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The sun rays coming from the sides of the curtains hit his face as he squint his eyes in return and groan while rolling around to change the position because he was too groggy to wake up now. In addition his alarm started ringing spoiling his sleepy state.

With such a fight with himself, he wake up from the bed and sleepily walk in the washroom to freshen up. In the morning, everything seems to escape his mind even his own name. Jungkook had always been a good sleeper. Because why not, his work was in the way or else this boy would not upset any pillow.

After what seemed like twenty minutes, he came out and decided to go check up on Eliana and then go downstairs and make a hearty breakfast. Nodding to himself, he exit his room and stride towards the guest room where currently Eliana was sleeping.

The door was closed and much to his information he had left it open a bit at night. Thinking Eliana must be awake, he knock on the door. No response. Patiently he knock twice and stand there respecting privacy of hers.

When not getting any respond, he turn the knob and the door opened. He look inside while getting in and saw the bed was empty, no signs of Eliana. He make his way to the washroom and knock on it but that only result in the door creaking open a little.

He slam the door open and his heart was already beating loudly when he was met with disappointment. He turn around now frantically panicking as he sprint in the whole room. His eyes land upon the window that was open. He shake his head muttering few curses.

"Did I fail again...?"


Jimin was giving out orders continuously. He had sent out a big group of people to look out for Taehyung. To his consent, he wouldn't had run away too far so it would be easy to track him down in time. He light up a cigarette and puff out the smoke while his hand tremble with weakness.

He himself had been neglecting his meals and diet. When things get heated, he simply toss out the mention of food and hunger from his schedule to save time. His phone ring and he picked it up the next second in haste. Sticking it to his ear while the other hold the cigarette between his index and middle finger.

He listen to the person on the other end and hum in return. There is not one work going on around him. His attention is needed to be diverted in thousand directions. That's what his life had been from a young age since he had grasped a weighing name in the society of the underworld.

Tossing the phone on the bed, he sit back with his head on the couch as he puff out the smoke which soon fade away creating an aroma of tobacco around him. So many things are on his mind. His sister. His dear friend. His name. His status. He feels selfish, as if he is only thinking about himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock. He was going to mutter out a 'come in' but the person on the other hand had forgotten something named formalities and privacy. Namjoon barge in on him while he close his eyes in frustration. This is the second time. First block 5 and now block 4.

"Spit out!" Jimin said not wanting to interrupt or in a mood to give a lecture to the boy infront of him. Namjoon eyes were the one like something impossible had happened. His pupil shrieked and shaking as he tried to form words infront of his boss.

"Boss! There's something that needs your attention!" Jimin chuckle throwing his head back on the couch. "Everyone is saying that but yet no important fuck gets blessed in my direction!" Namjoon ignore the sarcastic yet negative remark of his boss.

"Taehyung returned!" Namjoon wanted to laugh at the way Jimins head spin to him but this was not all he had to burst on Jimin. The next thing would shook Jimin to something he doesn't want to bear witness. Neither he wants to see the reaction of his boss.

"Where is he and how did-" Jimin was cut off immediately as Namjoon seriously tell him the remaining information. "With your sister on his shoulder!" Jimin seem like he didn't listened and had went into pause mode.

Namjoon gulp as he saw Jimin raise an eyebrow. "Say that again?" He ask with a hint of disbelief in it. Namjoon hold his ground as he respond back to his impatient boss looking at him confused. "Boss...Taehyung returned with your sister..Eliana...!"

Namjoon watch as Jimins expression turn into an ugly one immediately, a hint of bitterness on his pale face. Jimin stood up picking up the handgun on the table and exiting his room ignoring the presence of Namjoon.

Namjoon follow him behind running to match Jimins distance as he remark loudly. "Boss calm down...it can not be like it seems...bosss...bosss...." Namjoon stop once Jimin had turned around the corner and went to Taehyungs room direction.

Namjoon sigh loudly praying no one gets killed in the process. This was indeed shocking to him too. What did V had to do with Jimins sister at all? And upon he was carrying her on his shoulder like a sack of potato. Had he not been too injured to be walking around? How did he even manage to lift up that girl?


He slowly lay down the small figure on his own bed in Jimins house. He had not thought twice and brought her here because this is the only safe place he could think of. He knows that Jimin wouldn't mind her presence if he had brought her here right?

He had planned to fly out abroad with her and spend time with her and set aside his goals for once and enjoy his life. He would not lie, when she had said that she is willing to accompany him wherever he'd take her and had trusted him with herself after all he had done in the past, his heart warmed.

