Timeline (Spoiler Alert)

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Somethings aren't included due to development of the story overtime this was a very early draft and should be edited in the future, yet if one doesn't wish to spoil somethings you should probably avoid this.

Sorry if this Timeline is confusing I originally written it down on paper as a graph and now most change it to mere words and numbers.

Diamond is somewhere around 15,000 years old.

Timeline of General Diamond's life

0 years - General Diamond is born

10 years - Diamond has spent 10 years with Zoey in the Orphanage

210 years - Spent 200 years with his adopted family

210 years - Joins the Army during the rule of King Lapitril I

212 years - Zoey joins him on the battlefield 2 years later

800 years - After many successful battles Zoey and Diamond move through the ranks

820 years - Showing extreme amounts of knowledge in matters of war Diamond and Zoey are given command of special units

888 years - Zoey is injured in the fight for Jir Sil, Diamond goes to comfort her in recovery

888-1,000 years - Diamond and Zoey are separated on the battlefield and start ops behind enemy lines while waiting for their army's advance

1,000 years - Diamond and Zoey reunite after the battle of Jyrl Ros where Zoey lost most of her unit in a failed attack

The King steps down and hands leadership over to his son, starting the reign of King Lapitril II

1,002 years - Zoey's unit joins Diamond's after a 2 year reprieve

1,012 years - After 10 years Zoey becomes Diamond's lieutenant

1,130 years - A successful seige is done on the enemies capital city

1,130 - 1,430 years - 300 years of peace follows the enemies defeat in this time Zoey and Diamond train new recruits

1,430 years - A new war breaks out after a diplomat is killed in Rys'koph, one of the few nations left

1,992 years - Zoey and Diamond fall behind enemy lines after the destruction of a small army that they we're being escorted by

Zoey and Diamond encounter Moonstone a witch working for the enemy, she gravely injures Zoey, Diamond is injured by those she commands

Moonstone is slain by Diamond

Zoey and Diamond survive, Diamond makes a full recovery, but Zoey's gem cannot be healed thanks to moonstone's weapon

1,993 years - After a year of looking for a way to fix Zoey's gem, Zoey does not before Diamond married her

Diamond goes on a suicide mission after Zoey's death

Diamond survives thanks to Topaz, and is considered MIA after the mission is completed, thought dead he's promoted two ranks

The King takes notice of Diamond after he returns to the army, many arguing his current state in the army despite this the King sticks by his decision and let's Diamond keep his rank

2,013 years - After being promoted two ranks Diamond disappears for 20 years before getting the King to reinstate his position

2,013 - 2,200 years - Topaz and Diamond start training during peacetime

2,200 - 2,300 years - The last nation on Homeworld is annexed and is assimilated

2,301 years - Homeworld is united under a single banner

2,302 years - The King steps down and his son takes the crown

2,500 years - After years of attention grabbing victories, Diamond is made General

2,532 years - Diamond council is created

3,000 years - Diamond oversees the growth and direction of the next King

Next King is crowned and various meetings are held allowing the Diamond council more power

4,000 years - Next King is crowned once again being overseen by Diamond

4,021 years - Diamond Council starts excluding Diamond from various meetings taking away his influence

5,000 years - Diamond loses control of the King, he refuses to adopt a son, and instead gives power to the Diamond Council who manipulated him

5,000 - 5,020 years - The Diamond Council becomes the Diamond Kings, splitting the world into four parts to be ruled

5,025 years - Although they seem to dislike Diamond they make him the leader of the largest army

6,000 years - Through the centuries the Diamond Council's name changed many times before finally deciding on the Diamond Authority

6,200 years - Technology evolves allowing easy space travel

6,230 years - The Diamond Authority creates the Crown Jewel, a large warship created for the conquest of planets, and sets Diamond to lead the invasion fleet

6,997 years - Rose joins the Diamond Authority and is assigned to the invasion fleet

