Chapter III

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So I have put to references to two other fandoms I like. If you can tell me both of them the next dedication is to you. Enjoy.

Percy POV (Two Days Later)

I woke up to someone shaking me, which was not how I was used to waking up. I jumped out of bed ready to attack whatever had touched me. When I was met with the face of Hugo Weasley I froze as he just stared at me. After taking in the room for a second I straightened.

"What is going on Hugo?"

"It is time to go to breakfast and then class."

"Thanks Hugo." I noticed he was in his "robes" the horrid things. Once he left I flashed on my usual outfit of late. Combat boots, black skinny jeans, a dark grey shirt and a black leather jacket. I made sure I had Riptide in my pocket and my ring on. I headed down to breakfast. Once I entered the room quieted down into whispers. I sat down on one end of the table, a little way from the others. Once the food appeared the conversations returned to normal. Once breakfast was over I went to Potions. Draco Malfoy taught this class. I stayed at the back to the room and sat. Kids started filing in. I didn't pay any attention until I felt pressure beside me as someone sat down. I turned to see a boy with black hair and green eyes.

Albus POV

As Percy entered the Great Hall we all quieted down. He sat down father down the table away from people. I kinda watched him, because Lily had told me that Hugo and Percy were in the same room with another. He seemed to want to push people away. Food appeared and the Hall got louder again with conversation. After breakfast I went to Potions. So far the class wasn't that bad with Professor Malfoy. He was strict, but he wasn't mean. When I entered I saw Percy at the back of the room not paying attention to anyone. Well might as well see what he is like. I decided to sit next to him. When I sat down he looked at me.

"Hello, my names Albus Potter, but everyone calls me Al." He looked at me for a moment and I felt awkward at the silence.

"Percy. Are you also Professor Potters' kid?" I nodded. "How many kids they have?"

"Three, my older brother James, who's in his fifth year and Gryffindor, myself and Lily."

"How about the Weasley's?"


"The Head Mistress and Professor Weasley have five kids?" I shook my head.

"No. I have several uncles and aunts. Uncle Ron had a total of five brother's and one sister."

"Had?" He tilted his head and looked to be surpassingly interested.

"My uncle Fred died when they went through the war twenty years ago. His twin brother, my uncle George named one of my cousin's after him. He is also in Gryffindor and in his fifth year with James. Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione only have two kids. You met Hugo and then his older sister Rose who is in our year, but in Ravenclaw. There is Victoria who is in her seventh year along with Molly and they are in Slytherin."

"Big family."

"There are a couple more that are too young to be in school and there is Teddy who is my adopted brother who graduated two years ago."

"Okay then." He turned back to the front sensing the conversation was done, but I wanted to ask him something.

"Do you have any siblings?" He looked back at me.

"Three half siblings that I talk to."

"How about cousins." He smirked a little.


"Okay class time to start." Professor Malfoy said. We turned to front. We are going to make a Volubilis Potion today. I want you to pair up with whoever you are sitting next to today and make it. Anyone that can properly make this gets to keep theirs." This sounded silly, but I guess he wanted to test us. All last week we made nothing just going over rules and stuff like that. This was the test to see what we could do.

"Looks like we are partners," I said turning to Percy. He shrugged. I took out my book and read. To brew this potion, one has to heat the initial mix of ingredients until it turns red, then green. Next, the potion-maker has to add Honeywater until the liquid turns pink. The brew has to be heated again, this time until it turns orange. When mint sprigs are added, the potion turns into a shade of green. The potion has to be heated once more, until it turns blue. Then, more mint sprigs are to be added. By this time the potion should be have turned pink again. Stewed Mandrake is to be added next, at which point the potion turns orange. A small amount of Syrup of Hellebore should be added next, turning the potion blue. To finish the brew, one has to heat the potion until it's red and heat it some more until it turns a pleasant yellow. Once finished, the potion should release some sparks. Lots of colors and lots of heating then.

