Chapter-28 The Deal

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Happy reading !

Siddhant Pov 

 I rushed out;  informing Steve, my PA, to cancel and re- schedule today's meetings. I fetched my car keys and started off the engine. All the while having numerous thoughts on the matter and the most prominent one among them was that I shouldn't be right. Yes, it's true for the first time in my life. I don't want my speculations to be true.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of my car and soon reached Shekar.

" Sir, as I have told you, my group has collected all the info on him. Let's get to the office room,"  I just gave him a meek node.

Ruhi Pov

" Thank you so much, Akshay. If not for you, nothing would have been possible!"

" Well, can't I do that for my evergreen crush !" Akshay replied with a teasing smile.

" Ha ha, very funny! You do remember right, I am married."

" Oh God, how can anyone forget your possessive husband's face."

" Possessive!"

" Don't tell me you have not noticed that, the way he was holding you, and the way he wanted to strangle us, all showed how possessive he is of you !"  Is he just teasing me? How could Siddhant be possessive about me!

" Well, do tell your hubby that I envy him...." This fellow will never stop.

" Oh, and even I feel pity for someone who had been falling for you so badly!" There, I blurted it out.

Akshay looked pretty serious on that. It seems like Sneha has actually pulled up some courage and confessed her feelings for him. She had always liked him since our first year, and slowly, it changed into love, but Akshay had a crush on me, and things got a bit tangled!

Seems like even the fashionista cum cupid maker needs some arrows to be pulled for her happy ending...

" About that..." sensing his hesitant form, I cut him off!

" I don't think you are answerable to me! Figure it out Akshay, life is too short for complications, enjoy these moments with someone special to you !" when did I start giving such advises!

He gave me a warm smile...

" This was the reason why I liked you !"

" Ok then, byee... hope I could attend a wedding pretty soon !" I winked at him and left off to work.

Finally at peace! 

Breathing the air of relief, I brought life into my car! and rode off to my office. All the while the words spoken by Akshay regarding Siddhant never left me...

Siddhant's Pov

My phone started ringing yet again. I looked at the caller ID and immediately cut the call.  I am hell confused and irritated.

Why? Why is it that when ever I get close to her, I am forced to take step backwards. Why ?

Why? is it soo difficult to accept the reality. Why am I not able to come in terms with it? Why?

Why? Why ? Why?


I took a long a breath. Again my phone rang. Seems like silence doesn't work always!

 I took up the call, before the person  could speak up, I yelled.


" sid..."

" Don't, don't you dare utter my name from your mouth, What ever you have done is more than enough!"

" I just want to talk,"

" There is nothing left to talk, THIS IS THE LAST AND FINAL TIME, I AM WARNING YOU, NEXT TIME YOU CALL ME, YOU WOULD MEET MY LAWYER ." I cut the call and threw the phone to the couch. I slouched down to the bed and looked towards my right side to meet with those innocent eyes, the eyes that taunts me. The eyes which I find solace in again the eyes which are the reasons for my frustrated state.

" Siddhant..."

Ruhi Pov


What happened to him? Today morning he was just fine! Is this the same person who had been calling him since past few days.

With in minutes my eyes met his red raged ones!  He stared at me for long as if trying to study me. I called him out to break his trance.

I didn't receive any reply. I moved towards the couch and picked up his phone, I looked at the caller ID, the number was not saved in his phone.

Suddenly the phone was snatched from me. I looked at Siddhant who had clenched his fist by now.

" Siddhant, What happened? Is there anything that's bothering you?" I asked.

To which he started to laugh like a lunatic, and then gave a smirk, which clearly meant he was up to something which is of no good to me. I just gave him a blank look of confusion. 

" Seriously, How are able to do this so well M/s Ruhanika? "

" What do you mean by that Siddhant?"

" Leave that aside, didn't we make a deal to not meddle in each other's affairs, Did you forget it or break it off like many other deals you have made."

