A helping hand

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Ok this world is different as Ochako is quirkless and izuku has a quirk but it manifested very late and it one of those quirks that needs a special requirements to awaken or need to be a life or death situation for it to happen any questions?

"if I am quirkless then how am I going to meet Deku said Ochako."

"Well due to your family losing money because lack of business in your home town you guys were forced to move to the city despite the city not being bad the regular destruction caused by villains made it dangerous it the reason your parents move to the country side before you were born so you be safer (an: I know that's not true as far as we know from what the manga has revealed but it seems Like a logical thing any parent would do in a super powered world) and you just so happen to move into izuku's neighborhood actually becoming his actual next door neighbor well enough of that let's start the world."

Damn it rei we have no choice but go and move to the city said yato (an: they need to reveal her parents name soon because I am getting tired of thinking up names for them)

"but yato it dangerous their what if a villain took her new school hostage when we move their! And let's not forget she quirkless too Said rei."

"I know but we have no choice unless you want Ochako growing up on hard times I rather take the risk so I can give her the best life she can have with what ever money I can make said yato."

Fine let start packing then today's a Friday so we have today and all of tomorrow to get the stuff into our new home said rei."

"But we didn't find a place to stay said yato."

"No need I will just call up an old friend of mine and see their any room left at the apartment complex she lives in said rei."

"I wonder who her friend is said Ochako."

"Oh you will find out now and be ready for a surprise."

"You know sweetheart your mother reminds me of someone I knew back in high school I just can't remember her name we were great friends until she moved we both didn't have phones at the time so I couldn't keep in touch."

Meanwhile at the Midorya's

"mom he's so cool can I... can I be a cool hero like him said izuku"

"she was gonna apologize to him for not being able to give him a quirk but then she remembered what her husband said"

"it doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not any one can be a hero with or without one you just have to even the playing field either by pure combat skill or by pure knowledge to counter quirks or both either way they can beat a quirk user any time if they are smart enough and even then you don't have to be a hero to save people he can go to the support course and build gadgets for the hero's to use and in turn basically he saved that person too because it was his gadget that help save that person so remember that now honey because I may never be able to say it to him my self because this my be my very last fight as a hero."

"and it was breaking new the number 3 igneel to the world but to friends and family he was known as Hisashi Midorya loving father and husband and worlds number one supporter for the quirkless people who wanted to be hero's his final words were this."

"my time may have come but it is not the end where there is darkness their will be light and most importantly don't let people tell you what you can or can't do if you want to be a hero but don't have a quirk then do it anyways."

"you have to put a lot of work into but with a little brains even the powerless can overcome the mighty you don't even need to fight to be a hero you can enter the line of support and make gear for the hero's who do fight."

"and those who have a quirk that is seen as villainous well don't listen to them it not the quirk that evil it's the one who use them that are it how you chose how to use your gift that set you apart from hero and villain now before I go when you reach a road block remember these words go beyond plus ultra! If you keep take these words to heart you will never be weak and will always make your dreams come true and with that he fell down and died."

Oh my that's so sad yet inspirational cried Ochako and Mina."

"Inko Just smiles and said while he wasn't a hero in our world he was a big supporter in izuku dreams if he had not died in a plane crash when coming home from abroad he would have told izuku that."

"She said of course you can it will be hard though so I will be signing you up for martial arts and kick boxing and regular boxing so you know how to fight and I want you to learn how to build because you need inventions to help you fight and one more thing I want you to have this it was a gift from your father I don't know what it is but I am sure you would like it said inko."

"Ok mom said izuku happily as he takes the box and see it had a scarf and black jeans a white shirt an a green coat with a hood it had white flames on bottom of the coat and at the end of the sleeves (an: think edolas natsu jacket but green and white with a hood on it) it had multiple pairs of the clothes all a different size meaning he won't have to buy the same clothes at a different size as he grows as he already has them in different sizes just not the scarf I love it I am going to wear this everyday said izuku it my last gift from dad so I am gonna use it as much as possible said izuku."

"Ok izu but she was cut off by her phone ringing she checked who it is oh rei that's weird why she calling so late hello oh my that's sucks but hey it not so bad her the villain attacks always happen in the middle of the city or mall never in the residential area said inko and yes we have space in the complex some one just moved out yesterday very convenient for you guys said inko."

Meanwhile back at the uraraka's

"Yeah we are thanks inko we be their I a bit we are moving right away we are almost done packing"

"really are you sure rei it is late were would you stay at said inko."

We just stay at a motel or something."

What?! No you all ready having money problems I am not letting you guys spend anymore money you can stay the night with me and izuku I mean your apartment is next to ours so you can stay with us and we can help you move in the morning and I am not taking no as an answer said inko

"Sigh fine we just got done so we are going now said rei"

"ok then bye said inko."

"Um mommy why is daddy putting everything in big boxes for it because we are moving Ochako."

