Chapter Twenty One

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It was that time again.

Everyone currently sitting at the Hammedatha dining table did so in thick ominous silence, their eyes fixed on one particular action. It was an action that had been done four times already, and since the fifth had begun, no one had moved from their seat. Their doom would arrive in one go when the last action was completed.

Of Kieran, Aaron, Joshua, Raymond and Aira, Raymond's reaction to the current action was the most horrified, and Aaron's the calmest. They all went through this sickening experience every three months, but none except Aaron was used to it.

And when Alyssa had disappeared after their lunch and reappeared carrying it, they knew it was time. Time for..

The Chugging.

The said current action was Alyssa, who stood between Ray and Kieran, pouring it into Ray's cup. It was known as the elixir of life, but it's appearance, smell and taste did not do justice to its name. For it was no magic potion, but a dandy mix of muddy brown and manure green, with small specks of yellow here and there. No one knew what those were.

And as she poured it, it came. The slimy green chunk of herbal fibre whose plopping sound into the cup made Ray gag, whimper and turn his head away.

At last, Alyssa placed the emptied can on the table. She clasped her hands, her grin sinister as she said, "Your grandmother sends her love."

"This is not love but massacre!" Ray cried. "I would not doubt your mother's affection for us if she atleast told us what is in this slop!"

"Elixir," Alyssa corrected, nonchalantly.

"It is worse than facing the executioner's axe!"

"It is an elixir."

"It smells worse than Joshua's feet!"

Joshua glared to his right, at Ray. "Don't drag my feet into this."

"How can I not when this chunky swamp soup is the only thing that beats the stench of you feet?"

"You little-!"

"Enough," Kieran boomed, before Josh could choke Ray with his hands.

All siblings turned to him, and an eerie silence blanketed the room as they waited for him to utter the words.

"The time has come," Kieran said, and everyone wore their 'brave' faces, although there was a slight twitch in them here and there.

Aaron smiled at this. He had been taking concoctions most of his life unlike the others, so the elixir didn't really faze him.

Kieran's steady eyes darted to each of his siblings.

"Hands on," he commanded, and they all took hold of the filled cups infront of them.

Aira's eyes were fixated on her cup as if daring the concoction to come at her, but her lips were scrunched upwards to her nostrils in an effort to block the pungent ordor.

Kieran flicked his gaze around the table again, and issued another order, "Hands up."

They all raised their cups at once.

Kieran made sure they were all doing so before giving the last order no one had been looking forward to,


And they put their cups to their lips, closing their eyes tight as if that would relieve the bitter, slimy, chunky taste of the fluid as it went down their throats in gulps.

Joshua was the first to set down his empty cup, and the rest followed, their faces scrunched up disgust.

Aira shook her head and swallowed, fighting back her gag reflex.

"I swear this tastes worse every time," Joshua cursed.

Aira looked across from where she sat at the end of the table, and something gleamed in her eyes. "Ray's cup is still full."

All siblings whipped their heads to Ray, who gulped and gingerly removed his hand from the cup, tucking it away.

Aira narrowed her eyes at him. "You broke the chug pact."

Ray looked somber. "I just...I couldn't. I needed more time."

"You know what it means when you break the chug pact," Joshua said, menacingly.

"Please..." Ray raised his palms in defence. "Can't you let it slide just this once?"

Aaron tutted, shaking his head. "Big mistake, Ray."

Ray's breath hitched, his heartbeat erratic with dread as he saw the malicious glint in his siblings' eyes. Gulping, he turned to his only solace,

Alyssa raised her chin, her face blank, and her eyes did not even spare a glance in the direction of her youngest son.

"Mother?" Ray tried again, but Alyssa only stepped back, delivering him to Kieran's merciless gaze.

Ray knew what would follow. And he wouldn't let it happen. But alas, it all happened in a flash.

No sooner had he made to dash, than the chairs creaked and he was held down to his seat on either side by Kieran and Joshua, just as Aira jumped and slid across the table, her hand dexterously swiping the cup of elixir.

His arms were restrained by his brothers', his legs hooked by theirs as well, while his sister knelt before him, holding up the cup. Her white sinister grin shimmered against the nefarious shadow on her face.

