Chapter 1

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Hazel's POV

I sighed as I sat with my husband, Frank, and looked out into the waters. It reminded me of Percy.

"You okay?" Frank asked. I nodded. "Thinking of Percy?" I nodded again. It had been years since anyone had heard or seen Percy. After the Second Giant War the gods had combined the camps and a new camp was made-Camp Olympus.

"Hazel, Frank!" Nico's voice called. We looked up to see Nico.

"Is there any sign of Percy?"I asked.

"No, there has been no sighting of Percy still." This saddened me. During the last war Annabeth had been killed by Gaia. Percy, furious that his love had been murdered, killed Gaia. After the war the remaining seven and Nico had been granted godhood. We were all minor gods now, except for Percy. He had used his godhood and asked for wishes instead. Father and Hestia now had thrones in Olympus and the camps were joined,and the Gods started to spend more time with their children. No one blamed him for refusing godhood.Then he asked Poseidon to disown him and cut all the ties to our world. We all were shocked at this. He said that he wanted no connection to the world that had brought him so much misery. Poseidon had done so forcefully. Percy had disappeared after the ceremony. We had thought it was because he needed some time alone. Twenty years had passed and there was no sign of him. Zeus had then ordered to look for Percy but it was like he had disappeared from the planet. Not even Annabeth, who was waiting for him, had seen him. The veterans of the war had been granted partial immortality. Suddenly a son of Hermes came running to us.

"There is a man asking for you three to be present in the Big House." We all looked puzzled but got up and headed towards the Big House.When we got there many people were already there. Jason, Piper, Leo, Thalia, Nico, all the cabin counselors, Grover, and Chiron were there.They were all standing as a cloaked figure stood beside the table. Everyone was looking at him. He was tall. I mean after becoming a goddess I had become five feet four, Frank had become six feet two and even Jason had grown upto six feet four. This man was four inches on Jason and oozed power. When he stood Jason immediately went into a defensive stance, like he was expecting the man to attack.
The man gave a low and deep chuckle.
"Fear not, I will not harm you,"his deep and rich voice said.

"Who are you?" Clarisse commanded. The man reached for his hood. The room was tense as he did. When his hood fell everyone stared in shock. A man that was familiar,but a stranger at the same time. His hair was the same raven black that I always remembered and he had a cocky smile,which was basically all that remanded the same. He was older,looking in his mid or late twenties, which was weird since he should be around thirty six. His build had always been muscular, but as he took of his cloak it was different. Previously he had a lean build to him, now it was pure muscled body that seemed chiseled into shape. The most that changed were his eyes. Not only were they now sea green but had gold and silver flecks in them, but they also held a different look. The usual look of playfulness and cockiness was replaced by a hardened expression from his life and guarded like he was ready to spring into action at any moment. The weird thing was I also felt a warmth in his eyes,like as long as he was near he would not let anyone get hurt.

"Percy," Thalia said. He still had his cocky grin.

"Hey Pinecone Face." With that two bolts of lighting hit him, from Thalia and Jason. Both were fuming. I understood now that the initial shock was over I was mad too. "Where the Pluto have you been,"I growled, too mad to care that I had used my Father's name as a curse.

Third Person POV

Percy let the siblings shock him without reacting at all. It did not hurt him because he was use to pain. As Nico growled at him, he just shrugged.

"I've been around." Suddenly everyone in the room was flashed to Olympus where the Olympians sat on their thrones.

"Son." Poseidon choked. Ever since Percy had disappeared he had been a wreck with worry. He stepped off his throne and shrank to his human guise. The weird thing was that Percy was now an inch taller than his father. Poseidon didn't care as he hugged his don in a vice like hug. Percy, on the other hand, barely wrapped his hands around Poseidon, like he was afraid to touch him less break him. This was silly since Poseidon was a god. Confused, Poseidon held his son at arm length and got a true look at him. He only then noticed how different he looked from the boy he used to know. Now he was a man. A man, who was now hardened, thanks to him and his family.

"Percy, what is it?" Percy shrugged from under his father's touch.

"What is what?"

"You have changed." Percy's eyes became cold, growing darker.

