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2 months after the incident

It's a lot of hustle-bustle in our college with the preparations  going on for the upcoming college fest . Well currently we are in a heated discussion on who will be the leads to the drama.

I am between the apparently "most cute" couple of our college, yip guys no points for right guesses, I feel like Pomeranian going on looking from one to another oh god why am I even here!

" Ju where are you lost did you even listen what he was saying " Gayu's voice was enough to get me out of my trance.

" ok what did I say so bad, sis listen I am just saying that I don't know ABCD about acting and I don't want to act. Now what's wrong in this "

Yes, guys, I am in this debate between them, Gayu wants to do the lead were as Roopak bhaiya doesn't feel like doing it and this discussion is going on for past 15 mins. Now were is alley she is the one who brought this topic and had left me with these wild cats. 

For a fact I know Gayu is not keen on doing  the play either.She is doing this to spite  Roopak bhaiya as to take her little sweet revenge For the time he took her for skydiving, For the record my friend here is hella scared of heights, though she was fine after the ride and wanted to do it again I think she wants to make him feel how it does feel when someone blackmails you to do something you don't like.

Now how do I know this? Well this was planned. Now you get why am I acting like a Pomeranian, seems like Gayu's plan is not gone work usually he gives in to all her wishes but what happened today. Why  all of a sudden Gayu is not screaming ,I looked up to see a guilty Gayu smiling sheepishly.

" So Gayu do you want me to do the play for you or just because I wanted to reduce your fear of height haan" Roopak bhaiya asked smirking lightly.

Ok got us...

" So guys since this drama is over and the female lead has failed awfully. Let's get into the real drama now who are gonna be the leads?" alley entered the room with some other guys with her who I think was to be the part of the play. I gave her stern look which meant I will see her later for leaving me alone like this and she in return gave me a sheepish grin.

" well ju how about you do the lead " Gayu suggested

" what why will I do that didn't we decide that I and alley would direct the play " I replied to her stupid suggestion.

" hey I think you are apt for the play since its about a dancer her conflict between her passion and love of her life, Now all of us know that you are an exceptional dancer so yaar why don't you try, and wait you do remember you owe me this " Gayu started her weird persuading methods

"Wait why do I owe you! "

" oh come on ju when you and roop made the crazy plan of skydiving both of you promised me to do anything that I would I ask in return now didn't you? So I am asking you to do the lead play and you are doing so. "

" ya I regret that bad " I gave a glare towards Roopak bhaiya who inturn returned me a sheepish grin, what is with every one and this grin today

" ok I am ready but don't blame if the play doesn't work out "

" yip no worries, now the male lead" alley asked

" How about Neil I think he would do well with the role " Roopak Bhaiya suggested

" but will you think he will be here that day and moreover he is our super senior and I think its better to take someone from our batch or yours so any other suggestions," Adi said

"How about Aravind Bhaiya he would also do well na Roop " gayu asked

"Well I can ask Aravind how about I call him here now if everyone is ok with it"

" ok Roopak go for it, " said Adi and I sat there thinking who is this Aravind I have never heard of him. Well will see who is this.

After sometime Roopak bhaiya entered with a good looking man he was not tall but tall enough and well his eyes were his attraction. He came and greeted every one of us. Then we were set for the scene reading and everyone took up there position well to be truthful I was a bit uncomfortable with him come on we are complete strangers and I am no professional actor.

" hmm Juhita right " that call broke me out of my trance

" ah yeah "

He chuckled at my response "well let's begin once again my name is Aravind people close to me call me Aaru, and will you be my friend " he paused and looked at me and then pointed towards his oh wait he has raised his hand for a handshake I smiled at his frankness seems like he is an extrovert, and I thought why not this would definitely reduce this awkwardness between us, I shook his hand.

"I am Juhita and everyone I know call me Juhi " he smiled at that

After this we had our scene practice and thankfully it was no more awkward in fact I did enjoy doing the scenes especially those romantic scenes there was some sort of comfort level with him

Days passed and our practice session increased so did our interactions I liked spending time with him, well now he has become the first person to whom I share my day to day happening and the same goes with him.

