Chapter 1: I Stab A Cheerleader With An Umbrella

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Just so you guys know Rick Riordan owns Camp Half-Blood and almost every thing else, not me. The things (people) that I own is: Toni Kraus, Aunt Rose, Uncle Bill, Fred, Veronika Tolliver, and Lena Myers. I might add more people later on but this is what I have so far.

Hope you guys like this story!


Here I was again standing in the center of the graveyard where my mother and my grandparents stayed for...well forever. The warm south wind was blowing the fallen leafs across the gravesite. I stood with my uncle and my aunt, staring at the three grave stones. My uncle had a tear rolling down his face as he held my aunt's hand. I looked down at my mom's gravestone, I really never knew her at all. All I know is that she was in the Navy and she died on a boat. What was the cause of her death? I have no clue.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kraus, Toni Kraus, I'm fourteen. I could call myself a 'troubled kid', but I rather say to myself that I'm just too awesome and they can't handle it. I was raised by my grandparents until a month ago, and now my aunt and uncle were stuck with a dyslexic, ADHD kid. The good thing was that had I a time off school. The summer was coming and we could finally go on that vacation to Europe, or what my aunt and uncle think.

"Toni, would you put the flowers in the pot please." my aunt said with her husband crying on her shoulder.

I bent over and placed the blue flowers in the clay pot sitting next my grandmother's gravestone. I looked down at my maroon combat boots and my old ripped up grey jeans, while we stood there in silence.

What was really going through my mind was: when we're we going to get out of here? I just wanted to go and sit in the shade of the tree on the beach and look at the waves, alone. I hated death, it made me want to just punch a wall or something. I wanted to let my anger out on something.

"Are we ready?" my aunt said breaking the silence.

"Yeah." my uncle said with a sob.

Once we got in the car we drove off to a dinner by Melbourne Palm Bay. The drive was not long, but it felt like forever.

The dinner was a small place, but the food was wonderful. It had red and white striped walls and the roof was blue. The inside was somewhere between and an all american barbecue grill and a seaside shop.

When we got there, I saw a few ghoulish looking men in white tuxedos and slicked back hair. They stared at me for a while, then we got out of the car and walked inside.

American history plaques and pictures where hanging on the red and white striped walls and a few glass cabinets were filled with shells and other ocean stuff.

"Party of three?" the waitress asked with a clipboard in her hands.

My uncle nodded.

"Right this way." the waitress said escorted us to our table.

Once we sat down, I looked out the window and ignored everything. The dinner was buzzing with people, more than usual. There were the men in the white tuxedos sitting at a booth, staring at me. Then a waiter came to their table, and that got their attention. There were cheerleaders sitting at another booth. Who were probably seventeen, maybe sixteen years old. They laughed and pretended that they were not staring at me. What was with these people? Did I have something on my face? Was it that my uncle was still crying his eyes out? I didn't know, it just got on my last nerve.

When the a waitress finally came, we ordered our food.

"After lunch do you want us to drop you off somewhere, dear?" my uncle said while wiping a tear off his face.

"Uh...its alright I don't need to be anywhere." I said fingering a button on my dark denim vest.

"Alright sweetie." my aunt said still holding my uncle's hand. My uncle was the most emotional man I've ever met. He was always sad and depressed, my aunt is the only joy he has. They had no kids, they got married a few months ago, then my grandparents died in a car crash on their trip in Manhattan. And now they were stuck with me...I always knew that they didn't want me. They wanted kids of their own. That is why I was planning to run tonight. Just pop in at their house, grab my stuff and leave. I don't know where I'm going, but I'll find a place to stay for a little while and then get up and go again.

"Chicken Sandwich?" a waiter asked us.

"That's mine. " I said as he was handing the plate to me. Then my aunt and uncle got there food.

I ate my sandwich in silence and the men in white tuxedos stared at me, and so did the cheerleaders. I felt very uncomfortable now, they just sat there like they were planning my slow and painful death. When my aunt met my gaze, her eyes widened.

"Waitress!" my aunt said as a waitress walked past us.

"Yes, ma'am?" the waitress said with a tray in her hand.

"Can we get the check please?"

"Of course! Right a way ma'am." the waitress said while hurrying to another table. Then my aunt looked at my uncle. They had a silence conversation with each other for a minute and then the waitress came back with the check.

"Toni, eat fast." my uncle said with a worried look. I didn't know what they were talking about, but I ate faster.