"what why what about my friends."

"Ochako sweetheart you don't have to lie to me when they found out we were running out of money they started to pick on you they are not your friends and we are moving to the city because their is more work their and we will be staying at a friends house to ok."

"Those jerks just because she's poor they make fun of her once I find out who they are I am gonna give them a much needed ass kicking said a voice."

that everyone knew right away they turn and see izuku standing there "hey guy been awhile huh said izuku." Deku!!!!!/ izuku!!! Were what he heard before he was hit by a small white green and brown missile the missiles were soon revealed to be Ochako, his mother, and eri they then hug him tight and said "we missed you so much!"

"Too tight izuku manage to say as he was turning blue from lack of air as they see this they let go immediately and start to apologize."

"No no it's fine I understand stand we haven't seen each other in a long time 60 years to be exact"

"what impossible we only been here for a minute said Iida." (an:time is really slow in this dimension)

"well for you it has but the pocket dimension he put me in has all of the izuku's from the worlds you have seen so they can train me time was faster their were 1 second here is 1 year their he said so hence why I said it been 60 years and the reason I look the same just taller buffer and overall stronger is because we used the dragon balls to grant a wish for me to be returned to my original age but keep my height, buffed up body and skills said izuku."

Wow oh Ochako come here real quick ok Deku he the grabs her hand pulls her close and with his other hand softly caresses her face then he puts it behind her head and kisses her softly yet with a lot of passion (An: kinda like this but the way how I described it)

"At this many of the guys started to cheer and wolf whistle and the girls also cheered and inko just cried tears of joy while also say grand babies here I came get ready to be spoiled rotten!"

"Izuku then decided to be bold and lick her lips asking for permission to enter she lets him in they fight for dominance izuku won the battle and explored every part of her mouth as he did this Ochako moaned into the kiss from how good it was."

they were so into it they didn't notice they were slowly taking their clothes off until all might went to stop them only for inko to get in his way saying "she wants her grand babies and she will fight him if she has to"

only for their host to snap his fingers and teleported the two of them to a private room he then said their they can have their pleasure, inko can have her grandchildren and everyone else doesn't have to see them have sex in front of them.

oh shit I forgot to tell izuku that one of the traits he got from one of his others he has not met yet any part of his body can enhance a girl's figure though his semen has the biggest impact eh oh well they will notice once they are done now let get back to the show."

"What no we are going to wait for them you got that said inko"

"yeah said everyone else except Bakugo."

"Fine let see if they are done he summoned a door and opened it and lucky for them they were done and they were fully dressed but what surprised them was one the board that said rounds and had 50 tally's" (an: he was training for 60 years with stamina freaks of course he gonna have a lot of energy)

"oh your here said Ochaco so I am assuming you are to take us back to the world we were watching yes you are right ok let's go izuku then picked her up bridal style and walked out the door Ochako was practically glowing."

"Mina then asked why is he holding Ochaco for he then said I fucked he so hard that she can't walk right now and before you get mad she asked me to."

"it's true said Ochako."

"Time skip to the Midorya's house we see izuku writting in his hero analysis note book 1 and is also reading a book on mechanics but what's surprising is that he a natural at it he already on the advanced books he even already has a working prototype he was so good he thought their no one who knows more about or as much as he does little did he know two people sneezed when he thought that those two were a young Ochako and Mei Hatsume."

"Hmm they both thought at the same time someone must be talking about me."

Ochako hurry up we are here said rei

"Mommy she then runs up to her parents and asked so why are we at your friends house mommy and not at our new house."

"that is because it is late and she offered to let us spend the night said rei."

Is anyone hungry? Asked izuku yeah is what everyone said ok then hey nick (an: Incase anyone forgot their host name which is me is actually there and I used my actual name so this is just a reminder if you forgot) no need to ask I snap my fingers and a kitchen appears in the corner of the room there you go.

"Ok let do this Said izuku he ties the headband that the chef version of him uses when he cooks ok everyone what do you want to eat."

"hold it right there Deku we are having a food war right here and now said Bakugo I must prove I am the better chef then you."

"oh is that so Kacchan then let's go just don't start crying to Kirishima when you lose."

Why you little pice of shit I will crush you now for that."

"Oh but I didn't hear denial from so it must be true you are gay for Kirishima it makes sense as as far as you done to him when pissed off is call him shitty hair said izuku."

Shut up and cook said Bakugo so what are we making you will be making food that good and make people feel young and energetic and it has to be breakfast as it already 6:30am ok got it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(An:Sōma is Bakugo in this one and izuku is joichiro the old women will be recovery girl, Megumi will be Ochako, and have all might be Isshiki oh and ignore the part that doesn't involve the actual cooking and how it taste ok and I could not find a better video to use)

"It unanimous the winner is izuku glad you all liked it said izuku."

"Haha what was that about you being the better chef?"