"Open wide, brother," her voice was guttural and grotesque.

Ray violently shook his head, thrashing from side to side. "No! Please, no!" He wailed. "I'll give you anything you want! Gold? Jewels? A silver turkey? Joshua's feet? I'll cut them off right now if you let me go, I will!"

Joshua growled and twisted harder at Ray's arm, causing him to yelp.

"Open up, you big baby!" Aira was impatient, and Ray clamped his mouth shut.

It did not assist him.

Because Kieran forced his fingers into his mouth and pried his jaw wide open.

Aira chuckled and bent down, proceeding to force the elixir down his throat.

"Chug!" She ordered as his gullet unwillingly embraced the contents. "You will swallow your chunks like a good grandson!"

Aaron now stood next to Alyssa as they watched the scene unfold, with mirth.

At last, they released him when the cup was empty, letting him cough as much as he would.

Aira inched back on the table and sat back, crossing her legs under her. She placed the cup next to her and watched her brother, gleefully.

"You all have no remorse!" Ray shouted when he finally regained his composure, and his bloodshot eyes glared at Aira. "And you just enjoy my misery!"

A darkness flashed in her eyes. "Well, we wouldn't have had to do this if you'd just taken it with us. Like a good brother."

That shut him up. He looked from Aira, to Joshua, to Kieran, to Aaron. They were all giving him knowing looks, his brothers siding with Aira.

"We made a pact, Ray," Aira said, "and even if we hadn't, if something affects us all, involves us all, then we face it together, no matter how small." She lowered her voice and added, "don't ever forget that."

Ray hung his head in shame. He had been the first to break the Chug Pact, and they all succeeded in making him feel guilty - as he ought to.

"I'm sorry," he said. He looked up at each of his siblings and ran a hand through his naturally tousled light brown hair. "I should have honoured the pact, and I'm sorry."

Aira smiled at him. And suddenly, her fingers flicked his forehead, causing him to yelp and rub that spot.

"Unnecessary!" He complained.

"Now you have to apologise for trashing my feet." Joshua said to him.

Ray looked at him and grimaced. "I am sorry," he said, "that the ugly truth is your feet are smelly."

Joshua scowled. "It's not even the truth!"

"It is." Ray nodded. "Just like how the truth is your forehead is so wide, you have to hide it with that silly fringe."

Joshua huffed a breath, blowing at the dark brown locks that fell over his forehead and nearly covered his glaring green eyes. "I do not rebut that," he said, "But my feet smell nice!"

Ray scoffed. "Tell that to your boots."

Joshua let out a growl.

"So you were sniffing Josh's boots," Aaron stated.

Aira made a face. "That's gross!"

Ray sat up straight, alarmed. "I wasn't sniffing his boots!"

"Sounds like you were, Ray." Joshua said, amusement dancing in his eyes as a side-smirk crawled on his lips.

"Raymond, you shouldn't sniff other people's boots. It's bad manners," Aaron chided. "Unless it's..."

He gasped, seemingly reaching a conclusion. "Unless it's an addiction!"

Aira gasped as well, her hand flying infront of her mouth for dramatic flare.

"That's not it!" Ray exclaimed.

"Ray is addicted to sniffing boots," said Aira, and she pointed an accusing finger at him. "He is a boot-sniffer!"

"Stop it!"

"A foot-sniffer too, sister. Don't forget that," Aaron said gravely, giving Aira a warning look.


"Oh my goodness," Aira interjected. "We should stow our boots safely away before Ray inhales them all!"

"Yes, before his nose becomes a black hole for boots." Aaron added, nodding sagely.

Ray's jaw dropped.

Aira then burst into laughter, sparking off Aaron and Josh's laughter as well. Alyssa shook her head, choosing to leave the room quietly while the three siblings exchanged high fives.

Ray groaned.

"Kieran!" he whined, looking to his only protector. "Your brothers and sister are teasing me! Shut them up, will you?"

Kieran had been looking at the table, his elbow on top of his chair's backrest while his knuckles stroked the stubble along his jawline pensively.

