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The sky clear with the sun shining warmly after so many windy and cloudy days. The peaceful chirping of birds, with the squirrels running here and there, several butterflies decorating the surrounding for aesthetic mood. It was a good morning.

Sitting on the doorsteps of the rusty house with her elbows on the knees and chin on her palms. She observe the broad shoulder man in the tank top sweating badly as he swing the axe again and again.

His lean and slim figure rotated to her sight. Fade hints of muscles bulging on his arms every time he grip the axe tightly, forehead shining with sweat even in the month of January. She sit admiring him lost in her own thoughts watching him cut the woods.

Her mind was running wildly from one thought to the other. Escaping was not a choice anymore. She knew it and if he lets her go by mercy she'd be thankful. It's not bad being here, but the situation is. If she were here with a drop dead gorgeous man in other circumstances, she would've happily agreed to stay on but that's the difference that she is not at all happy.

But it's not bad too due to her accord, not having to pay up for expenses and not caring about studies and work, pretty careless life. If she dies, she wouldn't regret dying because she has none to lose.

She was too deep in thoughts only to flinch away as Taehyung sit beside her and nudge her by the shoulder. She exhale heavily and look at his sweating and panting form, while passing him his water bottle.

He takes it and chug it down in one go and she stare at his perfect Adam apple bobbing up and down and she gulp. She look away and turn a deep red at how unnecessary she was being. She knows he noticed by the side of his eyes and she will be melting down here if he mentions it.

"Uhm!" He cough to gain her attention. There we go. She doesn't look at him nor say anything. They were still awkward but comfortable enough from before. "You make me uncomfortable!" As the words leave his mouth, she felt like digging her grave and hiding in the depths of the earth.

"Uh...how..!?" She pinch her thigh to divert her attention from him to a new pain but it's lame. He takes her hand that was pinching her thigh in order to calm down and hold it in his big ones. She close her eyes and tried not to wiggle in this moment.

He shift closer and said. "There's always this disgusting feeling in my gut whenever I look at you!" Her heart drop. There! He said it what she feared the most, he finds her ugly too. The only man who made her feel a tiny bit and made her blush said she made him feel disgusted.

He clasp her hand tightly but she was too sad to notice. "It's like the stomach does flip flops and make me want to churn up, like it tickles and it also doesn't!" He said wondering as she gape at him. Did he just.....?


He was too emerged in describing about that disgusting feeling to notice that she was boring holes in him. "I'm used to being numb so these new things you know...scares me a little. Like how when I'm near you, my heart beats so much as if I'm running errands, I feel hot all over when ever you speak or do anything or-" he stops when she abruptly yanks her hand away from his.

He look up surprised and her expression is one of horror making him more surprised. She looks like she had seen a ghost. He tried to hold onto her, to ask her what happened but she was quick to back away and stood up. He jump to his feet thinking she is going to run.

But before he could do anything she bolt inside the house leaving him alone and confused. He stood there with that lost puppy look thinking if he had done something wrong now or it's just her own mood swings. She had asked him how he felt disgusting and he just answered.

He sigh and look behind to the piles of wood on the ground that is wanting his attention to be on their respective place. "Hmph! So much work!" He grumpily get inside to take a shower ignoring his sore muscles from all the woodcutting.


Once the shower turned on, I sneak inside his room with my hand on my chest to calm my fastening heartbeats. He will probably take five to ten minutes yup. I go around checking and inspecting for the one thing I badly needed. The plan I had been making for days but was coward to even take a step for its sake.

I began searching the whole room but there is nothing. I punch the mattress and that's when I felt some hardness underneath it. I got my hand a little hurt but I rub it off and slowly pick up the sheets praying that's it's something beneficial.

I gasp when my hand touch the cool metal surface, I clutch it and pull it out only to find it heavy. I look down at the gun in fear. There's this one gut feeling where it scares you, that one 'what if'. What if I couldn't make it this time?

I slap my cheek to shake off the thoughts as I hurriedly tuck the gun securely in my waist band. I look around for the next thing which was the only source I want and it will help me even if I fail. It's not in the room.

I frantically rush towards the bathroom door and slipped when I saw the clothes on the ground. I crouch down to it and check the pockets while my ears were thumping with the sound of water droplets inside indicating he is still showering.

I check the jackets, his jeans pocket and...

Tears brim my eyes in happiness when the mobile slip in my hand and I clutch it tight. I slowly get up and without any single thought I run, run outside the room.

I reach my room and I first steady myself. I was warm dressed and tied up together for what I'm about to do. I'm prepared for the first time in my life. Please god don't let it go all waste. My hands were shaking as my breath comes out in ragged gasps.

I slowly open the phone and practically punch in the pin code I witnessed him applied two days ago, it opened and I squealed a little. I look out of the room to see the coast clear. I reach and dialed in the number I remember. It ringed and ringed till I got furious.

I was nearly crying when the phone beep. "The number you are trying to reach is not available at this moment." What the heck Jungkook? He should be available. I almost whine as I dial it many times but it never got a respond. I don't remember Ria's number or I would've called her.

An idea ticked in my mind and I ring up the police station. After two seconds, the phone got on line but before they could start their official greeting, I bombard them. "Hello...hello, listen to me very carefully, I need you to help me!"

"Yes..yes...please ma'am what's your situation?" I hush my voice because I noticed I was speaking way too loudly. I close the door slowly and then speak. "My name is Eliana!" Silence....