"Shut up Deku I will accept this defeat for now but know this I will win next time!"

"Now let get back to the show! Yeah"

Knock knock the door

"oh rei it's so good to see you again said inko as she saw her she gave her a hug she then let them in just as they were about to enter the living room"

they hear a small explosion and someone say I am ok sigh

"izuku! What did I say about making and slash or testing prototypes not to do it without your supervision yes and what did you just do made something without your supervision said izuku."

"Cool you like to invent things like me said Ochako"

"At this izuku was surprised wait you too that's means you like inventing like me that so cool now I have someone to help me improve my inventions in way I did not think about have you made anything yet umm."

"oh my name is Ochako Uraraka."

"oh ok then have you made anything yet ocha-Chan! Said izuku."

"Yes I have I don't have a name for this yet but this if it works would take away and object gravity said Ochako as she shows him a pink and white gloves."

"oh that's so cool but how does it work."

"well it takes the dna of my parents and mix it together to make a zero Gravity quirk like I was supposed to get but was diagnosed quirk less."

"you're quirkless too so am I do you want to be a hero asked izuku."

"yes but I don't want to fight so I am going to join the support course."

"really then let's help each other then I want to be the first quirkless hero just like my dad said I would be if I never got a quirk."

"Really that's so cool you don't have a power but still want to be a hero said Ochako."

Yeah! Said izuku they talked for a bit built things until they both fell asleep

(An: only picture I have of them sleeping)

Time skip 10 years later

"Ok class today is Valentine's Day so you can give your valentines to whoever you got it for said the teacher and if you want privacy use any of the other class rooms in the area they were cleared for that reason said the teacher."

"Ok this is the best time to confess to her thought izuku."

"hey Zu-Zu can I talk to you Said Ochako."

"oh yeah sure ocha-Chan but I need to say something to you as well in private said izuku."

As they entered the music room ok you can go first said izuku." No you go first said Ochako I am too nervous still ok then well I can't say this very well so I will just sing it as it already sounds like a song

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"It's ok if you don't feel the same but I have to say it said izuku he then gave her a bouquet of flowers each color saying I love you and a box of mochi oh and I made those mochi myself it's the reason I kept you out of the kitchen every time you came over for the week said izuku."

"Oh my that so romantic izuku how come you didn't do that for me for Valentine's Day Deku-kun."

"well one I was too nervous to confess and I was still learning how to make mochi I did not like how it taste and 3 I was gonna do exactly what we just saw but can't now as you already saw it said izuku."

"It's fine Deku-kun I am just messing with you Said Ochako as she gives him a kiss."

Time skip the slugged incident izuku arrives at the scene and see it Ochako captured he didn't think he ran to save her."

Hey get back here kid but was ignored ocha-Chan screamed izuku he then throws his backpack at the villain and it hit its eye making it let go of her mouth allowing her to breath izuku what are you doing here get out of here I don't want you to die no I will not leave because what kind of hero I be if I can't save the girl I love the most screamed izuku as he pulled her free and ran back to the hero's but half way their the villain recovered and attacked he saw it so he threw Ochako to the villains he was then crushed and we hear Ochako scream his name in some void so you finally have come said a deep voice what who's their said izuku behind you he turned around and sees a giant dragon he screams what is a dragon doing here calm down boy I am your quirk or the one that made the originals of one type of quirk you know those emitter type well that magical energy you all are using and so I am gonna give you your quirk fire dragon slayer magic you are immune to fire and can eat it to refresh your energy you can't eat your own flames and get terrible motion sickness but I will remove that problem you have different stages of this quirk but I doubt you will unlock any of it yet now get out of here back in the real world the villain was about to capture the Ochako again because she attacked it for killing izuku or at least that what she thought then out of nowhere a giant pillar of fire appears and they hear izuku scream get away from her what the dragon didn't realize just how powerful he was and how angry he was because when he pillar was gone we see but he looked different he had horns on his head he also had dragon claws and wings (an: like this but green)

"Then faster than what people and can see or react he appeared in front of the villain he grabs Ochako and the lights his claw on fire and says fire dragon iron fist and punches the villain so hard he exploded into small pieces that were on fire when it was all done izuku erupted into a pillar of flames again but when it was done it revealed he was back to normal but a sleep"

"timeskip U.A. class 1a hey ocha-Chan why you here not that I don't like it I just thought you were in the support course I am but I was told my class was this one said Ochako that's because the hero course and support course are merging so every hero course student get their own personal support course inventor to make and fix what ever they used and you get to pick who you want."

"Fast forward the people grouped are izuku and Ochako, Iida and mei and so on."

Ready for our date Ochako yes izuku let's go they were wearing this (an: this is the only picture I could find were they both are wearing nice clothes that's in color)

Well I am gonna end it here I may update and change how it ends from here if people want me to change it or until I find a better way to end it.

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