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(Yesterday, Wattpad deleted half of this chapter the minute I uploaded it. I apologize to whoever read and went confused! I rewrote it today. Please blame Wattpad!)

A month later...

I found solace in the safety of my bed, enveloped by the warmth and comfort of my blankets. Today was Valentine's Day, and everyone in the house had been kind enough to gift me flowers, but I had chosen to ignore all the attention. Earlier that day, I had had an encounter that had left me feeling conflicted.


I opened the door to find Jin standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers. I allowed him to enter, and he placed the flowers on my bed. I then stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

Jin's voice was hushed and gentle as he spoke. "I'm sorry for what I did back then." he began. "I shouldn't have hurt you like that..." His words hung in the air, I wasn't sure if he was even apologetic contrast to his words because my foot was hurting like hell that day, I don't respond to him and remain standing looking down.

"I don't know if this is the right time to say it..." he continued. My head snapped up to meet his gaze, my eyes wide with shock. "I like you, Eliana..." His declaration was not answered because it left me momentarily speechless.

After a moment, Jin spoke up, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, asking, "Are you not going to say something?"

I met his gaze steadily, my words flowing out with a newfound sense of confidence. "I'm sorry," I replied quietly. "I love someone else..." The words were simple, but they held a wealth of meaning and finality.

*Flashback ends*

I sit up, still groggy from a long rest. My eyes flicked to the discarded bouquet in the dustbin. I couldn't help but think about Jin, his face is still present in my mind. I recalled the sad expression he wore when I confessed my love for someone else, the way he had simply stared at me silently.

This moment marked a first for me, the first time someone had dared to confess their feelings, and the first time I had been faced with the decision to accept or reject those feelings. The knowledge that I had just turned away someone's heartfelt confession stirred an array of emotions within me. I felt bad.

I am stuck on Taehyung. Anything I do, reminds me of him. It's been one month since he is imprisoned. He did not come back to me, but I got to know that he completed what I had said. That he killed that damn priest.

I was hopelessly in love with Taehyung. The memory of his face, his smile, his voice, everything about him was etched into my heart in a way that defied logic. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the overwhelming emotions that consumed me whenever his name crossed my mind.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and open my messages.

Ria (10+) New messages.

Jimin (1) New message.

Jungkook (3) New messages.

Skipping past the two initial contacts in my list, my thumb hovered over Jungkook's name. He had maintained silence for quite some time, and I wondered what he could possibly have to say now. With hesitation, I tapped on his name, bracing myself for whatever message he might have sent my way.



How are you doing?

Let's talk.

I wanted to solve my problems myself, I had been so vulnerable if I look back to these few months. I was always depending on someone, always expecting something. I want to take my own decisions and clarify everything on my own. Maybe, it will get me some peace. So, I reply back...




I was slightly taken aback by how swiftly Eliana had agreed to meet me, a mixture of surprise and gratitude washing over me. I was scheduled for a night shift at the police station, but I knew I couldn't delay this conversation any longer. So, I picked up the phone and called Eliana, inviting her to join me at the police station for a quick discussion.

As Eliana arrived, I couldn't help but notice the change in her appearance. Her features appeared softer, almost radiant, and her skin seemed to glow. It was a stark contrast to how I remembered her looking when we last spoke.

Seeing Eliana looking so relaxed made me happy. With the case finally closed and the threat of another abduction behind, a weight seemed to have lifted off her shoulders. As I looked at her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that she would now be able to live her life without that constant fear looming over her.

I gave Eliana a quick but firm hug, a gesture of comfort and support. She returned the embrace with equal measure before we both settled into our seats. I gestured for her to take a seat on the chair opposite me, creating a comfortable space for us to have our conversation.

"How are you doing?" I inquired, genuinely concerned for her well-being. Her smile widened as she responded, her voice lighter than I had heard it before. "I'm doing better." she said, "maybe even good now." Her words were encouraging, a sign that the trauma she had endured was slowly but surely fading away.

I pushed back my chair and walked over to a nearby cabinet where I kept a bottle of soju and a pair of small shot glasses. I brought them back to the desk, carefully placing the glasses on the table and pouring the drink into each one. I took a seat once more, sliding one of the filled glasses over to Eliana.

