Chapter 1

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Hello, I am Brooke Gatewood daughter of Hephaestus and I am 14 ( but I'll be 15 in a month ). I have bright red hair at the top of my head and then it goes down into blonde with blue at the ends. I know what you are thinking that girl has some crazy hair. Well I thought that was how I will stand out and get some friends, but that is not what happend.

This diary is going to be short because I know I will not put all the details. I don't know how long I will keep this diary, but you are the mischievous reader who got through my stuff. You are lucky that my goggles did not explode on you, but you'll know about that later.

When I first came to Camp Half-Blood I was 12 like almost all of the other kids at camp. No one seemed to care for my arrival, because I guess two kids that where the son and daughter of Hades came a few days before me. I just stayed alone most of the time, because everyone had their own friends. I talked to the nymphs, but I just talk way too much and they just get bored of me. When It was dinner time I ate by the lake where no one could leave me out.

One day, after the legendary Percy Jackson's little quest there was only one child of Hades the other died in the quest. After the sibling was told the bad news he became cold. I never came to talk to him, but I could tell he had changed. That night he was sitting at the fire eating by himself, and talking. His dark black hair shined in the fire light, he was alone almost like me. I wanted to sit with him and try to cheer him up, but I knew there was no use. The next day a new girl came she had bright medium blonde hair with a few curls and she had big green eyes. Her name was Jane Rivers daughter of Iris( she was in the Hermes cabin undermined until after the Titan war ), she was beautiful, I thought she would never notice me and maybe never know I was there. Then while I was eating, alone at the dock, she saw me and sat next to me. We soon became friends and that is how my demigod story started.


After a long freshmen year of high school ( and working on the Argo II )I finally could see Jane at camp, but it was different there were new kids of course they are the talk of the town now. ( THE PROFFCE OF SEVEN AND BLA BLA BLA BLA ! ) I was walking to my cabin and there was one of the new kids, he strangely had a mechanical dragon head near him most of the time. He had dark curly black hair, he reminded me off of a coal miner, but most of us Hephaestus kids had at least a few grease stains on our faces. He was a bit scrawny, but his brown eyes were so bright and he had a nice smile. His name was Leo Valdez the new head counselor of cabin nine. I think he was one year older than me, but I have no idea. He was really funny, but he was always working on the Argo II and with his friends. But at least I had Jane, she was awesome she was my best and only friend I had.

When I got done unpacking and went outside to greet Jane at the dock, like we always do after the school year. Then I start to remember that last summer when the Titans attacked Manhattan, I owe my life to Eddie Fray a son of Apollo. I got shot with arrow on my left arm and he healed me.

The last thing I remembered was a shrilling pain in my left arm and then someone standing behind me. Then I woke up in the big house, with Eddie patching up a guy in the next room. But then I saw Jane in the next bed, I flipped out, i did not know if she was dead or if I was dead too. I had no idea what was going on, and if the Titans won. Then he came over and asked me the doctor stuff and how was my pain. Yeah stuff like that.

I come out of my thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice saying " head what are your doing in wonderland today ? " I turned my head to see Eddie standing one foot to the right of me. He was a tall guy with light brown hair that was a little shaggy, but it fit his face fine. He wore a thin plaid jacket over his Camp Half-Blood T-shirt with dark blue jeans.

" Hey Eddie, have you seen Jane ? "I asked

" You didn't answer my question . " He said while I rolled my eyes and smiled

" Just thinking,. I said with a sigh. " You have not answered my question . "

" Shes at the dock . " His stormy dark blue eyes looked at me with happiness and a great big smile.

" Thanks Eddie see you later ! " I say while I start to run to the dock .


There she was looking around trying to find me. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. Then she started to laugh and said

" Hello there Brooke nice to see you again!"

" OH MY GODS why are you taller than you were before ?! Did you eat the mini cakes that said EAT ME ?! "

" No Brooke I am just wearing tall boots!"

" Oh that makes sense . " I said while dropping my chin on my chest .

