Chaos chosen

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An: Hey guys this just a story to read to get you by until tomorrow but it took longer to make so yeah here it is now and the winner of the poll is infinity war by 8 votes And this story is another sonic one but different as it takes inspiration from a Naruto crossover sonic story I read on where sonic and friends souls sealed into a chaos emeralds but all emeralds are fused into one emerald in mine same but it will have the master emerald in it and egg man will also be with them because while he is a villain he has proven to be a reliable ally at times now on to the story

Nick: ok guy here's the next world

Eri: oh I can't wait to see what kind of hero papa gonna be in this one!

Ochako: papas going to be the strongest and kindest hero in this one just like all the other

She said as she picked up eri

Eri: yay!

In a forest near a cave

Izuku: stupid kacchan why he got to be such a dick for destroying my property and not to mention instigating suicide!

He thought as he was walking down a rocky path to get home only for him to fall through a hole that was made when he stepped on a hollow pice of land

Eri: papa no!

Everyone: izuku/ deku/ midoriya

It then shows a giant emerald flashing through seven colors glow and it shows izuku glow the same then in a flash he was out of the air and onto what looks like a temple

Izuku: ow what happened?

???: you fell down into my temple

Izuku: who said that?!

???: I did

He turns around and see the emerald (An: I don't really know if the master emerald can talk but it did in sonic x so I am going to use it)

Eri: ooh what a pretty liking rock

Yeah said Mina

I wonder yaomomo can you make that with your quirk asked toru

Yes I can but only in one solid color said Yaoyorozu

Izuku: wow what are you you look like an emerald but you must be human this just has to be your quirk

Sorry kid I am not human I am just an emerald that just so happens to have a god in it also you can just call me emerald

Izuku: ok then what you doing all the way down here?

Emerald: this been my temple location for centuries after the prophecy was announced that a great evil will rise and only the chaos chosen can stop it it said the chosen one will be a boy who wants to be a hero with all his heart so people can live happy lives yet sadly was born without power and I must say young boy I chose you to be my champion!

Izuku: what why I am just a powerless deku

Emerald: because while you were knocked out still I looked through your memories to see if you were the chosen one and saw you fit all the things the prophecy said about the chosen one!

Izuku: bu...

Emerald: look kid you got a pure heart and a heroic spirit you literally just want to help people for the sake of helping them your a perfect chosen one and two you get powers out of this and other special gear from powerful warriors that helped me

Izuku: ok if you say so I will do it then! I will be your champion

Emerald: great! Once the process is done you have the memories of all of my warriors so you know how to fight like them and how to use there powers and gear!

Izuku: will this hurt?

Emerald: no because you be asleep when the changes happens

Izuku: ok

He then falls asleep

Emerald: ok he going to have the powers and skills of sonic, shadow, silver, knuckles, tails, espio, he also will have the wherehog powers as they were very useful oh I should give him a chao too they are very useful but just these for now as he get stronger he get more powers but he should be fine with just these for now

Wow that a lot of powers he getting so far said sero

It not fair why is it in every dimension that midoriya isn't specifically said to be a non super powered or a world without quirks he's always guaranteed to be op as hell Said Mineta

Five minutes later

Izuku: yawn man what happened was that all a dream?

Emerald: no it was not a dream izuku also you resonated with one of my warriors more than usual so it made a stronger connection with them now you have traits of tails he's a fox so now you have fox ears and a tails but you have more tails than he did he had 2 while you have nine good new is you can say that your quirk

Oh you are so cute with those ears and tails deku Said ochako

Yeah but you be cuter ochako Said izuku

Izuku: your right ty so much but I got to go my mom must be worried sick about me

Emerald: yes go but first it shrinks down to a regular size chaos emerald take me with you so I can answer all questions and help you in battle

Izuku: right

Time skip

Inko: izuku! I was so worried about you

She said while crying a waterfall of tears

Izuku: I know mom I am sorry but that because of my quirk awakening from my near death experience

Inko: I know dear but now look at you you have a quirk and not just that look at your body it so toned and buff you have to have girls throwing themselves at you

Izuku: I don't know about that but yeah this change is nice but I am going to need new clothes these are pretty tight

Inko: don't worry izu you can wear your father old clothes until we get you new ones and a new uniform

Time skip at school

Bakugo: what is with all these stupid extras looking so surprised

Random person: wow midoriya that an amazing quirk

Bakugo: wait a minute deku you bastard what are you doing lieing about having a quirk you quirkless freak!

Ochako: kicks Bakugo in the balls stop being a dick!