My eyes widened as I watched Eliana effortlessly down the shot of soju in one gulp. A mix of surprise and amusement washed over me, and a chuckle escaped my lips as I said, "Oh, someone's eager?" The sight of Eliana handling her alcohol with such ease was unexpected but also strangely endearing.

She look at me directly and ask, "Where is the criminal now?"

I was a bit taken aback by her question, but I composed myself quickly and answered her honestly. "He's still here locked up." I pause and then continue "He'll be transferred to the central jail tomorrow, and in three days, he'll be executed."

I refill our glasses and guilt creep on me. I had shot my father, yet I was too coward to admit it to the world. I did what was the right thing to do but afterwards I felt too scared to cover up for myself.

I remember Yoongi taking the gun out of my hands and assuring me that I will not be held for this. That Taehyung is going to jail anyways, so he will be the one accused for this because he was going to do it anyway if he were conscious.

I pitied him. When we brought him here and interrogated him, he gave in to all of his crimes accordingly. Not even hesitating before admitting that he was guilty of all the charges. Even admitting having shot my father three times.

As for my father, despite being the priest, he was not given a proper funeral. They buried him among the unknown because the man was a sinner.

Seeing the thoughtful look on Eliana's face, I chuckled softly and said, "Don't stress too much about it." Despite my attempt to reassure her, I couldn't help but notice the faraway look in her eyes, as if her mind was preoccupied with something more.

The conversation between us continued, the atmosphere becoming more comfortable and natural as we settled into each other's company. However, I found myself feeling increasingly dizzy, despite my usual high alcohol tolerance.

I watched as Eliana stood up, a pang of disappointment welling up inside me. I knew it was late and that I should probably send her off home in a cab, but the effects of the soju were starting to take hold. I didn't want her to leave, but my current state made it difficult for me to make any objection.

My balance was off, and I stumbled slightly before regaining my footing. In a rushed and slightly slurred voice, I managed to grasp her wrist and say, "Don't go... It's late. It's not safe..." The words left my mouth in a slightly jumbled manner, the alcohol making it difficult for me to form coherent sentences.

"Oh? So you're gonna play the man now?" She said, a strange hardness that I did not miss to catch in her tone, I was slightly taken aback, my grip on her wrist loosen but she doesn't move away from me.

"Eliana! I called you here because I'm guilty. I wanted to talk to you! I'm so ashamed to admit that my father had assaulted Taehyung in the past." She doesn't look surprised by what I said or I could be wrong because the drink is really getting to me.

"And Taehyung did not kill my father...I did..." I watch her get surprised, I hold her hands in mine and said. "I don't know what you think of me now but I dont even regret killing my father, and..." I stammer because I didn't had the heart to admit.

She press my hands and said. "And...?" I felt a little better when she encouraged me, so, I blurt out. "He took the blame for me..." I look up to see her giving me a look of disbelief but I whisper.

"They wouldn't let me confess, Detective Yoongi turned out to be Taehyung's brother, he knew all along, I dug out about him, I got to know that he appears to be sharing same mother with Taehyung..." I confess.

"And Taehyung...does he know about all this?" She asked to my surprise, I thought she would be disgusted of me killing my own father, or much rather running away now but she was asking about him...?

I feel my eyes get blurry but I manage to make out the words, "He knows!" I stumble back and she catch my shoulder but due to my heavy weight, it made her stumble on me. I end up sitting on the chair behind me.

I look up to see her hovering over me, her eyes wide. My eyes cast down to her lips. I blame the alcohol on me as I lean into her and cup her face, tilting her head to kiss her. If only I hadn't let go of her that day. I stilled and she noticed. I cannot...

And the darkness cover my eyes before I could apologize to her.


I watch as his eyes closed and his body goes limp on the chair. I thought everything is over happily, why can't life stop slapping me? I had enough! I can't get my heart to calm down after I heard that Taehyung was not the one to kill Mr jeon.