" Siddhant can you be a bit clear, I agree we did make a deal... but I thought since we have been.."

" Auhh... hmm... M/s Ruhanika all problems that I face is because, people like you exist in this world... "

" And what do you mean by people like me, and who where you yelling at?" I spoke agitated by his accusations on me.

" M/s Ruhanika Sharma, will you stop you are act now. What I don't get is don't you guys get tired of tricking people, won't you get tired of playing with people's emotions... Don't your consciousness taunt you now and then! Just so that you get what you want you guys are ready to hurt anyone... Is it that easy!"

" Stop, Mr Siddhant Mathur, I clearly don't get what you are applying to... I just happen to see you frustrated over the call and asked you about the same as a friend, If you didn't want to reply you just have to say so... than using these lines on me."

" Oh wow... How kind of you Ruhanika... my Bad I should have told you about my problems... You want to know Then listen... YOU are my first and foremost problem and then comes that unfaithful rat, Vedika... Money and power... is that what you guys think all the time. I get her mentality coming from a middle class family, but you.. ain't your riches enough for you... why are you soo greedy! " 

" What on the earth are you applying too? I would never keep money above anything, and Vedika... she was jiju's ex right."

" Oh so you do know her! alas you guys are the people who should patch both would make a good pair at deceiving people, playing with others emotions!"

" Stop with this accusations Sid, I am leaving.." I was suddenly pulled by my wrist. He was dangerously close to me.

" Ruhanika, can you for once swear on your, wait on Bhabhi's name that you have never played with anyone's emotion and trust, that you have never hurt any innocent soul. Can you?" he said in dangerously calm voice.

No, I can't... I have...

" What happened cat caught it's tongue, truth always tastes bitter my friend," he threw me to the bed and went of to the study.

No, this is not right! I know about vedika through di and jiju.. from both of them I could analyse that she is some what like my di, she would have never done that, in fact the other day both me and di where talking about the same, but since jiju and di didn't want to open up to her. we left the subject seems like I need to deal with this.

Siddhant Pov

I clench my fist as I walk through my study! Yes I was right! I could clearly say that from her face.

Frustrated I pulled my hair tightly remembering the incident that took place in the office room, the incident that I dread the most.


" Sir these are documents about the guy." Shekar handed me a file containing details of the man that I saw that day with Ruhanika. Whom I had admitted in the hospital, Whose life...

" Sir, the guys name is Aravind, He worked as an Data Analyst Manager, in Teckno World,Ltd. He hails from Rathna Nagar, their Family are zamindars there."

" Leave that what I want to know is about his relationship status,Did he have any girlfriends before that accident,"

" Yes, sir he did have, But  he had gone through a terrible break up and was also noticed taking treatment for depression after that. The ladies name is..."

" Yes, her name is?"

" Ruhanika, sir your wife!" I stood shocked at the mention of her name, how badly I didn't want this. but yet again here we are.

" Sir, both of them have met in through there work places, Ma'am happened to be Aravind's client and that's how they caught up. Through further investigation we got to know that Aravind's Family and the Sharma's where held upon a property dispute. It's rumored that Ma'am was toying him because she didn't want to prologue the case, and he had given his signatures willingly and the property is yet again in Sharma's name. But about the rumor we are not much certain. But we could come to a conclusion about there relationship status." Shekar then took out few photos and placed it on the table.

My blood boiled at the site in front of me! My wife in the embrace of another man and she looked like she had been enjoying a lot with him.

His tears and please and his last lines where still fresh in my memory.

I was right from the start... I was right..

But  I don't want to be....

Shekar kept saying something about Aravind's family, not being able to handle this revelation I left from there.

**Flashback ends**

Shit..... Why god, what did I do soo bad you keep punishing me.

Why can't I just believe that Ruhani is not what she shows, she is entirely different and deceiving.

No she is wrong Sid, if not you wouldn't have seen hesitance and guilt in her eyes when you asked her to swear on Bhabhi.

She is exactly like Vedika.