They all noticed his meditative nature and looked at him.

"Excuse me," he said and stood up, marching out of the dining area.

Ray wrinkled his nose. "What's up with him?"

Aira shrugged her shoulders. On instinct, and at the same time, all three of them turned to look at Aaron, expectantly.

The long haired male rolled his eyes and lifted his palms in surrender.

"I will go and find out," he said and proceeded out of the dining area.

Joshua's eyes followed him, and he bit the inside of his cheek. It was always Aaron. And he didn't even know why.

***** ***** ***** *****
Kieran was sitting in one of the sofas in his room by the fireplace. The dark green velvet case was open on the round coffee table in front of him, revealing the necklace he was staring at.

"It's beautiful."

Kieran turned his head and looked up at Aaron, who was bending over, his hands behind his back as he admired the necklace.

"You're here..." Kieran said, hazily.

Aaron chuckled. "You're so out of it, you didn't even sense me approach."

His hands reached for the box, and he held it closer, to take a good look at what was inside.

"Emeralds," he identified. "You got these from Velroth Isles?"

He nodded.

"Unless you recently developed an affinity for wearing jewels, I'd like to think you got them for someone."

Kieran leaned back in his seat. "They're a gift for...Elena."

Aaron smiled. This was new.
"First class, yet noble. She'll love them."

Kieran did not respond.

"But..." Aaron's forehead creased. "Didn't you go to see her yesterday and today? How come you have not given them to her yet?"

"I forgot to take them with me."

Aaron sighed. "It's incredible how you still lie when you know you are an open book to me," he said, and placed the case back on the table. "What's wrong, Kieran?"

Kieran's cyan eyes met Aaron's brown ones.

He had always been like this. Perceptive. Knowing. Understanding. Sometimes it was annoying how Aaron managed to pry his emotions right out of him where others couldn't, and other times, it was just what he needed; without even realising it.

Kieran was sixteen, and Captain of the Close Combat regiment to Crown Prince Amos' Guard. Part of his regiment was tasked by General Xerthes to accompany Prince Lukas and Princess Debra during the Spring Festival.

Debra had been particularly needy at the time, and managed to blackmail Kieran into spending alone time with her by winning a bet - five bulls-eyes at a game of darts. She'd won by nibbling his earlobe at just the right time, causing Kieran's aim to falter at the fifth dart.

He trusted Josh and Ray to watch and protect the Prince while he left with Debra.

And that was when Lukas was kidnapped, just as Ray and Josh bickered at the caramel apple stand, forgetting about the young prince.

General Xerthes' fury knew no bounds when Kieran reported to him. The latter anticipated this, and to save his already trembling brothers from his wrath, stoically took up the blame. He confessed that it was him who had kept his eyes away from Luke.

Flogging was the punishment Xerthes chose.

"Ten lashes of the whip," he declared. His voice was flat, but the ice in it chilled the dimly lit Box Room, and caused a frosty wave to pass through his sons' bodies.

Kieran willingly unbuttoned his tunic, slipping it off his shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. He ordered his brothers to leave the Box Room.

But the General commanded them to stay.

"I know it was you two who were with Prince Lukas at the time," he said, without sparing them a glance. "Captain Kieran is not reckless like you."

Ray and Josh shook visibly, the scathing tone of the iron fisted man they called their father turning their bones into mush.

He turned, and his glare met his other two sons for the first time. The light from the candles reflected the spiteful glint in his hazel eyes, making both of them shudder under it.

"So you are going to watch your brother get flogged for your mistake. For your weakness. For your foolishness. For your Lack. Of. Spine!" his voice gradually got louder with each phrase, until he was shouting, "For your cowardice!"


"Kneel, Kieran!" Xerthes boomed, his harsh tone causing Ray to take a step back from him, inching behind Joshua.

Kieran stood his ground, and tried to reason with him to atleast let them go.

But it was futile.

"They are going to watch, and they are going to learn that this household has no room for cowards!" Xerthes shouted. His veins were bulging at his temples and neck, his tall large body shaking with anger. "Cowards who cannot own up to their damn mistakes and take their damn punishment like men!"