He is not entirely innocent but isn't he at some point right? No person in his roght mind would go on killing people for fun. Taehyung had confessed to me before that he never killed innocent!

Killed people who were involved in bad things as he is. Back then, I never believed a thing he said, he was mentally unstable, who would've? But one things was clear, he was mentally disoriented but not fucking stupid.

I retort myself from Jungkook as my mind spins with so much thoughts. I am so helpless yet again, its like standig at stage one and start ofer again. I know I should learn for better and take the right decision but I'm so lost between the two.

I came here to do something for myself, to clear the things and make my life a little less messy but this stupid Jungkook had to ruin it all, but I'm still thankful he'd let me know this because I would've never forgave myself.

And for the second time, I, once again, willingly choose the stupid way, make another wrong decision and I am very much aware of it!

I take a look at Jungkook and then at his desk, I know what I had to do. I turn around and scramble to his desk, opening the small cupboard, I find a gun. I look at Jungkook's lifeless body and mutter a small sorry before tucking the gun in my waistband, hissing as the cold metal touch my warm skin.

It's fucking valentine and I'm playing with guns! How romantic! I check the cupboards but I dont find anything more, there are just files everywhere. I step away and walk to Jungkooks fogure and check his pockets. Nothing.

Then my eyes fall on the keys that hung in the nail on the wall. I grin and reach for it. I take the keys and tuck it in my pocket. I walk to the door and look back to his figure. I feel guilty but not guilty enough to stop what I'm doing. So, I walk out instead.

It wasnt that hard sneaking around the police station, considering that the night shift people were careless and some were sleeping. I walk silently, trying not to make much noise as I make my way to the bars.

I start checking each bar, wincing as I see thin wicked people grinning back at me, I felt shiver run down my spine and I quickl distance myself from the bars. I kept on checking from afar, wanting to find him.

At this point, I had checked almost every bar. Oh. Not really... I just knew it was him. I near the bar and tug my hoodie over my face and look at his figure. He sat on the floor, shoulders hunched over, hugging his knees, facing the wall. 

I approached the bar, my gaze fixed on his slumped figure. For a moment, I just stood there, taking in the sight of his defeated demeanor, unsure of what to say.

"Tae...?" I whispered. I wanted to laugh at how his body visibly tensed at my voice. 

Taehyung turned to look over his shoulder, and even in the dim light, I could make out the wideness of his eyes, the shock etched on his face. I smile and spoke again, my voice softer this time. "Won't you even give me a hug?" My words were tinged with a hint of playfulness, an attempt to lighten the mood and maybe coax a reaction out of him.

Taehyung suddenly leapt up, his hands shooting out from either side of the bar, enveloping me in a tight embrace. I reciprocated the action, leaning across the bar and returning the embrace, wanting nothing more than to cling to him, to feel his warmth and presence against me.

"I missed you!" he whispered, his voice breaking the silence. I couldn't help but reply with a shaky breath, my voice filled with emotion. "You think I didn't?" I shot back as I tighten the hug.

Taehyung grasped onto me tightly, his grip firm and desperate, as if afraid I'd slip away. The cold, hard surface of the steel bar pressed against my body, but I hardly noticed, focused only on the feel of his strong arms around me and the scent of him as I try to take it in as much as possible.

I gently pulled back, breaking the embrace, and took hold of his hands. My voice was filled with concern as I spoke, "Let's get you out of here..."

Taehyung quickly yanked his hands away from mine, a panicked expression on his face as he pulled his body back, creating a distance between us. I instinctively tried to reach out to him again, my arm outstretched in a desperate attempt to maintain the connection, but my hand was abruptly halted midway. Confusion and concern filled my eyes as I gazed at him, trying to understand his sudden retreat.

"I can't run again..." His voice sounded broken, like each word was a struggle to utter. The pain in his tone hit me hard, stirring up a mix of sadness, frustration, and a hint of anger. It shouldn't hurt as much as it did, my face harden.

"I'm tired of running...all I've done since I was a child is run."

