Chapter 59

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None of her companions were pleased with how the battle with Alice had unfolded. Lilly wasn't either. A part of her regretted telling Julia to take her Shade and leave Alice behind. But she knew deep down that the choice was the right one. If not Alice, Julia would've remained a menace and put The Valley in danger. Lilly had endured the scolding of both Quentin and Eliot. It felt like being lectured by two fathers at once. Above it all, Lilly was tired. Alice's presence within her was already draining. She wondered if The Niffin was destroying its host as a way to force its release. Alice would be sorely disappointed when it only ended in a sooner death for the both of them.

Lilly stood before a mahogany grandfather clock that had found its new home in the Physical Cottage. It was a beast of a clock, with a big fat brass face orbited by four smaller dials tracking the months and the phases of the moon and the signs of the zodiac, and God knew what else, all framed in dark wood. Erupting from the crown were two ram heads, one might assume to represent the sign of Aries, but any Fillory fan knew that these were the Gods Ember and Umber. Carved from the enchanted wood of a Sunset Tree, the clock was very likely the only portal left. Jane had destroyed almost every one to prevent Martin from reaching her and learning of Evelyn and Lilly's existence. In the end, it hadn't been enough.

The only reason the clock had survived was that it was in the possession of a very alive god, Umber. While Quentin and Eliot were unable to convince him to return to Fillory, they managed to acquire this clock.

"So this is it, huh?" Lilly mused, studying every curve of its unsurpassed craftsmanship. "The clock that brought the Chatwins to Fillory." This was where the story began, her story. The tale of Jane, Martin, and Rupert. Her family. It all seemed so innocent and sinister at the same time. The Chatwins had discovered it as children when magic and Fillory were the stuff of fairytales. But their incredible discovery had lead to so much bloodshed.

"It's poetic, isn't it?" Quentin ran his fingers along the carved edges in thought.

"More like a dark cosmic joke." Kady scoffed, her arms crossed as usual. Quentin shot her a look for ruining his moment and shook his head in irritation. He turned back and with a slight click, unlatched the door. Golden sunlight erupted from within, where an ordinary clock would have swinging pendulums and spinning cogs, this one lead straight home. Lilly swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to hide the way her lips drooped in a frown. She was going home, but would it feel that way without Penny? Lilly didn't afford herself the time to dwell on that and took a step towards the light.

"Before we go," Eliot blocked her path with his arm, as one might a child before a car accident. "There's something I should probably tell you." Lilly stepped back and turned to face him. Eliot bit his lip and winced under her scrutiny.

"You're worrying me." She tilted her head to the side, trying to predetermine what he was going to say. He glanced around at the others and found none willing to step in. Quentin actually took a step back as if preparing for an explosion. Eliot rolled his eyes and pouted like a toddler.

"Margo is sort of in the dungeons because she made a fairy deal to fix The Wellspring." Lilly narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Why is she in the dungeons for that?" Eliot shifted his weight uneasily.

"Well, she used Fen and my baby as a bargaining chip. And now they've been kidnapped and taken to the Fairy Realm." He grimaced when he saw the anger begin to boil in Lilly's eyes. "Oh, and since Margo is locked up, Fillory is most likely being ruled by Josh and Ava."

"What the actual fuck did I just hear?" Lilly blinked rapidly and took a long deep breath. "Why haven't I been informed of these developments?"

"It just didn't seem like the best time to drop those bombs. I mean, you were already sinking like the Titanic. I wasn't about to capsize the lifeboats."

"Well, my sister-in-law and future niece or nephew are missing in fairyland. I think that's something I should know!" Lilly's fists clenched beside her, and her brows had risen to furious peaks. The others looked between them with varying interest or panic.

"I thought I had things under control." Eliot shied away from her gaze.

"Since when do we ever have things 'under control'? Ava has probably killed Josh by now, or worse - the entire kingdom is up in flames!" She threw her hands in the air at the end. To Eliot's utter relief, Quentin took this as his cue to step between them.

"Guys, let's save the fighting for after we get Eliot back on the throne." He reasoned, and Lilly managed to compose herself with the roll of her shoulders.

"Fine," she huffed. "Eliot, we are going to have a serious conversation about transparency when this is all over." She narrowed her eyes at him, and he managed a very innocent smile in return.

"I don't doubt it." He mumbled as she ducked down to head through the portal. "I love you!" Eliot called after her, trying his very best to soften her up before that dreaded conversation. She stopped with one foot into the clock and looked over her shoulder with pursed lips.

"I know what you're doing." She narrowed her eyes on him again, and Eliot gulped. After a moment of deliberation, she sighed in annoyance. "But, I love you, too." He grinned from ear to ear. "Don't think that means you're off the hook!" Lilly called as she was swallowed up by Fillorian sunlight. Eliot mouthed a thank you to Quentin and followed after.