Ray was ten years old and Josh, eleven.

His glare bore into Ray and Joshua's eyes, his teeth gritted in a nasty snarl. And his next line made their hearts sink to their stomachs. "For a coward is no blood of mine; no son of mine."

Ray's bottom lip quivered, his eyes bloodshot from fighting back tears. Joshua kept his fists clenched, trying to keep his body upright eventhough his knees buckled, threatening to give away and make him crumble to the ground.

"On your knees, Kieran." Xerthes' order was low and dead calm. The kind that left no room for argument.

Kieran complied, and his fore arms leaned onto the low short-legged table, bracing himself. He would need that support.

He heard the loud thud of Xerthes heavy footsteps as he moved to the shelf in the corner of the room to pick out his chosen weapon, and returned to his position.

"You shall count whichever lash scrapes his back," Xerthes said to the other two, and Kieran shut his eyes. The words made his heart grieve for his brothers' pain.

The General raised his whip, and Ray's eyes widened in horror as he watched it come down with such speed and strength; a reflection of their father's rage.

By the fifth lash, mucus was clogging Ray's nose, making it hard to breathe while his cheeks, neck and upper part of his tunic were soaked in salty tears. The lump in Joshua's throat grew larger, rendering his vocal cords seemingly useless.

The slashing sound of hide meeting skin echoed throughout the room, and Ray choked, coughing and gasping for air.

Kieran clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Not once had he cried out in pain, but the sound of his brother's agonies served more tortuous than the thousand scorpion stings he felt across his back.

And Xerthes knew it.

"Count!" Xerthes barked, and the first tear rolled down Joshua's cheek.

"S...six," he choked out, his vision blurring.

That night, the only person permitted to see Kieran was Xerthes' mother, and it was so she could attend to his wounds and bandage him up. Some had turned into lacerations.

"Your father might be harsh, but his intentions are right," she said, sliding the salve over his cuts as he propped himself on his fore arms, holding on to his beddings so as not to squirm too much.

She sighed.

"You should stop doing this, Phoenix. Your siblings need to grow, and they won't if you keep protecting them this way," she said. "Harden that heart, just a little more."

Kieran said nothing. And when she exited, locking the door with a key behind her, he was left to his thoughts, and the defeaning silence.

He was alone.

He didn't realise how much of an effect the day's transpirations had had on him until he saw water droplets sink into the the crimson of his covers. They were coming from his eyes, and he did not stop them, eventhough they burnt his cheeks like a hot iron.

The moment was disrupted by tinkering sounds at the door, and he immediately knelt on his bed, looking towards the door. It seemed like someone was having difficulty trying to get in, and as he wiped his tears with his hands, he noticed that the person didn't have a key, and was picking the lock.

The door opened just a crack, and a tiny figure slinked in.

He was wearing a white night robe that swallowed his thin form, the sleeves hanging off his hands by inches so his fingers were unseen, and the hem swept the floor so his feet were unseen. His jet black hair flowed all the way to his pelvis, and only when he placed his hair pin back in his locks was a flash of his hands seen. With the sullen eyes, drooping eyebags, slightly hollowed cheeks and pale ivory skin, he looked like a ghost.

"Aaron?" Kieran whispered. "What are you doing here? Get back to bed!"

Aaron closed the door with his sleeve covered hands and started towards the bed. Kieran glared at him and snapped at him to go back, lest their father found
him and punished him as well.

But the twelve year old paid no heed and hoisted his frail body onto the king size  bed. It seemed a strenuous exercise, because his breathing became laboured and his face contorted with discomfort, as he felt a tug at his chest. The cold night wasn't helpful to his situation.

"You are the idiot here, Kieran," he said, kneeling infront of him and sitting back on his heels. "How do you expect me to sleep soundly when I know you are in pain?"

A flicker of emotion passed in Kieran's eyes before he masked it with a stoic face. "You should not worry yourself over nothing in your sickly state. I am not in pain."

A wry smile crossed Aaron's lips. "You cannot lie to me when I know what pain feels like," he said. "I have felt it inside me since i was born, and even when i breathe. It is an ugly feeling, and I know you have it worse. Not only on your back, but within your chest as well."

