Chapter 20 His story

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hey guys hope you all fine..

not edited guys, pls ignore the errors

happy reading

Neil pov

yes, I should have done this before, well better late than never, so I narrated her my story, this time an accurate version...

6 years before

Wandering off in our campus and searching for ankush, I know he would be surely near the entrance area, after all it's the day 1st years are joining, this ritual of him is been for past three years now, That guy is an idiot and loves flirting, I don't even know why I am friends with him, but some things are better kept unknown,

I am extrovert, therefore I have a lot of friends here, I am sure gonna miss this campus as I leave, well 4th year engineering, without supplies is not an easy thing, I am not a studious person; I like the process of learning, so I usually don't by heart things, I love this stream and always wanted to take this up...

Ankush is kind of my childhood Friend, our parents were friends and we too became close as I joined this institute... didn't know how 4 years past soo fast...

I am not into flirting, not against it either, healty flirting is fine I feel, but if the opposite party is not comfortable, you need to stop,

Though many girls had tried to hit on me, I never reciprocated, not because all were with me because of my family background , there were some who genuinly liked me, but well I was pretty old school, I wanted to get married to a woman, who had my mom's approval, because along with love you need your family also to move in life and I can't lose my family just because of a girl,

So I want someone of my families choice, so that I can have a happy family, I think this thought is quite practical, but ankush, laughed  at it and said all your practality will change once love hits you, and this piece of advice from some one like him who just keep flirting with girls seems odd..

Now where is this fellow

I was searching for him, when my eyes met with the most beautiful pair of eyes, I don't know why I was attracted to her, is it her nervousness and failed atempt to be confident, or was it her eyes that speaks alot, or is it something else, I don't know,

I have never believed in the concept of love at first sight it always seemed an absurd idea to me, but after seeing her, I contradict m earlier statments, if someone like me who never wanted to fall in love was attracted to someone whom I just saw a minute ago then people can also fall in love,

A tap on my shoulder, brought me out of her trance,

" lagtha hai mujhe apni Bhabhi milgayi.."( seems like i have got my sis in law) no points for gussing, who better than ankush can talk such non-sense

" Ek kam kar tu, shaadi bhi karwada meri.."( do one thing get me married)

" Sachi, mein, uff there are a lot of work, pehle uncle aunty ko bhulana padega, and then I have to call the priest, set the college as a reception venue, uff and catering.."

This guy will never change!

" I came in search for you, The project we are doing there is some glitches," I convienently changed the topic, because it was no use talking to this guy, I went of with him, but my mind still remained at her thoughts..

Soon days passed by I never saw her after that, seems like she was not on our line..

But one fine day, As I passed by the school canteen, I could hear faint tears, near to washroom area, I peeped in to find her crying there over the phone,

I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but in my defense I was too curious,

So I heard her out, I got to know that her father was a share in the school, and people thinks that she is a snobbish person, and had got hear only because of her father,

Well I can get her, when I was in my school I too faced the same but then later, I learned to tackle things, I had this sudden urge stop her tears, and console her...

After the convo she seemed to have been strong, I ran off in the fear of being caught...

A month passed, I tried to find her, but well I wanted to keep this as secret, no one new about this.. so my attempts were minimal,

But well, maybe my prayers were heard because I again saw her this time she was all happy, she was walking with a group of girls, seeing her happy a small smile made it's way to my lips..

I was not yet sure, what was I feeling was it just a crush or something  more to it...

The next meet was after few days, but this time it was not in the colleage premises, It was in this orphanage that, I saw her, she was there with her friend...

I went there and what I heard next changed all my doubts..

" you know what gayu, the money we lend to orphanage is not the only thing these kids want, What they want is love and affection, have you ever thought many of these boys go stealing and other crimes, it's not only because they don't have money, it's also because they don't have anyone to share their pain with, to console them and give them the believe that this situation would pass and together we can sim through it..

That's were family plays an important role, without a strong support, you can survive but not live, And I vist every week, so that in someway I can get connect to these kids, and be that someone who they can look up too, THeir is no use of luxurious when you don't have a family to share them with.."

and that was it, I have official fallen for her without even knowing her name, I am in love with you Miss. Unknown..

While I was thinking of ways to talk to her, come on I can't tell her that I was a creep just observing her all the time, and I love her.. I need to know more about her...

That's when I saw a someone also sneaking at the girls.. don't tell me that's her secret admirer

I went up to him and patted his shoulder and indicated with my eyes towards the girls and asked him why was he being creep, okay I am hypocrite..

His expressions where fun to watch, he slowly came and told me that his name was roopak and he was my junior, and he was in love with gayathri, the other girl, and requested me to not tell this mater aloud..

Got the Idea, I went to him and told him that I can help him in this, being good brother..

