

Kieran rolled his eyes at her antics and stood up. "Anyways, you go on without me. There's something I have to do first."

"What's that?" she inquired, following him out the door.

"I have to write to Elena."

Her nose wrinkled. "For what?"

"We were supposed to meet here tomorrow morning," Kieran answered as Debra tried to keep up with his stride. "I have to write and inform her of the change in plans."

"Kieran, it's getting late. So what if you don't inform her? She'll understand when you return."

"No, Debra. I don't want her to come all the way here and find me missing," said Kieran. "Eventhough my letter might reach late, I want it to reach her by tonight."

Debra stopped walking for a while, as thoughts clouded her mind. Finally, she called out, "Kieran!"

The General turned and looked at her.

"I'm going to wait for you to finish your letter," she said. "Then we'll head to the castle together, alright?"

Kieran nodded, and proceeded towards his study.

*****      *****      *****      *****

The next morning, Elena arrived at Hammedatha Manor in high spirits. She didn't remember when exactly it had happened, but she found herself looking forward to seeing the General with each day that passed.

Had she always been so eager? No, this was a first. But how could she not, when he was always so sweet?

She was just about to climb the steps to the terrace when her name was called. She turned to see Aira approach from the side of the house. Her greeting, as always, was a tight hug that almost broke Elena's waist.

"You're here!" Aira beamed up at her.

"Yes, I came to see the General," Elena said, smiling.

Aira looked at her in confusion. "We're almost leaving, though."

"Leaving?" Elena echoed. "To where? Him and I had planned to spend the morning together."

"We have a mission in the South," Aira said. "You mean he didn't inform you?"

Elena shook her head no.

Aira sighed in irritation.

"One moment. I will go and fetch him for you," she growled out and jumped up over the steps to the terrace. She passed by Debra at the doorway, and the latter sauntered onto the terrace.

She smirked when she saw Elena. "Well, well."

Elena looked up and saw the Princess come down the steps. She stood keeping a short distance between them. Other than her outfit, a brown leather jacket was draped over her shoulders, instead of her wearing it.

Debra crossed her arms over her chest, and Elena thought she looked really nice - in a sassy way. Like a boss.

"Why are you here, Elena?" The princess asked.

"To meet the General," Elena replied with a smile.

Debra scoffed. "It seems he doesn't want to meet you since he's leaving."

"I see that something came up."

"Yes," Debra drawled, her grey eyes analysing Elena's. "Something more important came up. Like going on a mission with me."

Elena was surprised. She hadn't expected for Debra to be accompanying him.

"You know, you're one of a kind, Elena Rivera," Debra noted, chuckling. "And I don't mean that as a compliment."

Elena sensed that Debra's tongue was just about ready to spit out venom, but she nevertheless asked, "What do you mean?"

The princess smiled. "You're the first bride who's going to be useless to the Hammedatha family."

And there it was.

Elena took a deep breath, and prepared herself to not let the rest of her words get to her.

"Every other bride that has been picked to become a Hammedatha has a warrior side, did you know?" Debra asked, rhetorically. "Kieran's mother, his grand mother, his aunts, and even the wives of his cousins. Now, those women have something of value to add to the family. They can advise their husbands on mission or battle strategies, teach their children how to fight, and even protect their husbands when danger arises."

An uncomfortable feeling of foreboding brewed in Elena's stomach with each sentence Debra uttered, until she dropped the bombshell.

"And then there's you. What can you do for Kieran?"

The foreboding feeling crunched up into a fist, and hit her right in the gut.

What could she do? She wasn't a warrior like those other women, and not like Debra.

"See, this is the difference between you and me, Elena," Debra continued, enunciating her words. "Unlike you, I have some worth."


The word weighed heavily on Elena's shoulders, making them stoop.

"If Kieran is at the battlefield and in need of assistance, who would he call for?" Debra put forth a scenario, her face scrunched as if in deep thought. "He would call for Raymond, or Aira, But he certainly wouldn't call you. Why? Because you'd be of no use to him. Well..." She chuckled. "You could dance around and make a mess while plucking flowers for him."

Her sentence got caught in her laughter, and Elena's chest tightened.

She sucked in her bottom lip, fighting back the wetness threatening to burn her eyes.

"Aw, don't give me that face, sweetheart," Debra cooed, pouting in mock-pity. "I'm only speaking facts. The fact is, he is the General of the Prince's Guard, and you are just not worthy to stand by him as his wife while he has that title."