Once we got done with our food, my aunt hurried us out of the dinner. I got one glance back at the men in the white tuxedos and they were gone, and so were the cheerleaders. We got outside and the men were standing with cheerleaders, bickering. My aunt hurried me in the car and pushed her husband in the passenger seat. She ran to the other side of the car, but then the cheerleaders saw her. They ran towards her abnormally fast and grabbed her furiously. They had fangs and they hissed in her face. I didn't know what to do. My aunt was...going get eaten by..vampires!? Right then and there my uncle passed out.

"Great." I mumbled.

Not knowing what I was getting myself into I grabbed an umbrella, out from under my seat and ran out of the car. When I got out, I jumped up and slammed the vampire girls in the head.

"Toni, get back in the car!" my aunt said with blood running from the right side of her face, sticking in her dark brown hair.

"What the heck are those things?" I said pointing my umbrella at them.

"I'll tell you on the way, we have to go!"

We rushed in the car and she slammed the reverse right before the men in the tuxedos got behind our car. They soon were just a pile of gold dust and some of tuxedos.

"Uh...why don't those men --you ran over-- don't have a body?" I said fastening my seat belt.

She sighed and looked at me through the rearview mirror "Toni, I wish your mother could tell you. I just don't know myself...but you'll find out soon, I promise." her worried almond eyes look at me with sympathy in the mirror. Then she hit the gas and I fell asleep.

After I woke up I noticed that we were not going to their house. In fact we were not moving at all. I looked out the window frantically and I saw that we were at a plaza. In front of the car was my uncle's brother's gun shop.

But his gun shop was in South Carolina. Had I been asleep that long? What time was it? Then my aunt opened the car door. It looked like she had cleaned up, because she didn't have any blood on her face.

"Oh look who's up. It's certainly is not Bill for sure." she said with a bags in her hands.

"What's in the bags?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Fire power!" she said with an evil grin.

"You mean guns?"

"Maybe, maybe not." she said getting in the car. "We are heeding to the airport in a few minutes, do you want anything?"

"Wait? What? We are going to the airport..with guns! Aunt Rose-"

"Toni, it's okay the guns are going under the plane and we just need to get you somewhere safe." She cut in.

"Where is 'somewhere safe'?" I asked her.

"We need to take you to Long Island. We need to take you to a camp where you can be safe"

" A camp?" I said in disbelief " And wait... It's in Long Island, like New York, Long Island?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she said with a sigh "Before your mother went away she wrote to your grandparents, that if you ever were in danger to send you to this address." she handed me a card.

Half-Blood Hill

Long Island, New York


"What's Ha-"

"Don't say it aloud!" she cut in.

"Why?" I asked

"Because that was also on the paper!" she said while putting one hand on the wheel and her other on her husband's head. " Alright, back to your mother's letter. It said that you will learn what was going on and how to train to survive when you get there." she paused "Then once your grandparents past, the letter was sent to us. "

There was at least a two minutes of silence.

"Hmm....what kind of guns did you get?" I asked avoiding awkward silence.

"Special kinds" she said handing me a bag.

I opened the bag and looked in side. A dark long wood case. I took it out and opened it. Inside was a four black pistols with copper lining. Or was it bronze? Then she handed me a belt. It had bullets in it, but they weren't normal bullets. They were bronze, but they seemed to have a very faint reddish glow.

"Celestial bronze."

"What? What kind of metal is that?" I asked as I inspected the bullets.

"Well...celestial bronze is a metal that can't kill humans, but it can kill monsters."

"Monsters?" I asked "But monsters don't...They are not real."

"Yeah.." She said with a sigh "Keep thinking that, see what happens."

We drove in silence for three hours before we got to the airport. Then It took us forever to find a place to park. The airport was full of people running around. It was now about..afternoon? Or maybe it was evening? I didn't know. My uncle was still passed out in the passenger seat though.

"What are we going to do about Uncle Bill?" I asked her as I was putting on my new bullet belt.

"I know someone who works here and they are going to take him." she said looking at him. Her dark brown hair was now pulled up in a bun and her almond eyes looked sad and helpless. But I knew for a fact that she was the toughest lady I've ever met.

Once we got a parking space my aunt called her 'friend' to pick my uncle up. I looked over at my reflection in a car next us. My mahogany choppy brown hair was frizzy from leaning my head on the window, and the left side of my hair (that I had shaved a couple of months ago) was grown out.