"Of course I have Father," he spat. "I fought in two wars for you and lost the love of my life. How could I not change?" Poseidon flinched at his words.

"You seemed to have changed even more than that." Poseidon corrected himself.

"That isn't hard to notice either." Hestia came over and laid a hand on his shoulder and turned him towards her.

"Please Percy," she said softly, "Can you explain what happened in the twenty years you were missing." Her gentleness seemed to seep into him for his eyes lightened.

"Yes. I am finally ready to." He turned to everyone.

"As you all know I cut all my ties to this world. This was because the night before the final battle Chaos had appeared to me in my dream. He had offered a way to kill Gaia but in exchange he asked me to cut all ties I had with this world. I did not want to do so but when Annabeth was killed I had no reason left to be connected to this world. After the ceremony, I was transported to the realm of Chaos. Chaos explained to me that this was necessary because the universe required me. He made me a God and his champion. He trained me in magic weapons and my powers for thousand of years. When I had mastered my powers and weapons he started sending me to different planets of universe to assist in wars. He finally told me to return."Percy explained.

"Thousand of years? But it has been twenty years since you left Earth?"Athena asked.

"Time is different everywhere in universe."

"You're a God?" someone asked.

"Yes, and I will never me able to see Annabeth again."The room trembled as he spoke.

"What are you the God of?" Zeus commanded not caring for Percy's mood. He wanted to make sure his throne was not in trouble. Percy looked at him.

"I am the God of Elements, Time, and due to his blessing I am the god of Creation and Stars.

Zeus glowered at Percy. He was strong, stronger than any god and he didn't like this.

"I want you to swear allegiance to Olympus". Percy looked vexed.

"I will do no such thing"he growled. Zeus was at a loss of words, as was everyone else.

"What?" Zeus finally stammered out. Percy glared at him, which made everyone in the room flinch.

"I said no. I have no reason to tie myself to you."Zeus's face grew red than purple as his fury mounted. He stood at his full godly height and took out his bolt. Percy enraged too grew to his full godly height which was almost double than Zeus.In his godly height he impossibly looked more handsome than before. He was wearing a dark black robe with silver borders. He brought out a sword that was pure silver with a black hilt. Just as Zeus was about to strike Percy with his master bolt everyone was blinded by a flashing light.

When the flash was gone, a tall man stood before them. He looked well built with a muscular form and broad shoulders. He was ten times more handsome than the most handsome person in universe. He was wearing long,flowing robes that had universal designs on them. The stars swirled around and shone brightly on his clothes. There were even planets floating around there and here. His eyes held the entire universe in them.

Zeus gasped, "Lord Chaos."

Every Olympian and camper knelt at his presence. Both Percy and Zeus had returned to their normal height.

Chaos ordered them to stand up. They all stood up and stared in awe at the most powerful being in the universe.

"Zeus has not Percy told you that he is my champion. This means he has sworn allegiance to me. Are you trying to imply that you don't trust me?"Chaos dangerously asked.

"No, my lord"Zeus stammered.

"My lord, why do you grace ourselves with your presence," Athena cautiously asked.

"I came here to prevent a fight that would cause the death of your King,"Chaos said," I sent him to spend some time with his family and friends. And remember Zeus, Perseus is my champion and no harm by you all should befall him,"he warned.

"Of course Lord Chaos."

"Perseus we need to speak."

"Yes, my lord,"With that Percy and Chaos disappeared. There was a pregnant silence. Finally Thalia broke it.

"Percy is a god and a champion of universe, this is unbelievable" she exclaimed.

"But he has finally returned."Hazel said happily.

"Ya Thals its a good thing. At least he came back after so many years," Nico said"And finally showed Zeus his place" he murmured.

"Did not Chaos fade,"questioned Jason.

"We all thought so, but it appears otherwise."Athena replied.

Then a vortex appeared and Percy stepped out of it looking happy.

"What did Chaos want?" asked Thalia.

"Nothing I have a mission."Percy said.

"What will you do now,"Athena asked. Percy tilted his head.