My frustration and determination burst forth, and I snapped at him. "Shut the fuck up, Taehyung! Don't talk like that as if you're giving up. You gave me hope! You made me promise we'd run away together. I promised you forever!" The anger in my voice was palpable as I spoke, my words edged with a hint of desperation. I couldn't bear hearing him sound so resigned, as if he was giving up on our plans and everything, we had promised each other.

Taehyung shook his head, his stubborn demeanor evident as he took a step back from me. "I've thought about it, finally..." My heart sank as he spoke, knowing that whatever he was about to say was going to be something I dreaded hearing. 

"Don't-" I warned but he cut me off. 

"I don't deserve you...I've realized it..." 

"You will cry for some time and then get over it, but with me, you'll cry every day..." The certainty in his voice spoke volumes about his belief that he was not the right person for me, that being with him would bring me only sorrow and tears. The idea that he truly thought he could only bring me pain stung, even as I knew he believed it to be the truth. 

My eyes stung with unshed tears, and I reached through the cell bars, grabbing a hold of his collar and pulling him forward forcefully. My frustration and anger mingled together, causing me to grip him tightly, desperate to make him understand how wrong he was, how much I wanted him despite his doubts.

My words spilled out with a mix of biting sarcasm and raw honesty. "You're right! You don't deserve me. You're messed up in the head, a killer who's probably lost count of the people you've killed. You're a criminal, a damn sinner! But you know what? That's my fucking decision—who I want to be with!" My voice quivered with a mixture of anger, hurt, and an overwhelming determination to make him see that I chose him, flaws and all, because I loved him.

My heart sank as Taehyung pushed my grip away, his firm determination unwavering no matter what I said. In that moment, I felt like a child, ranting and raving in vain, unable to sway his conviction. 

His apology, so simple yet so heartfelt, caught me off guard, and my words suddenly died in my throat. "Elara... I'm sorry..." The vulnerability in his tone and the way he said my name cut through me, rendering me speechless.

I found myself momentarily frozen, standing there in stunned silence, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The air felt heavy, the weight of Taehyung's words still hanging between us like a thick fog.

I abruptly reached into my pants waistband and drew out the gun I had hidden there. Without hesitation, I tossed it through the bars and into the cell, where it landed with a loud clank on the cold metal floor. Taehyung's head jerked up at the sound, his expression filled with confusion and surprise as he looked up at me with questioning eyes.

I quickly removed the keys from my pocket, not caring about the noise they might make. Without second thought, I threw them into the cell, joining the gun on the floor. The keys jingled and clanked against the cold floor, echoing in the silence between us.

My voice trembled as I issued my ultimatum. "Don't show me your face ever again if you choose to run away..." The words left my lips, harsh and cold, and tears welled up in my eyes. I angrily brushed away a tear that had managed to escape, determined not to let my emotions get the best of me. Without another glance back at Taehyung, I turned and walked away, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the empty police station.

As I stepped outside the police station, I left Taehyung's bike parked and started running, propelling myself forward on my own. The wind stung against my skin, cold and biting, as my feet pounded the pavement in a relentless rhythm. 

But the physical discomfort was the least of my worries, overshadowed by the emotional pain that gripped my heart, a sharp, stabbing sensation that felt like I was back in stage one all over again.

The tears streamed down my face as I ran, the hurt and pain welling up inside me like a tidal wave. I thought I had forgiven him for everything he had done in the past, but this time, I wouldn't forgive him. 

The anguish consumed me, and I couldn't hold it back any longer. I screamed out into the night air, desperate to release the pain that filled my heart. In a desperate attempt to escape the emotions, I pushed myself harder, running even faster, hoping to exhaust myself and make it all stop.

To get more worst, it starts raining, as if the weather is matching my emotions. 


The weight of the gun and keys in my hand felt heavy, and a gut-wrenching feeling of dread washed over me as I imagined living without her. The thought was unbearable, making it hard to breathe. 

Panicking, I suddenly realized my mistake and knew I had to find her, make things right. With a burst of energy, I sprinted towards the direction I had left her in, running to free myself from the torment of not knowing if it was too late.

Cursing my own carelessness, I dashed out of the police station and was met with a downpour of rain, instantly soaking me. Frantically, I searched the surroundings for any sign of her, but instead, my eyes fell upon my bike, parked in the lot. 