6,998 years - Topaz is slain during a trip to a foreign planet where she was trying to establish peace between a nation and the Diamond Authority

7,000 - 7,200 years - Conquest of Relis

Rose is taken from the invasion fleet for Diamond's advanced training

Ruby is made a official soldier of the Diamond Authority

Diamond is made a Noble after inheriting Topaz's House seeing how she had no living relatives and left all possessions to him

7,500 years - Ruby and Sapphire create Garnet, causing numerous problems for Diamond as their fusion would get the attention of the Diamond Authority's attention, so they have been entrusted to Rose who helps hide them

8,000 years - Pearl joins the Diamond Authority, getting assigned to the invasion fleet due to Diamond's request

8,999 years - Rose is made leader of the invasion fleet's Settlement Guard

9,000 years - Pearl showing great ability in combat is picked by Diamond for advanced training, but instead Pearl asks to join Rose's Settlement Guard after the discovery of Earth

9,010 years - After 10 years the first Kindergarten is set up

9,013 years - Rose discovers human life during a exploration

9,025 years - Pearl rises through the ranks, showing extreme skill amounts of skill dueling fellow soldiers

9,033 years - The humans Rose found start contracting a strange illness caused by the Kindergarten

9,035 years - Rose realizing the dangers of Kindergartens tries to stop them, but is overruled as it's in the best wishes of the Diamond Authority

9,038 years - The humans Rose found die from their illness not before cursing Rose and the Diamond Authority

Rose confused by presence of corpses resorts to burning the bodies and is clearly tramuatized by the event

9,050 years - Pearl joins Rose's side quickly becoming friends

9,099 years - Rose challenges Pink Diamond to a duel for possession of Earth, after quickly amassing a army

9,100 years - Rose is defeated, but before she can be killed, Pearl intervenes and kills Pink Diamond trying to protect Rose, Pink Diamond's Guard sends out a distress signal before being killed starting the War for Earth

9,101 years - Jasper is sent to Earth to put down Rose's Rebellion

9,114 years - Rose shuts down the Kindergartens

9,114 - 9,118 years - Rose and Pearl set up traps for Jasper's forces

9,120 years - Jasper's forces arrive on Earth

9,121 years - Garnet is sent to a far away land to avoid being found by the Diamond Authority

9,500 years - Amethyst is found in the Kindergarten

9,120 - 9,750 years - Rose uses guerilla tactics to defeat Jasper

9,750 years - Jasper is forced to retreat

Rose whose army was nearly destroyed is forced to use the Kindergartens to forcefully create gems and age them

Diamond is sent to Earth as a last resort

9,760 years - Diamond arrives on Earth

9,850 years - Smokey Quartz dies in a duel against Diamond

9,950 years - Rose's base is destroyed by a enemy attack, where Rose saves Pearl from Diamond

9,995 years - Rose duels Diamond and is defeated

9,995 - 10,000 years - Diamond betrays the Diamond Authority and sets up his own men to be killed in hopes of saving Earth and mankind

10,000 - 10,200 years Diamond retreats and is punished for his defeat, losing command of his armies to Yellow Diamond

10,200 years - Diamond requires his armies after disobeying a military decision made by Yellow Diamond that the other Diamond's condemn as a bad decision

11,000 years - Emerald joins the Diamond Authority and is put in the invasion fleet

11,250 years - Corruption starts appearing on Earth

12,000 years - Emerald becomes one of Diamond's closest Ally's, and is picked for advanced training

Rose creates the Crystal Gems to eliminate the Corrupted Gems

14,982 years - Rose meets Greg

14,985 years - Rose and Greg are officially a couple

14,987 years - Rose decides to have a child and is soon impregnated

14,988 years - Rose dies and Steven is born

14,989 years - Steven is a year old

14,990 years - Steven is 2 years old

Diamond starts studying human life, history and technology before defecting

15,000 years - Steven is officially 12 years old

Diamond defects from the Diamond Authority and arrives on Earth

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