Chapter 1

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In the middle of the night, when every creature has fallen asleep, a girl runs fast along an empty street. Her blonde hair flies behind her back like a golden silk scarf. Her deep pure blue eyes glimmer in tears like upon stars. Her cry violently tears the silence of the night. She is sobbing in misery, but her distress cannot be eased.

"Aiden... My dear Ai..."


Standing in front of the building was a girl wearing a white silk dress. Her deep pure blue eyes, which could attract everyone who looked at it, were now full with confusion. In front of her face was a white silk cloth hiding lower half of her face. Her golden silky hair was flying in the wind. From afar, she looked so innocent and fragile.

"Excuse me, Miss. You seem lost?"

I AM lost.

She turned her head toward the voice. It was a young man. He was smiling brightly. Although every detail of his face was not the best, they fit perfectly with each other and created a flawless appearance.

"Good morning sir. I'm a new student, so I don't really know which way to go to."

"If you don't mind, I can guide you to where you want to go, and also around the school. Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? My name is Aiden Harley, nice to meet you."

"I'm Erelle Valentine, nice to meet you too," she bowed her knees, and lifted her dress up gently, "And I'd love to have someone guiding me."


"May I see your schedule, Miss Valentine?"

"Oh, just call me Erelle, please," Erelle handed out a paper.

"Then stop calling me Mr. Harley," Aiden smiled, "Hey, I have two classes with you. These two are very crowded, so if you don't come early, you won't have a nice seat."

"Really?" worry appeared in her eyes, "But I cannot come early--"

"Don't worry. I can save a seat for you," Aiden interrupted immediately.


The sunlight came into the room through a big window, and made the room brighter. On a king size bed was a girl with blonde wavy hair. Her blue eyes were opaque. Beside the bed was another girl. Her straight smooth hair was like a golden scarf, soft and silky. Her deep pure blue eyes were totally opposite with the other girl's. On her hand was a small white silk cloth.

"Erelle, how do you feel now?" the sitting girl asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Erelle smiled faintly, "You still have class, don't you? Then you should go to school."

"You don't have to mind about that. I'll be there on time. I also have a friend saving my seat."

A mild smile bloomed when she thought about Aiden. A kind of feeling crept into her heart slowly and warmed it with sweetness.

"Don't worry about me, Elietta. I'm getting better these days. I'm not a kid; I can take care of myself. There're other maids too."


"Go to school now, Elietta. It's an order. I don't want to bother you, or your friend."

Looking at Erelle's serious eyes, finally she gave up and let out a sigh. Then, she stood up, fixed the corners of the blanket for Erelle, and smiled.

"Then take a good care of yourself, Erelle."

"I will," Erelle smiled.

She had never come to school this early. The university looked totally different compared to other days. It was quieter and more peaceful.

She walked straight to the class, planning to make a surprise for Aiden, or save a seat for him if he had not come. Her feet moved forward quickly; however, when she came to the classroom's door, the conversation inside the room stopped her.

Although she did not want to listen to it, the word "Aiden" had successfully aroused her curiosity.

"Aiden, why did you start coming to this class so early? You are a good student, but not that good, right?" a man used his elbow to poke Aiden.

"I heard that these days, he keeps saving a seat for a girl," another man said.

The man stopped poking at Aiden instantly, and unbelievably looked at him. Then, he smirked.

"Aiden, you need to tell us the truth."

Aiden looked up at his two best friends and smiled. His eyes glittered brightly like what he was going to say was what he was most proud of.

"Love at first sight."

These four words totally froze the two young men.

"Lo--love at first sight?" the man poking at Aiden before asked haltingly.

"Yes. The moment I looked at her, a kind of feeling filled my heart; the kind of feeling which I have never had before; the kind of feeling which I can only have from her. The kind of feeling that gives me energy when I am exhausted, gives me happiness when I am depressed, and gives me hope when I am hopeless."

"This guy," the other man said while looking at the poking guy, and they harmonized, "is totally in love! For the first time!"

Then they started laughing joyfully.

