Devil may cry

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Oh this one is also new or at least as far as I know as I know this is the only world I have found that has your world crossover with there's I Said

Oh and just what is this world then asked nezu

Its called devil my cry it a video game in my world basically many years ago demons, devils and monsters were invading earth from hell only for there best general to betray them and protect humanity later he fell in love with a human had twins he died the two brothers have a big rivalry one hated his demonic powers while the other loved it then the brother that likes the power had his own kid that he forgot about he also dies by the his brother only to come back later and steal his sons own arm for power and so on can't tell you everything about it I said

Is there anything we need to know about the world in particular the one we are going to watch asked inko

Well for one you are not a midoriya along with izuku you both be spardas and you guys are about 25% demon blood in you for inko izuku is 15% since he is a 5 generation I said

Oh and hero's are not a job they are replaced by demon/devil hunters which are people payed to hunt and kill demons and people who would side with them so mostly cultists I said

Um are quirks still around asked ochako

Yes they are and they can kill the demons and devils as they are a gift from god he gave to humans as an apology for abandoning them and needing a demon to his very creation some forgave him and started to worship him again but most didn't i said

Oh and izuku get especially sensitive to quirks because of his demon blood but it's not fatal he just gets burned by it he can build a resistance to it and others as over time more peaceful demons came over and started families with other humans oh yeah there will be slight crossover with other worlds in this world not to big but they are there I said

Anything else I asked


Ok then let's start

Izuku:Kachan stop it just because his quirk is not great for taking down demons doesn't mean he's useless!

Bakugo: what was that deku trying to be a hunter when you your self is quirkless time to put you I. Your place he said as he went to hit him with an explosion

Izuku: I Said stop!!! As he went to block with his arms only for a big flash to happen

Really why are you such a jerk in almost every dimension bakugo asked Mina

Oh shut up pinky like I know why we barely found out about these worlds a couple moths ago said bakugo

What are you talking about bakugo it didn't even pass a single day Said iida

Wrong four eyes I found a window out side and time is going by normally time in here seems different but it is not time is only frozen at home so time here is normal even if a bit faster or slower said bakugo

He's not wrong it has been a couple of months you been here the reason you all haven't been aging and growing is because of the safety barrier in here that locks you into your age that you got here in but every thing the same time flow I said

With that out of the way I must ask when are you gonna tell them the news ochako, izuku? I asked

What is he talking about midoriya, uraraka asked aizawa in annoyance

Well umm Said ochako

Sigh I am gonna say it one and I am gonna be blunt about it Said izuku

Me and ochako are going to be parents she's pregnant Said izuku

What Said everyone

WTH were you think midoriya, uraraka this will get in the way of your studies said aizawa

Yeah I have to drop uraraka from the hero program now because of her pregnancy Said nezu

Then Izuku released a lot of killing intent you will do no such thing principle nezu I know what we did was reckless but I don't care we are going to be here for awhile so even then he or she or them would be born way before we go back and even then I have all the powers of my alternate selves so I can clone myself Said izuku

So in hindsight we be fine and I have mom and all might to help me too Said izuku

Don't forget about my parents as well they already know Said ochako

Oh I see then said aizawa

Well he is not wrong so might as well keep her Said nezu

The killing intent is gone good now I don't have to hide the bodies said izuku

Then eri asked the one question every parent dreads

Mama, papa where do babies come from asked eri

Umm we will tell you when your older said izuku and ochako

Ok said eri

Earlier in hell

Ha that makes this point 10,000,000 for me looks like I am winning Said a old looking man in a red Trent coat and jeans with a big demonic looking sword

Did your age finally catch up to you we are even Said another man looking just like him but with his hair spiked and he's wearing blue

Oh shut up Vergil you know you are losing by one point Said the man

Vergil: for the last time Dante we are even!!!! He yelled

Then a big green beam hit the floor next to them and they see demonic power being gathered there and obsidian and steel

Dante: wait I remember mom telling us that when this happens that a demon or half demon or any one with demonic blood that doesn't have a weapon of there own because they have family that are still alive and demonic weapons don't leave their users until death only exception is if they are family then they can take it

