my Final academia (final fantasy part 2)

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Ok here's part two of the final fantasy crossover world guys I said

Yes I can't wait to see what happens next Said ochako

Yeah said everyone else

Um excuse me mr. nick called eri

Yes little one I said

Does this world have a name? Asked eri

Why yes it does I just found out now it's called my final academia I said

Wow cool said Kota

(An: the title could be better but that's the only thing I could think of)

Yep now how about we go and watch part 2 now I Said

Ochako: Ok I am all packed up

Tifa: that's good and also I see you are wearing one of my old clothes

(An:looks like this)

Wow I look amazing Said ochako

What do you mean you always look amazing Said izuku

Oh why thank you deku Said ochako as she kisses him and snuggles up to him more

Oh but I am only stating the truth my love Said izuku

And that's why I love you so much Said ochako

Ochako: Yeah I am they are very comfortable and great for combat as it breathable and doesn't restrict movement at all

Luna: oh and how do you know all of that?

Ochako: well I did some training last night for 5 minutes to get the feel of tifa's fighting style

Tifa:that's great then I will just have to help a little here and there and you be good to go to pass the exam but we should get you working out a little

Luna: indeed but what are we going to use for her training

Tifa: in the city we are going to has a beach that been turned into a dump due to illegal dumping because of the trash being washed up by the ocean

Ochako: ok but how do you know this

Tifa: cloud told me about it over the phone I am surprised that they still work in this universe to be honest though

Luna: that's good to hear and if he had that information then his host must live in the area

Tifa: his host does and it turns out he like us meaning that his host hold two of us in him and you be happy to know it's noctis that's is with him

Luna: really that's great I can finally see him again after so long considering the last time he saw me was also the day of my death

Ochako: is there something I am missing between you two and these guys you're talking about

Tifa: it's nothing just talking about my husband and her fiancé

Aw she gonna get married Said Toru

Wait but isn't she dead tho so how does that work asked sato

Hush it doesn't matter love always finds a way Said Mina

She's not wrong I mean after the game noctis and Luna got married even when they were dead I said

Really but how tho they are dead how they get a ceremony and everything asked ochako

I really don't know ok I may be a god but even I am not all knowing like how some if not most of the gods make themselves seem so I said

Ochako: you're engaged Luna!?

Luna: yes I was we were going to get married but let just say a ancient prophecy ruined it by one having the oracle slowly die and two by having the king of Lucius die every time to seal away the darkness

Ochako: oh I am sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories

Oof big mood now Said Kamiari

Luna: it's ok ochako it's all in the past

Train speaker: we are now arriving at "insert name of city here" ( an: I do not know how to spell the name of izuku home town)

As she got off and started to go to the apartment complex she be staying at she hears tifa say

Tifa: ochako stop I can sense cloud near by

Ochako: ok so you want to see him then I am assuming

Tifa: yes

Ochako: ok then

She started to head to the beach were izuku, cloud, and noctis are at with all might

Meanwhile with izuku

Izuku: and that's what happened

All might: wow this is amazing but truly troubling to as these monsters can be any where but these deamons appears any where they want at night if it doesn't have very strong lights

Yes this is quite the problem as from what was said before we do not have the right means to defeat these monsters and deamons Said Aizawa

Indeed Aizawa indeed said Nezu

Izuku: pretty much

All might: ok then since this bonding has made you physically fit for you you can receive one for all right now and use this 10 months before the exams to train with it

Izuku: sounds about right but it's feels like I did not earn it at all

All might: don't say that at all you earned the right to have my power when you risked your life to save someone when you were weak and had no power this bonus you got from those ghosts made it faster to get

Izuku: ok then what do I have to do

All might: nothing to hard you just have to EAT THIS he said as he pulls a pice of his hair out

Izuku: what!?

All might: oh sorry my bad i didn't tell you that you needed to ingest my dna to gain my quirk

Izuku: oh that's makes so much sense since quirks can only be pass on by being related to them so what ofa really does is make us related by taking your dna and fusing it with mine effectively making me your son in a sense

Man I can't believe you actually ate the hair Said Jiro

I know right that's disgusting said Mina

Wait that means I was right then midoriya why you lie to me you are all mights secret love child this world alone confirms it as you have all mights quirk said Todoroki

Todoroki I never lied to you in fact I didn't think of it that way until now that this world shined some light on it Said deku

I was still right Said Todoroki

All might: spits out blood oh my I guess you're right that makes so much sense anyways we are going to be doing sparring but no weapons you can't rely on them all the time so I am teaching you hand to hand combat

Izuku: ok then he got in a sloppy stance

Cloud: kid your stance is sloppy here spread your legs a little not to far and straighten your back and put both arms up

Izuku: ok

Cloud: he was going to say more but he sense tifa coming closer hey kid one of my friends are coming here tell all might quick if he wants to keep his secret

Izuku: all might quick change forms someone is coming here

All might: ok transforms

Ochako: so this is the place he is in tifa asked ochako out loud

Tifa: yes and he in that green haired boy

Ochako: I turn to Said boy but blushed at seeing a handsome boy he's about my age and is quite tall 190 cm (an: I don't actually know how tall is that but chose to make him taller than Aizawa who is 188cm) and has a nice lean but built body but I can tell his muscles were really dense if his muscles definition was anything to go by over all this is how I felt when I first saw him OH NO HE'S HOT!!!