He crawled closer to him on his knees, and placed a hand on his bare shoulder. "But you don't have to experience it alone..."

Kieran bit the inside of his bottom lip, a lump forming in his throat. He knew Aaron had it rough as well. Xerthes had not exactly been welcoming of his illness. He could not believe one of his own could have an impairment that contradicted their warrior bloodline. He saw it as a sign of weakness, and chose to shun Aaron's presence in its entirety.

"...not when I am here," Aaron added, giving him a reassuring smile. It was the same one Kieran gave him whenever Xerthes would greet everyone else in the family but him.

His vision grew murky, and when he blinked in an attempt to clear it, the tears streamed down in rivulets.

He let them.

"Aaron..." His voice quivered. " hurts."

"I know."

Kieran lowered his head and let it rest against his brother's shoulder. His body shook with soft sobs, unable to hold them back anymore.

"Father...Lukas' disappearance...responsibility..." He whimpered. "It's too much. Too...heavy."

Aaron placed a hand atop his head. "It will be alright," he whispered. "I got you."

With time, Aaron helped Kieran wear his tunic, taking care not to injure him more. And with time, three more visitors graced his bed-chamber, much to his distress.

A five year old Aira dived onto the bed and straight into his arms, while Ray and Joshua followed. They were a disgusting snot and tear smeared mess as they gushed their apologies and promises to grow up and bear their own burden.

"W-we wuh-won't let you get hurt anymore because of us," Joshua said, dabbing at his eye with his wrist, "I...I will personally protect you."

Ray nodded vigorously, sniffing in his snot loudly.

"It's going to be a disaster if father finds us like this." Aaron grumbled as Aira writhed from Kieran's lap, onto his.

"Then we'll face it together!" Ray declared, a new kind of determination in his eyes.

Kieran looked from Ray to Joshua, and smiled. They all knew that smile. It was his smile of affection; the one he always gave them where words could not express his emotions. It was a smile that urged their sentiments to float to the surface, and exposed them bare infront of him.

"I love you, Kieran." Joshua was the first victim of his smile, blinking away tears.

Ray's watery gaze fell on Joshua, his lips ferociously curved downwards and his lower lip jutted out in a difficult attempt to stop crying. He was the second victim. "I love you, Josh."

Aaron chuckled and looked across from him, smiling at his youngest brother. He was the third victim. "I love you, Ray."

Aira, not fully understanding what was going on, merely enjoyed the sudden display of affection. She reached her arms round and squeezed Aaron's torso, wearing a big grin. "I love you, Aaron! I love all you guys!"

And she pulled them into an awkward yet warm five-person hug, something she called a 'Hamzada huggle', because she could not quite pronounce "Hammedatha"

That night, they all slept in Kieran's bed. The only thing missing this time round was a thunderstorm.

And a young woman quietly closed the door to the bed-chamber, seeing as they had forgotten to do so. She rested her palm and forehead helplessly on the wood, closing her eyes. Her heart ached because she could do no more than watch them.

Feeling a presence, she turned to her right and saw her mother-in-law standing there with her hands behind her back. As usual, her face held no emotion, her almond shaped eyes drooping in what could be discerned as a bored and impervious manner.

"I was just-"

"Leave." She put a stop to her explanations, making the young woman gulp. "This is no time for you to be a mother. Especially not to Phoenix."

She nodded, and casting her sad eyes away from her gaze, turned to depart.

"Remember, Alyssa." The older woman said, stopping the latter in her tracks. "Being a Hammedatha, becoming a hard."

Of course she would not forget. Not when she had been reminded many times before she married Xerthes.

That was ten years ago. Everyone else had changed, even Xerthes, and Aaron was the only one who remained the same.

"Can you tell me?" Aaron asked, and Kieran sighed.

Author's note:

A Hammedatha sibling special, because I love them.

It took me so long to display their actual ages because even I could not decide on how old they should be. But now you know!

The official age for joining the Prince's Guard is twelve, but for Hammedatha bloodline, it's ten.
Luke was twelve back then.

Do you guys think I should put a trigger warning in this chapter?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!!

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