"Oh god, why did this have to happen now, We practiced so well! " I heard Gayu yell and turned to see everyone gloomy in the hall.

"What happened don't we have to practice "

"Juju didn't you hear the news that the fest is been postponed after the sem break," Aaru said, yip guys, he calls me that, someway I like it, it feels different.

" well that's bad why did they have to postpone it now"

" well they have some other workshop that day from the gov so it was either preponed it or postponed and all the seniors and the college chairperson asked to postponed and since they are the outgoing students and it was a mass decision they postponed the event after sem break.

 Hey guys cheer up now I think we need to respect this decision and we would get to practice more and no more deadlines, Alley come on let's get to the canteen anyhow after some time we would be busy with the sem and after that, we could relax and rock the play, well today it's my treat. Let's get to the canteen Kaku might be waiting with those yummy samosas Gayu... " with that every one of us was back to there cheerful self this is something I liked and admired about Aaru he clearly knows to bring best out of any situations. And he is a good observer and knows how to peruse someone well.

" Madam if you are done zoning out then can we get to the canteen I am famished " ya he never left a chance to tease about this zoning out habit of mine.

" well yes we may " I played along he smiled at me and we left to fill our stomach.

Days passed and soon arrived our sem exams I am really tensed so is Gayu, Alley seemed fine well Aaru called me before the exam and wished me luck so did ruhi papa and mama this continued for all my papers somehow I feel something more than just like towards him, he feels like family to me, oh god I don't know I feel lonely when I don't talk to him. He makes me feel special keeping all this thought aside I walked towards our gang.

" hmm juju how was your exam? " He asked me and I could feel that there is something more he wanted to add on.

" It went well, do you want to ask me anything aaru?"

" ok I need a favor from you please don't say a no pleaseee"

" ok what is it that you want "

" well hmmm can you just say the girl that's in your class Akshaya that I am in love with you please"

" ya okay " but somehow I felt bad that he choose Akshaya over wait.. did he just propose me I turned back immediately to see him on his knees oh god!

" juju I am in love with you for long now I mean the first time I saw you I felt something unusual and then we became friends I got to know you more and that confirmed these weird feelings  so juju will you be mine" and I don't know when I nodded my head and he tied a bracelet in my hand which read juju I smiled at that. Finally I got my share of a love story.

" oh my my juju and juju's aaru do whatever you want please leave my virgin eyes from this " she repeated the same dialog

" for a fact Gayu I know that eyes of yours are not pure " I teased her and she blushed looking at roopak bhaiya and I found him blushing slightly too, how cute!

" well Aravind it's your treat today finally got your love man" Roopak Bhaiya said

I and Gayu looked at both of them suspiciously

Well, he then told me that he saw me even before the drama could begin so i guessed that he might be the one whose glimpse i saw that day.

The day of the drama we were appreciated for our roles but at the end of the drama, i literally cried the thought that we would ever break even if that was a drama did hurt me that's when I realized how deep I was in this.

Days continued I so wanted to tell about this to least Ruhi but then he asked me to wait because he wanted to talk to my parents and before that he wanted to be financially stable. Well he comes from a village and it was the same place we used to live before the partition I wanted to know more about his family but he wanted some time to open up to me about them and I readily give him that.


Ruhi Pov

After I heard all about di and Aravind bhaiya though I was sad that I missed all these, the reasons Aravind bhai had told proved that he is a true man. After that I met Di's friends and Aravind Bhaiya , he was very friendly and brotherly I liked him. 

After that Ashok chachu came and I left with them, but throughout the journey, I was thinking about what had happened within these past 12 hours, I must say there was really a script for a movie there. The couple that I liked the most was Gayu di and Roop jiju they were so cute bickering and all but with Aravind bhaiya though I liked him there was something off about the idea of him and di together, maybe this are my insecurities. Di started sharing everything with him and not me maybe that is it.

 I think I need to stop thinking its lot for a single day with that thought we reached chachu's place.





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