"So Percy can you crab a caldron and the ingredients that Professor Malfoy has out?" Without a word her did asked. I put the caldron on a fire and started to add the initial ingredients. We waited until it turned red and then green. We let it cool a little and I added Honeywater until it turned pink. I heated it again. It turned orange and I added mint sprigs. It then turned a greenish color. I heated the potion again until it turned blue and added more mint sprigs. It turned pink. I added the Stewed Mandrake and it went back to orange. I was about to put in Syrup of Hellebore when Percy grabbed my wrist.

"That's too much you'll make it explode." I looked at the drop. How was that too much?

"It's fine Percy. It is what the book says." He held my wrist firm. That's when an explosion happened at another table. I looked over to see two students with blackened faces and hair raised.

"See. That will happen if put that in there and heat it. I don't know about you but I'd rather not look like them. I nodded. That was close.

"Then you finish it. You haven't done anything but get the stuff." He looked agitated as I said the last part but took over. I watched him ad barely half a drop as another caldron exploded. Seemed like some students had followed the book and added too much. How had Percy known? I watched him heat it up slowly, like super slow. Other students who hadn't had their caldrons explode looked done. What was Percy doing?

"Why are you going so slowly?" He glared at me.

"You wanted me to do this so shut your cakehole and let me work." I immediately shut up at his tone of voice and sat down. I waited.

"I notice that many of you are done or had your caldrons explode. I'll go around and test those that are done," Professor Malfoy said. I watched as he went to each caldron and frowned. He told them that it wasn't right. How could so many people mess up? I jumped out of my skin when sparks came out of our caldron. Everyone turned to us. Professor Malfoy came over.

"It seems that Percy and Albus are the only ones that have done this right. I noticed that the ones that were done your potions didn't spark like they should of. You should have noticed if you read the book correctly." Now that he mentioned it. I hadn't seen any other's spark like the book said. "So what did you guys do differently?" Professor Malfoy looked at me.

"Um. I'm not sure. I followed the book until the syrup. Percy stopped me and told me I was adding too much so I let him take over." Professor Malfoy looked at Percy.

"The only thing I did different from everyone was heat mine slowly and mix well. It let all the ingredients meld into one so that it came out right."

"How did you know to do that?" Percy shrugged.

"Just did." No more questions were asked as Professor Malfoy spoke again.

"Okay then. You and Albus get to take a sample each of the potion you just made. Do not use it for anything bad or the next time we make potions this class will be ban from taking samples. Percy nodded.

"Yes sir," I said.

"Good. Clean up everyone then." We did and still had a couple moments to talk, however Percy and I sat in silence. Once class was over we all stood up. I turned to Percy.

"You want me to show you to DADA?" He looked at me.

"Do I have all my classes with you?" I nodded.

"That's why the top of your schedule says Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Slytherin and Ravenclaw share classes."

"So for the rest of the year we are together?" I nodded again. He didn't say anything for a couple moments.

"Fine show me to our next class." I led him to Dad's class. When we got there he sat down in the back and I sat next to him. This time we didn't talk as we waited for the class to start. When it did dad cleared his throat and everyone quieted.

"Here are your quizzes from Friday. Most of the class did well. If you didn't you need to either see me for help or up your game. If by next quiz you are still doing badly I will want to see you personally." He used magic to pass out the papers. When I looked at mine I was happy to see and A. Percy looked over my shoulder to see the quiz. I turned it for a moment so he could see it. After a moment he leaned back to his normal position and I tucked my paper away.

"Okay class today we will start with something special we are going to see a boggart. Can anyone tell me what they are?" I raised my hand with a few others. Dad called on Prim.

"Boggarts are creatures that will turn into your worst fears." Dad nodded.

"Good. Can someone else tell me how to make them go away?" The same people raised their hands, including me.

"Percy?" Everyone turned to Percy who looked like he hadn't been paying attention to dad. He didn't answer for a moment and I heard snickers go around the room. Why had dad picked him when he hadn't raised his hand? When I thought that dad was going to call on someone else Percy answered.

"You face your fears."

"Good. Okay kids I'll show it is done. After I am done you'll line up and we will begin." Dad brought out a chest to the front of the room. He opened it. Out crawled mother covered in blood, followed by James, Lily, and myself, also covered in blood. We all blamed him for our deaths.