Bakugo: fuck you round face I be what I want

He was knocked out by izuku

He then grabs his tails and pulls thinking they were fake

Izuku: ow let go kacchan you asshole

Bakugo shocked let's go

Izuku: and for the record I do have a quirk it awakened when I almost died the doctor said this a common mistake they make all the time where the miss diagnosis kids because they don't know there a certain condition he also said that kids with condition get quirks completely different from there parents

Bakugo: like I believe that bull shit deku you just glued it onto your self

Teacher: he not lieing Bakugo it true because I was one of those people now sit down so we can get this done with also good luck in the exams midoriya

Time skip

Izuku: ok let see I have 10 months before the entrance exams let see what should I do oh I know I should make so gear to help me like maybe hyper friction shoes so they don't melt when I run with rocket in it so I can skate too I will use the stuff at the beach turned dump the metal there still good just have to get rid of the rust I can also make training dummies so I can practice my swords man ship

???: you better young knave I refuse to be put on the bench as you call it and I also refuse to have my new master be unskilled in swords man ship worthy ness be damned

Izuku: oh hey caliburn when you get here

Caliburn: just now knave now hurry up build the things you need

Kirishima: wow a talking sword so manly!

Kaminari: that's so cool yet a little weird

Jirou: you live in a world we're super powers are the norm with a talking animal as our principle and this is what you find weird

Izuku: and done( An: the shoes are the shoes sonic finds in sonic adventures 2)

Caliburn: good knave now time to work on your form! Make you stance loose and you grip strong you be learning the style of my last user sonic I believe you have his memories and powers we will train you on how to use it!

Emerald: also before we start I got a gift for you izuku

Flash and a chao egg was in front of izuku

Emerald: it's a chao egg they are small creatures that grant you bonuses in battle depending on what type it is

Izuku: really thanks

Emerald: also I will be teaching you the super form and hyper form there will be a time limit on how long it will last but as you get stronger you won't have a time limit

Ok montage of him training and cleaning the beach and creating stuff

Man no mater how many times I see that training it is always so inspiring! Said Kirishima

Entrance exams

(An: he's wearing this it has holes for his ears and tails New version will be his hero suit)

Izuku: you ready chip?

Chip: chao! (Translation: yes)

Izuku: this is my first step to being a hero trips or I can just die

Only to not fall on his face

???: sorry for using my quirk without permission but I just thought it be bad luck if you fell on the day of the entrance exam

Izuku: in head omg she's beautiful, wait snap out of it izuku say thank you

Izuku: oh yeah thank you for that

???: it was no problem oh I am Ochako Uraraka

Izuku: hi ochako my name is Izuku Midoriya but you can call me tails

Ochako: tails? She asked with a tilt of her head

Izuku: in head oh my god she's so cute!

Izuku: well because I have tails he shows his nine tails to her and fox ears

Ochako: oh my god you look so cute she then started to scratch his ears

Izuku: purrs

Eri: ooh papas like a cat he just purred

Ochako: yes sweetheart papa is just like a cat

There was and awkward silence

Izuku: well it was nice to meet but we got to go or we will miss the exams he said embarrassed as he ran to the exams

Ochako: right she said following him while blushing

The whole explanation is the same as the anime except izuku didn't mumble as he was talking to emerald in his head

Present mic: start!

Izuku was the only one that went in

Present mic: what you waiting for there no count down on real life go!

Izuku: let's do this caliburn!

Caliburn: right sir tails

3 pointer: target acquired time to die

Izuku: nope he cuts it in half

Shadow: izuku at this rate you won't get enough points get serious or I will take over

Izuku: I am not really feeling it so go ahead

Shadow: fine

flash and izuku was wearing a red t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans he has shadow rocket skates and two pistols in hand and the green in his hair turned red

Shadow: let's end this chaos control he teleports all over the b site and got 1000 point in one second there and I chose to be nice and left some for the others


Ochako: And that's 24 points man I hope this enough to pass

Rumble boom the zero pointer appears

Ochako: oh no I got to go fast

As she ran she trips and a large pice of a building lands on her legs breaking them

Ochako: Ow no some one please help me but everyone else ignored her I guess this is it

This will always piss me no matter how many times I see it Said deku

Oh calm down hon I came out just fine thanks to you Said ochako

Back with izuku

Izuku: these bastards! How dare you people call your selves hero's in training if you would instantly let someone die just to save your own skins!

Emerald: izuku calm down now you entering a transformation your not ready for!

Izuku: no this is not right!

A pillar of dark energy surrounds him

Izuku: all I have to do is focus my anger on the goal at hand which is to destroy that robot and protect ochako

Emerald: how?! How is he controlling it when sonic couldn't control for about 5 years when he first learns of it

Izuku: ok you stupid hunk of junk time to die but first he

flys to ochako

Izuku: let's get this off of you

He throws off the debris

Izuku: let's heal you and then put a barrier to protect you now that's done it's time to die robot

He charges energy into caliburn

Caliburn: my word what is this power it so dark

Izuku: it just me using the negative energy of my power I can barely control it so let end this quick so I can stop the transformation

Caliburn: right

Caliburn transformed into large broad sword that radiates darkness

Izuku: fall into despair as you get sent to the dark abyss!

He cuts the zero pointer completely vaporizing it

Everyone else: holy shit!

He transformed back to normal but was passed out

Everything else is like the anime

Well that's it for now next is infinity wars which I have already started on this is just so you guys have something to read

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