He sat beside her on the bed and cover her petite body with the sheets. He look at her as a smile make its way to his face. "She thinks she is not beautiful...!" He think loudly. He lift up his hand and stroke her cheek lovingly as if she were a delicate dandelion, afraid that it'd fly away into thin air if he do something wrong.

He can't believe that he is doing this. He had never used his hands softly. His actions were always brutal and cruel. She had made him soft for her. It was her doing, she made him think she is fragile. He still remember the things he had done to her in the past.

When he had stabbed her thigh, had stabbed her and been harsh with her every single second he got. He had scared her too much that she didn't feared him at all in the end. Or it's just her personality that attracted her? He don't know what kind of life she had lived, but seeing that she can provide him something other failed to do, had made him greedy.

She was the only one that made him peaceful, had made him calm. The new feelings that he can't put a finger on was also because of her. He is a psycho but he never was stupid. He don't know if he could be able to keep her this way, in his presence, in his safety. But he wish whenever she look at him, she don't fear him.

No matter how much she had hated him and been afraid of him, he had loved her unknowingly. No one can change that, not himself. He don't know what are the effects of being in love. What does that butterfly feeling means? What does that moment of embarrassment means? The urge to just look at her?

If someone had told him this a couple of monthis ago about this situation, he would've laughed and said that no such things exist here in the reality of this world. He had endured too much that he thinks that only rich people have this so called feeling happiness. He even thought they just buy it from somewhere but he wasn't interested.

Now when he look at this girl laying infront of him peacefully without a tinge of sadness on her face, this is what happiness seems to him. And he thinks that happiness is beautiful, it is precious. He don't want to go back again.

His sweet moment was interrupted when the door bursted opened with a loud noise. He didn't even got time to process as to who entered, as a hard punch land on his jaw knocking him to the ground. His body was already too weak from lifting her up and bringing her all the way here.

He doesn't have the energy to fight back and get back at the person as his vision blackened and his body remain limp on the ground.

Meanwhile Jimin who was the one to knock out Taehyung with the pent up anger from all the time, upon seeing Eliana. Everything vanished suddenly. His lips part in awe at his little sister laying infront of him peacefully. His eyes suddenly water and before he could process, it streamed down his face unwillingly.

He was again a child who had found something precious to him. His own body was weak from starving himself as he step beside the bed. He was crying like a child as he keep a hand on his mouth and stop the sudden voice that escape his mouth. He was the same child who only wanted his best friend, his everything, his sister by his side. 

She had changed too much, she had loss weight from before. She looks like a dead person. He look at the sharp features aligning out her face. She had a soft face before. He sit on the bed like an obedient child with his legs folded as he stare at her, taking in everything he had missed. Would she ever see him like he does?

He slowly nudge her so he could see her eyes but she didn't even move. He got worried and immediately check her pulse. It was steady and calm. He sigh in relief and scoot a little closer already impatient to hold her in his embrace.

He slide his hands under her shoulders as her upper body get lifted by his embrace. He could literally feel her bones. He bite his lips to suppress the angry sob leaving him and slowly he embrace her. First it was a gentle and warm hug but soon it turned into a desperate one as he grab hold of her petite self and hold it close to his chest while crying loudly on her shoulder.

"Eliana....forgive..brother..dear..please..." he sniff and cry while holding her desperately after 13 years of being apart. He so badly wanted to hear her small voice, her small hands that would always wrap around him when he needed it.

In the doorway stood Jin and Namjoon silently watching the scene unfold infront of them. Jin was blank but as for Namjoon, he was smiling hugely seeing the rude and heartless man who he called his boss cry for the first time. He wonder if relations were this sweet and warm.



Relations are not all sweet and warm, they appear this way when one put some efforts called love in it. The relation of siblings are too strong for one to notice. People simply take it as if they were just granted. Some people wish to have siblings, some people crave the feeling of having someone to backup for you, someone to support you in every mean. It's a holy blood relation, the sibling hood is provided in our kind, but sweetness and warmth comes when you willingly accept them as your other half and look at them with love and care. When you are the big sibling, the small ones seems like your own child. When you're the younger one, the bigger one feels like your second parents. If you have them...please appreciate them wholeheartedly!

Note: lol I got emotional while writing about siblings! Alhamdulillah I'm granted with siblings, both older and youngers. There is someone I would like to appreciate too, that is my sister, my bestfriend in life. She had been nothing but only help and love to me since I've known. She is just 2 yrs older than me but nonetheless she appears like a mother but I see her more like a friend. So all my love and warm heart appreciation to my sister 👏👏👏👏👏

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