"For now I will catch up with my friends and family as I have a month until my mission. After this I plan to visit my mother,whom I have not seen my mother for years. Last I heard she was pregnant before war, my sibling must now be in his twenties."Percy nodded."I would like to meet my sibling." With that a mixture of silver and gold light enveloped him as he flashed away from Olympus. Soon all of Olympus and both camps were talking about the return of their hero.

Percy POV

I no longer wanted to be on Olympus to be question by them.
I flashed to my old apartment. I knocked on the door. A young woman with a little child on her hip answered. Her eyes widened when she saw me. To a mortal I was intimidating. I smiled to show I meant no harm.

"Hello Ma'am. I am sorry to disturb you, but I was looking for Sally and Paul Blofis." She looked less alarmed at my words and repositioned her daughter.

"I am sorry, but they moved a while ago." Dang it.

"Do you know where?" She shok her head.

"Do you mind if I came in for a moment to just look for the last time at my old house. I am their son." She hesitated.

"Yes,"she finally said.

"Thank you" I stepped in and was immediately confused. The layout was familiar, but everything in the apartment wasn't. I stood in the middle of the main room and used my power overtime to remind it so I could see where they moved. It took me a moment but time rewound around me enough to see them talking. It was weird watching them in rewind. I deliberately excluded my sibling. I didn't want to see her like this. It took only a moment in which I made it look like I was looking around the house. When I found my answer I turned to the lady.

"Thank you ma'am." She looked puzzled, but told me welcome. I left the apartment and flashed to the old beech house we used to rent. Mom and Paul had brought. I saw two cars parked in the drive and knew they were home. I walked up to the house nervously. I had missed her so much. I knocked on the door. I heard movement and then Paul openned the door. When he did his smile dropped into a gape. I smiled at him as his eyes were wide. His salt and pepper hair was now white and he had wrinkles that showed his age.

"Percy," he finally asked in a low voice as if he said my name and I would disappear.

"Hello Paul." Suddenly there was noise from behind the door.

"Who is it honey," I heard Mom ask. I felt a warmness that I hadn't heard in ages when I heard her voice. Paul openned the door and motioned me to follow. I closed the door behind us. We went into the kitchen. Mom had her back towards us as she was cooking.

"Sally." Mom turned and froze as she saw me. Her eyes started to water and tears fell down her face. I walked over to her and enveloped her into her hug.

"Hi Mom." She gave me a fierce hug back.

"I missed you so much," she choked through her tears. I held her tighter.

" I am so happy you are safe. You have no idea how worried I have been." She then frowned and slapped me on the arm.

"Where have you been mister? First disappearing for eight months then giving only a call and again disappearing for twenty years after the war?" I have a small chuckle.

"I have been many places mum. After the war Chaos recruited me in his service and made me a God. I lived in his planet, going to other planets and fighting wars. I am sorry to have worried you. Chaos finally allowed me to come home." Her eyes softened.

"I love you Percy." She finally said.

"I love you too Mom." She hugged me again, but after a moment the door burst open and Mom turned to the commotion. I saw a twenty year old woman with hazel eyes and black hair. When she entered shree speed wide eye as she saw me.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Percy." Somehow her eyes grew wider.

"Are you my older brother Percy," she asked. I nodded. With that she hugged me. I was surprised but hugged her gently.

"I am Andromeda your sister.," she said.

"I know."

"Where were you gone brother?"she asked. I hesitated and looked to Mom and Paul. I didn't know what she had told Andromeda.

"Andy is clear sighted, Percy. Plus Nico and Thalia keep visiting."

"You know about the Greek Gods then." She nodded. "Do you know about the wars?"

"Yes, Mom told me about it. She said you lost your girlfriend in the last war."Andy said.

"Yes, and I was very hurt and decided to leave this planet. I went to Chaos the creator of the universe and he became my mentor. After that I fought in wars all over the universe." I explained.

"You mean that there are other planets and galaxies with people."she finally asked.

"Yes" as I grinned.

"Are you going to stay with us?"she asked. I looked towards Mom and Paul asking for their permission. Mom nodded happily.

"Yes, I am going to stay with you. I need to know more about you."

"So do I brother."

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