They were very relieved to find that Castle Whitespire was still standing, and beyond some very high guards that had definitely been eating Josh's muffins, everyone was alive. The royal advisor was overjoyed to find Eliot alive and well and lead them through the maze of hallways towards the throne room. When they passed through the arched entrance, Lilly was relieved to Find Margo, dressed in her usual finery, scolding Josh for something he'd done. She had her back to them with her hands planted firmly on her hips.

"I am this close to taking that fake crown on your head and shoving it up your ass!" It was in that moment that Josh spotted their party entering. The look of relief on his face said it all.

"Eliot! You're back!" Margo whirled, her skirt flowing about her in waves of midnight organza. Lilly stopped short when she saw her friend's face. Margo's left eye was covered with a bejeweled black eyepatch.

"What the hell happened to your eye?" Lilly gasped, crossing the distance between them to examine her closer. Quentin and Eliot followed close behind.

"I went to the Fairy Realm to get Fen back." Margo's gaze drifted over to Eliot. She assessed him warily, unsure if he would be happy to see her. His expression gave nothing away. "She won't come back without your daughter."

"But they're both alive?"

"For now," Margo muttered, her frown deepening.

"Then we have time to get them back." Eliot declared, and Margo looked the slightest bit hopeful that maybe she could win back his trust. Quentin took Eliot's hand in his and squeezed. Lilly glanced around the throne room. Julia tried her hardest to catch Kady's eye, but she seemed determined not to acknowledge her friend. Kady was still furious with her for letting Reynard go, and Lilly truly couldn't blame her. Dani and Saia spoke in hushed tones with their heads bent together. "Where's Ava?" Lilly asked. Ava was strangely absent, despite the chaos unfolding with the Fairies. Margo's face fell even further, and she looked almost nervous.

"Lilly, she-" Margo swallowed, her expression turning from guilty to pitying. "She's back in The Valley. Elias, he's not doing well." Lilly's face paled, and she turned to see Saia's head had snapped up to attention.

"What happened?" Lilly tried to keep her voice steady, but there was a telltale tremor that gave away her distress.

"I don't know." Margo shook her head. "Ava got a bunny a few hours ago and took off." Lilly shared a look of panic with Saia, but she was hesitating. Fen was missing. Her niece was missing. She needed to be here to help, but she couldn't stay when Elias was dying. Quentin chose for her.

"Go," he nodded to give the permission she was clearly seeking. "We'll figure out a way to get Fen back. Be there for your grandfather." Lilly nodded, but the guilt remained. She wrapped her arms around Quentin in thanks and then did the same with Eliot. Margo squeezed her hand in sympathy, and Lilly savored the bit of strength it gave her. She was sure she would need it.

As she stepped within the barrier of The Valley, she felt the Niffin within her stir. She felt self-conscious walking through her home as if everyone could see straight through her to the creature slowly ravaging her body. Alive was like a parasite living just beneath the surface, forever locked in a battle for control. The sensation could only be compared to the chaos of anxiety clawing a hole in her chest. She was thankful that though she could feel Alice's presence, she wasn't able to see her as Quentin had. She wasn't sure she could withstand a wailing harpy around her all day and night.

Lilly kept a cage around Alice, buried deep within her in the darkest most corner. For now, the Niffin was contained, unable to harm anything or anyone. But Lilly knew better than to believe it would last. No matter how powerful a creature Shifters were, they couldn't survive holding a Niffin inside forever. She would inevitably be faced with the same choice Quentin had. Box Alice, or die, and if they couldn't acquire a Niffin box before then, she would have no choice at all.

The bedroom of Elias's cottage was too full. It felt to Lilly like every wall was closing in, growing closer with every breath and shaking step. There were healers all around him, three of them. But none seemed to be doing anything other than tuck the quilt closer around his fragile frame or ring out a cloth of cool water to drape across his forehead. His hands rested palms up above the covers, motionless and exposed. Lilly stepped inside the room, and the healers gave her a look that could only mean one thing. The Bloodreigna was dying. They filed out of the room without a word, knowing that she would want a moment alone with him. When the door clicked shut, Lilly mustered the strength to approach his bedside.

"Elias," she ran the tips of her fingers along the wrinkled skin of his forehead. His eyes cracked open to look up at her with tired eyes.

"You are not alone, are you?" His voice was strained and broken as if even his vocal cords had deteriorated beyond repair. At first, Lilly assumed he'd meant Saia or Ava, but when she glanced over her shoulder, it dawned on her that he didn't mean any of them. He'd meant Alice.

"No." The candle at his bedside flickered, blown astray by her exhalation. Shadows danced across Elias's face, bringing the lines of age into stark focus. "I had to make a choice."

"I had hoped you wouldn't," he frowned. "My darling girl. You've suffered far more than you ever should have. I wish I could have protected you." Lilly squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head.

"I had a life because of you, because of the sacrifice you and Jane made. I didn't grow up living in fear of The Beast. I was happy."

"You will be again."