"You are all perfectly safe. One of you is currently sitting in back. Leave now." The bodies went away and the creature went back into the trunk. Dad closed the lid. He turned to us. "Line up." We did with Percy and I being in the very back. Most of the students had fears of things like spiders, insects, clowns, storms and things like that. There were a few like dad and their fears were family members dying. After what seemed like forever it was my turn.

"Ready son," Dad asked. I nodded and faced the chest. When the chest opened a doppelganger of my Dad stood in front of me. The look alike started to talk.

"You are worthless. You failed me just like we thought you would," it said. My mom and two siblings appeared and joined in.

"You're a coward," James said with a glare.

"I wish you were never born," Mom said.

"You just let us all down," Lily said. I was tired of hearing their jeers.

"You aren't real. My family loves me, now leave." The boggart went back into the chest. Dad looked at me for a moment before telling me good job. I nodded and moved away. I had always believed that I would let down my family. I never wanted that to happen.

"You're last Percy." We all watched to see what would happen.

Harry's POV

I watched as the kids went through and faced their fears. Many were just little things like spiders and a couple were like mine with their families dying. Soon it was just Albus and Percy left.

"Ready son," I asked him. He nodded and faced the chest looking prepared for what was about to come. When I opened the chest a look alike appeared. Other me spoke.

"You are worthless. You failed us like we thought you would," it said. Ginny, James, and Lily appeared.

"You're a coward," James said glaring at Al.

"I wish you were never born," Ginny told him with a sneer.

"You just let us all down," Lily said. With each comment Al became paler. I didn't think that he was going to be able to do this. That's when he spoke.

"You aren't real. My family loves me, now leave." The boggart did just that as it went back to the chest where I closed it back in. I looked at Al for a moment. I was surprised at his fear. I didn't know he had felt that way. That he was afraid he'd let us down. I would have to talk to him later.

"Nice job," I finally said and he went over to join the other students. "You're last Percy." His turn to face his fear, which was why I was letting the students see the boggart now. I wasn't going to do it until late in the year, but Percy being here changed my plans. He looked at the chest.

"Ready," I asked. He nodded. Unlike anyone else he seemed relaxed. I open the chest and nothing happened. Everyone was confused, except for Percy who was smirking. I looked into the chest puzzled. Had the boggart somehow disappeared? I instead found it in a corner shaking. I looked back to Percy.

"It is more scared of me than to come out and show me my fear," he finally commented. This had never in the history of wizardry happened before. I didn't know what to do until Percy stepped up next to me. The boggart let out a noise of fright as Percy got closer. Percy looked at me and quietly spoke so the other students couldn't hear.

"I told you before Professor," he spat, "that I wasn't to be messed with. I know you called on me early to see what I knew and you planned this class to see my fear. Fine I'll show you so you can be satisfied." He bent over the chest.

"I promise I won't hurt you little one. You can do your job. Just leave when I say to." Percy took a step back. When he did the room turned black. This hadn't happened either. It was always just the thing that scared them. Was Percy afraid of the dark? Suddenly there was screaming, so much screaming. It was so painful that many of the students covered their ears. Some hugged others and others fell to their knees. That's when people appeared. They were tied up to posts. One was a girl with matted blonde hair and grey eyes. Blood poured out of several wounds. Next to her was an older woman that had dark matted hair and green eyes, she was also covered in wounds and blood. Let's just say that everyone was covered in wounds and blood. Next to the woman was two children, a boy and a girl. Next to them were seven six other teenagers, four boys and three girls. The snap of a whip was heard and the blonde girl screamed. Another Percy appeared, but he looked older. This Percy, like the others was bloody and heavily wounded. A man with stood there with a whip. He had black sockets for eyes and was dressed in just a dark pair of pants. Black substance flowed off of him.

"How does it feel Perseus," his deep and powerful voice asked. "How does it feel to watch your family be tortured without being able to help them? To watch them dying without being able to stop it?" He cracked his whip and it hit the dark haired woman. "Family for family."

"Enough," the original Percy said. The room went back to the way it was and everyone, including myself stared at Percy. What had we just witnessed?