(An: I made this shit up on spot so don't tell anyone this is true ok but you can also use this idea if you want if you are making a story involving demons or demonic weapons)

Vergil: it seem one of Nero's descendants have unlocked their birth right

Dante:Looks like it let's see what weapons he got

Vergil: looks like he's a hand to hand fighter

The first one basic they give him increased strength and defense he also has telekinesis

The second one he can charge his demonic power to give his punches a burst of power as soon as he punched the energy is released at point blank that and he can shoot energy beams and can drain demonic power to recharge his reserves if he drains it

Theses gives him super speed, he can walk/run on any surface that is not holy or been embedded with holy power and they also have deku iron soles like in the anime

This one give him the power to cut anything even dimensions like Yamato but weaker in the sense that it can only take him to places he been to and open pocket dimensions it not like the regular Yamato that just cut open any dimension

Wow look at those amazing babies Said mei who appeared out of nowhere

Aaah when you get here asked everyone

Oh me I just got here Said mei

I brought her here because some of these worlds will have stuff she could learn how to make to help you guys when you get back In fact here are the blue prints for everything we saw in the previous worlds I said to mei as I gave the stuff

They then disappear in a flash

Back with izuku

What the heck said bakugo as he sees izuku standing the his face in obvious pain but held strong but the most surprising thing are his arms

(An: He has the devil bringer on both arms the red is green and the blue is white for izuku devil bringers also those are the close izuku will wear when we get to the time skip except the black is green on the jacket and the red is white on the jacket the pants are the same color though)

I got to say those are some ba- he then felt a dark aura behind him I mean awesome looking arms Said Kaminari

Good that what I thought you were gonna say Said ochako

Bakugo: No wonder you have no quirk you are just a filthy half breed!!!

Izuku: say what you want but I won't let you hurt him anymore

He then punched him and he flew back into a pile of leaves that broke his landing so he wasn't injured or dead but he was knocked out from the punch

Izuku: are you ok there

Kid: yes thanks but I have to go and I won't be able to hang out anymore

Izuku: what why

Kid: my parents hates demons and they hate half breeds more they would hit me or disown me if they saw us playing together but I don't want too but I have no choice

Izuku: hey it's ok I understand he said with a sad smile just do me a favor and become the hunter you want to be not what everyone wants you to be

Man that just not right so the second god comes and does his job you turn your back on the demons that actually helped you or are peaceful wow humanity and there stupidity at its finest Said nezu

Principle nezu Said everyone hurt by what he said

What it true said nezu

Doesn't mean it hurts any less Said Mina

Time skip 10 years later

Teacher: ok class I have career forms for you all but who am I kidding you all want to be hunters don't you

At this every student started to show off

(An: bakugo rant is the same as anime)

Teacher: oh yeah midoriya didn't you want to go to U.A. as well

At this everyone and bakugo froze

Izuku for the most part didn't give a shit about anything he ignored the rules that he deemed unrational like no using your quirk or blood gift

(blood gift is the half bloods powers are called)

in school he ignored it because this school doesn't enforce it at all everyone breaks it anyways and two mutant type quirks basically break it every day as they can not just not use it most mutant types have tails and they have to be used unless they want it to be stiff and cause back problems he was also wearing this

(these are the clothes izuku is wearing except the black is green on the jacket and the red is white on the jacket the pants are the same color though)

Izuku: yeah I am so there was never a rule against half bloods from joining and second of all the first 3 devil/demon hunters were half blood and they are related to me they are of spardas blood like me

Everyone: well he's not wrong and he's really strong to he make a great hunter tbh his attitude could be better at times but I like it he a playful jackass

Bakugo: damn you deku you filthy half breed what are you trying to pull the first devil hunter we're quirked humans you dumb pice of shit

Teacher: Bakugo calm down and he's not wrong you are wrong humans never had quirks 500,000,000 years ago

Izuku: see so how about you do us all a favor and sit down in your seat and shut up for the rest of the day

Bakugo: why you li...

only to be cut off by the bell signaling that schools over

Izuku: oh thank god that's over he then gets out dimension cutter And cut open a portal to home he grabs all of his stuff and enters