Then I heard a knock on the car door. It was a skinny man with a white and blue tie. He had black messy hair and cracked grey glasses.

"This is Fred. He's a very good friend of mine, so he'll be talking Bill home." my aunt said looking at me. She had that look on her face. The look where they know what they are doing and they are glad, but she was trying to hide the fact that she was happy I was leaving.

"Yes, poor man, what happened?" Fred said. He had a brittish accent.

"He passed out, but I think he's sleeping." my aunt said with a kind smile. "Shall we?"

"I guess.." I said grabbing the dark wooden case. We got out the car and started walking to airport entrance.

The airport was busy and loud. I couldn't move without someone bumping into me. Well it was about to be summer, so I can't blame them. I would probably be doing the same. Anyway once we got the quickest plane ticket available going to New York City from South Carolina. So we sat in a Starbucks waiting, because the plane wouldn't take of until one more hour. We sat there and no one seemed to notice that I had a gun case and a belt filled with celestial bronze bullets. They didn't ask or scan the case or the belt, but whatever. All that was really important that I get to this 'camp', maybe I could crash there for a some time? And Aunt Rose did say that I would find out what was going on around here if I went to this camp. But what if they didn't have the answers? Was this was just a trick? What if this was a way of getting rid of me? I guess she could just send me to an orphanage.

We sat there in Starbucks and I got a cherry coke. The coke was old and I was completely bored out of my mind. My aunt sat there texting away, while I sipped my cherry coke. I fingered one of the bullets in my belt and looked at the workers deal with the fuss of so many people in the building. Then finally we went to terminal. I knew the plane ride was going to be long...Because well we were going to New York, and last I checked South Carolina was pretty darn far from New York.

The plane was small, but still no one cared that I had the belt and guns. Once we were probably over Maryland I began to fall asleep. It was the strangest thing ever once I closed my eyes and relaxed, dreams flew straight in my brain.

I was standing in the middle of a forest. I could hear a river near by and... was that whispers? I couldn't move.(I found out that by trying to rub my eyes) I could now almost hear people moving. I didn't know why, but I could sense that they had weapons--powerful weapons. I heard a muffled guy's voice, or was it a buff girl's voice? There were at least five people running somewhere deeper in the forest. Then the scene changed.

I was in a small dark room.There was a metal table, and on that table was a set of weapons. A spear, a dagger, a bow and quiver, a golden sword, a bronze sword, then a long bulky sword. When I looked up, I saw man with a brown beard in a wheelchair.

"Choose carefully child." the man said gesturing to the table full of weapons. When I was about to pick up a weapon something caught my eye. My grandparents ghost were floating in the corner of the dark room. They had frightening look on their faces. Well as much as a frightening emotion that a ghost had. They were looking at me, then my grandmother came closer to me. She stretched out her arm to touch my face and looked at me with pity. Her silver hair was pulled back with a bow. I wanted to run to her, but I still couldn't move. I tried to speak, but nothing came out of my mouth. I could feel a tear run down my face as my grandmother started to fade away. When I looked back at the man in the wheelchair he wasn't there. Were the man was sitting a tall,buff looking girl stood in Greek armor took his place.

"Get up,punk you've got to get a move on, your ride is almost there." the girl said looking at me though her helmet, that looked like a boars head. Then I fell.

I woke up as we landed in New York, it was morning. We had just landed right as I woke up from the strangest dream I'd ever had in my life. It felt so real, but at the same time it wasn't.

We got out the airport surprising fast considering it was New York, and the fact I had four loaded pistols in my only 'bag' I carried. There were people buzzing around, cursing and being...well New Yorkers. We had to call a cab twice just get a ride Long Island, people here were just so rude. Whatever back to going to this 'camp'. It was a long ride to me, because...well I'm a teen with ADHD. I can't stay still for long, especially in cars.

After what seemed forever we got to Long Island. The taxi man had his music blasting as he drove. I thought what this 'camp' was. Was it still a trick? Was it real? If so why now? Why now do I have to be pushed away? Right then I wanted the car to crash. I wanted it to be over, maybe finally meet my mom, or even meet my dead beat, good for nothing 'father'. Yeah that will be the day. If I ever see his face I'll punch it in.I thought

I seemed to have looked really angry, because my aunt put her hand on my shoulder. What I really wanted to do: was smack her hand off me. But before I could do anything something flipped the car on the side of the road.

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