"You wanted to see my fear professor. There it was, down to the last detail." He turned on his heels and left the room.


We were all shocked when the boggart didn't come out. Percy smirked at dad and when over to him. We heard a noise from the trunk. Percy talked to dad for a second and then turned to the chest. "I promise I won't hurt you little one," Percy said. "You can do your job. Just leave when I say to." Percy took a step back and the room went dark. We started to hear screams and we closed the space between each other. More screams came and I covered my ears. They sounded so painful. That's when we saw a horrific scene play in front of us. Finally Percy was done.

"Enough," he said. Some students had fainted, others were puking and some were hugging each other. I somehow had ended up sitting on the grown not believing my eyes.

"You wanted to see my fear professor. There it was, down to the last detail." He spun on his heels and walked out. How was that his fear? What had he gone through to make that his fear?

"I am sorry about this. I had no idea that this would happen," dad finally said turning to us. "Let's get the ones that have fainted to the infirmary and those who have gotten sick cleaned up. I decided to help get people to the infirmary. When we entered Nurse Longbottom asked what had happened. Once I laid Brittney down I told her.

"Oh my," she finally said after I explained. "That's awful and something that I have never heard of. Well I'll take care of them. Head back to class now."

"Yes Ma'am." I left the infirmary and went back to dad's class. Everyone was now cleaned up and the room looked like nothing had happened. We still had five more minutes until class was over.

"Thank you all for your help and I again apologize for what has happened. This is a first. A boggart has never done this before and I will not be bringing one back in here. I will let Professor Potter know what has happened. When class is over you guys can head over. Son come with me." I stood up and followed as the rest of the class whispered. Once we were down the hall a little Dad talked to me.

"I had no idea you felt that way Al. You know that your whole family loves you and we would never be disappointed in you." I looked up to see him looking at me. Je was sincere in what he was saying as love for me was in his eyes.

"I love you all." He nodded.

"Good. Now all I got to do is face your mother about what just happened and probably Hermione too. I am so in the dog house." I gave a laugh. As we were getting to Mom's room I noticed a figure standing outside. As we got closer I noticed it was Percy. He glared at Dad as we got close and Dad put on an emotionless mask.

"Don't you have a class to look over," Percy sneered.

"I must talk with my wife," Dad said coolly. Percy smirked.

"You got to explain to her why practically half of her class will be missing and the rest are traumatized by what they saw? You are so screwed Potter."

"Professor Potter." Percy snorted.

"If I respected you as a professor I would call you it." I saw dad getting mad.

"Dad you wanted to talk to Mom." He looked and gave a small nod. He went in and I stayed out here. No need to watch my parents bicker.

"It seems that your father is very prideful," Percy said. I didn't like how he was talking.

"Careful Percy. You might be powerful and smart, but that doesn't give you the right to be cruel." He gave a dark laugh that made my hair stand.

"No, that is true. Power does not give me that right, what has happened throughout my life has given me that right."

"You are only twelve. What could you have been through? Parent loss? My dad went through that and grew up in a household where everyone hated and teased him. That isn't an excuse." Percy stood straight and walked over to me. Even though we were the same age he was taller than me and somehow seemed to grow as he stood in front of me.

"Age doesn't matter and you have no idea what you are talking about. Your father's parents died before he even knew them. Sure he missed out of having good parents, but he didn't miss out on them. If they somehow came back today it would be like meeting two strangers connected by blood. As for teased please. He wasn't beaten with beer bottles almost every night." The hall had grown dimmer as he talked and a dark aura seemed to emanate from him. Mom and Dad came out of the room to see us. Dad grabbed my arm and pulled me back into Mom's grasp. He stood in front of us.

"What is going on here," Dad asked sternly.

"Just teaching your son that things aren't always what they seem. You learned that lesson too late and it cost a life. I was trying to teach he wouldn't make the same mistake as his prideful father." The two glared at each other until students started to come out of Mom's class signifying that class was over. Percy pushed past Dad and went into the classroom. Dad turned to both Mom and I.

"Be careful you two. I don't trust him. I know Al that you were just trying to be nice and be his friend, but I don't want you hurt." No need to warn me. After what just happened in the hall I wanted nothing to do with the cruel boy.