She had been totally surprised by them. Her head was blank and could not function for a moment.

What did he just say? Love at first sight? Me? But...but this feeling... I cannot accept it... I cannot... because I'm not Erelle, I'm not her... I'm unworthy...

Trying to be as natural as possible, she walked into the classroom and received surprised gazes from three men. Then two young men shifted their gazes to Aiden and looked at him teasingly.

However, Aiden totally ignored them, and smiled at the girl like nothing had happened.

"Good morning, Erelle. You come quite early today. You're not busy?"

Not waiting for her to reply, the two men had spoken.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Valentine. And don't mind about us; we'll be leaving right now."

"Yep, mind about Aiden is enough."

After jocularly winking at her and Aiden, they went away.

What they just said had embarrassed her too much that she did not even dare to look at Aiden. However, in her mind, she had already made her decision. This feeling needed to be ended.

"Don't mind about them. That's how they are."

"Ah, yeah, I know."

Realizing the changing in her tone, Aiden's heart immediately had a throbbing pain. However, he did not regret for letting her know his true feeling, because one day, she would know it.

The next few days, no matter what Aiden said and how good the seat he saved for her, she still sat far away from him. Seeing her trying to avoid him like he was an ugly monster, Aiden again felt a new feeling that he had never felt before. However, this feeling had made him suffered a lot.

She... hates me that much...?

Wrong. He was wrong.

Every time she looked at his sad eyes, her heart was painful. Every time she forced herself to step away from him was every time she held a knife stabbing her own heart.

Leaning against the Sakura tree, she put her hand on her heart in distress. Many Sakura petals flew around her with the wind. A drop of tear fell down her face, glittering like diamond.

From afar, looking at her fragile image, Aiden held his fists tightly.

Still sinking in her own sadness and distress, a sudden thumping sound immediately attracted her attention. Then, a manly smell came into her nose; the smell that she had always missed.

"Why, Erelle? Why did you need to anguish yourself like that?" his voice shivered a little bit, "If you do not love me, I am willing to leave you. But why are you crying?"

Staying in his warm chest and hearing his heart beats, tears from her red eyes fell down like rain. She started to push him away, but compared to his strength, all her effort was useless. Aiden embraced her even tighter. He placed his head at her neck and took a deep breath. He could sense a smell of roses from her hair, fresh and innocent, just like her.

"Erelle, answer me. Why?"

"I'm not Erelle... I'm not who you think..."

Not Erelle? Maybe she thinks I love her because she's Erelle Valentine, the only daughter of Marquis Valentine, who is worthy for me, the youngest Duke of England? Silly!!

"I don't care who you are. I love you because of yourself, not because of what your name is. Dear, look into my eyes," Aiden gently pushed her chin up, "I love you, not "Erelle" nor everyone else. Tell me, do you love me?"

"I... I love you..."

"That's the only thing I care about."

Surprise immediately appeared in her watery eyes. Those deep pure blue eyes like the ocean glittering under the sunlight totally attracted his soul, and his mind.

"Do you trust me?" he smiled gently.

Even though she did not know why he asked that, she nodded without hesitating. Then, by both hand, he slowly lifted her mask up.

Her body tensed for a moment, then relaxed. She had said she trusted him, and she really did.

Aiden did not know why she needed to wear a mask, but she had to have a reason. That was why he only lifted the cloth up till her lips appeared. Holding the cloth with one hand, he reached out with another and touched her lips. A kind of softness through the tip of his thumb went straight into his heart. Looking at those Sakura lips, his lips slowly came near hers.

Realizing what he was going to do, she shyly shut her eyes.

A tender touch fell on her lips. Immediately, an electric current ran inside her. Her fingers placing in front of his chest slowly grabbed his shirt.

Aiden, with one hand holding the back of her head and the other holding her waist, enjoyed the kiss and sank in sweetness and tenderness.

After a moment, he left her lips. The cloth once again fell down covering half of her face. Then he touched his forehead to her gently. Their eyes met, and their smiles bloomed.

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