"I'm not so sure." Lilly looked down at her fingers and swallowed hard. "Penny's gone. He didn't make it back from the Poison Room." The words seemed to solidify in the air and press in on her like a sarcophagus. "I think I may be cursed." Elias's face tightened, and his eyes softened with compassion.

"I know the pain you are feeling. I lost my Jane so long ago, yet I felt that grief every day, saw her in the littlest of things. I see her now, in you." He smiled up at her, but it didn't meet his eyes. "You and Penny had the sort of love that lasts longer than one life. You will find each other again. I'm sure of it." Lilly sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand.

"Please, don't leave me." She whispered her face scrunching with the effort it took to hold back her tears. "Not you, too. I can't rule this place without you. I'm not ready." Elias cupped her cheek in his hand, brushing away the drops that had fallen.

"You're wrong." His eyes softened, and Lilly's heart ached in response. "I've seen you put our people's needs above your own more times than I can count. You are more worthy than I was when I ascended. The Niffin you carry inside you is proof of that." Elias placed his hand above her chest.

"I don't think I can handle being alone again."

"You've never been alone." He shook his head at the absurdity of her words. "If I could stay, I would. But I am fading from this world. I've lived a longer life than I ever should have, thanks to Jane's magic." Lilly took hold of his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I'm so glad I got to know you."

"It was one of the greatest blessings of my life to see you grow into such a strong, extraordinary woman." Elias gazed up at her as if she were as radiant as the moon, and to him, she was. "If you would grant your dear grandfather one last gift, it would be to live a full life. And to do that, I believe I must make one last sacrifice for my family." His eyes trailed down to her chest, and it was then that Lilly understood the meaning behind his words.

"No." She shook her head, the denial coming so quick and forcefully that she'd barely made the connection before saying it. Elias knit his brows together and tilted his head to the side.

"I'm already dying." It was true, and Lilly knew it. Having a Niffin inside him would do nothing but speed up the process. "I do not wish to suffer in my last days."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye." Her voice cracked with pain.

"It's my time. Yours, I hope, won't be for a long while. Which is why you must let me give you one last gift." Lilly was silent for a moment, her heart clenched and swelled. She took a long shaky breath.

"Alright." Lilly wiped at her eyes. She leaned her head onto his chest and let herself cry for every person she'd lost and the one she was about to.

Over the next hour, Elias's cottage saw a handful of visitors. Dear friends knelt at his bedside just as she had and whispered words of parting to their leader. Saia was the last to speak with him, and when she left, tears were glistening in her dark eyes. Dani and Ava both gave Lilly tight hugs and kind words before they retreated to the front garden, where they would await Lilly's call. Each one lit a candle as they left, and when Lilly finally closed the door, The Village was alight. Every single window flickered with candlelight, a sign of respect and love, and a farewell to Elias's soul. She turned back to find he was smiling, his blue eyes reflecting the golden light streaming in through his open window.

"Are you ready?" Lilly whispered, moving to sit at the edge of his bed. She took his hand in hers, and he squeezed. His strength was nearly nonexistent now. Elias turned his head to look up at her and nodded. His eyelids were heavy, but he didn't seem weighed down by his exhaustion. He was content to let it sweep him away like a rose petal on the breeze.

"I'm going to see my girls." He smiled, and Lilly couldn't keep the tears from falling.

"Evelyn is going to love you." Her voice shook with pure sorrow, but she was happy for him. He was ready. "Just like I do." She leaned over and placed her lips to his forehead. She let them linger for a moment, and when she sat back, she knew that it was time. Lilly felt Alice's Niffin clawing, spitting, and screeching within her. A bird in a cage, knowing that every second brought it closer to a brutal end. She felt a pain begin to bloom between her eyes, and a trail of something wet and sticky seeped from her nose.

Lilly ignored every stab of pain, every cry of protest the Niffin gave. She pressed her hands to the center of her chest and began to mutter the ancient words of her incantation. She felt a fever seep through her, and then a blinding azure light filled the room, illuminating every nook and cranny of the cottage. Elias shut his eyes against its brilliance. Lilly knew the moment Alice's Niffin was extricated from its prison within her. A pulsating orb of glacial blue energy floated between her outstretched palms. The sensation of a roar of angry bees inside her chest had vanished. The pain swept away with the exhale of her breath. Alice's Niffin thrashed within Lilly's hold, swirling and flaring her light with a fury. Lilly kept her restrained with all her might.

She looked over at Elias and found that he was once again smiling. He would be at peace. He gave her a final nod of confirmation. Lilly shuddered as her tears picked up their intensity, and though she wished nothing more than to ignore his wishes and take Alice back, she brought the ball of energy towards him. Lilly stopped just above Elias's chest and looked into his eyes one last time. Then she pressed the Niffin into him.

It took only a moment for the magic to overpower his already fading body. Lilly clutched his hand in hers as his breathing grew more and more shallow, his eyes turned to the sky, and the soft smile turned dreamy. She sensed his soul as it slipped from its vessel, leaving her alone in a room with nothing to do but cry with his limp fingers pressed to her lips.

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