"Yes, Dad."

"Good. I have to get back to class. I will see you later." He kissed mom as I made a fake gag noise. He smiled, ruffled my hair, and left. I went into the room with Mom and I made sure to sit away from Percy. The class was quiet as they entered and stayed that way throughout the class. Mom never picked on Percy and he just leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. We went to Charms next with Professor Flitwick.

"Good Morning Class. I have been told by Professor Potter that many of your class has been sent to the infirmary. We will continue on with our classes. Today we will be work on the freeze charm Immobulus. I noticed Percy snort.

"Is there something you want to say Mr. Jackson?" (Okay google translation is here so it could be wrong.)

"Nihil. Hoc non est necessarium. Latinius novi quam tu." (Nothing. This is unnecessary. I know more Latin than you.) He was speaking gibberish.

"So you know Latin Mr. Potter."

"Ut profluenter. Cum Graeco." (Fluently. Along with Greek.) His speech than changed again into some language I didn't recognize.

"Φαίνεται πως αυτό το σχολείο είναι ένα αστείο. Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω πρέπει να είμαι εδώ." (This school is a joke. I can't believe I have to be here.) This made the Professor look at Percy like he had grown two heads.

"That was Greek?" Percy rolled his eyes. Professor Flitwick's eyes narrowed.

"You might be able to speak Latin and Greek, but that doesn't mean you don't need to lean the Freeze charm. Another bark of laughter.

"I could freeze everyone in this room with a thought." Everyone turned to him. He was bluffing, he had to be. I saw many of my House's boys getting mad. They didn't like the cockiness of Percy. Actually even his own House was getting annoyed, they also didn't like his attitude. He perfect would most likely hear about this tonight and he would get into trouble.

"That is enough Mr. Jackson. We do not like people who say things like that. You might have told us that you know much, but that doesn't mean you have to lie." The room seemed to darken once Professor said that he was lying,

"Do you really want me to prove it?" His voice dropped a couple octaves. Professor Flitwick hesitated. Calling out Percy could go two ways, either he was lying like everyone thought and he was goading Professor Flitwick or he really could do what he said and he was super powerful.

"Though I would like to see this happen that way you could embarrass I need to start class. If you do not agree with this. The door is just over there. I suggest you make use of it." Percy shrugged, got up, and left. Mr. Flitwick turned back to the class and had us starting the Freeze charm. It took me about half the class to get it somewhat right and by the end of class I could do it. It was time for lunch so we made our way to the Great Hall. Talk about Percy's actions so far throughout the day so far. Everyone, I mean everyone was talking and this time they were not quiet about it. Not like this morning when there were just whispers. As I went to my table I looked for the person of interest, but he was not to be found and thus lunch was just a bunch of talk. Soon it was time we went to Transfigurations with Professor Scamander. She was aloof and talked about many creatures that none of had heard of, however she was super nice so none of us minded her uniqueness. Percy was already in the back as we walked in.

"Some of you are missing," she said at the start of class. It looked like they were going to miss the rest of the day.

"They were sent to the infirmary earlier," I said. She gave a puzzled look, but didn't ask more.

"Okay then, today we will be transforming beetles into buttons. You all have probably noticed the bug in front of you under the glass. You have the rest of the class time to try and accomplish this. If you need help please ask." I got to work. It was hard as I tried concentrating. I was brought out of thought by a question.

"Mr. Jackson, why are you not participating? I know what was said in the study, but you really should practice."

"If I wanted to Professor Scamander I could transform everyone in here into an animal. I think transforming bugs to buttons is boring." I heard many whispers until finally one voice grew loud.

"You are bluffing," I turned to see Louis say. "So far you been nothing but cruel or thinking yourself better thank everyone or lying. I am tired of it." Percy merely stared at the boy. Then in a blink of an eye his wand was I his hand it he gave it a flick. Louis was no more and in his place was a duck. Many people gasped and those around Louis jumped back as he started to quack.

"Anyone else want to question me?" No one answered so he flicked his wrist again and Louis was back. He was red in the face and opened his mouth to start yelling.

