Chapter 3 (end)

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In the night, she keeps running as fast as she can, but all the distress and sorrow still stay in her heart, growing more and more every second. She lets the wind whip her face, with the hope that the physical pain can help she forget the brutal pain in her heart right now.

Her cry echoes in the night. She keeps running and running; finally, she comes there, the place that she wants to come by all her heart, and also the place that she should not have come.

Looking at the big mansion in front of her, she stands still for a moment. Lights coming from the windows tell her that the owner of this mansion is still awake.

After hesitating for a moment, she comes closer to the mansion. Tomorrow is Aiden and Erelle's wedding day. She knows she will have to vanish this feeling. However, this is her last night. She just wants to take a look at him, just one time, and it will be the last time.

Trembling, she comes closer, till she stands right in front of the door. Looking up at the big window of his room, she sees lights coming out from inside, but no shadow is being seen. Hopelessly, she looked down and let out a sigh.

"Even the God doesn't want me to see him... Even the God thinks that my love for him is wrong..." she ridiculed herself.

Suddenly, she sees a vacant area of land. This land was created to plant a Sakura tree, because Aiden knows that Erelle likes Sakura trees the most. Perfectly, on the land, there is a wooden stick. Thinking for a moment, she comes, squats down, and picks up the stick.

I won't let my last chance be wasted because some kind of God wants to!

The stick starts moving on the ground. Words after words appear nicely. She stays focus on the letter, doesn't know that up above her, behind the window standing a man who is now looking down at her.

Dear Ai,

Tomorrow is the big moment of your life that you will always remember. Although I am not her, I still wish you a happy life, since she is the worthiest girl for you. It will be a lie, if I say that I am not sad, but I'm still happy, because I have had the best memories of my life with you, and I will treasure them with all my mind and my heart.

Good bye, Ai.


While she was writing the letter, contemporaneously, Aiden was reading it. With the help of the streetlight, it is not too hard for him to read.

When he sees the word "Ai", he is totally surprised.

How can she know that name? She's not Erelle, how can she know it?

More and more he reads, more and more he is confused. Till he reaches the end of the letter, the signature surprises him again.

E.V.? It's Erelle's signature! Who is this girl actually? Wait, she's doing something.

Looking at the signature for a moment, she decides to change it.

I am not Erelle. I am not her!

She takes a hand of soil and erases the signature, and then she holds the stick and writes it again. A name slowly appears.

Elietta Vaeza... E.V... Erelle Valentine... E.V...

Putting the stick down, Elietta stands up and looks at the door of the mansion. Suddenly, a wind blows by and lifts her hair up across her face. Right that moment, an image of a girl with a while silk cloth appears in Aiden's head.

That face...

He looks straight into her eyes. Although she has stopped crying a few minutes ago, her deep pure blue eyes are still watery. Under the light, they glitter like stars on the night sky.

He is totally attracted to those beautiful eyes.

Those eyes! How can this happen?! "Ai", "E.V.", the mask, and now the eyes, they are all from her! But she's not Erelle...

Suddenly, her voice appears in his head.

"I'm not Erelle... I'm not who you think..."

She said that, because she's really not Erelle! But it's she, the one who I actually love! Not Erelle, but Elietta, the girl who is in front of my eyes right now!

Discovering this huge secret temporarily makes Aiden paralyzed. However, when he sees Elietta starts walking away, he immediately recovers his strength, and rushes downstairs to the door.


Her face immediately turns pale. How can she not recognize that voice? Not wasting any time, she hurriedly speeds up and runs as fast as she can. From behind, seeing Elietta after hearing him calling her, she does not even stop but running faster, Aiden cannot help but getting angry. He quickly chases after her. Without any difficulty, he easily comes right beside her and pulls her harshly into his chest.

"Ahhh!" Elietta screams in surprise.

Aiden puts his head at her neck, and takes a deep breath. A smell of roses immediately fills in his nose. Hearing the familiar smell, Aiden hugs her even tighter.

"Elietta, why don't you tell me the truth? Why do you anguish yourself again? I thought I have told you not to do that before? Elietta, Elietta..." Aiden calls her name with love.

Feeling the sweetness in his voice, her tears again fall down.

"Elietta, you're really willing to see me marry another girl? You're really willing to let go of me?"