She let out an exaggerated sigh, and continued, "The only thing you'd be good for when you become a Hammedatha, is delivering an heir or heiress." She shrugged. "If you can, anyway."

Subconsciously, Elena's hand drifted over her womb, as she inhaled sharply.

What if...

Debra strutted closer to her, and bent her head so she could directly look into Elena's somber blue eyes. "Do you have something to say, girl?"

Elena didn't even open her mouth, because she couldn't think of any words.

It made Debra chuckle. "You can't even talk back to me or defend yourself. Are you really that weak? Or is it because you know that what I say is true?"

She stood tall and straight, and her eyes shimmered with scorn as she looked down at Elena, making her feel small. "I'll take both answers in the affirmative. You are weak, as you are unworthy. The name Hammedatha does not suit you at all, and it never will."

Elena's heart sank at those words, and she felt like her life force was being sucked out of her, leaving her body lethargic and limp.

Debra stepped back, and a cruel smirk crossed her lips, the gleam in her eyes showing she was enjoying the state she'd put Elena in.

The clanking of hooves indicated horses sauntering in the compound, and amidst the distinct voices, one unmistakable voice called out to her.


She turned and met the General's surprised and confused face.

"You..." he said, mystified as he ambled to her. "You shouldn't be here."

That statement only made her feel worse.

"Kieran come on, let's go!" Prince Lukas hollered, already mounting his horse. "We're already late thanks to your gluttonous sister who just had to eat everything on the breakfast table!"

"What did you just call me?" Aira whacked the back of his head as soon as she mounted her horse.

"Listen," the General said to Elena, looking her in the eyes. "We'll talk when I get back in three days, okay?"

"Three days?" she thought. "With her?"

He took a step back and something jostled her system awake. Her hand shot out to grab onto his, her heart thundering in her chest. She did not know where that energy had come from, but at that moment, she felt like she needed to hold on to him.

He squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile, but she shook her head, her throat constricting the words she wanted to say.

"Kieran," Debra moved to his side, and when she glared at Elena, it made her cower and loosen her hold on him.

Debra took his other arm and Elena's betrothed was pulled away from her. Her fingertips brushed his at the last moment, and she was a leaf's margin too late in her attempt to hold on once more.

Her heartbeat was too loud in her ears, it drowned out every other sound. All that was in her vision was him climbing onto his horse, and starting to leave with everyone else, their horses in gaits.

He met her gaze for a brief moment, but even that was blocked by Debra slowly riding up beside him, and Elena found herself looking into cold grey eyes instead.

And just like that, they were riding out the gates, and leaving her behind. She stayed rooted to the spot, a hollowness creeping into her heart and making a home there.

What can you do for Kieran?

The words were an embodiment of a haunting, and it was more terrifying that her mind could not work out an answer.

He'd said he needed her, and she'd thought she was important to him. But to what extent?

She thought of all the times they'd spent together, all the moments they'd shared, and all the words he'd said to her. It was clear to her that the General enjoyed her company. He was happy with her.

What can you do for Kieran?

Like a reverberation, the words echoed, stuck. And the answer came to her - she could make him happy.

But was happiness more important than her duty as a wife to a Hammedatha? She could not protect him the way Princess Debra would be able to, nor could she help him out when he was facing a crisis within his work. What use would he need for a wife who knew close to nothing about the trials that came with his position?

She looked down at her hands, and noticed a slight tremor in them. Even they had been incapable of properly holding on to him just now. Would they be capable of keeping him as a husband later on? Or would he realise what she was missing and refuse to hold them again?

The thought of it made tears well in her eyes.

She looked up at the heavens, drawing out a shaky breath to prevent her emotions from spilling over. She had never thought that marrying into the Hammedatha family would be so hard.

Was she deserving of its name?

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. The answer was obvious, and the realisation of it felt worse than facing the gallows.

Author's note:

Gosh, what a toughie.

Surprised by the update? Allow me explain.

I'm kind of on a writing spree and I'm going to be updating more frequently. School's starting soon, and I predict I'll be too busy to keep up with my wattpad schedule when I start classes.

Henceforth, I plan to get more chapters up before then, and hopefully by the time I start classes, I will have published a good number of chapters.

So buckle up, cause I'm going to be taking y'all for a rollercoaster ride.

Keep voting, reading and being fantastic!💃🏻💃🏻

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