"If you utter a word boy I will turn you into a rodent and not turn you back for the rest of the day." That wasn't going to stop Louis as he opened his mouth again.

"ENOUGH!" Professor Scamander shouted which surprised us all. We all turned to her. We had never seen her mad before, but she was now ticked off.

"Mr. Jackson we do NOT turn other into animals or threaten to do so. I want you out of this class for the rest of the day and I expect to see you before dinner at eh Headmistress's office to talk about this event. He got up shrugged and left. Today was not going well. I wondered if he would even show up for the rest of day. He shouldn't. Things are not going well. We entered Herbology to thankfully see that Percy wasn't there. He also not at Muggle Studies, so as we went to Care of Mythical Creatures I thought things would go well. As we got closer to Hagrid's hut we noticed that there was a black horse with wings and that Hagrid he was talking to someone who was next to the horse. As we got closer I saw that it was Percy. Well dam.

"So his name is Blackjack and he was your friend? I was wondering why he showed up."

"Yeah, he and I are best friends." Hagrid noticed us.

"Ah, welcome children. Thanks to your new classmate Percy we have a beautiful specimen of a Pegasus!" The Pegasus snorted. Percy petted it and looked at us with an emotionless expression. The Pegasus moved his head around a little and made noise. Percy looked at it.

"No you can't have donuts right now." Who was he talking to I wondered as the horse made more noise.

"I just gave you some and you don't need to get sick." I realized he was talking to the Pegasus as it made more noise.

"Stop calling me Boss and maybe later." More noise.

"No, that doesn't mean a minute from now."

"You can speak to it," I asked before I could restrain myself. Both Percy and the Pegasus looked at me.

"Yes, I can and his name is Blackjack, not it." Blackjack made noise. "He says he doesn't like being called an it."

"You're lying again," Louis said. I guess he didn't learn. "I've never heard of anyone being able to talk to horses." Blackjack reared up and extended his wings causing us to move back.

"He doesn't like being called a horse," Percy said coldly. "And just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean I can't do it. I thought you learned last time to keep your mouth shut." The two glared at another.

"Enough children. It is clear that Percy and Blackjack are offended. Let them be." How could Hagrid back him up?

"How can you defend him," Louis asked. "Have you not heard about what he has done today alone?" I noticed that the clouds above us started to get darker.

"He has already told all staff that we are not to mess with him when he first came. That he will not follow our rules, therefore it would be rude to put him in our box, which is what you all have been doing. So I do not care." The clouds lightened back up, weird. Louis opened his mouth again.

"Mr. Daniels I am afraid if you speak on the matter again you will have detention. I have spoken." Louis closed his mouth sensing that he would get nowhere. "Good if that is all maybe Percy and Blackjack would give us a demonstration of flight?" He looked to Percy.

"I wouldn't mind. How about you buddy?" Blackjack made noise. I guess it was a okay since Percy climbed on Blackjack and they flew up into the air. They did several tricks, which no matter how much of an arse Percy was, it was pretty amazing. Finally they landed. Percy got off and patted Blackjack on the head. Blackjack made noise and Percy groaned.

"Fine yes, you can have donuts. I will get them to you after class." More noise.

"Stop calling me Boss." Blackjack made a laughing noise, well I guess that was what it was as Percy shook his head.

"Okay class now we'll see the creature I was originally planning on showing. Come." We went to the woods. "Now class this creature can be dangerous so please stay back." There was a growling noise and then a howl. We came to a clearing and a dog the size of a dump truck was in there and it looked to have a collar.

"Mrs. O'Leary!" Percy yelled. He went over to the cage.

"No Percy," Hagrid yelled. "Don't touch the Hound!" Percy ignored him as Hagrid was too late to stop him from opening the cage. Percy was about to die as the huge dog came out. We didn't expect as it leaped at Percy and started to lick him. Percy laughed and petted it.

"Mrs. O'Leary, how'd you get here? I thought you'd be with Nico." Mrs. O'Leary barked and we all stood shocked as Percy continued to pet her.

"Uh Percy, you know this Hound?" Percy nodded.