"Shitttt, did she run away?" I exclaimed, the realization hitting me like a punch to the gut. It was pouring rain, and she was out there alone, possibly running away.

I hurried to the bike, hopping onto the seat as raindrops continued to fall around me. Without a moment's hesitation, I roared the engine to life, the sound of the engine drowning out the pitter-patter of the rain. With a deep breath, I prepared myself for the damp and slippery ride ahead.

The bike roared through the rain-soaked streets as I pushed the speed limit, disregarding everything else. I cursed myself relentlessly, filled with regret and guilt. "How could I do this to her?" I berated myself. 

"What was I thinking? Was I trying to be normal? How could I abandon her when she came for me, when no one else did?" The questions echoed in my mind, making my heart ache with the realization of my own mistakes.

As I continued my desperate ride through the deserted streets, my mind was consumed by desperation and guilt, each passing minute making it harder to bear. I pushed the bike to its limits, the wind howling in my ears, and the rain pelting against me. In my heart, the thought echoed.

"If anything happens to her, I'll kill myself!"

It was as if the universe had granted me a shred of mercy, for I caught sight of a small figure in the distance, running alone. Relief washed over me, and I yelled out a heartfelt "Thank goodness!!!" I pushed the bike even harder, the engine roaring, and just in time, I managed to speed past her, quickly drifting the bike in a tight turn. She came to a stop, realizing that I had seen her.

I jumped off the bike and ran towards her. My jaw clenched as she turns and run backwards. She tried to retreat, but I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, lifting her off the ground and enveloping her in a tight embrace. "You're not running away from me again!" I murmured, my voice thick with a mixture of worry and relief.

Her struggles to free herself were heartbreaking, her tears and screams piercing through my soul. "Leave me! Why did you come? Go die somewhere! Go away!!!" Her words echoed in my ears, each one like a dagger to my heart. I tightened my hold, refusing to let her push me away. "I'm not leaving you, dammit!" I whispered fiercely, my voice tremulous with emotion.

"You told me to go and live my life. I'm leaving you now, f**k off!!!" she shouted, her voice strained. I knew she was trying to push me away, but I refused to release my tight grip on her. "I will kill you!" she threatened, her voice weakening as she slowly buckled in my arms. 

"I will never let you go again. I will hunt you down if I must, you cannot run away from me! I whisper, my voice rough as I hold her still, my arms wrapped around her small waist. Our clothes were completely soaked right now.

"We'll live together, somewhere far away where no one can find us. We will live in a small house, I'll marry you, and then we'll have kids. They'll play around the house, and it'll be our own little world, just for us." I felt her sniffle and cry softly, her body shaking against mine. I continued to speak, hoping my words would soothe her.

"We will have five children...two boys and three girls..." I whisper, saying these things that I desired from my heart made my cheeks burn. "Hey, hey, hold up, you don't get to decide all of it!" Her words were tinged with a hint of offence stubbornness, and I couldn't help but smile.

I chuckled, feeling a flicker of hope as she pushed at my chest and retorted defiantly, I smile looking at her standing a feet away from me. As her expression softened, I took a breath and asked.

"So, do you forgive me?" The question hung between us, heavy with the weight of my mistakes and the pain I had caused her. I watched her intently, hopeful yet anxious, awaiting her answer.

Her words were feisty, and the threat was not to be taken lightly. "I'll kill you if you push me away next time!" she muttered, her voice stern. Despite the warning, I could see that she was gradually softening, her anger being tempered by my words. I couldn't help but chuckle softly, knowing that I had begun to coax her out of her defiant state.

She let out a sigh, her shoulders sagging slightly, as she finally relented. "Fine, I forgive you!" she grumbled, her voice holding an edge of annoyance. The corners of my lips twitched into a small smile, and I couldn't help but admire her. 

I take a step towards her, hoping to end the distance between us, to hold her against myself but...


In an instant, my breath was snatched away, and my world seemed to slow to a halt as I watched a car hit her body, just inches away from me. My body felt frozen, unable to move, as if paralyzed. I was going to hug her; to pull her closer but I saw it...