" Oh look who it is. " Jane said with a scowl on her face. I turned around and saw Dawn with her half brother and sister. She was the daughter of Nike. She had long black hair, I mean like down to her hip long. She wore the camp T-shirt with grey shorts and red Nike shoes.

" Well, well, well look what we have here. " said Dawn with her half brother and sister chuckling

" Nice to see you too Dawn and your little henchmen! " Jane said with sarcasm

" Good luck with trying to win anything this Summer! " Dawn said while walking away to their cabin( but knew we needed all of us to work together when the Romans came ). Then the worst happend, as we started to talk again the one person that had to come around had to be Skyler Benson, son of Athena. Skyler was not as tall as Eddie, but his caramal hair cut around his face, he wore a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt with jeans ( the normal thing almost everybody wore ) He made Jane go crazy and once she saw him she looked at me and said

" How do I look ? Is my hair a mess? Oh my gods he is.."

" Jane you look great, you always do and Skyler has a girlfriend. " Then he looked at her and smiled. I was going crazy, but not the lovey dovey crazy, the insane, mad crazy. She sighed and smiled back at him, I gave her a warning look like LADY he has a girlfriend and she will make your life miserable! But she was caught in his grey eyes and they kept smiling at each other, un tell Lorin came and gave him a kiss on the check and gave a warning look at Jane.

"I told you he had a girlfriend . " I said smirking

" I know Brooke, but she does not love him! She just wants to be popular . "

" I hope she knows that only like Percy, Annabeth, and all the other people that have been heroes for ages now, are popular, right ?" Then I looked around and saw the hero Annabeth sitting and not with her famous boyfriend, but she had a satyr next to her. Unlike me 3 years ago I did not have someone to lean on, but then Jane came and I guess Eddie is kind of a friend.

" Well I have to get to my cabin see you later ! " Jane said walking away and waving at me.

I looked around and saw that son of Hades, but this was different he was with other people and not alone. Hmph seems like his help in the battle of Manhattan gained him some popularity. He still had the same haircut, but I could see it had grown out a lot. The now famous Nico di Angelo had some fans I guess. But it wasn't Nico, it was just some kid who looked like him.

Nico had always intrigued me, just they were people that treated him badly and that made me feel bad, and I remember when I could have went and sat next to him and got to know him a little bit. GAH I want to go back in time and talk to the poor kid, but I would have never met Jane or Eddie maybe. Just Nico had a death vibe, (well he is a son of Hades ) he was always by himself and I think he was friends with Percy Jackson once.

Then once again I hear Eddie saying something I can't remember.

" Eddie! Can't a girl think on the dock without a guy disturbing her thoughts! "

He just smiled and looked at me for one minute and looked away and started to stare at me again.

" Eddie why are you looking at me!? Don't you have a bow tournament or something !? "

" Well A. I'm a healer and B. I can't really shoot a bow well. "

I thought then, dude then what are you doing staring at me? But I keeped it in my mind, because... well I don't know why I did but I did. So I just smiled and said " Well I have to go and-" then the camp conk blew to meet at the amphitheatre. Oh thank the gods I said in my head.

Once we went to the amphitheater I saw Jane sitting at the bottom of the amphitheater with.....SKYLER! My face turned bright red like my hair when I saw him sitting next to her.

Well normal friends will bug there friend with a crush, but I'm most definitely NOT a normal girl. I Hated the thought of people in love and for what I have seen that love will kill you and don't love someone that will leave you behind.

That is what my mom always said to me every time she dropped me off at preschool and a boy gave me a smile. Then I drift away from the bad thought and feel Eddie's hand on my shoulder, and he was looking at Jane and Skyler like he knew what I was thinking. I sighed and started to walk fords to Jane and her man friend.

" Hey." I said

" OH Brooke, Eddie meat Skyler! Skyler meat Eddie and Brooke! " Jane said smiling

" Sup" said Eddie with a derp look and his face. I elbowed him in the arm and fake smiled.

" Hi well I'm Brooke and the weird guy right here is Eddie."

" Ok well I have to go. Hunter is probably waiting for me at the top of the stares."