I was not decieving him just hitting two birds with a single stone..

so as he followed gayathri, I accompanied him to know about her..

And soon I found out my love's name was juhitha, wow my juhi...

I think you are going to far - my mind chided me and shut that off.

I got to know her taste and preferences, mostly everything about her, interesting fact is I have met her parents in a family venue of ours but never got to meet her...

In this process roopak got caught but as well got his loves approval, I wanted to propose her but I was tensed, being an extrovert I never had problems in conversing and now when I need to talk the most I am reluctant maybe the possiblity of rejection is hurting me... maybe..

As I was walking I saw her gaze shifting  towards my side, I swiftly moved away, hope she didn't see me..

Soon our exams approached, It went wel within this time I gained some confidence and decided to tell her about my feelings..

So the last day of exams, I was all prepared with a ring and all, I know cliche couldn't come up with something better...

 And I waited for her to come out of her examination hall, She was talking to that guy and I was behind them I waited for her to finish her convo, but what I didn't expect was that wait would never end..

He proposed her and she gladly accepted him, breaking and shatering my heart into pieces, not able to see any more, I went off from their, 

The fact is a rejection wouldn't have hurted me this much, but not able to get a chance to express my feelings for her that hurt me more..

I started becoming more aloof, ankush started notcing this, though I tried to ward off fake smile it didn't work before..

So I went told him everything, but never mentioned her name...

I felt light after the conversation and he told me to wait, there is a reason for things turing out to be not in your way and you will know that later..

Soon I completed my exams got a degree, I decided to move out, so that I could forget her and then I moved out to bangalore handling my father's business...

End of flashback

" guess What juhi, I was never able to forget you or stop loving you " 


I stood their utterly shocked, my husband was my secret admirer, he was in love with me all along, but then that journal...

" neil, It was you that day... but the journal.."

" I have this weired habit of noting down things in the last page of a book, I t was you I was talking about juhi, When I first saw vedika, she reminded me of you, that's when I thought that I can like vedika, but can I ever love her.. The answer is big No, I could'nt have because I never stopped loving you..

Now that I think it was better that she left me, If she wouldn't have then I would have still thought I was moving on from you and falling in love with her, but later I or she would have realised that, and couldn't have forgiven myself for destroying her life... Maybe as you said vedika can be innocent, but I don't confrot on that because what we shared was not love from myside juhi, it wasn't you are the only who I have fallen in love with.."

and I was in tears after hearing these words, how could I have been so lucky, Thank you god..

I hit him and he stood shocked

" Idiot you could have just told me na you love me, if you would have done that, that time then I we would have been a relationship for long, and neither aravind or vedika would have come in between, and you are telling all this now when I was about to leave, how dumb was I " and immidiatly hugged him, it felt heaven in his arms, finaaly I got the love I carved for..

" well that you are" neil said..

" what I am"

" Dumb "

" you.."

" but your my dumb lady dear.."

" does it make it any better"

" yes it does, I can't express my happiness juhi, finally I have you with me" I smiled at that

" waise I would like to hear those three magical words I have waited long for that" I knew what he was talking about but decided to tease him a little, a punishment for not taking this step earlier..

" oh I completly forgot" I got quite close to him" I.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEIL..." and he pouted at that and laughed at his antics..

" your soo cute neil"

" I don't  think I prefer to be that.."

" well your my cutie pie hubby"

" does it make ant difference wiffy" he winked at me and came even more close

" yes it does", his eyes darkened.. and this was it I looked straight at his eyes and said the words I was carving to say for days..

" I love you Neil" the next second his lips where on mine, my first ever kiss... soon he scooped me without breaking the kiss and took me to our room..

Authors pov

What happened under the blankets was histroy, and their started a new blooming love story and a married life..

The next morning juhi opened her eyes and blush creeped her cheeks as the nights events flashed her thoughts...

She checked the time and it was 12 in the noon now, she ahs never woken up this late well when she has slept late then she can't be blamed... 

She quickly nugged her husband who was cuddling her and sleeping soundly..

" what juhi... lets sleep for some more time.."

" well, Neil ain't choti coming today, I don't waant her to see us like this,"juhi reminded him to which he gave a sheepish smile.

" Actually wifey, pari is not comming, I mean I knew you were upto something, but didn't know what it was, I knew you would never back stab me, and when came with your bags, I didn't have anyother way to stop you apart from dragging pari to this.. so I lied to you, if you want we can always ask pari to join us.." 

And he quickly came above her  "thank you, juhi this is the best birthday any man could ever have, so lovely wife how about I take my present and have a re-telecast of nights event.." he winked at her and then the nights events had it's repeat






 i would be editing the this chapter and the last one this week soo if you get a notification on that please don't mind..




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