Oh is that so huh ocha Said izuku in her ear in a low voice his hot breath hitting the back of her ear getting her all hot and bothered he then leaned back and laughed a little softly so he won't attract attention

Oh you look so adorable when you are blushing Said izuku

Calm down I am only teasing Said izuku

Hmph Said ochako as she turned away from him with her arms crossed

In her head I will get you back for that deku

Izuku: as cloud told me where his friend was in that I later learned was his wife was inside the most beautiful girl I have ever met and my whole body turned red from my blush

( an: I forgot how tall she was but she grew taller from the bonding so she is Todoroki's height)

she has beautiful long brown hair and warm brown eyes a cute round face with two permanent blushes and a nice hour glass figure she also has dd cup breast wait bad izuku you are not a pervert mother taught you to be better than that so don't look with out permission overall she was beautiful

My what's this is izuku secretly more perverted than he let on Said Kaminari

Yeah you are supposed to be the innocent one midoriya Said Mineta

But wait you are all forgetting about what they say about the innocent ones Said Kirishima

Oh and what's that asked ochako

They are alway the most perverted when in private said Kirishima

Well you are not wrong because when me and deku had sex he strangely enough knew a lot of positions he even made a few new ones by using my quirk while we had sex Said ochako

Sigh he gets it from his biological father he was the same when he and I first had sex in fact I am surprised that izuku is an only child said inko

All might: so are both going to introduce yourselves or am I going to have to introduce myself

Izuku: oh hi um I am Izuku Midoriya and as you been already told by your spirit or spirits that yes I am like you also I like you to meet all might

Ochako: oh I am Ochako Uraraka and it's nice to meet you izuku and all might then she realized all might was with them and started to freak out because she with and shook hands with the number 1 hero

All might: Young Uraraka May I ask why you are here since I see you have luggage and you should be moving in to your new home or be at a relatives house

Ochako: I am here because my two spirits said that someone they knew was here and they were In izuku-kun that and to train she told him as she puts her luggage in her pocket dimension as she just remembered she had one

All might: and what are you training in

Ochako: I am learning hand to hand combat from my spirit tifa

Izuku: really then why not join us all might was just about to teach me hand to hand

Ochako: really are you sure I mean I can tell he trying to keep his true form a secret from me

All might: transforms back while spiting our blood how did you know

Ochako: my other spirit Luna freya is and oracle and saw a the future were your true form is revealed by your nemesis to the whole world through live broadcasts on tv you won but you also used up the last bits of ofa you had

All might: I see then that just means I have train the both of you better

Time skip 10 months later

Izuku and ochako became best friends but little did they know they both have major crushes on each other and they both don't know that the other feels the same way because they are too shy to confess

Out side ochako's apartment door

Knock knock

Izuku: Hey ocha are there it's me izuku

Ochako: I am here I am still getting ready izu-kun I be out in a minute

One minute later

Ochako: Ok I am ready she Said wearing her school uniform

Izuku: you look cute in your uniform

Ochako: wha she said while blushing oh um thanks you look handsome in yours too izu-kun

It was now izuku's turn to blush

Izuku: oh thanks too I guess well anyway let's go we don't want to be late for the exams Said izuku

Ochako: sit behind izuku as they got on his motorcycle fenrir

Wow that and awesome bike Said Kaminari

Yes it is and it hold all his other sword in there you see izukus buster sword is a large sword made up of seven smaller and separate swords and his bike carries like I think seven more I don't know couldn't count then all in the movie I said

Ooh yeah that be very useful to have in hero work because if we had some sort of vehicle for transportation we could get to villain attacks faster mutter mutter mutter said izuku

There he goes on his muttering spree Said everyone

Chu izuku was promptly shut up by ochako kissing him on the lips

She stoped and said you were muttering deku-kun Said ochako

Oh I am sorry Said izuku

Don't be I find it very cute but not everyone can understand you at all so they think it creepy Said ochako

Izuku: ok ignore her breast pressed against your back izuku focus on the road and what ever you don't join the dark side and become a pervert he thought

Ochako: this feels nice as the wind gently blew through her hair and I get to feel him up without him noticing she thought

