He can sing!

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Ok in this world you are doing the cultural festival but Jirou got sick a week before it's starts and no one seems to be able to sings the songs chosen or so it seems as in this world izuku can sing and write music very well but he thinks he is terrible at it so he never tried at least until now because no one but uraraka new about his talent she didn't force him to try because she knew how he felt about his voice but she has no choice but to force him to do it and eri consider izuku and Ochako as her parents so she will call them mama and papa this happened because they visited her every day but the festival is the only time she was actually allowed to go out of her hospital room.

"The U.A. cultural festival is about to start in 3 weeks everyone was practicing and getting ready until Jirou got sick a week before the festival and no seems to be able to get the tone or on key for the songs chosen to sing everyone in class tried we everyone but izuku or Deku to some."

"Deku-kun you have to do it Said Ochako"

"I know ocha-Chan but the problem is what if they don't like it and if they don't like it then I cannot truly save eri as even though overhaul is gone his influence lingers and now she doesn't know how to smile but I have to try if not for me then for her and I be fucking damned if I let my fears get in the way of saving someone."

"Their we go that's the Deku I know said Ochako."

Yeah I am here thanks for helping me make a decision as he gently grabs her face and moves in to gently kiss her (an: ignore the snow, miso toe and the fact they are out side)

"They then kiss for about 5 minutes when they separated for air Ochako said you should go and sing for them now or they will choose Kirishima and we all know he has a terrible voice great at dancing or playing an instrument but not singing she said."

"Yahoo grand babies here I come if I just have wait a couple of years or I can get them drunk and lock them in a closet so I can have grand babies to spoil since izuku no longer lives with me said inko"

"well you won't have to wait long mrs. Midorya because principal Nezu said he plans to do the project they did in the last world remember the world life as a parent so you will get your grand babies to spoil rotten said Toshinori."

"Yeah your right as they left his room and go to the common room." "they see Bakugo yelling at them to just get Deku to sing he may be useless but but even I have to admit that he can sing unlike the rest of you only close to his skill is ear jacks but she sick and the only other one close to ear jacks skills is round face but she doesn't have the right voice for the type of songs we are gonna play said Bakugo."

"Aw thanks Kacchan you finally admit I can sing took you long enough said izuku."

"Shut up you damn nerd and just sing!"

"No not yet if I do this then I will sing the songs I want to sing got that."

"Fine I don't care your taste in music is decent anyways Said Bakugou."
Time skip

The start of the festival ok thank you all for coming to class 1a concert now we will be playing 3 songs (an: everything in the manga during this arc happening minus the Deku getting fired part)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Man he is really good at singing you think our Midorya any good oh he is just as good the reason Deku-kun waits until everyone is out of the shower before he goes is because he sings in the shower and doesn't want to made fun of for doing so said Ochako"

"she is right even when he was living with me still izuku rarely sang when I was around he got the talent from his grandpa but he wanted to be a hero which is fine I just wish he was a musician it's less dangerous but I don't regret letting him be a hero because how else would I have met my future daughter in law said inko."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"By the second song people were in a frenzy say that this is good and over all having a great time and then we see Mirio and eri do you see it now Deku, Ochako look she smiling you saved her from the clutches of overhaul as we see eri begin to smile we see the specter of overhaul surrounding fade a way as she cheers and smiles from the performance and mirio is put to tears at her innocent smile."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(An: the interactions with the other students are the same as the manga)

"Say goodbye eri you have to go back to the hospital said mirio why I want to stay with mama and papa more oh I know you want to but you can't not until the doctor say you can oh ok bye mama and papa said eri as she gives Ochako and Deku a hug as she was about to leave"

"Deku said wait I have something for you eri here you go he gives her a candy apple I made it myself as they weren't selling them And once you can visit again I will give you more eri but you have a good girl though can you do that for me and mama yes said eri ok good said Deku as he and Ochako gives her a kiss on the forehead and say goodbye"

"he then sighed and said I miss her already I do too Deku-kun let go in side it's getting late."

"Aw that's so adorable you treat her so well it like she is your own daughter said Mina"

"yeah said Tooru"

"The rest agreed as well"

Well that's It until next time

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