"Yeah, were I come from she is known as a Hellhound and the only one we have ever found that is friendly. She was given to me, she and I are friends." I noticed that Hagrid looked pale.

"You are friends." Percy nodded as Mrs. O'Leary barked. Okay then. With a final pat Percy moved back a little.

"Go find Nico girl." She gave a bark and went to a shadow. She ran through it and disappeared.

"Um, what just happened," Trisha asked. Everyone was looking at Percy.

"I sent her home. I can't believe you captured Mrs. O'Leary Hagrid. She wouldn't hurt a fly." Hagrid's mouth moved up and down without any words coming out, like he had forgotten how to speak. Percy didn't seemed fazed.

"Well if this class is all about mythical creatures I could be the teacher I know so much about them. I'm going to call it a day." He left and afterwards Hagrid found his voice.

"Well that was interesting and it seems like I now have nothing to teach you for Percy took both creatures away. Oh well. It looks like I will need to find others. Anyway children have a great evening you are dismissed. We left for our bit of free time I decided to go see Rose. She was usually the best person to talk to since she was smart. I found her in the library as usual.

"Hey Rose." She looked up annoyed.

"What do you want?

"I need your help."

"About what?"

"Percy Jackson." She looked amused.

"You mean the boy sitting behind a little ways back reading?" I turned to find it was true. I turned back to Rose and kept my voice low.

"Yeah. Have you heard all that has been going on?"

"Just what happened in the morning classes." I told her the rest. After I finished she looked past me at Percy analyzing him.

"Interesting." She was very calm for what I was telling her.

"What is?"

"He is. I would like to know more about Percy." My eyes widened.

"Didn't you just hear me talking to you? He is cruel and seems dangerous." She snorted

"You don't know a thing about him and are judging him." She got up and took her book with her. I watched horrified my cousin went over to Percy.

Percy POV

Today had been a totally bore, besides my last class where I got to see Blackjack and Mrs. O'Leary. I decided to look at some of their books to get any more information on their mythical creatures that I hadn't met yet. I was looking at Thestrals, when I felt someone beside me. I looked up to see a girl red frizzy hair that was tied back. Blue eyes looked into my sea green ones.

"Hello," she said with a smile. "I heard that you're really smart and I was wondering if you could help me." I really didn't want to.

"Ask a teacher." She frowned.

"Please, it's just a quick question." I mumbled fine and so she sat down. I saw that he book said Charms. So Latin. It would be quick. She opened it to the Arresto Momentum page.

"I know that we aren't going to learn this until towards the end of class, but I wanted to try it out. I can't seem to get it quite right."

"Show me." She nodded and took out her wand and a pencil. She dropped the pencil.

"Aressto Momentum." The pencil fell to the ground at only a slightly slower speed and I immediately knew why.

"You are pronouncing it wrong. It's ah-REST-oh mo-MEN-tum." I showed her and noticed how well she payed attention to every little detail, analyzing everything with her grey orbs. No I shook my head. Her eyes were blue not grey.

"Is something wrong," she asked me.

"No, sorry. I was thinking of someone and I should be concentrating on this. Sorry." She smiled.

"It's fine. I think I understand now." She tried it again and this time it worked. She beamed with pride.

"Thank you so much," she said shaking with excitement. I gave a small chuckle. Just like Annabeth when we were younger when she figured something out. She always got so excited. No. I couldn't think of her. It hurt too much. I gave the girl my attention.

"You are welcome," I hesitated since I didn't know her name.

"Rose Weasley." Her hair color now made sense. I didn't know how to feel about her. I didn't like any of her family members, as a matter of fact all that I met, except Lily and Hugo I didn't really like.

"Well Rose. Next time please go to your parents, aunt, or uncle if you need help." With that I walked away.

I know this is a tad late, though it is still Friday by my watch at 11:15 so I am still technically within the two week promise. Sorry I have finals next week and since it is a summer semester a bunch of homework got bunched together at the end. I hoped I made up for it with a chapter a little over six thousand words. Also next chapter the cloaked figure returns and he has brought friends.  Anyway thank you all for reading, voting and commenting! 

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