You have just let yourself fall on her well laid trap.

She is wrong! 

Why can't I just come in terms with this and just leave her...

I hate Ruhanika for putting me through this! you are a very good player, I was just a fool who liked you for who you posed yourself as.

I can't handle this, I might seem tough, but even I have something called emotion. I can't let myself be like bhai. Alas I think I have already been like him.

What fate you hold Sid, for the first time you liked someone and she is nothing but like Vedika whom I despise the most, I have seen Bhai cry days for her... I have seen him slipping into depression, I have seen him loose himself in the process.

I could now imagine Aravind's condition, that day his tears, his pleas all showed how much he would have love.. No I can't even imagine them together!

" tell ruhi that I love..."

His last words haunted me, the families tears after that haunted me. Are you soo stone hearted Ruhani.

Why did you do this to me. Why the hell did you marry me? What did you benefit by breaking me?

I can't stand for something wrong. Yet I want to forget all this live my life with her like we used to be before I got to know about all of these.

Knock on my door brought me out of my trance. 

I realized that I had tears in my eyes, I quickly wiped them and gave a meek come in.

She entered the room, I quickly averted my gaze from the conceiving yet innocent eyes, fearing that I would worsen my already worse situation.

" Yes what do you want ?"

" Mr. Siddhant Mathur, don't you think you think so high of yourself?" she asked

No, I think I am a fool who couldn't control his emotions and was blind enough to not recognize people and there intentions.

" What is it that you have to say, if it's nothing serious then please leave the room I don't have time for your nonsense." I replied harshly masking up my messed up state.

" Yes, it something serious. You can't always be right... thoughts and eyes at times can be conceiving Mister." very true you are the living example of that.

" Are you here to give me a psychology class, then for your kind information I am not interested."

" Ahh.. What I mean is I can prove you are wrong Mister, your assumptions are wrong." 

How I wish instead of proving me wrong you could prove yourself right.

" On what aspect are you talking about!"

" I am talking about Vedika here, I think she is.."

" Oh.. stop right there, you are gonna prove her innocence. Wah I think they are right, leeches stick together. You are supporting her, why am I not surprised,"

" Siddhant mark my words, you are gonna regret all this. I would prove you wrong!" I do regret having feelings for you.

" What would you do if you are not able to prove me wrong?"

Ruhanika pov

" What would you do if you are not able to prove me wrong?" he asked me his tone laced with sarcasm.

" I would do anything you say." there was light pause. he looked into me and then averted his gace.

" Then Divorce me, If you are wrong." what did he just say, did I hear it wrong.

" Di..Divorce.." I asked I hate myself for stuttering like that.

" Yes, you heard me right, if you are not able to prove me wrong within a two weeks, then we divorce and split our ways, So shall I call it a deal." Does he despise me so much that he is not even hesitant to divorce me.

I just nodded my head and went off from there.

" Why do you worry so much, isn't this what we planned!"- my mind exclaimed.

Yes it is but I thought... Why do I feel so bad about this.

" Because you like or maybe much more you have fallen for him Ruhi" my consciousness replied

Yes I have seemed to like him no maybe love him.

But what's the use. It's never gonna be reciprocated.

They are right when they say karma never loses it's address, I am paying for my deeds. I wiped of a lone tear.

Siddhant Pov

It took everything in me to utter those words with confidence in front of her. But this is the best thing that should happen. If I stay in this relationship with her anymore I might end up doing things that I would regret later.

Moving away is best for my heart and brain. Yet it hurts it hurts bad!

So guys how are you all ?

I am fine, I was busy regarding my admissions etc.. so couldn't draft the chapter...

So how was the chapter?

Can you exactly blame Sid for his dilemma?

And what about Ruhi's hesitancy... Who is right? and what's happening...

I  know too many questions... All would be answered in next two chapters...

Yes guys.. the story is coming to it's end..

Next update would be soon..

till the next time we meet 

take care stay safe

keep smiling:)

love sreeku

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