Meanwhile with inko

Inko: hello father what brings you and mother here today

(I don't know how to spell Nero's girlfriend name but she lived so long because Nero used his demonic powers to prolong her life and no that not canon as far as I know they may have comics of the game I mean they did for the darkness)

Nero: well I wanted to help your son make his own weapons and guns sure his demonic weapons are good but they are not that effective on anything that has demonic blood it either does little damage, heals them or just makes them stronger than they already are

Inko: really finally you think he's ready for it

Nero: yes and that he only has 10 months to train with them for the entrance exams

Kyrie: and that is why you should be in the forge right now preparing everything since izuku is on his way now and two he probably used dimension cutter to get here faster so go now

Nero: ok fine I go now

Inko: hello mother how have you been

Kyrie: I been great I have been thinking on designing hunter clothes for izuku because he can't just keep wearing Nero's old gear even if they are in good condition

Inko: that's great idea mother

Time skip to the forge

Nero: ok kid we are going to make you a sword while I know you like punching and kicking things having a sword will help for those enemies that can't be grabbed or punched as in it does no damage

Izuku: ok that makes sense but what about the guns what are we going to make

Nero: not we only you these are your weapons your babies if I helped then you wouldn't treat them as well as they should be

Izuku: ok then I think I have an idea he then made these

(An: the axe is for barriers you know like say a big tentacle blocks your path chop it down the other knives are for other things one is for throwing, the other is for collecting samples and ones for regular use and the last is for climbing up unbalanced areas)

(An: the buster sword is for the armored ones can break the weaker ones in one swing but others need more than one hit)

(An: for hordes of lesser demons)

(An: Like the other one but can be used for every combat and are the default guns deku will use)

Nero: nice weapons kid what you gonna name then

Izuku: my first set of weapons will be called crimson king and the big sword is called the buster sword because it's gonna bust up any demon that comes in it path and for the pistols ebony and ivory in honor of Dante my great uncle and for the other guns it's called half bloods fury

(An: you all like the names I gave the weapons well the ones that are not using their original names)

Nero: great kid now let go out to the training grounds you got ten months to learn how to use them

Izuku: ok!

Montage time

It shows izuku throwing knifes at a target getting 5 bullseyes out of ten, it shows him using his swords fighting hordes of lesser demons to develop his own style, it shows Nero throwing objects in the air to teach izuku how to use his devil bringer to pull things to him, shows him doing and intense workouts of 500,000 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and 1000km run, it shows izuku learning how to control and manipulate his demonic powers, shows izuku learning different martial arts, learning how to dance, learning how to dance fight (an: in break dancing they do that head spin thing well izuku does that but he kicks people as he spins) that was the first 5 months the ready was him learning how to aim and shoot stuff

Nero: not bad kid you became an expert of your weapons in ten months impressive

Izuku: thanks grandpa

Nero: oi don't call me that it makes me feel old

Izuku: but you are my grandpa and two your like over 5 hundred years old you are old

Nero: sigh I hate it when your right

Izuku: love you too old man now let head back home it almost time for dinner

Nero: alright let's go

Time skip at U.A. entrance

Izuku: alright this is it my first step into becoming a hunter only to trip on his own foot or I could just die he thought

Only for him to stop and start floating and for his back to start burning

Izuku: ow aw man why do quirks have to give us burning sensations

???: oh I am sorry for causing you pain but I just thought it would be bad luck for you to fall on the day of the entrance exam

He turned and saw the most beautiful girl he ever seen no scratch that beautiful woman

Aw thank you deku Said ochako

No need to thank me I am just saying or um well thinking the truth said izuku

Mama, papa why does mama look older or why does her body look older like auntie momo asked eri

We don't know sweetheart but we will find out soon Said ochako

Izuku: no it's fine it doesn't hurt it just irritating

???: oh I know how you feel it annoying how my quirk also hurts me because I am a half blood too

Izuku: wait your a half blood and you have a quirk that's amazing

???: really you think so thanks your the first person besides my parents to say that oh where are my manners I am Ochako Uraraka