The sound of the car's engine faded into the distance, but it felt like an eternity. I should have been there, standing in front of her, protecting her. Instead, I was a step too late, and the devastating realization hit me like a wave. "She was meant to be in front of me..." I whispered in disbelief. 

I turned my head to the side, her small figure lying motionless about ten feet's away on the ground. My knees weaken at the sight. 

With a heavy sense of dread, I forced myself forward, taking small, almost reluctant steps towards her unmoving body. Every step felt like an eternity, each one taking me closer to the reality of the nightmare unfolding before me.

 Her body lay motionless, and I couldn't tear my gaze away. My eyes fixated on her tiny, delicate feet, but it seemed that one shoe was missing. The sight of her stillness stirred a wave of unease in me, I felt weak as if the world has crumbled down in front of me. 

I stood over her. Her eyes stare at mine, she couldn't breathe properly. The small rise and fall of her chest give me hope but I look over at her neck and I felt my heart drop. 

A big piece of glass was stuck in the side of her neck, blood continued to gush out of it, staining her pale neck and pooling around her small figure. I felt as if someone is cruelly crushing my heart in their fist, I drop to my knees before her lifeless body and stare at her. 

I built all of those delusions for what...? Just for someone to hit her with a car and ruin everything we planned. Was it that easy? I knew from the way the blood oozes out; she will die in no time. The realization scares me, it fucking gnaws at my heart, its fucking hurting so much, too much I cannot do anything except stare at her in disbelief. 

Her lips parted, as if trying to speak, and I found myself leaning closer, desperate to hear her voice. With bated breath, I pressed my ear to her lips, afraid to move her, fearing that any movement would cause her to slip away from my grasp.

"I love you, Taehyung...!"

I jerked away from her; my eyes wide in disbelief. Did she just confess her love while on the brink of death? The shock hit me like a wave, and suddenly, my own tears broke free, flowing down my cheeks in a stream of bittersweet emotions.

I continued to sob uncontrollably, the tears flowing freely as my heart felt as if it would burst with the weight of my emotions. Frustration and helplessness gripped me, and without thinking, I looked up towards the sky and let out a scream of despair, releasing all the feelings that were tearing at my heart.

My head drop down to look at her, she was smiling weakly. She has guts to smile I'm in the midst of my anguish. Frustrated and overwhelmed, I grabbed her face and leaned forward, crashing my lips onto hers impulsively, pouring all my pain and love into a passionate kiss.

As our lips met, I felt a twinge of desperation as she remained unresponsive, not returning my kiss. But amidst it all, I noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks, mingling with the raindrops – an unmistakable sign that she was feeling the same emotions as me.

A wave of anguish washed over me as I finally realized why she couldn't kiss me back – she didn't have the strength to do so. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, and I let out a strangled cry against her lips, mourning the fact that she was too weak to respond to my desperate kiss.

I whisper, "I love you, my Elara!" I smile, seeing her attempting to smile at my confession but then she chokes and blood spill out of her mouth. I gasp as my smile vanish, coming back to reality. 

I pull her small figure into my lap, not moving her neck too much as I hug her, burying my face in her chest. I cannot watch her die in my arms. I don't have the heart for that. 

I pull out the gun from my waistband and keep it on her chest, I look at her, but she just looks at me. She doesn't look unhappy with the idea either. So, for the last time, I cup her cheeks and kiss her face, trying to remember every inch of her heavenly face. 

I place a soft kiss on her lips and pull back. I take the gun and hold her against myself. I hold the gun to my chest, directly at my heart. I curl my finger on the trigger. I lean and attach our foreheads together. 

I close my eyes and whisper. "Elara...I do not love you with my mind or heart...I love you with my soul, incase my mind stops working or my heart stops beating..."

I hear her breath stuck and I immediately pull the trigger.

It was the best feeling ever...

To watch our bodies slump to the ground...

To gaze into her eyes...

To die seeing her face...

It felt like falling in love all over again...

────THE END ────

I strongly recommend watching this, to feel all of it, I lowkey cried so hard!

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