" Ok see you later. Bye! " Jane said blushing. I sat down and looked at her with a disappointed face ( like Jane HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND! ) " I see that Skyler is- "

Then Lorin comes down and stands next to Jane. " Well I see that you have been flirting with my Skyler. " Then Skyler comes down the stars and yells " Lorin we are done I told you that last summer! " she just rolled her eyes and said " I know you still love me, so why not stop. " Then thank the gods that Chiron came in the amphitheatre and said in a booming voice " Ok campers sit down ! The Argo will be able to fly to Camp Jupiter, and we have everything cancelled for the rest of the day, but we will still have Capture the Flag to night, Bla BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA " I really did not listen to what he was saying for most of the time I just thought about Jane and her boy craziness. And why was Eddie staring at me at the doc? All these things swirled around in my head.

After all that we went to the Palvin and I gave my thanks to Hephaestus and to help me to make something awesome this year. Last year I tried to make a weapon that could turn into anything and when I was done I could make it into googles. Yeah that did not work well, it ended up to be disaster and I was half way done then we had to fight the Titans.

Then I walked to the docks with my plate in my hand with Jane and Eddie following me. Most of the time we sat and said nothing until Eddie said " The stars are beautiful tonight. " We looked up and they were beautiful tonight and Eddie never lied to anyone. He was loyal, kind, and always happy. He smiled all the time even if he was mad or sad he would smile and would not show it. That is why I had him as a friend of some sort, and he even made Dawn smile and that girl was never happy. Dawn was only happy if she won something. Yeah...Eddie is a good guy, but he is just a friend. Then I see Jane looking at Skylar at the Palvin. I sighed at look on her face and said " Go I know you want to just go. "

" OH Brooke you always know what I'm thinking ! " She said while hugging me

" Jane get you're beautiful self over their ! " Then I realised that Eddie was just sitting there on the left to me awkwardly. I looked over at him and his brown hair wisping across his face, and his dark stormy eyes looking at the lake. I wanted to say something but I did not want to talk. I looked at my plate and saw that I had not eaten any of my steak, I loved the way my uncle cooked his steak it was one of my favorite steaks ever. That made me think long and hard for a couple of minutes. Then I looked down at my plate and saw that all of my food was gone. I started to lean on Eddie and I caught myself before he noticed.

" Well I'm done. " I said with a yawn

" Yeah me too. "

We walked towards the Palvin and Jane was laughing and having fun. I wish that I could do that, I just really did not have much in common with my brothers and sisters, besides the fact the we worked a lot and were keen with metal. To think of it I really did not have much in common with Jane or Eddie. Oh well, they apparently liked me enough to be my friends.

After dinner I started to walk to cabin nine, but I couldn't wrap my mind around why I wanted to sit with my brothers and sisters. But I was really shy, when one of the campers in cabin nine talked to me I looked down at my watch and mumbled nonsense. I seemed to have looked sadder than I felt, because Eddie started to walk closer to me than usual. He had his light brown hair in his face and his hands in his pockets. His camp necklace was shimmering in the moonlight. Looking down at my necklace with the different color beads and the markings on them. I only had three beads for being at camp for three years. My first bead had a blue base and a arrow on it. The second bead was the labyrinth, which of course Percy was the reason of the bead. The last one had been scrapped with a screwdriver, by accident so it was hard to make out in the darkness. Eddie had four beads on his necklace they were the same as mine, but one was different. He also had charm on it as well, but he never showed me what it was. But I really didn't care.

The next thing I knew was that, Jane was walking out of the Palvin with her brothers and sisters. I wish that I could be better at being social and I wish I could be like Leo Valdez. He was really funny, but he sometimes didn't laugh at all. I always questioned myself about him, like what was he hiding behind those brown eyes of his. I know that once they go off to wherever they were going, I have to get some metal from bunker 9 and at least say something to my brother. Like hey I'm your younger sister and I never talked to before, but yeah... He would probably would say something funny or his nose will catch on fire. Yeah he did that sometimes.

When I got back to reality we walked to the Palvin to see what side we were on for Capture the Flag.
A/N( sorry if I got something wrong, I mean anything, tell me in the comments please. )

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