Izuku: really that's weird because it is amazing and I am Izuku Midoriya

Ochako: well thanks and see at the exams

Izuku: right see ya

The seating is the same as the anime

Izuku: Damn it I am stuck sitting next to you

Bakugo: wtf you doing here you filthy half breed

Izuku: what you think Dumbass gonna take the exams and to the seats are by school so I am stuck sitting here

Bakugo: tch

Present mic: hey everyone are you ready for the exams


Present mic: keeping it cool I see well anyways you all will be tested one by one and people will see your test as to show them the skills of there possible classmates and to give you an idea of what test you might get

Time skip

Present mic: Next up we have Ochako Uraraka

Izuku: good luck ochako oh and here catch he then throws something to her

Izuku: here I noticed you didn't have a ranged weapon so you can use these for now and don't worry I have another ranged weapon I can use

Ochako: ok thanks izuku-kun

In her test

Nero: ok girl your test is that you must fight off 3 waves of lesser demons and protect and rescue any survivors in the area there on wave in each area you have to go to now are you ready

Ochako: yes

Nero: ok then oh each demon is 1 point, every survivor is 2 points, and the ready comes from stylish points which you know because it shall be announced when it goes up one letter the highest is a triple s the points are not really apart of the test but more for the high score to show just how good you are

Ochako: ok

Now start

She immediately rushes in making all demons she could touch float and slowly die from the burning of her quirk the then starts shooting all the ones in the air and one from far away soon she had to reload so she dropped the empty clip and tossed the guns up in the air she then grabbed a new clips and tossed them up to they entered the guns and she then grabs them and cocks them and then jumps in the air and spins and shoots all the demons surrounding her she then ran to one survivor that was about to be hit she hit the demon away with her enhanced strength she got from her mothers demonic blood she then kicked the others away she then checked the survivors for injuries they had none she then toon all of them to the safe house.

Time skip

Present mic: And your rank is triple s class you are apart of class 1a

Izuku: congratulations ochako

Ochako: thanks but I couldn't have done so well if you haven't gave me your guns to use oh and here

Izuku: no keep it you need it and two I like ebony and ivory better you can keep half bloods fury

Ochako: no I can't do that you made them

Izuku: ok then if you don't want them then how about you come over and I help you make your own weapons

Ochako: really that be great but what about your test

Izuku: oh I got in on recommendation so don't worry I only came to see how good the other were

Wow that's new almost every izuku we saw always did the exams I am surprised that this got in on recommendation said Kirishima

IKR Said Mina

Oh midoriya since you said you have the powers of your alternate selves does that mean you have those arms of his asked Kaminari

Yes I do but unlike him I figured out how to turn them back into my normal arms said izuku

At the forge

Izuku: ok then everything is set and prepared now all you have to do is make it

Ochako: but I thought you were going to help me

Izuku: I am but you will have to make it your self for the most part because it is your weapon you have to make in the way you want them to be and if I help you every step of the way they won't come out how you want it to be

(An: she made fingerless combat gloves that can both Chanel holy and demonic energy reason why is for if she nocked out any allies could use them regardless of race or by the off chance you unlocks a blood gift though next to impossible it has happened and also she made the same guns izuku let her use in the exams it just has demonic and holy bullets and is pink and black in color)

Wow those look perfect for you it allows you to use your quirk and still provide some protection Said izuku

But I can make it so much better Said mei

At U.A.

Aizawa: ok you irrational little shits put these on and meet me at the field

Izuku: wow rude much mr. depression at its finest

Aizawa: like your one to talk sparda and two the school been granted free reign in how we teach that mean I can say what I want but sadly that also applies to all of you as well because freedom of speech and all that Jazz

Izuku: whatever you say mr. depression only to be slapped in the back of his head

Izuku: ow what was that for ochako?

Ochako: for being rude to our teacher even if he was rude first

Izuku: but...

Ochako: no buts just get changed

Izuku: fine

Ok guys I will have to end it here or it be to long or at least longer than my normal chapters either way it will continue if people want it to but yeah I don't think this'll be that popular but anyways see ya next chapter and sorry for the long wait

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