Ara ara it looks like this ochako is secretly a pervert said Mina

Nah I think it only applies if it's izuku Said tsu

Girls!!! Screamed ochako bushing up a storm

They all laugh and said were only teasing ochako they said

(An: explanation of the exam is the same as the anime oh izuku only stutters if he is caught off guard)

Izuku: ok this should be easy oh ochako is in the same block as me we should make a plan with her

Only to be stopped by a hand

Iida: she looks like she trying to focus what are doing here are you here to sabotage people

Izuku: ok asshole shut your mouth now I know her we met before the exams and I was going to help her so maybe you should stop being a prick and get that stick out of your ass and fucking get to know the person before you judge them!!!! He said in rage

Ochako: izuku-kun calm down its ok you just prove his wrong she said as she hugged him

As other guys saw this they got jealous as ochako was the most attractive girl in the block and glares at izuku

(She was wearing this so that why the guys were jealous)

Izuku: I glared back and released half of my killing intent which made all of them piss their pants and some faint from fear let me make this clear she is off limits and second of all if you gonna act tough then actually have the balls to back it up and finally she way out of your league you uncultured pigs!!!

Ochako: izuku that is enough! I can handle them myself and second of all boys I am taken she said

Izuku: what when and who!?

Ochako: just now and the person is you she said as she grabbed his shirt and pulls him into a deep kiss

He kisses back

Hell yeah way to go midoriya cheered Kirishima and Kaminari

Oh shut up you damn idiots you seen this shit at least 31 times said bakugo

Um how do you know that asked Mina

I kept count of how many worlds we seen and the amount of time we seen the damn nerd kiss round face said bakugo

Oh ok that's a little weird Said tsu

Now the other girls turn to be jealous as ochako just got the best looking guy in the whole b block

(An: he is wearing this ignore the weapons of the kings)

Start screamed out present mic

Everyone just stood there well everyone but izuku and ochako

Izuku: I see a group of 100 3-pointers I take half and you take the other half

Ochako: got it let do our combo move!

Izuku: ok but let me get my half first ofa Delaware 50% slash he sent a energy slash with the buster sword that destroyed half of the robots ochako made the broken pieces float above her half ochako now

Ochako: right! She then touched all five of her fingers and said release the broken pieces to fall on them and destroyed them as well

Ochako: ok I think I can handle myself from here on out now

Izuku: ok then I will go in deeper in the city to find more villains

Oh my they have great teamwork in fact they could be the number one hero team said the pussy cats

We are actually planning on being a hero team I was thinking of having our team name be gravity smash said izuku

That a great name for our team name Said ochako

Aw but I was hoping you go with green tea as your hero team name said Mina

No we are not while the meaning and reason for the name is cute no one else will understand it and besides no one will even know our real name when we debut so the name not really going to make much sense Said ochako

10 minutes later

Izuku: ok that makes that 400 points I wonder how ocha's doing you know what I will just call her

Ochako: ok that's makes 300 points ring ring ring oh izuku calling I pick up hello

Izuku: hey ocha I just finished in my area and got 400 points what about you

Ochako: oh same but I only got 300 points anyways I got to go get some more points

Izuku: ok I am heading back to the main area then

(An:teachers say the Same thing in the the anime)

Man these two are op if they got 400 and 300 points respectively said sero

Well Izuku not really a surprise since we seen a lot of op versions of him but a op uraraka is new said Kaminari

Hey are you saying I am weak Said ochako who was holding a frying pan menacingly with a dark aura

What no it just we haven't see a version of you that's comparable to izuku other versions and the new him said Kirishima

And just like that the aura was gone and she was being her happy self again

Thanks man I owe you one now Said Kaminari

Yeah and if you want to pay me back you can start by thinking before you say something stupid said Kirishima

The zero pointer came and ochako got trapped because she finally met her limit with her quirk at 330 points

Ochako: ow someone please help but was ignored by everyone else

Izuku: you worthless pieces of shits how dare you say you want to be hero's but the second you see a villain that stronger than you you run away like a little bitch and abandon the people who need help you all disgust me

He then jumped to the zero pointer with 50% of ofa but he uses 1,000,000% of ofa to punch it which completely vaporized the whole thing from the sheer power he used  but he broke his arm in the process he lands and makes a crater he then frees ochako and hugs her

Izuku: thank god your ok

Ochako: yeah all thanks to you but she The starts to slap him WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT GOING OVER YOUR LIMIT!!!

Izuku: ow sorry I know you told me not to but I couldn't help it it was gonna hurt you I can't let that happen

To be continued

Hey everyone as you can see I have updated today and wanted to know if you wanted a part 3 to this or not oh and how you like my new writing style for this story is it easier to read now?

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