"No, of course not!" distress and sorrow have successfully occupied her mind, "But I own them. Without Mr. Valentine's help, I would not be able to survive. I need to repay him."

"You have been repaying him for several years, Elietta. Even if you think that it is not enough, you still don't have to repay it with love of your whole life; and I won't let you do that if you plan to!"

Although Aiden does not know the story behind this in details, he can still guess some parts of it. Mr. Valentine saved her, and in exchange, Elietta has to do something for him. Why does she need to appear in front of everyone as Erelle? Last time when he came to Erelle's house, he could see that there were illness and tiredness in Erelle's eyes.

You have been repaying them since you were saved, Elietta, by becoming Erelle.

Feeling the determination in his tone, Elietta cannot hold herself but turning back and hugging him.

"Ai!! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't marry her. Please don't leave me."

"Tell me, do you love me?"

"Yes, I do."

"That's the only thing I care about."

This is not the first time she hears this quote from him. She looked up into his eyes in happiness. Then, they share a kiss which is full of love and sweetness. He can feel a familiar and tender touch when his lips meet hers.

Today is the wedding day of Mr. Harley, the youngest Duke of England, and Miss Valentine, the daughter of Marquis Valentine. Many noblemen have gathered inside a church, where the wedding is held, and waited for the groom and the bride. However, right now, the appearance of a person has aroused the guests' curiosity. Even the bride and her father come in the church to see what is going on.

"Elietta, why are you here?" Erelle asks in surprise, "Why are you dressing up like that?"

She points at Elietta's elegant and precious wedding dress.

"Get out of here now, Elietta! Don't forget what you have promised me!" Mr. Valentine tries to hold back his anger and anxiety.

"You do not have any rights to say anything like that to her, Mr. Valentine, because today, right here, right now, the bride is she."

Immediately, the guests start whispering. Realizing this is not a good place to continue this conversation, they all come outside.

"Do you know what you just said, Mr. Harley?" Mr. Valentine's face has turned pale, "She is just a maid. Marrying her will effect badly to your fame! Besides, the person who you proposed to is my daughter!"

Mentioning about the proposing is the last thing Mr. Valentine should do. How dare Mr. Valentine to trick him like that? He almost married someone who he has never seen before, and he might be believe till the end of his life that he has married the girl he loves the most!

"Mr. Valentine, I have not mentioned about you trying to trick me to marry your daughter, and it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you or anything," his tone suddenly becomes deep and cold, "The person who I proposed to is my love, Elietta, not Erelle! And I don't care who she is!"

The conversation is getting more and more confusing to Erelle.

"Father, what does he mean?"

"She knows nothing about this. It's just between me and Mr. Valentine," Elietta tells Aiden. She does not want him to be harsh on her, because Erelle has been treating her nicely.

Then Elietta comes right in front of him, and bows deeply.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, Mr. Valentine. I appreciate it with all my heart. Without you, I don't think I can stand here right now. However, through several years since you adopted me, I have been repaying you by becoming Erelle. If you think that it's not enough for what you have given me, I will continue repaying you till it's enough. However, I won't take my own love and happiness of my whole life to repay you."

After listening to all of this, if Erelle still does not get it, she must be an idiot. She looks at her father in anger and upset.

"Father, I don't want this marriage!"

"But dear, your health, I worry for you. I--"

"I don't need one who doesn't love me, father!"

If she says the reason she refuses this marriage is because of Elietta, her father will never agree. The only way is giving a reason that connects to her only.


"Father, please. It's my wish. I beg you."

"If it's what you want, dear..." finally, he gives up and lets out a sigh.

Aiden and Elietta look in each other eyes. Hands in hands, they both smile happily.

One year later.

Elietta tries her best to open her eyes. With her condition at the moment, it's even hard for her to do that. When her view has become clear enough for her to recognize the man who is looking at her worriedly is Aiden, she weakly smiles and asks.

"It's a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy," Aiden holds her hand tightly, and smiles happily, "Thank you, dear. Thank you for giving me a beautiful child," He kisses her hand gently.

"He's also my child, you know?" she giggles, "Have you come up with any name?"

"Eden, combined between Elietta and Aiden. What do you think?" His eyes glitter in pride.

"Eden," she repeats the name, "I love it!"

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