There was silence and I panic if the line went cut or not. "Hello!!! Hello!!!?"

Just then a deep voice made me flinch back. "Eliana! I want you to tell me where you are?" The voice was raspy and deep. I voice out slowly while trembling. "I'm still with the killer!" That made me feel a bit uncomfortable for calling Taehyung a killer now.

The person sighed and said, "I need you to be patient with me and remain on the phone while I reach out to you for help!" I shake my head constantly. That will be too late. "NO! I can't I'm sorry...please just find me, I can't remain on call...please just trace the call or something..."

"Shhh...shhh...Eliana...take a breath my dear!" I practically hypnotized by his order, I inhaled and then exhale deeply and it did help me so I respond. "I'm keeping the call and I hope you find me." Before he could respond I cut the call.

I delete the number from the phone list and lock it back. I clutch the phone to my chest. I slowly open the door and peak out only to be answered back by silence. No sound nothing. The silence was almost deafening as I come out of my room and walk to his.

I look inside and notice that the washroom door is still closed, lights on. I carefully step towards the washroom as my heart beat a little more faster with each step I take, the phone burning in my sweaty palm.

I crouch down, my legs trembling as I did so, I quickly reach for the pocket and set the phone back and just then the bathroom door clicked. My body froze on its own as I look up to the door that was slowly opening in a slow motion.

It all happened so fast that I crawled back and with a jump I land on his bed. My eyes widen under my arms that were covering my face as I lay on my left, my back to the washroom. My breathing was so irregular, I tried not to gasp but failed so miserably as I was panting that probably he would've noticed it too.

The door shut back and I tense already feeling his dark aura around. I close my eyes tightly as his footsteps near the bed. I curl up not even hiding it that I knew he was here. My forehead a little wet from the hard tension.

I scream when I felt his hand on my shoulder, soon enough he hold my both shoulders jerking me up in a sitting position. "Hey hey hey?? What happened? Elara!!!" I stop as he look at me with wide confused eyes. He. Don't. Know. I practically tell myself that he dont know so dont panic!

My lips tremble for even forming words infront of him but he cup my face and courage me to tell him. As if I would. I was so out of lies, my mind wasn't working at all. I had promised myself to take care of myself and all but I'm not trained for any of this fear and the hardships that comes along.

"I...got...scared...!" I mutter out the lamest excuse I can make up but he without any more investigation bought it...just like that. I almost felt bad for him. He pull me in for a hug and I immediately hug back not wanting him to be suspicious and believe me that I do need comfort.

I wrap my hands around his neck and only then I realize that he is bare chested. NO SHIRT ON! My jaw drop as I try not to look down at his back that I'm hugging. I close my eyes shut trying to think properly.

His scent. I shake my head at the improper thought. I slowly pull away and he lets me while looking at me expectantly. "I'll go to my room!" He doesn't say anything as I get off the bed but he catch my wrist and pull me back to face him.

"You sure?" I nod slowly. "You're afraid! I don't want you to be alone!" He said softly. I felt pity for him when he said that with so much emotion, me on the other hand is preparing to have him caught.

I shake my head as i fidget with his hand and his eyes widen at my action but he quickly composed himself and pulled me more closer and held both my hands as I stand in front of him and him sitting on the bed.

I don't look down at his chest nor do I let my head drop into the gutter but I do blush as his thumb make rhyming circles on the back of my hand. He tries to catch my eyes but I don't look at him knowing that betrayal is clearly written in mine.

I feel bad for whatever is going with him, his life. I want to know what had caused him to reach till this mental state. What could be the reason what he is today? He looks so soft and fluffy as I look at him but knowing that beneath this face lies many monsters, I couldn't help but shiver with fear myself.

I want to help him get rid of it because no one in their right mind would want this. I want to help him become normal. Help him to feel loved and accepted the way he made me feel. Bring smile to his cold face but...but I can't. I can't, knowing that it will hurt me in the process. I'm not brave enough to give up myself for someone, for anyone.

I'm not responsible for what he's suffering but I know if I try to help him get rid of it, it'll take every tiny bit life out of me, crumble me apart, crush me down and at last when I try to run away from it, it'll drag me deep down with it. So I don't want to get involved in what's not my problem.

I slowly lean down as my eyes water when our eyes met making him confused. My hands cup his cheeks making his face pucker out as he look up at me. Anyone would think he looks innocent but I know he is not. I press my lips to his cheek and he gasp so sharply as his hand tighten around my wrists.

I remain there for some seconds as I hear his breath come out in short gasps. I pull back as my lips make a smooch sound when it parts from his now full redden cheeks. His eyes are closed and his lips apart as he breath heavily. And I'm sure I'm totally red tomato too...

Before he could open his eyes, I pull away from him and reach the door. I look back to see him looking at me with wide soccer eyes as if he had just witnessed something horrific. He remained just like that, maybe I do have some effect on him, but I won't use it against him...I won't use him...

I knew right then and there, I already lost to him, I broke the walls I built so hard. I can never be the same as before. The look in his eyes that is telling me to stay back. His flustered self making me crawl back to him and do more than that but...

I walk out of the door and his life...Goodbye love!

NOTE: Lets act surprised guys! *gasp* 🫢 Ok now enough with the drama and YOU vote right now. Don't you dare run 🔪 Come on vote and give me a quick notification! 😚

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